I’ll Quit Being a God

Chapter 44: Section 44


Huo Feng nodded and cupped his hands, "Thank you, senior."

After speaking, he sat directly on the ground.

In front of this kind of senior senior, if you are blindly polite and restrained, you will be disliked.

Huo Feng was not the kind of person by nature, so he naturally obeyed Lu Heng's words.


Hello everyone, I'm Jiuxian, and I didn't expect to meet you again at Hedgehog Cat. The fate of the world is really amazing.

Sure enough, every encounter between people is a repetition after a long absence... hhhhh...

As for this book, it is not easy to get to where it is today. Let's chat with you before it's on the shelves.

Many friends are posting in the book review area and between, urging every day... Ah, the wine master GKD... The wine master is quick to offer a reward... The wine master is about to explode...

To be honest, in fact, I also want to explode, and I also want to open a bounty.

Wouldn't it be great to have a bounty and a slashing sum of money

It's a pity that I have more than enough strength...

Friends who have read my previous books should see that this story of Lu Heng is completely different from the stories I wrote before. The difference in style of writing can even be said to be the degree of re-training and reincarnation.

My previous writing style was that after I went to X Lu to study, I learned the fast rhythm, mixed a little of my own stuff, and then wrote the fast-paced text, which I named Desperate Flow.

The characteristics of this style of writing are the strong plot conflict and the breathless rhythm of the plot at the beginning to grab the reader's attention and drag the reader to run with the plot. But if you focus too much on the fast pace, you will miss the details.

For example, in the stories I wrote before, an empty skeleton was painted with bright colors, without too many flesh and blood details, only the backbone, but it was able to attract attention with bright colors and exaggerated shapes.

But there are limits to this way of writing.

When I wrote "The World Has Problems", the standard of writing was far inferior to the later "Girlfriends Are All Specters".

Now I go back and read the two books, the text details of "Girlfriends Are All Ghosts", even I can't pick out too many faults. But "The World Has Problems" is different.

When I looked back at "The World Has Problems", I saw the nonsense of primary and secondary, as well as various flaws that affect the reading experience. Apart from the pacing of the plot, it's pretty much useless.

In theory, the level of "Girlfriends Are All Ghosts" far exceeds "There is a Problem in this World", but the results are not much higher.

During the serialization of "There's a Problem in this World", 1W8 were all ordered, and "Girlfriends Are All Specters", which is much stronger than it, only had 2W2... I once thought that this was because of the website. Because booksellers, in addition to Xueba, have only 20,000 books with the highest subscriptions.

I thought I hit the subscription ceiling for bookers, so my grades couldn't be better.

But it didn't take long for reality to slap me hard.

First, a book of Xingyue with the first order of 20,000 set a new record for the first order of bookers, and the starting point exceeded my end point.

Then there is another book of Xingyue doujin with the first order of 40,000, which has refreshed the first order record of the entire online literature circle... Many readers and friends may not know what this concept is.

Let's put it this way, all the known web sites, all the known web writers, including the well-known Chendong, Tomato, Squid... These gods have not made the first order of 40,000 new books.

Such terrifying results completely stunned me. At that time, I deeply understood that it was not Shuke's cuisine, but my Taicai.

I touched not the ceiling of the book guest, but my own ceiling, and the ceiling of the book guest was higher than I thought.

If I didn't seek changes, the 20,000 subscription would probably be the limit I could achieve.

So after "Girlfriends Are All Ghosts" ended, I started looking for a breakthrough. In the middle, I went through a period of confusion for half a year, ramming around like a headless fly, writing a lot of waste at the beginning, but I couldn't find the direction at all.

It is said to break through, but in which direction to break through...

Ultimately, I decided to research the current fire books at Point X, and with good luck, saw a new direction I had never seen before on one of the books.

"Lan Ke Qi Fate", this book does not have the intriguing battles of traditional immortals, nor the excitement of killing people and stealing treasures. The story is told in a very relaxed and peaceful manner throughout, and the style of writing is closer to the traditional strange novels. .

So I decided to try in this direction, to try to write a story that doesn't have too much fireworks, and the overall style is relaxed and plain, which makes people feel very comfortable to read.

But this kind of writing style, not to mention how difficult it is, is completely contrary to the writing habits I cultivated in the past.

