I’ll Quit Being a God

Chapter 307: Section 307


Zhulong wanted to leave this mysterious and strange woman, but the other party's supernatural powers were extraordinary, and she was a so-called ghost body, which was elusive. If you take action rashly and anger the opponent, it will be a chaos.

In the end, Zhulong and the others looked at each other and gave up their plan to take action.

Gu Yan said coldly: "Get out of here, we don't need your sympathy! What about Heaven and Beyond? One day, I will prove eternal, hit Heaven and Heaven, and avenge my master!"

Gu Yan made a direct statement to drive people away, showing no mercy, and even let out ruthless words of revenge.

However, when Qian Xinjie heard this, she just sneered disdainfully, obviously listening to a joke. He didn't even bother to say sarcastic words.

In her opinion, what Gu Yan said was nothing but a cold joke.

She looked at everyone in the field, waiting for their decision.

And Zhulong and others naturally disdain to accept this woman's help, and they are all indifferent.

In the end, Qian Xinjie shook her head coldly, and said, "Since you are willing to find your own way, then you can do it."

After speaking, Qian Xinjie planned to leave.

But at this moment, Xiao Ai, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly spoke up.

"I'll go with you."

The words Xiao Ai said made Qian Xinjie stunned slightly, and Gu Yan and Feiyi were even more stunned.

Gu Yan was stunned: "Senior sister..."

However, the little girl with silver-haired beast ears had already walked towards Qian Xinjie. Before leaving, she only looked back at everyone and said, "I'm going to go to Heaven and Heaven to cultivate and avenge Lord Wolf God in the future!"

Xiao Ai's words were only exchanged for a disdainful smile from Qian Xinjie, and she said, "As you wish."

After finishing speaking, Qian Xinjie waved her hand, and the dazzling light flew directly into the sky, and took Xiao Ai away from Hanyu Mountain.

Only the stunned and stunned people in front of the Wolf Temple were left.

A quarter of an hour later, until Qian Xinjie's breath had completely disappeared, Lu Heng's figure slowly emerged from the ground.

As soon as Shi appeared, Zhulong asked, "Friend Lu Heng, did you arrange Xiao Ai to go to Tianwaitian?"

The candle dragon was very confused because it didn't act like the old wolf.

But apart from Lu Hengshou's accident, they really couldn't think of the reason why Xiao Ai and Qian Xinjie left.

Under the confused eyes of everyone, Lu Heng sighed slightly and said, "No, this is Xiao Ai's own meaning..."

He looked in the direction where Xiao Ai was leaving with complicated eyes.

Lu Heng could sense Xiao Ai's intentions, and understood that Xiao Ai wanted to go to Tianwaitian to find out the enemy's situation, and wanted to contact Shen Yuanjun, who was far away in Tianwaitian.

However, based on Lu Heng's guess, even if Sister Yuanjun has a good cultivation base at this time, there must be something to entangle her without time to clone, otherwise Lu Heng will not be able to show up after she wakes up. Xiao Ai's idea of going to Tianwaitian to move rescue soldiers is really unrealistic.

However, although Qian Xinjie acts extreme and vicious, she will not really harm Xiao Ai. The other party is willing to take Xiao Ai out of the quagmire of the Heavenly Desolate Realm, and Xiao Ai himself also wants to go to the Heaven and Beyond. This is also a new choice for Xiao Ai, who was born in the Heavenly Desolate Realm.

If she stays, Xiao Ai will either fight to death, or use the life-changing technique to escape like Zhulong every time before she destroys the world, waiting for the next life's recovery. There is a battle between the world and Tianhuangjie.

What's more, Qian Xinjie hates Lu Heng to the bone. If Lu Heng shows up to stop her, what Qian Xinjie thinks is not to protect Lu Heng's friends, but how to destroy this group of people.

Now that the catastrophe of the world is about to come, the pressure of the seven worlds to destroy the world is already great enough. If you provoke another strange and invincible Qian Xinjie, it is really not a wise choice.

