I’ll Quit Being a God

Chapter 308: Section 308


It was Huo Feng.

And the barge horse under Huo Feng's crotch was startled when he saw the huge white wolf lying in the post, and shouted: "Wolf God?!"

The horse was frightened, and he didn't expect to see Lu Heng here.

On the back of the barge, the white-haired, but still undiminished, Huo Feng looked at the huge white wolf in the post in astonishment, looking at each other in dismay.

"That..." Huo Feng scratched his head and said, "Am I traveling through time and space?"

The scene in front of him was too strong for Huo Feng.

On that rainy night more than 4,000 years ago, he also rode a white horse through the dark night and violent storms.

If it weren't for the white wolf in front of him who was not accompanied by the little girl with silver-haired animal ears, Huo Feng would almost think he had returned to the past.

Inside the inn, the huge white wolf couldn't help laughing when he saw Huo Feng's expression.

Said: "Brother Huo, stay safe."

Huo Feng shook his head with a wry smile, and said, "I didn't expect to meet the wolf god here... It's really... fate..."

As he said that, he turned over and dismounted directly, and led this incomparably steed barge into the station.

After some conversation, Lu Heng realized that Huo Feng was also using the way of recalling the past to say his last goodbye to the world.

Because everyone knows that this time they leave the Heavenly Desolate Realm and enter a strange dimension, and when they return next time, the world in front of them will no longer be their world.

If Huo Feng wants to go further in kendo, he must make a breakthrough in his state of mind.

For him, the biggest turning point in his life was no different from the days when he met and walked with the wolf god when he was young.

Therefore, before leaving, he put on the usual clothes of a Cloud Sect disciple as he did in the past, and rode a barge, intending to walk the same road again. But he never thought that he would meet the wolf god who had the same idea by such a coincidence in the inn.

It is really ironic that one person and one wolf meet again in the wilderness station in this way, and I can't help but feel a little emotional.

The time four thousand years ago seems very far away, yet it seems very short.

The scenes of what happened in the station back then seemed to be still in front of us.

Chapter 519

Xiao Ai, White Wolf, Post House, Peach Blossom Brew, Campfire, Barge Horse, and Drinkers...

The scenes that happened that year seem to be still in front of us.

The huge white wolf and Huo Feng were sitting by the bonfire, looking around, the empty inn seemed to suddenly become hot.

They seemed to see another bonfire not far away, and around the bonfire sat a group of tired but excited traders. The two sides are not far apart, but they can hear the eager and refreshing whispers of the merchants.

Huo Feng couldn't help sighing, with a melancholy expression on his face: "It's a pity that Xiao Ai has left..."

In this regard, the huge white wolf smiled slightly and felt relaxed: "She has her own good fortune, and we don't need to worry about her."

Although Lu Heng was reluctant to leave Xiao Ai, he knew that Xiao Ai would not be in danger.

This is an inexplicable intuition, but the intuition of practitioners has always been accurate.

While White Wolf and Huo Feng were chatting and laughing, the barge horse not far away had been trembling with fear.

This barge horse is not the one from that year, but a descendant of that barge horse back then. Although Huo Fengxiu was diligent and practiced Caiyi, he had crossed the limit of life and death and lived for more than 4,000 years, but the horse that had followed them for many years was not so lucky.

The barge horse that followed Lu Heng and the others all over the boy died in the fifth century after Lu Heng left because his lifespan was exhausted. The barge horse in front of him is the great-grandson of the barge horse back then.

Compared with its ancestors, it has extraordinary talent, has crossed the limit of life and death, and has lived for more than a thousand years. Putting it outside, it is also able to deter one side of the monster world bosses and top practitioners.

But now, beside this man and one wolf, it is quite nervous, and it can almost be called a frightened bird.

After all, Lu Heng's prestige, while the Hanyu Heavenly Court was shocking the world, also imprinted an indelible and supreme power in the hearts of the new generation of practitioners.

However, the protagonist of this trip is not the horse, so its fear is not important.

After a night's rest, in the early morning, Huo Feng put out the fire according to the rules, tidied up the post house, and rode a barge to the southbound road again.

And this time, he walked with the huge white wolf again, just as he did four thousand years ago.

Their footsteps were very slow, and they re-measured this world by footsteps.

The cities, mountains and rivers that they once set foot on in the past, they now set foot on again, and when they passed the Youtian Valley, they also walked inside and saw the huge medicine cauldron left by the witch when she was refining medicine.

After losing the Nether Soul Requieming Seal, today's Nether Sky Valley has become an ordinary valley, and there are no more peculiar things such as fog and ghosts. The place where the secluded spring water was originally located in the valley was also filled with ordinary mountain spring water and turned into a small lake.

