I’ll Quit Being a God

Chapter 50: Section 50


I don't know if it's because the power of the thunder is too special, the research and development of this technique of hiding qi and hiding is much more difficult than Lu Heng thought.

He tried almost every method he could think of, but he never made any breakthrough.

At night, in the quiet cave, it was quiet and silent, except for the beeping sound of the burning fire from time to time.

Occasionally, there will be shrill beasts howling from the distant forest, and it is another battle of the weak.

This wild forest ravaged by wild beasts is not quiet even at night.

Those beasts, who also have good eyesight at night, lurked and roamed in the dark forests, trying to hunt down fresh blood-eating prey. Night is a bloodier arena for them.

Occasionally, predators will encounter more powerful beasts, and they will turn into their blood-eating prey, swallowing their last breath with a shrill howl.

The wilderness after complete darkness is such a wild and ferocious primitive world. The strong prey on the weak is the only order in this dark forest.

And the light of the swaying bonfire in this cave occasionally attracts one or two wandering beasts.

But if these beasts raging in the mountains and forests want to get close, the little girl by the bonfire only needs to take a cold look, and the ferocious and bloodthirsty beast is startled, and hurriedly flees here, never daring to approach again.

In this way, the little girl silently waited for the tranquility in the mountains, and did not teach these beasts to disturb Lord Wolf God's purification.

But by the middle of the night, things had changed.

Silently, a wisp of gloomy and cold air drifted outside the cave. The little girl who closed her eyes and was cultivating abruptly opened her eyes, only to see a pale, translucent figure standing outside the cave.

When the little girl saw each other, the translucent pale figure had no intention of concealing it, but bowed his hands to the two beside the bonfire and disappeared silently.

This strange picture made the little girl a little confused.

She stood up subconsciously and wanted to go out to see what was going on.

This pale, translucent figure reminded her of the ghosts she had seen before. But there is a difference between the two.

Those ghosts enslaved by the Red Lady are gloomy and eerie, filled with an unpleasant chill.

But this translucent pale shadow is not the same. Although it also has a little gloomy air, the overall feeling is grand and righteous, not a ghost.

But there is such a foreign object in this wilderness, even if the other party is not evil, but it makes people dare not ignore it.

But as soon as the little girl stood up, Huo Feng, who was beside the fire, spoke up.

The pale figure did not conceal his aura, even if he had lost his cultivation, he felt it.

Huo Feng said, "You don't need to be nervous, Miss Ai, that pale figure is just a wandering wizard in Baishicheng."

"This wandering wizard's body sits in the Fire Temple, but he can use the wandering spirit body condensed by the incense and willpower in the temple to wander around the city and outside the city to check whether the evil spirits are hidden."

"Although there is no powerful supernatural power, there are also secrets."

"This kind of wandering soul incarnation is formed by the condensed power of incense and will, and has a strong ability to sense evil spirits. If there are evil spirits wherever they pass, they must be able to detect it."

"And even if this wandering soul incarnation is killed by the big demon, it will not cause any damage to the body of the wandering wizard."

"Their duty is to inspect the Quartet within the boundary monument of Baishi City. They may pass by here and see the fire in the cave, so come in and have a look, there is no need to worry."

Huo Feng smiled and said, "Lord Wolf God has the token of the Thousand Needles City Wizard and Uncle Zhu in his possession. He must have noticed this parade, so he immediately retreated."

"It already knows that we are not evil spirits, otherwise, it will not do ritual."

Huo Feng's story made Xiao Ai startled.

It turns out that in the land under the blessing of the sorcerer, there are still sorcerers patrolling day and night, waiting for the safety of people's livelihood

Such a thing has never been heard in the remote Hanyu Mountain.

However, Xiao Ai also understands that such waiting is not without cost.

Living under the protection of Master Wu Zhu, he has to pay a certain amount of tax to the Fire Temple every year. During the slack season, there are corvée services that cannot be avoided.

Therefore, there are actually not a few remote villages like Shuisheng Village that are far away from the city and not under the blessing of Wuzhu.

Most of them are built near Chidao not far from the boundary monument. While escaping from corvée and taxation, they can also get a little bit of the light of Master Wu Zhu.

After all, in such a place not too far from the city, even in the wilderness where monsters are rampant, it is rare to encounter evil spirits and monsters.

The existence of evil things is always rare.

Chapter 86 The Red-Haired Woman

After listening to Huo Feng's explanation, Xiao Ai also understood the existence of the parade, so she put down her worries and went back to sit by the bonfire.

