I’ll Quit Being a God

Chapter 41: Section 41


"After I leave, this white ape in the mountain, please ask the old gentleman to take care of it."

As soon as the old priest sat down, he heard Lu Heng's words, and his heart was suddenly stunned.

He originally thought that the wolf god was very quiet and thoughtful, so he wanted to join the WTO to play. Wasn't that so

Some insight... About to break through

The old priest looked at the wolf god again. Under Fa's eyes, as always, he couldn't see the depth of the way of the wolf god.

From what Fayan could see, Lu Heng's whole body was surging with the might of the fiery thunder, like a pale blazing sun, shaking the old man's Fayan pain. If the cultivation base is almost, I am afraid that when I see this scene, my heart will be broken on the spot.

Closing the Dharma eyes, the old man sighed silently, with a thousand thoughts in his heart.

The way of practice, although it is like a boat against the current, if you do not advance, you will retreat. But at the realm of the wolf god, there is still a breakthrough...

The old man who had not made an inch for hundreds of years couldn't help but feel complicated.

He said, "Don't worry about the wolf god. With my Xifeng Department here, no one dares to be presumptuous in Hanyu Mountain."

Lu Heng smiled and thanked him, "In this case, Lu X thanked the old gentleman. The old gentleman was injured by casting a sword before. I don't know how the injury is now? Do you need Lu X's help?"

The old priest said, "The wolf god's words are serious. Although Li Ju's injury is serious, the peach blossom brew is a holy product for healing. The old injury should take several years to recover, but with the peach brew, it is not enough. He recovered in a few months... In that case, I have to thank the wolf god."

The old man's words surprised Lu Heng.

"Oh? That peach blossom brew has such an effect?" He couldn't help but look at Xiao Ai and said, "Xiao Ai, go and make two pots of peach blossom brew later. After going down the mountain, it may be useful."

"As ordered," Xiao Ai saluted, carrying the Heavenly Tribulation Sword to drink.

In the wooden pavilion, Lu Heng chatted with the old priest about interesting things outside the mountain.

Lu Heng was still very curious about the unfamiliar world outside the mountain. Now that there is an old man who has traveled all over the world in front of him, he naturally seizes the time to inquire about the information.

After a while, Xiao Ai had packed up her luggage and came out with the Heavenly Tribulation Sword on her back.

In her hand, she was carrying a small burden. For practitioners, even if they go far away, they don't need to change too much.

It took so long for the little girl to pack her luggage, mainly informing Bai Ape about various matters.

The white ape who jumped away cheerfully on weekdays is now following her step by step, full of reluctance.

It can be seen that this monkey head also wants to go down the mountain with him. It's just that it hasn't changed shape yet, and its mind is still too immature, so Lu Heng doesn't plan to take it with him.

After all, this mountain also needs to be left to take care of it...

In Lu Heng's smiling eyes, the little girl walked to the wooden pavilion and bowed deeply.

"Report to Lord Wolf God, Xiao Ai is ready."

"Well, I think you seem to have something to say," Lu Heng said. "If you have something to say, you can say it bluntly, you don't have to keep it in your heart."

The little girl bit her lip and said, "Xiao Ai asks Lord Wolf God to name this monkey head..."


Lu Heng looked at the ignorant white ape and laughed aloud, "Indeed, it's time to name this monkey head. The call of the monkey head every day is really not good."

With that said, Lu Heng waved to the white ape and let it come over.

The white ape was a little confused, but full of curiosity. It jumped in front of Lu Heng and lowered its head obediently.

Lu Heng put his hand gently on his head and said with a smile, "Monkey head, do you have a name you want?"

Bai Yuan was stunned for a moment, then shook his head, obviously not thinking about the name.

Lu Heng said, "Then I'll take it at will... Well, you are a monkey in the mountains, so Yuan is... um... Let's take Sun as your surname."

When Lu Heng was halfway through speaking, he suddenly thought of the white ape with the surname Yuan in "Fengshen Romance". The fate of Yuan Hong was not good.

Although there is no three sect leaders in this world, and there is no conferred god battle, it is better to avoid it.

Lu Heng said, "Hozen hozen, you should take Sun as your surname."

"And you entered the Dao too late, Yuanyang's body was broken early, and the beginning of Yaoxiu was difficult and difficult. If there is no opportunity, I am afraid that it will be difficult to achieve."

"But I hope you can seize that moment of opportunity, face the difficulties, and be life-and-death."

"The so-called Dayan's number is fifty, but it is forty-nine... You can call it Sun Yan, I hope you can hold the one that escaped."