On the small island in the center of the lake, the place where Wugu used to refine medicine, is now empty and overgrown with weeds. Thousands of years have passed, and the original thatched cottage has disappeared without a trace, but the mottled cauldron still stands in the wind and rain.

In the drizzling light rain, the medicine cauldron with half of its body sunk in the center of the lake seems to represent the remnants of the old era, about to be overwhelmed by the wind and rain of the new era.

Standing by the lake and watching for a long time, the huge white wolf and Huo Feng did not turn around until the mottled medicinal cauldron was submerged by the gradually filling lake.

After leaving Youtian Valley, they went to Pangjiang not far away.

As in the past, Huo Feng temporarily bought a boat and took the white wolf to the south.

While the Hanyu Heavenly Court intimidated the world, it continued to help all countries in the world to exterminate the demons in the mountains. Compared with 4,000 years ago, the wilderness today is much safer. When traveling in the wilderness, business travelers no longer need to worry about being attacked by demons.

Therefore, the already prosperous and lively Pangjiang is even more lively than four thousand years ago.

The result of the demons being exterminated and expelled by the Hanyu Heavenly Court is the prosperity of humanity.

Four thousand years ago, when Lu Heng went down the mountain, there were few people on the road. The residents lived in their own big cities, and almost never hiked for generations.

But it is different now. The city-to-city relationship is getting closer and closer, mortals can even play in the mountains and fields together, and the stories of monsters killing people stop at legends.

All the way to the south, not only the hundreds of boats and thousands of sails on the Pangjiang River are crossing the border, but even the riverbanks on both sides of the river can often see small villages and small towns and smoke, which is completely different from the wild and primitive scene in the past.

When passing through several big cities, you can even see the sight of flower boats traveling, lanterns and colorful flowers at night. There are even more melodious singing voices of singers floating on the river, and the laughter of literati reciting poems and writing poems can be heard from time to time.

In comparison, Lu Heng and the others' boat seemed unremarkable on the Pangjiang River.

The huge white wolf and Huo Feng watched this completely different style and people from 4,000 years ago. In the daytime, Huo Feng supported the boat, and at night, he stopped the boat and stayed on the river at night, catching a few fish to cook soup, just like an ordinary fisherman's home.

Traveling all the way south, drifting all the way, they finally arrived at Fushan City in the Falling Dragon Mountains, and once again entered this ancient city where they had stayed for nearly half a year.

Compared with the scene four thousand years ago, Fushan City has not changed much.

At least the orientation of the city and the appearance of the city walls have not changed much, only the architectural style and cultural features of the interior are completely different from those of 4,000 years ago.

Humanity is prosperous and prosperous, and there are many people traveling from south to north on the road. Fushan City is the only way to go south. It was very lively when the wilderness was difficult to travel four thousand years ago, and now it is even more staggeringly prosperous.

Exuberant popularity, soaring into the sky, even if there is no wizard to guard, ordinary evil spirits will not dare to enter it.

And Wu Zhu in Fushan City had already changed many positions, and was no longer the woman Lu Heng had met back then.

Wizards have always had a short lifespan, and sorcerer blessings change frequently. This mysterious and unpredictable Vulcan lineage, even today's Lu Heng is a little unclear and unclear.

The only thing that is certain is that there is a reason for the short lifespan of those witches, and after their death, their souls do not appear in the world, and they do not know where they have gone. For more than 4,000 years, the Nether Underworld has never received any witches from the Fire Tong Nation. Only ordinary wizards will go to the Underworld after they die.

In Fushan City, Lu Heng and the others didn't stay long.

Although the city doesn't look much changed, the inside is no longer the same as the Fushan City 4,000 years ago. The buildings and buildings have been renovated many times, and even the magnificent Fire Temple has changed its place.

As for the Wu clan in Fushan City who had been blessed by Lu Heng back then, they had already disappeared in the long years of four thousand years.

When looking at the records of the ancient books in the Fire Temple, Lu Heng clearly saw the process of the Wu clan's prosperity and development from the beginning, to the gradual decline at the end, and finally disappearing into the vast sea of people.

Four thousand years is not a long time for Taoist cultivation, but for mortals, it is a long time that cannot be crossed. Enough for a huge family to go from prosperity to disintegration.

Even with the secret care of a wizard from the Vulcan lineage, the Fushan City Wuzhi gradually declined and disappeared.

Although the bloodline has already been integrated into this world, and the bloodline of the Wu family has spread farther, but those people may have long since lost contact with the Wu family, and I am afraid that there will be no traces of the Wu family if you look through the genealogy.

Because it is recorded that the last member of the Wu clan died alone in a thatched hut in the south of the city on a rainy night more than 2,300 years ago. He smelled of alcohol, he was half disabled, and he didn't even have a child or a relative.