And after the parade left, the mountain became quiet, and nothing else happened.

The little girl closed her eyes cross-legged, and did not open her eyes again until dawn.

The bonfire in the cave has now been extinguished, and even the charcoal has cooled.

In the cool breeze in the morning, Huo Fengzheng stood beside the barge, reached out and took two dough cakes from the bag on the back of the barge, and took them with cold water, it was breakfast.

As for Xiao Ai and Lu Heng, they didn't have the habit of having breakfast, so Huo Feng didn't say hello.

Lu Heng looked at the blue sky outside and said with a smile, "The weather is good today, the sun is shining brightly, it is suitable for traveling."

Huo Feng, who was eating noodles, gave a wry smile and shook his head. If it was before, he would definitely go along with the wolf god.

But now that his cultivation base has been completely lost, the blazing sunshine under the bright sky has made him unbearable.

But even so, this road has to go.

After Huo Feng rested for a while, they embarked on the journey south again.

Not long after walking out of this mountain, Lu Heng and the others saw people and rice fields again.

Although it has not yet stepped out of the bounds of the boundary monument, it is actually very far away from Baishi City.

The village next to the road is not large, with only a dozen or so households. But this kind of small-scale village is the mainstream in the boundary monument of Shiraishi City.

A large village with a population of several hundred people, such as Shuisheng Village, will not appear here.

After all, there is only so much suitable land, many barren hills cannot grow crops, and there are too many people to feed.

This is the case with the small village in front of me. There are very few fields suitable for growing crops outside the village. Although the grains in the rice fields are green, it is the limit to support these two dozen families.

If the Shuisheng Village was not backed by the big river outside the Hanyu Mountain, and the vast plain outside the village was very suitable for rice cultivation, I am afraid it would not be able to support so many villagers.

When Lu Heng and the others came out of the mountain alone, the villagers who were working in the rice fields were all taken aback.

However, Lu Heng and the others stepped on the ridge between the rice fields and walked straight towards the road without attacking the villagers. Seeing that the two men and one wolf were just passing by, the villagers breathed a sigh of relief.

Then came a deep curiosity.

The villagers working in the fields were secretly looking at the strange appearance of Xiao Ai's silver-haired animal ears, guessing the origin of this little girl.

As for Lu Heng, although it looks bigger than an ordinary wolf, in this world where alien beasts are rampant, a bigger wolf does not attract attention.

Until Lu Heng and the others left the rice fields in the mountains and set foot on the southward road again, no one in the villagers paid attention to this white wolf.

But this is exactly what Lu Heng wanted. Otherwise, if he wanted to attract attention, he would directly reveal his true body shape. A white wolf taller than a country hut can definitely scare all the villagers along the road.

The journey to the south was a little boring. As they walked out of the boundary monument of Baishi City, the beasts on both sides of the road were more visible to the naked eye.

At noon, Lu Heng and the others also met a team of merchants who were also heading south. There were more than 40 people in total, all of them fully armed, and they were surrounding a large white-fronted worm with colorful patterns under the slope beside the road.

Several people in the team were injured. I think it was the big worm lying in the wild to ambush the caravan, but it didn't work. After hurting people, they were surrounded by the caravan.

When Lu Heng and the others passed by, the ferocious and terrifying giant worm with hanging eyes and white front was roaring angrily, and the sound of tiger roars made one's scalp tingle.

But compared with this ferocious and terrifying tiger roar, the big insect has wounds all over his body, and he has already fallen into a dead end.

Now that everyone surrounds them and does not kill them, it is only because they are afraid of the dying struggle of the beasts, so they plan to consume the physical strength of this big worm first.

Once the worm's physical strength is exhausted and its fierce appearance is no longer, it will be swarmed by everyone and hacked to death.

Lu Heng took a cursory glance, didn't stop to watch the play, and left.

Although the merchant team had a large number of people and a lot of goods, there were no practitioners to follow.

However, more than 40 people are all martial arts people, and the three headed by them are even more capable of fighting lions and tigers. Such a caravan walks in the wilderness, even if there are no cultivators to follow, some little monsters with low cultivation base are afraid that they will not dare to provoke them.

The caravan of more than 30 people was startled by the appearance of Lu Heng and the others.

People who can walk alone in the wilderness are definitely not the existence they can provoke. However, seeing Lu Heng and the others went straight away without any intention of staying, everyone in the caravan breathed a sigh of relief.

But after crossing the caravan that was besieging the tigers, Lu Heng and the others did not see a second caravan on the southward gallop.