Anyway, judging from the strength of Lu Heng's previous life, it would not be difficult to go to Tianwaitian to pick up Xiao Ai as long as he regained his cultivation.

In front of the Wolf Temple, because Xiao Ai chose to leave, the atmosphere was a little dull.

But the catastrophe of the world is coming. For the practitioners present, ten years will come in the blink of an eye. After all, the pressure of the seven worlds to destroy the world is heavier.

Lu Heng told Zhulong and others about the mysterious dimension inhabited by the four beasts, and came up with an idea.

- The monks above the innate, all enter the strange world to escape the catastrophe of the earth.

That weird world is mysterious and unpredictable, and even the creatures in the Heavenly Desolate Realm have never known it, let alone the monks of the Seven Realms. Hiding in the practice, you can basically be safe and worry-free.

And as long as the Heavenly Desolate Realm survives the catastrophe of this time, and when Lu Heng uses the divine power of thirty-six peach fruits to restore his previous cultivation, he will be able to blow the horn of a counterattack, gather the strength of all the monks in the Heavenly Desolate Realm, and join forces with the seven The world is one point apart.

As for only selecting monks above the innate, there are also reasons.

The strange world is dangerous and unpredictable, and all kinds of evil beasts are rampant. The monks who are not strong enough to enter it are just the bait of the evil beasts.

And to enter the strange world, you must help Yutu. Before Lu Heng left, he had asked Yingtao, knowing that Yingtao could only bring three people into the weird world at a time.

Only the outstanding living force can be reserved first.

However, Lu Heng's proposal made Zhu Long Nian Cangqing and the others frown slightly.

The strange world is dangerous and unpredictable. Judging from the situation described by Lu Heng, ordinary congenital cultivators enter it with nine deaths. Although the monks in the Tianhuangjie can gather the power of everyone to open up habitats and retreat from the surrounding evil beasts, but the evil beasts are ghosts and ghosts. If they encounter a beast tide, even the four major beasts must retreat. It's terribly dangerous.

Ultimately, the decision to do so is entirely voluntary.

Practitioners who are willing to escape to the next life with the life-changing technique are allowed to transfer their lives on their own.

And if they are willing to follow Lu Heng to leave, Lu Heng and others will find a way to send them into the strange world.

However, he did not tell the truth about the strange world to the outside world, but only told those innate monks in the world that Dao Lu Hengtian had the means to protect everyone, but it was just as dangerous and unpredictable as the life-changing technique, and let the innate monks make their own choices.

Gu Yan summoned the gods of heaven, and spent half a year selecting 1,700 qualified practitioners to enter the strange world. Most of them are innate cultivators cultivated by Heavenly Court, and there are also low-level cultivators who are less powerful than innate, but have extraordinary talents and great potential.

These cultivators came to Hanyu Mountain one after another according to their priorities, and were sent into the strange world by Yingtao.

However, the number of cultivators who did not come to Hanyu Mountain and refused Lu Heng's call was more numerous.

Within the territory of the Fire Link Kingdom, a huge flame blazed over the capital city. In the flames, the true body of Vulcan appeared in the world.

At the dangerous moment of the imminent catastrophe, Vulcan, who had been silent for many years, finally appeared, took away a group of wizards she had chosen, entered the flames, and disappeared from the world.

In front of Jiuli Sacred Mountain, the nine major tribes gathered and kowtowed before the ancestor's spiritual seat, waiting for the catastrophe of the world to come.

Many inheritances on this land have shown their own magical powers at this moment. In some deep mountains and old forests where there were no mountains and no water in the past, there were even supreme monks who set foot in the world and took away their disciples who had been trained among the people.

The seemingly debilitating world of Heaven and Desolation became very lively at this time.

The accumulation of thousands of years in the Cold Feather Heavenly Court has originally been unique and overlooked the four seas. However, in front of these ancient monsters, the strength that Han Yu Tianting has accumulated for many years appears to be so weak.

The world before the cataclysm was so lively for the last time.

