I’ll Quit Being a God

Chapter 312: Section 312


However, Lu Heng lost his memory after that.

The terror of the sky is beyond the reach of even the long river of time that recorded everything.

It was a terrifying existence that stood above the heavens, and could not be touched even by traveling through time and space. High above all realms.

The only thing Lu Heng knew was that the ending of his smashing into the outer world was that now Dao Xiao died and almost died, and lived out the second life with a wisp of the remnant soul of Tianlei who escaped to the Heavenly Desolate Realm. It took tens of millions of years to recover.

As for the Heavenly Court, where there were many gods and talents, it was completely empty. What remains in the Sea of Clouds Heavenly Palace is only the divine power of those gods.

And their souls are nothing.

Among them are Lu Heng's parents...

Originally, Lu Heng did not want to use the power of this Heavenly Palace of Clouds. Because this mysterious and unpredictable Yunhai Tiangong, for him, is a tombstone full of infinite sadness.

Every golden phantom that wandered around in the courtyard was his former subordinates, relatives, and friends.

He wanted to seal it up forever, so that the world wouldn't disturb those golden phantoms of gods.

However, this is not the case.

In order to bring the gods of heaven to escape from the desolate world safely and not be swept away by the world-destroying power of the outside world, Lu Heng could only open the Heavenly Palace of the Sea of Clouds and let these practitioners enter the Heavenly Palace of the Sea of Clouds.

As a result, the golden phantoms who fought alongside Lu Heng tens of millions of years ago will gradually disappear.

Because their residual divine power will be attached to the new gods.

This will greatly strengthen the power of Hanyu Heavenly Court, but...

At the foot of Buzhou Mountain, Lu Heng stood for more than two months.

He had been standing in front of that weird rift valley, silently looking at the middle of the rift valley without saying a word.

Chiyou, the ruler of Jiuli, said that there is a terrifying ghast sleeping at the foot of Buzhou Mountain, and the ghast will crawl out during the final battle.

But today's Buzhou Mountain does not feel the slightest abnormality.

In the end, Lu Heng was silent for two months before leaving Buzhou Mountain and returning to the habitation of the gods in heaven again.

This time, he was no longer silent, and directly showed the magnificent traces of the Cloud Sea Heavenly Palace, reappearing in the world this huge heavenly court that once illuminated a world of stars.

The gods of the Hanyu Heavenly Court, in their astonished worship, received the decree of Lu Heng, and one by one, they became the gods in the Cloud Sea Heavenly Palace.

With the disappearance of a golden phantom in the Heavenly Palace, Lu Heng, who was standing on the ground, seemed to hear a lot of laughter that was familiar but unfamiliar.

He no longer remembered those voices, but they sounded so kind, as if they were once very good friends and relatives.

All the voices were saying goodbye to him, happy and happy. It seemed that their reunion with Lu Heng made them extremely happy.

Then gradually went away.

On the ground that was gradually silent, Tianzun quietly raised his head and closed his eyes slightly. The corners of his eyes were the only tears he shed after waking up in this life.

Chapter 526 One hundred and fifty years

The magnificent Tiangong was hidden in Lu Heng's sea of consciousness.

The gods of the Hanyu Heavenly Court are temporarily safe.

And without the drag, Lu Heng can finally leave this strange world hidden in the depths of the Heavenly Desolate Realm.

Before leaving, Lu Heng invited one of the four beasts to walk with him, hoping that he would leave the Heavenly Desolate Realm with him for refuge.

After all, there is no hope in today's Heavenly Desolate Realm. Even Vulcan brought the descendants of Emperor Yan's line into Hanyu Heavenly Court and wanted to leave with Lu Heng. Ye Tu stayed in the Heavenly Desolate Realm, but it was nothing but a tragic death.

Now that even the Wu family in Tianhuangjie has long since died, Mr. Wu should not be concerned about it anymore.

However, Lu Heng's invitation was rejected.

The giant beast Yutu stood on the ground of the strange world, shook his head slowly, and said, "The junior still has important missions to do, and he can't leave with the wolf god."

This is the last moment of farewell. In the vast and dangerous land of the strange world, there are three fierce evil spirits coming from the sky.

That is the arrogance of the other three fierce beasts, all of them are extremely fierce, not weaker than today's 梼杌.

Taotie, Qiongqi, Chaos... These three ancient beasts that should have died have long been reborn in the strange world.

It's just that these three beasts are not the three unlucky bastards swallowed by Sun Yan, but brand new lives born in a strange world.

The four ancient evils that have existed in the Heavenly Desolate Realm for countless years are actually inexhaustible to kill and die.

Now, the rare gathering of four ancient beasts is actually saying goodbye to Lu Heng.