On the road, it was desolate and empty, and when only some beasts lying in the bushes on the side of the road wanted to jump out, they were directly scared away by the cold eyes of the little girl with silver-haired beast ears.

But in the evening, vaguely, footsteps sounded behind everyone.

Lu Heng and the others looked back and found that it was a red-haired woman.

In the afterglow of the setting sun, the woman was humming a strange song, carrying a wine gourd in one hand, and walking along the gallop with a sloppy pace, without any companions beside her.

Her long fiery red hair, tied loosely behind her head, looked unruly and unruly.

She followed the crowd all the way, taking a sip of wine from time to time. As she walked along the way, she roughly estimated that she had already drank a jar of wine.

I don't know how that little gourd can hold so much wine.

Huo Feng asked in a low voice, "Lord Wolf God, this woman seems to be following us..."

Lu Heng shook his head and said, "Where is this stalking? This is clearly following upright... Have you ever seen such an arrogant stalking?"

Huo Feng's words were stagnant, but he couldn't help but smile bitterly.

The woman has been following behind them, always keeping a sufficient distance. Lu Heng and the others are fast, this woman is fast, Lu Heng and the others are slow, and this woman is also slow.

Xiao Ai glanced at the back coldly, and said, "Lord Wolf God, is it because the evil spirits from the Qingming Cave came to the door..."

In the words, the killing intent is awe-inspiring.

However, Lu Heng shook his head and said, "It's not a demon, but it's definitely not an ordinary person. Her cultivation is quite high, and such an expert may be just a game of red dust, don't worry about her. If she likes to follow, let her follow. All right, no harm."

"If she really has something to ask us, she will definitely take the initiative to speak. For now, leave it alone and let her go."

Huo Feng nodded in agreement with Lu Heng's words, and he also agreed with the wolf god's statement.

This red-haired woman behaved strangely, but she didn't look like a demon. For this type of expert, temporarily leaving it alone is the most appropriate way to deal with it.

Xiao Ai said nothing, but tightened the belt of the Heavenly Tribulation Sword.

Grandpa Li Ju of the Wind Attack Department said that there is no one in this world that can compete with the power of God's Meteor Tribulation Thunder.

So as long as she guards this Heavenly Tribulation Sword, no one in the world can harm Lord Wolf God!

Chapter 87

The night falls to the west, the stars and the moon hang high.

As the sun gradually sank into the sky, a little star appeared in the gradually gray sky.

Lu Heng and the others were still walking on the gallop, and the red-haired woman was still leisurely following behind everyone, keeping a short distance.

In the quiet mountain forest, the chirping of insects could be heard on both sides of the galloping road.

And the red-haired woman who followed behind everyone, although they were far apart, the sound of footsteps could always be heard clearly, clearly telling Lu Heng and the others in front that I had been following.

At this point, even Lu Heng couldn't help being a little curious, wondering what the red-haired woman wanted to do.

But seeing that the other party didn't speak for a long time, Lu Heng couldn't help but feel a little playful in his heart.

Since you don't speak, then I don't speak either, let's see who of us can't hold back first.

Thinking of this, Lu Heng gave up his thoughts of going to talk to the woman.

After reaching the roadside inn in front, Lu Heng and the others went in directly, planning to stay here tonight.

And the red-haired woman followed in unexpectedly.

Huo Feng just went to cut a tree and dragged it in, when the red-haired woman pushed open the door and walked into the house.

At this time, Xiao Ai had just split the tree trunk into neat firewood with both hands, and Huo Feng was responsible for lighting the fire.

After the red-haired woman came in, she didn't even talk to her. She walked to the other corner of the inn and sat down on her own, just in the corner of the room with Lu Heng and the others.

Then, under Huo Feng's vigilant and Xiao Ai's indifferent gaze, the woman stretched out her hand, and a green hill tree outside the station suddenly broke silently, and the tree flew directly towards the station.

When the lush green gang tree was flying under the night sky, the branches above cracked and fell off.

In the end, only the bare tree trunks flew into the post house.

Under Huo Feng's astonished gaze, the red-haired woman snapped her fingers with a smile, and the trunk of the green pine tree that flew to her side shattered into pieces of wood sticks one after another, crashing down on her. Behind them, they are stacked neatly.

And some of the wooden sticks fell in front of her. The moment this part of the wooden bar fell, there was no wind and spontaneous combustion, and the warm dim yellow firelight instantly illuminated the red-haired woman's figure.