And what will soon be ushered in, will be the extinction of everything.

Chapter 518 Four thousand years of reunion

Earthly catastrophe.

The catastrophe that the creatures in the wild world will never be able to escape.

The sharp axe that the creatures of the Heavenly Desolate Realm had been hanging over their heads from the moment they were born was finally about to fall.

In the world of practice, there is a gloomy cloud, and many monks are in pain and despair.

However, Hanyu Heavenly Court blocked the news, and those who knew about it were basically high-level practitioners, and the vast majority of practitioners were still ignorant. Therefore, the great turmoil that has occurred before the catastrophes of the world has not happened this time.

Practitioners are still cultivating and comprehending the Tao between the mountains and rivers, and walking in the world to refine their hearts.

As for mortals, they are ignorant and carefree.

Secretly, the Hanyu Heavenly Court started the screening of candidates in the four seas, and selected those practitioners who met the conditions to escape into the strange world for refuge.

This huge workload kept Gu Yan and other heavenly gods busy.

As for Lu Heng, he returned to the underworld after a long absence, and met You Yue and others with the Nether Soul Requiring Seal.

The Netherworld is the most special and strange place in the Heavenly Desolate World.

Here, it may be another refuge in addition to the strange world. However, the Netherworld is lifeless, and for the living, the gloomy Netherworld is a more dangerous place than the beasts of the strange world.

Except for Lu Heng, who has the Nether Soul Requiring Seal, who can enter physically, ordinary practitioners can only come here with their souls.

It is destined that the nether world can only accommodate the dead, and the living cannot enter.

But even so, this is filled with the ghosts of the entire endless nether wilderness, and it is still a powerful force that cannot be ignored for the Heavenly Desolate Realm.

After all, the souls of the deceased in the entire Heavenly Desolate Realm exist here, and there are even some powerful practitioners with strong strength and tenacity in their spiritual bodies.

If the counterattack horn blows in the future, this nether world must be an important combat force that cannot be ignored.

As for Lu Heng's return, You Yue and others were extremely excited.

More than 4,000 years have passed since Lu Heng mysteriously disappeared.

In the past 4,000 years, the ghost reincarnation system planned by Lu Heng has been successfully constructed by ghost cultivators such as You Yue. The Temple of the City God's Mansion has been established in all countries of the four seas, and all countries have access to the underworld.

The Wuyou Wuyu sisters and brothers are even more incarnations all over the world. They cruise around the world through these City God's Mansion Temples, and have almost mastered all the trends in the Heavenly Desolate Realm.

The Hanyu Heavenly Court was able to strongly integrate the practitioners of the Heavenly Desolate World in just a few thousand years.

Compared with the desolate and bleak world when Lu Heng left, the Netherworld today is very different.

In the gloomy and dead atmosphere, the palace hall was endless. Ghosts send evil spirits to drive away in the wilderness, and countless hells are set up to punish evil spirits, making the living tremble and the dead crying.

Amidst the screams of countless evil spirits, the dead aura of the Netherworld was countless times stronger than it was back then.

So that even Lu Heng, who had the protection of the Nether Soul Requiring Seal, was a little bit unbearable when he was rushed by this powerful death energy.

How many evil spirits are imprisoned in this underworld...

Lu Heng was speechless.

But if you think about it carefully, it is normal to have so many evil spirits because the Heavenly Desolate Realm is so vast. After all, the complete Netherworld is like the two sides of Yin-Yang and Taiji to the Heavenly Desolate Realm.

In the past, the reason why there were so few wandering souls in the Heavenly Desolate Realm was not only that there was no Netherworld system to guide and protect the souls of the deceased, but another more important reason was that the earthly beasts outside had been continuously sucking the souls of the dead creatures in the Heavenly Desolate Realm.

Now that the Netherworld system has been established, all the souls of the deceased have been guided and supported to the Netherworld Realm. The beasts of this world can no longer devour the wandering souls of the Heavenly Desolate Realm, but can only devour the spirits of the souls. Therefore, when Lu Heng came back this time, It felt that the earthly beast was much more manic than before.