I used to always write in a hurry, fast, and the plot was always exciting.

But now I have to write very slowly, very slowly, without too much stimulation.

So every time I open a writing software, I get schizophrenic.

My body subconsciously wants to go faster, faster, but my brain is trying desperately to stop the body, make it slower, slower...

When I wrote "There is a Problem in This World", it was 3,000 words an hour, easily, and the highest code word record was 40,000 words a day.

When I wrote "Girlfriends Are All Specters", I had more than 2,000 words in an hour, and I still had spare energy. The highest code word record was nearly 30,000 words a day.

But now I am writing this story of Lu Heng, and it takes less than 1,500 words in an hour, and I'm going to die... What's the matter... I am more than ten thousand words a day to drink water, Changzhou Dongma, when did I suffer such humiliation

Can't even write 2,000 words in an hour? In the online literature circle, it can be said that it is a third-level disability!

But the writing of this book is really more difficult than I imagined.

First of all, in order to maintain that "flavor", I have to constantly revise the details of the text, remove all colloquial words and phrases, but not too classical. To be half-literate, it must be just the right half-literate.

Secondly, the plot I have written so far is actually very simple.

If you look back, in fact, every major plot and every chapter can be summed up in one sentence, not complicated at all.

But what I want to do is to write such a simple plot in detail and fullness, and it must be witty and interesting, not boring, which is so difficult that I want to scratch my head.

Every time I write two or three hundred words, I have to stop and look at the previous content, while revising the details of the text, while brewing the subsequent content, the speed is excruciatingly slow.

Although as I gradually got used to this writing style, the coding speed gradually increased. Now I can write 1,500 words in about an hour... but I'm still a third-degree crippled!


Anyway, I will try my best to update.

And it is to update as much as possible without affecting the text level.

After all, I need to have a good meal. The more I write, the more I earn, of course, and I hope I can write more.

So I hope you can try your best to be patient and support me a lot.

It's not that I don't want to be fast, but that the concubine can't do it!

Of course, even for a third-level crippled like me, in order to put it on the shelves, I naturally prepared a few chapters for archives.

Although it can't compare with those big guys who have more than ten chapters a day, they should still be able to make five updates tomorrow.

I have now prepared three chapters for archive! And still continue to work hard to collect manuscripts, and strive to be able to update five tomorrow.

So, five more tomorrow! It will be updated around eleven o'clock, everyone subscribe!

I, a third-level disabled web writer, need everyone's care!

Chapter 74 Lu Heng's Dilemma

In the wilderness station in the rainstorm, as Huo Feng sat down beside Lu Heng, the caravan members not far away were relieved.

Watching the development of the matter, although everyone still did not know why Lao Huo was suddenly attacked.

But there is that magical white wolf here, even if there is a monster working in secret, I am afraid that I should be scared and flee.

People sat down by the fire, although they did not dare to eavesdrop on the conversation over there, they couldn't help but talk about the incomparably miraculous spirit wine just now, discussing the extraordinaryness of the spirit wine.

They just took a breath of the aroma of spirit wine, and their exhaustion disappeared and their bodies were light. It's no wonder that Lao Huo was so seriously injured that he survived after taking a sip.

Witnessing such a bizarre thing is more exciting than catching a fat bird.

Not far away, everyone in the caravan whispered.

In the corner, the girl named Xiao Ai sat back to her original position and continued to roast the roasted rabbit.

Lu Heng chatted with Huo Feng about Yunmen.

This is called the inheritance of Yunmen, which Lu Heng heard from Uncle Jie before.

Although there is no cultivating sect in this world, there is no such organization that the head of the sect gives an order and all the disciples go down the mountain to subdue demons. However, the inheritance of schools of practice is like a flower, and there are many categories.

It's just that in Lu Heng's view, the inheritance of schools in this world is mostly loose and peculiar.

Many people of the same genre may not even have seen each other in their entire lives. In addition to what the two sides have learned, I am afraid that there is no second similarity in the whole body.

And this Cloud Gate is a very strange genre.

Cloud Gate's cloud is not a cloud of clouds, but a wandering cloud.

Most of the people in the Cloud Gate wandered around the heavens and the earth, measuring every inch of the earth with their feet. Even their practice method can only be practiced while walking.