... That's right, the Wu clan, which once had a glorious and prosperous place in Fushan City, had passed on for more than a thousand years with difficulty, and even with all kinds of secret care from the wizard lineage, the final curtain still seemed so sluggish.

Thousands of years have erased so many things.

After reading this record, Lu Heng still sighed slightly in his heart even though he had prepared beforehand.

In the face of the vast river of time, the existence of individuals is too insignificant.

Even a great deity like the ancient emperor Fuxi, whose reputation is only spread among some practitioners, not to mention the top practitioners of the same generation as Fuxi, there are few who can leave their names in future generations.

And the practitioners before Fuxi had already borrowed nameless and unknown in the Heavenly Desolate Realm.

Although he, Lu Heng, is unparalleled in power and revered by the world in the Heavenly Desolate Realm, but after tens of millions of years, or even hundreds of millions of years later, who can remember that there was a wolf god in Hanyu Mountain? Woolen cloth

Inside the Library Pavilion, Lu Heng was dazed for a long time, and he didn't leave the strange state of mind-wandering until the stars moved and the chickens croaked three times outside.

Finally, Huo Feng, who was beside Lu Hengchao who turned into a human figure, slightly folded his hands and showed a smile.

"Lu's journey has ended here. Brother Huo, you can only walk on your own."

Lu Heng's words seemed to have another mystery.

The white-haired Huo Feng was slightly startled, knowing that the wolf god must have made a breakthrough.

He immediately smiled and said, "Wolf God has already cared too much for me, and Huo Feng will definitely go all out on the road ahead!"

With that said, Huo Feng bowed with both hands, bowed respectfully, and bowed deeply to Lu Heng.

This time, Lu Heng stood quietly in the same place, calmly accepted Huo Feng's gift, and said with a smile: "It started with Han Yu, but it doesn't have to end with Han Yu... Brother Huo's way can go further. I hope to come When we meet again, Brother Huo's sword can truly reflect the heavens."

Lu Heng's intention to leave is obvious.

Huo Feng was really surprised this time.

"Wolf God..." He hesitated, "Why don't you go back to the weird world and avoid it?"

In response, the white-robed Lu Heng smiled slightly, put his hands behind his back, and said, "The strange world is like a floating cloud to me, and I will not hesitate to die. It is a pity that no one is fighting for it.”

"You can't do this, but Lu should always stand up and do something. Even if the general trend cannot be changed, the end of this era should be pulled down by people of our generation."

Lu Heng's words made Huo Feng widen his eyes.

Although he knew that the wolf god must have some kind of derived life protection technique, he would not really die in the catastrophe of the world, but he must fight against the entire seven worlds with his own power...

Huo Feng gritted his teeth and was about to speak, but Lu Heng had already walked up to him, patted his shoulder lightly, and said.

"It's a senseless act, it's not necessary."

Lu Heng said: "It is enough that you and I know this."

"I do not give up sentient beings, and sentient beings will not give up to the enemies of the seven realms."

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PS: In these two chapters, I finally got back a little bit of my previous feeling.

I feel like I'm living a second life

Chapter 520 Begins with Cold Feather

The separation from Huo Feng was a kind of goodbye for Lu Heng.

It is not only a goodbye to the past, but also a goodbye to the entire Heavenly Desolate Realm.

The original plan was to return to the Hanyu Heavenly Court after the trip, preparing to enter the strange world to practice, refining the peach fruit, and reborn until the cultivation base was fully restored.

But now Lu Heng has given up on this plan.

In this colorful and prosperous world, someone should always stand up and protect them.

Even this kind of protection can't change anything. After the catastrophe of the world comes, the final outcome is still the extinction of all living beings.

But at the very least, Lu Heng must witness the destruction of all this with his own eyes.

Therefore, he decided to practice in the mountains, and then wait for the coming of the catastrophe in the world and the arrival of the enemies of the seven worlds.

But before that, there is one last thing to do.

After Lu Heng left Fushan City, he went all the way east to the East China Sea, where he found Xiaobai, who had already recognized his ancestors and returned to his ancestry and took the throne of the Dragon Emperor again.

The little girl is obviously a little confused about her Dragon Emperor throne.

Although Lu Heng had let her go all the way to the east before, and there would naturally be good things to wait for, but when she came to the end of the East China Sea and met this group of excited dragons, she was still taken aback.

Afterwards, the girl was directly surrounded by dragons and returned to Dragon Island, where she saw a lot of dragons that she had never seen or knew, and was taken to the coronation to learn a lot about her "self" before. However, she had no memory of those things, she only knew that she had been with her master since she was born.

It turned out that the reason why he was with Master was actually the reason why he wanted to pursue Master, but ended up falling into the Dragon Emperor’s Secret Realm together with Master and disappeared

Doesn't that mean that back then, he liked Master and wanted to marry him