"Hehe... Tianzun Hanyu, I know you," the huge evil beast Chaos Jie said with a weird smile, "I hope there will be a chance to see you again in the future."

Taotie opened his mouth and hummed, "Our mission is coming, and we won't meet again in the future!"

The treacherous Qiongqi looked up and down at Lu Heng, his eyes were not good: "What a pity... a pity... "

I don't know what it's sad about.

In Lu Heng's astonishment, the giant beast Yutu explained: "Tianzun, we, the ancient beasts, do have a secret mission to complete, which has only recently emerged in our minds. Even we, I don't know what the specific mission is to do."

"The only thing I guessed is that it has something to do with the things at the foot of Buzhou Mountain!" The evil beast roared in a vicious voice: "Okay! Tianzun Hanyu, get out! The stench of living people, I'm about to vomit!"

The attitude of the big beasts is not good, if not for the fear of Lu Heng's fierce name, they would have taken action long ago.

Seeing this, Lu Heng didn't say much, and bowed his hands to Yingtuo: "Treasure."

After saying that, he left immediately.

The bizarre world that originally required the guidance of ancient beasts to enter and exit, Lu Heng was able to enter and exit alone in a dilapidated situation like today's desolate world was swept over and over again by the power of destroying the world.

After leaving the strange world, the atmosphere outside has become more and more terrifying.

Compared with the time when Lu Heng entered the strange world, the desolate world has become so depressing and desperate that even a cultivator like Lu Heng can't stand it.

But he still did not leave immediately.

The blazing white thunder light shuttled under the crimson sky, looking for every possible survivor.

However, apart from the wizards of the Fire Tong Nation and the Jiuli people from the Holy Mountain of the Li Clan, there really are no survivors in this world.

Even if Lu Heng really found a few cultivator caves that were not completely ruined, he realized that there were people here who had relied on their own cultivation to resist the catastrophe of the world. However, the signs of the battle showed that there was more than one practitioner from the Seven Realms who came to the Heavenly Desolate Realm and killed them like the Lord of Calamity.

If Chi You, the ancestor of the Li people, didn't show up in time, it would be difficult for them to bear the catastrophe of this time.

Finally, Lu Heng went to the South China Sea and wanted to visit the ancient seniors in the Forest of Suppressing Demon Steles before leaving.

However, when he arrived in the undead kingdom, the sea of flowers on the other side that was still blooming in the mortal catastrophe had disappeared.

Even though Lu Heng stood on the spot and shouted the name of "Nvwa" hundreds of times, there was still no evil generals who rushed out to kill him. The group of ancient monsters hidden in the ancient battlefield seems to have really disappeared.

In the end, Lu Heng, who couldn't find anything, could only sigh and left the Heavenly Desolate Realm alone.

His figure quickly shuttled under the sky, and soon came to the end of the South China Sea. Here, the kingdom of the merman has long since been destroyed, and even the ancient gods that have been hidden for an unknown number of years under the capital are all destroyed at this time, and they have not been able to withstand the wave of annihilation power.

After crossing the dry South China Sea without a drop of water, Lu Heng came to the black water of Jiyuan.

In the world-destroying catastrophe where the entire Heavenly Desolate Realm was wiped out and the four seas evaporated, this strange and inexplicable Jiyuan Blackwater still stood still.

Just because the water of the South China Sea has evaporated, from a distance, the frozen Jiyuan black water is like a huge pitch-black curtain wall at the end of the world, and no life can enter.

But Lu Heng, who was in the form of thunder light, didn't stop for a moment, and immediately escaped into this weird and terrifying Jiyuan black water. The thunder of the sky stabbed outside, and the black water of Jiyuan madly eroded the power of the thunder.

The horror of this extreme abyss black water is actually not immune to the power of the thunder.

Lu Heng frowned slightly, but didn't stop.

Today, he is no longer the Lu Heng who came to the South China Sea for the first time. Although Jiyuan Black Water is terrifying, it cannot stop him.

Lu Heng's figure passed directly through the black water of Jiyuan, flying continuously in the darkness, passing through strange spaces and powerful formations, but he was still unscathed.

In the end, a blazing white thunder light flew out from the black water and came to the outside world.

The bright starry sky spread out in the field of vision.

The chaos of the heavens and the world is surging on the far side.

However, the ambush that Lu Heng expected did not appear.

This extreme abyss black water is the only way for the souls of the wild world to escape to the outside world. It is reasonable to say that it should be intercepted by practitioners from the seven realms. However, when Lu Heng flew out, he did not sense any hostility.

What he sensed was a bloody aura that was so strong that he could not speak.