Therefore, the People's Congress of Cloud Gate will join a merchant team and follow the merchants to walk in the wilderness.

While cultivating, shelter these traders from being threatened by the monsters they encounter, and they can also earn rewards.

And Lu Heng called Huo Feng over because he wanted to know about Huo Feng's injury.

Lu Heng was a little stunned when Huo Feng was suddenly seriously injured and dying.

This person just glanced at him, and he was struck by lightning, flew out, and almost died.

If Lu Heng hadn't been sure that he didn't do anything, he would have thought that he had murdered this guy.

Such a strange situation was something Lu Heng had never encountered before.

So after a little chat, to calm the young man's nervousness, Lu Heng asked with a smile, "Mr. Huo glanced at me just now, but what did you see?"

Lu Heng's words made Huo Feng's heart tighten slightly.

But in the face of the white wolf who saved his life, Huo Feng did not dare to hide it, so he had to tell what he had just opened his eyes and tried to spy on.

When Fayan saw Lu Hengshi's terrifying feeling after finishing speaking, Huo Feng couldn't help but breathe slightly and his face turned pale. Recalling his memory seemed to bring him back to that terrifying moment, as if he was once again under the surging thunder.

After half a sound, Huo Feng broke free from the pale fear.

By the fire, Lu Heng was already lost in thought.

Under the peeping eyes of the law, is he in that state...

Huo Feng just glanced at it, and was so frightened that his heart was broken and he almost died... It turns out that the foundation of enlightenment cast by the power of the thunder is so terrifying

But when Gongshu Jie and the Li nationality priest saw him in the past, their expressions were normal, and they were not affected.

Lu Heng couldn't believe that these people hadn't looked at him.

No wonder when he was in Hanyu Mountain, everyone respected him so much, the wolf monster who didn't even open the gate of heaven. It turned out not only was he shocked by Lu Heng's envoy Tianlei's means, but also because of Lu Heng's state that ordinary people couldn't peep at all

However, Uncle Jie, the old priest and others have peeped, but nothing happened...

In other words, Lu Heng's mental deterrence is only useful for monks with low cultivation like Huo Feng, but it cannot affect masters like Gongshu Jie

Thinking of this, Lu Heng couldn't help but sigh, feeling a little distressed.

Although he can't influence those masters, the most in this world are ordinary monks like Huo Feng!

In his current state, if he is walking in the city, as long as someone is curious and wants to use his eyes to see Lu Heng's situation. Then there will be one, and all will suffer.

This time, although Huo Feng was rescued with peach blossom stuffing, the number of peach blossom stuffing was limited, only two pots.

If tonight's situation keeps happening, can Peach Blossom Brew save ten or twenty people, or even a hundred or a thousand

Moreover, although Huo Feng was rescued, his heart was broken and his cultivation was hindered.

Although if he can get out of the shadows, he will be able to make breakthroughs in the future and have a wider road ahead.

But after the Dao Heart is broken, it is easy to reshape the Dao Heart and walk out of the shadows, but it is easier said than done. I am afraid that it is difficult for one person out of a thousand to do it.

And if you can't reshape the heart of the Tao, you probably won't be able to make an inch in your life.

Even if it is an unintentional loss, Lu Heng's heart is not very good.

And what made him even more depressed was that he was in such a state, wouldn't he be unable to enter the great city of human beings? Have to stay away from all monks along the way


It's rare to go down the mountain. Is it possible that I, Lu Heng, are only suitable for camping in the wilderness and can't go to the city to play

Thinking of this, Lu Heng was quite depressed, it could even be said that he was in a bad mood.

By the fire, Xiao Ai finally cooked the rabbit meat and said respectfully, "Lord Wolf God, the rabbit meat has been cooked."

The little girl's voice called back Lu Heng, who was in deep thought.

He looked at the two in front of him, and said with a smile, "Mr. Huo, let's try it together, Xiao Ai's craftsmanship is very good."

However, Huo Feng quickly waved his hand and said, "No need, no need, I can't repay the wolf god's life-saving grace. It's just that the internal breath in the body is unstable and needs to be adjusted, so..."

Lu Heng nodded and said, "I understand, you can go back. Next, I will accompany you to finish the journey until Baishicheng, you don't have to worry about the monster attack."