Lu Heng said with a smile, "Qiyan also means that water flows into the sea and the river goes east, which can be extended to be rich and abundant. I hope that although you have a bad start, you can go east like a river, and finally break through the difficulties and dangers on the way of cultivation. Your own sea and sky."

"From today, you will be called Sun Yan!"

Bai Yuan couldn't understand Lu Heng's words. But it knew that the name of the wolf god was very important, because this was what Xiao Ai asked for it.

So it hurriedly saluted, screaming nonstop, thanking the wolf god for his name.

The old priest beside him silently read Lu Heng's words.

"The number of Dayan is fifty, and it uses forty-nine... one that escapes..."

The old man's eyes lit up, and he didn't know what to think. When he looked at Lu Heng again, his eyes were full of admiration and admiration.

Lu Heng looked at the little girl with silver-haired animal ears and said with a smile, "That's it, okay?"

The little girl blushed and bowed her head in a salute, "Thank you Lord Wolf God."

"Hahaha... Well, the matter is over, then let's go."

Inside the wooden pavilion, Lu Heng burst out laughing, and a huge white wolf appeared in front of the Wolf Temple.

The man in white took a step forward and came to the huge white wolf, followed by a girl named Xiao Ai carrying the Heavenly Tribulation Sword.

In front of the Wolf Temple, Lu Heng in white turned around and bowed his hands to the old priest of the Li tribe and Qianqian, and said with a smile, "The mountain is high and the road is far away, so Lu will go here. Take care of you two."

"Wolf God take care."

"Goodbye Xiao Ai!"

In the sound of farewell, Lu Heng's primordial spirit incarnation disappeared, and the huge white wolf opened his eyes and walked towards the back mountain.

Heading south, one person and one wolf quickly disappeared from sight.

Qianqian sighed, "The body of the wolf god is so handsome..."

The old priest smiled and said, "Little girl doesn't know how high the sky is. Compared with the original body of the wolf god, the incarnation of the primordial spirit in human form is infinite. "

"The breakthrough of the wolf god may be related to the incarnation of the primordial spirit in this human form."

"The number of so-called Dayan is fifty, and its use is forty-nine... Only this word can break the true meaning of the world."

"Wolf God is really extraordinary..."

Chapter 70

In front of the Wolf Temple, the white wolf took a step forward and stayed away from the main peak of Hanyu Mountain shrouded in calamity clouds.

Under the power of the mountain god, he took Xiao Ai shrinking into an inch and quickly passed through the primitive jungle of the back mountain, and finally reached the big lake at the end of the mountain.

Under the sun, the calm lake was sparkling, and there was a cool wind blowing.

After passing this lake, he left the range of Hanyu Mountain, and Lu Heng's power of the mountain god became invalid.

But this time down the mountain, in addition to looking for the opportunity to break through, he also had a play mentality. So I don't intend to rush on the road, but I intend to play all the way.

Even if he has the power of the mountain god on the next road, he does not intend to use it.

It has been a long time in the dark and closed underground, and now I can finally come out and see the original scenery of the sky and water, which is also a different experience.

It could even be said to be refreshing.

For example, this big lake with clear water in front of you could have been developed as a tourist attraction in a previous life. But in this era of no industrial pollution, such a clear and translucent lake can be seen everywhere.

The wild beasts of the world are rampant, but it also means that everything in this world retains the most pure and original appearance, with beautiful mountains and rivers and beautiful scenery.

Looking at the school of fish swimming in the lake, Lu Heng couldn't help but feel nostalgic and laughed.

"Speaking of which, I haven't eaten for a long time. Before leaving, let's take a bite of fish."

Xiao Ai, who was next to Lu Heng, was a little surprised, "Have a bite?"

She said, "If Lord Wolf God wants to eat fish, Xiao Ai will salvage and cook it for you."

The huge white wolf shook his head, "No, it's too troublesome to salvage and cook. I'll just take a bite and go on my way."

After speaking, under the surprised gaze of the little girl, the white wolf opened his mouth directly at the big lake in front of him.

Under the power of the mountain god, a surging vortex suddenly appeared in the lake. Afterwards, one after another, plump and tender live fish flew out of the lake water, all lined up and flew into Lu Heng's mouth.

After a few dozen breaths, Lu Heng swallowed nearly a hundred fish in one go, and then nodded contentedly, "Okay, let's continue on our way."

"..." The little girl on the side looked at all this speechlessly, not knowing what to say for a while.

But the white wolf had already gone into the distance, and the little girl had to quickly follow.

In the afternoon sun, the footsteps of one man and one wolf are not fast, but whether it is the rough terrain, the overgrown wilderness, or even the muddy swamp, they are like walking on the ground.