Looking into the distance in astonishment, only to find that in the distant star sea, there is a terrifying monster roaring and laughing, frantically killing many practitioners who are pale and trembling with fear.

The breath of those cultivators is different from the creatures in the Heavenly Desolation Realm, similar to the visitors from other worlds that Lu Heng has seen, and they are cultivators from the Seven Realms.

However, these Seven Realms enemies, who were supposed to be guarding outside the Jiyuan Black Water and slaying the practitioners of the Heavenly Desolate Realm, were chased and killed by a red-and-white, terrifying monster at this time.

The strong bloody aura, even though it was separated by a long distance, still made Lu Heng feel it.

That monster is...

"Emperor Demon Lord?" Lu Heng's expression was a little weird.

Zhu Yan, the Demon Lord of Emperor Tian who took Sun Yan and revived his soul, actually murdered here

But after watching it for a while, Lu Heng understood.

Although the Emperor and Heavenly Demon Lord had taken away Sun Yan, his cultivation had not been restored, and he was now reaping the life essence of these practitioners from the Seven Realms by killing people.

This terrifying monster that once plagued the Heavenly Desolate Realm for a long time, now after the extinction of all beings in the Heavenly Desolate Realm, the only option left is the monks of the Seven Realms.

After all, in the world of the heavens below the Eight Desolate World, even if there are practitioners, their spiritual power is too thin. For a monster of the level of the emperor, it is too much to make ends meet.

In the starry sky, the huge monster laughed wildly, and the laughter shattered countless stars, and the practitioners of the seven realms who were madly killed by it all stood in formation, resisting the attack of this terrifying monster with difficulty, and fled while resisting.

However, the monsters are terrifying, even if their battle is strong, they are still unable to prevent the terrifying monsters that appear and disappear. Every time the giant ghost disappeared and reappeared, it could swept away more than a dozen innate cultivators in the screams.

All the monks in the Seven Realms turned pale, thinking of the Demon Lord of the Heavenly Desolate Realm recorded in ancient books, the terrifying monster who once devastated the Eight Desolate Worlds and even spared his own world.

However, the descriptions in the ancient books are terrifying, and they are not comparable to personal experience!

These Seven Realms monks were almost frightened.

But at this moment, a blazing white thunder light came from afar, heading straight for the rising Ditian Demon Lord in front of him.

It was Lu Heng who made the move.

In the surging thunder, the huge monster froze for a moment, and then his face changed greatly.

"Damn! Lu Heng Tianzun!"

There was no time to think about why Lu Heng appeared here. The huge monster didn't even dare to speak a word, and directly dragged a dozen or so screaming monks from the Seven Realms into the void.

It broke through the space and escaped.

Lu Heng, who followed closely behind, frowned slightly, didn't stop, and broke through the space to chase after him.

This Zhu Yan took over his disciple's body, how could he turn a blind eye.

The figure in white passed by the frightened monks from the Seven Realms. When the monks were wondering which ancestor came, Lu Heng in white waved casually, without even looking at the group of cultivators, and disappeared in the broken open. after space.

And the group of cultivators standing in the void gasping for breath froze, and the next second was submerged by a huge torrent of thunder.

Soul flies away.

Lu Heng's figure is constantly shuttled in the void.

Ahead, the huge monster screamed loudly, kept running away, and was extremely embarrassed, no longer ferocious and vicious.

Space is constantly broken by it, and the boundaries of the world are constantly broken by it. However, behind it, there was a figure in white that always followed and was never thrown away.

The red-and-white monster screamed bitterly, and in the end it was screaming and begging for mercy while fleeing, but the figure behind it never wanted to stop. And the distance between the two sides is still getting closer, one after another sky thunder flashed, and the monsters who did not dare to fight back were scorched black and smoked constantly.

The pain of thunder and fire pierced into the bone marrow.

But even so, the monster did not dare to stop even for a moment.

Its stature shuttles over one world after another, passing through one world after another.

However, the distance between Lu Heng and it was constantly being narrowed.

Finally, in the 150th year and 30th day after leaving the Heavenly Desolate Realm, the pursuit that lasted for more than 100 years finally came to an end.

The huge monster fell sickly into a pitch-black void, lying weakly on the ruins of a dilapidated temple, facing Lu Hengdao who was slowly descending behind him.

"Tianzun, spare... spare me..."

The Ditian Demon Lord and Supreme Demon Venerable who once intimidated the entire Eight Desolate World, now begging Lu Heng for mercy, pitifully: "I didn't hurt your disciple... Really, I just borrowed his body for a while, ready to wait for the soul I will leave him after recovery. Tianzun, believe me, I really have no intention of harming Sun Yan…”

Chapter 527 Zhu Yan, your power is too powerful