It must be the lack of tonic for the soul, making it crazy.

However, this may be a good thing for Tianhuangjie.

Because the manic beasts of the earth are also extremely troublesome for the enemies of the Seven Realms. They must pay a higher price in order to safely pass the blockage of the giant beasts in the world and successfully enter the world of desolation to destroy the world.

After all, when the world is destroyed, the practitioners from the seven worlds need to come out, not the kind of small fights that secretly sent a few people over to hide. Nowadays, it is not an easy task for a large number of practitioners to enter the Heavenly Desolation Realm under the eyes of the earthly beasts.

And Lu Heng stayed in the underworld for about half a month, took a general tour around, learned about the current situation of the underworld, and left.

During the period of Lu Heng's departure, Yama of the Ten Temples already had suitable candidates, but they lacked Lu Heng's edict, and these Yamas had no corresponding divine powers and powers, and just hung up empty names. But Lu Heng's return made them completely worthy of their name. After accepting the seal of the Nether Soul Requiring Seal, the Ten Temple Yama finally had the real power of the ghost king.

And when he finally left, Lu Heng made a decision that shocked all the ghosts.

Because he directly abandoned the Nether Soul Requiring Seal, gave up the power of the Nether Lord, gave it to the Ghost King Youyue, and sealed him as the Nether Lord.

This decision caused the ghosts to look at each other in dismay.

Although they have long known that the Wolf God has a big heart and doesn't care about the gain or loss of fame and fortune, it is difficult for them to believe that such a divine item as the Nether Soul Requiring Seal can be supported. After all, it was a different place, and I was afraid that no one would be willing to give away such a treasure with authority.

The Netherworld Soul Suppression Seal not only possesses supreme divine power, but also represents the master of the entire Netherworld world!

However, for Lu Heng, the so-called Nether Lord is just like that.

He was not keen on power, and at first he just said that he would help the Nether Soul Requiem to find a qualified owner. Today's Youyue is a suitable candidate.

In just 4,000 years, a complete Netherworld reincarnation system has been established, integrating many ghost cultivators, and building the underworld to such a perfect level, regardless of ability, character, or cultivation base, he is the best choice for the Netherworld Lord.

And Lu Heng, who gave up the Nether Soul Requiring Seal, can start refining the divine fruit of Wanling Ancestral Root wholeheartedly and repeat the cultivation base of the year without the influence of foreign objects.

Otherwise, there is no suitable candidate for this thing, and the promise that Lu Heng made in the past has not been completed.

After leaving the Netherworld, Lu Heng did not return to the Hanyu Heavenly Court, nor did he enter the strange world to start cultivation.

He turned into a huge white wolf again, strode out from the gate of Hanyu Mountain, and walked toward the south along the road that he and Xiaoai went down with.

Four thousand years have passed, and the terrain and roads within Huotong Nation have been very different from the original.

Everything the giant white wolf saw seemed so unfamiliar when the river was diverted and the mountains and rivers undulating. But vaguely, you can see the traces of the past.

During the day, it walks alone on the wilderness drive.

At night, it slept in the post on the road, closed its eyes and rested, silently, and reminisced about the past journey in another way.

Today's Lu Heng, the peach fruit with the ancestral roots of all spirits, once had the strength beyond the ordinary, it can be said that everything is ready, just refining the divine fruit is enough.

However, a trace of anxiety in his mood hindered him. He wants to walk on this land for the last time, and use such memories to say goodbye to the past and all beings.

Only in this way can the barrier in my heart be broken.

It's a pity that this time there is no Xiao Ai to accompany it...

However, just a few days after Lu Heng had such a feeling, he heard the roar of the drums beating in the wind and rain of the inn.

The sound of the war drum sounded so strange, yet so familiar.

The huge white wolf raised his head in astonishment, and saw a figure riding in the rain outside the door, with white hair and a handsome face.