Soon, the two disappeared by the lake and stepped into the wilderness south of Hanyu Mountain.

Lu Heng didn't know where Fushan City was, but after retrieving that part of the wolf demon's memory, he had a faint feeling in his heart that the opportunity to know that this trip was in the south.

And when talking with the old priest, the old man also mentioned that Fushan City is located in the southern part of the Huotong Kingdom. So although Lu Heng didn't know the specific route, he just had to go south.

Although Lu Heng has not yet opened the gate of heaven, he has already reached the key point of transformation. Even if it is not the special power of the thunder, its Taoism surpasses the original wolf demon.

Not to mention Xiao Ai, the wolf demon's two hundred years of Taoism belonged to her, and Lu Heng injected a ray of the power of the sky to form the foundation of Taoism. For more than a year, he has continued to practice in Hanyu Mountain, which is full of spiritual energy, and it has long been different from what it used to be.

This man and a wolf are walking in the wilderness, and there is no wild beast who dares to provoke him.

After all, demonic beasts with Taoism are rare, how can they be so easy to encounter.

Lu Heng and the others walked all the way to the south, passing through uninhabited wilderness after another, and stepping on one primitive barren mountain after another. Along the way, they saw many strange beasts, but they did not encounter a single demon.

They travel during the day and rest at night. Although neither Xiao Ai nor Lu Heng need sleep, Lu Heng does not want to travel at night.

Hurrying in the dark, not only missed the scenery along the way, but also looked weird. He still wants to maintain some of the habits of being a human, and doesn't want to make himself truly inhuman.

So when it comes to rest at night, one person and one wolf will stop, find a windy place to light a bonfire, roast a few wild beasts caught in the mountains, and taste the taste of barbecue. Then one person and one wolf sat around the bonfire and closed their eyes and stalked until dawn.

If you are lucky and find the cave, you don't have to sleep in the wilderness.

Playing in such a simple and simple way, one person and one wolf went all the way to the south, and walked for fifteen days before walking out of this wilderness and seeing the galloping road built by human beings.

The so-called galloping road is the loess road connecting human cities.

The road was opened up among the mountains and wilderness, leveling the forest boulders along the way, compacting the loess, and leveling the road. It can be said that it is a large-scale livelihood project.

However, although this world is primitive and barbaric, but because of the existence of various practitioners, the productivity is not weak, so Lu Heng is not surprised by this generous stroke.

Looking at the human race from a distance, Xiao Ai asked, "Lord Wolf God, do we want to avoid the race?"

White Wolf shook his head and said, "There's no need to avoid it, it's also an interesting experience for us to take a walk in this world."

With that said, Lu Heng's body shrank rapidly. The size of the original behemoth-like behemoth quickly shrunk several times.

Although it is still huge compared to ordinary wild wolves, it is not so scary.

He stood beside Xiao Ai, almost as high as Xiao Ai.

Lu Heng smiled and said, "Let's go south along the road first. If the road changes, we'll leave."

"Okay," Xiao Ai nodded heavily, and walked out of the primitive jungle with Lu Heng, who had shrunk in size, and set foot on the rammed loess avenue one after the other.

On the road, although the road is solid and smooth, it is still desolate. One man and one wolf walked along the galloping road for a whole morning, but never saw a passerby.

But this is not surprising.

Although there are galloping roads, there are still high mountains and long roads between the cities, wild beasts are rampant, and occasionally monsters are rampant.

In such a dangerous world, most of the ordinary villagers who have not set foot on the path of cultivation do not go far. Basically stay in the same place for a lifetime.

The people who walked the most between the gallops were the merchants who traveled south and north, or those monks who were cultivated and not afraid of beasts.

Lu Heng and the others walked along the gallop all morning, and even met a few beasts lurking in the jungle beside the gallop to guard people. If an ordinary person encounters a beast on the side of the road when he is alone, he will fall directly into the mouth of the beast.

Even those traders who traveled south and north may be attacked by these beasts if they are negligent. After all, some of those beasts have a ferocious temperament, even if they are ligers and tigers.

So after walking down the road this morning, although no passers-by were encountered, Lu Heng had a deeper understanding of the dangers of traveling in this world.

Although those beasts did not dare to jump out to attack Lu Heng and Xiao Ai, for mortals, it was definitely a disaster that was extremely difficult to resist.

Standing ten feet tall, with a body like a deer but with a white tail, two hind legs are horse hooves, but front legs are human hands, with four sharp horns on the top of the head, a strange evil beast (jue) like...

It looks like a goat, but it is more than twice the size of a goat.

It looks like a civet cat that has been magnified several times, but has only one eye and three tails.