I’ll Quit Being a God

Chapter 52: Section 52


Rugged mountain roads, steep mountains, and primitive dense forests all quickly retreated behind everyone.

Although Lu Heng and Xiao Ai's footsteps seemed to be very slow, they took a few feet away.

Huo Feng, who was lying on the back of the barge, hugged the barge's neck tightly, for fear of being thrown out.

This barge is worthy of being a beast that travels thousands of miles a day. Even in such a rugged and difficult wilderness, it can maintain a very fast speed.

In Lu Heng's previous life, it was not uncommon for vehicles to travel thousands of miles a day, but they needed a smooth and open road.

But this pony can run fast in the forested wilderness, completely ignoring gravity, and all obstacles can be easily overcome by it.

Even in the surging river, this barge can directly ride the waves and wade through the water.

Such a picture of breaking common sense, seeing Lu Hengzhi sigh, it is indeed a strange beast, and it is indeed impossible to use common sense.

When the sun was setting and the stars and moon were hanging high, everyone had left the boundary of Baishicheng and descended thousands of miles to the south.

Huo Feng was lying on the back of the horse, his eyes were dazed and his ears were ringing.

This experience of running wildly on the back of a barge for a day, if converted to Lu Heng's previous life, it can probably be regarded as lying on the roof of a high-speed car all day.

The gust of wind roared when the horse galloped, causing Huo Feng's eardrums to ache.

Although Lu Heng, who was with him, gave some protection, the young man still looked like he was about to die.

"I... I found out for the first time that it's not good to be too fast," Huo Feng slid off the back of the barge with a bitter look, and sighed while sitting on the ground.

Lu Heng said with a smile, "Don't sigh, sit down and rest. Xiao Ai, pour Brother Huo a glass of wine and let him relieve his fatigue."

Lu Heng's words instantly brightened Huo Feng's eyes.

He quickly got up from the ground, dragged Shaoyao's slow, blue-faced body over, and said with a smile, "This is too expensive, Lord Wolf God is too expensive."

Lu Heng laughed, but did not speak. After watching Xiao Ai take out the peach blossom brew and pour a cup for Huo Feng, he said, "Have a night's rest, get a good night's sleep, and we will continue our journey tomorrow."

Huo Feng happily held the peach blossom stuffed that the little girl poured for him, and nodded again and again.

Although I haven't drank it yet, with this cup of peach blossom wine bestowed by the wolf god, this whole day's sleepiness is totally worth it!

After taking the peach blossom wine, Huo Feng immediately closed his eyes and crossed his knees, trying to sort out the spiritual energy in his body with the help of the peach blossom wine.

Although there was still no effect in the end, the tiredness of the body has been completely eliminated.

After a night of silence, the red-haired woman did not chase after her. After dawn the next day, Lu Heng and the others hit the road again.

This time, it was still galloping all the way to the south.

However, in order to take care of Huo Feng, Lu Heng took the initiative to slow down. When night falls, everyone will travel a thousand miles or so.

In this way, rushing during the day and resting at night, Lu Heng and the others crossed one barren mountain after another, and crossed one river after another.

Finally arrived at Youtian Valley on the fifth day after separating from the red-haired woman.

By this time, the roads under Lu Heng and the others began to be dominated by plains, and steep and rugged mountain roads like Baishicheng were rare.

Even if there are mountains in the field of vision, they are mostly low hills.

The road is flat and plain, forming a vast land. The complicated water system flowing on the plain has divided the entire southern plain into pieces.

And Youtian Valley is located on the edge of such a vast plain, in a mountain range that is not too steep.

The mountain is covered with white mist all the year round, and strangers are not allowed to enter.

While walking in the mountains, Huo Feng explained, "It is rumored that there is a spring in the Youtian Valley.

"But the spring water is amazing, and there are few people here."

"It's all because of the white mist that shrouds the valley all year round, and ghosts and ghosts linger in the mist. If an ordinary living person breaks in rashly, they will be dismembered and die."

"So, although this Youtian Valley is only forty miles away from Youji City, the residents of the city never dare to approach this mountain, so it is inaccessible."

While Huo Feng explained, they had already stepped into the mist-shrouded mountains.

At the moment of entering the fog, Lu Heng frowned slightly, feeling a little yin and cold.

This white fog is indeed no ordinary mountain fog.

And Huo Feng was walking in the fog with the barge, daring not to get too far from Lu Heng.

As he walked, he said, "I met a senior brother from Yunmen not long ago, and I heard news from him that the witch girl, one of the ten witches of Lingshan, recently came to this Youtian Valley to refine medicine."

"According to legend, this witch girl is the best-tempered and most compassionate among the ten witches in Lingshan. Now I bring this fat bird to the door, maybe I can ask her to heal."

Huo Feng said, looking at the birdcage hanging on the back of the pack horse.

In the birdcage, the fat relict bird had lost the vitality when it was first caught after being tormented by the journey of the past few days. It is the appearance of giving up the struggle.

Seeing the ill appearance of this strange bird, Huo Feng couldn't help but laugh, "This fat bird is extraordinary. If I use it, I would just sell it for money, or use it as an antidote to expel Gu worms."

"But the witch girl's medical skills are profound, and this fat bird is in her hands. It's the best thing to do... eh?"

Huo Feng's words were just halfway through, when he suddenly realized something, stopped his figure suddenly, frowned and looked at the mist in front of him.

A pale mist lingered in the valley.

Before they knew it, they had come to Taniguchi of Youtian Valley.

Although the fog was shrouded in fog, they couldn't see the appearance of the valley, but the stone tablet engraved with the words "You Tian Valley" at Taniguchi was clearly visible.

But what attracted Huo Feng's attention was not the stele, but the strange noises in the Youtian Valley.

In the trance just now, he seemed to see a figure walking through the Youtian Valley...

Lu Heng looked at the valley in front of him and said, "The yin and cold air in this valley is a bit stronger than outside the valley. It's not surprising that ghosts are entrenched in such a yin and evil place... It's okay, you can move forward, I'll take care of you."

Huo Feng breathed a sigh of relief at Lu Heng's words, and he quickly bowed his hands in salute, "Thank you Wolf God."

After speaking, Huo Feng took a deep breath, gritted his teeth, and walked directly into the mist in front of him.

And behind him, the huge white wolf and the little girl with silver-haired animal ears also followed silently.

The moment the two and one wolf stepped into the valley, the mist surged, and in the depths of the white mist, something seemed to be disturbed...

Chapter 90 Human Faced Owl

The mist-shrouded Youtian Valley is a terrifying legend of a secluded city outside the mountain, and strangers are not allowed to enter.

But to the Cloud Gate cultivator, the ghostly shadow in the mist is not scary.

Because this Heavenly Valley is inaccessible, but there are not a few cultivators who pass by and explore. Some monks have long explored the existence of ghosts in the valley.

Although it is extremely terrifying for ordinary people, if there is a cultivation base, there is no need to be too afraid.

Although Huo Feng has lost his cultivation base now, with the wolf god by his side, he also has the courage to set foot here.

However, although he was prepared in his heart, the moment he really stepped into Youtian Valley, he felt the cold and evil spirit in the air that suddenly became several times stronger, but Huo Feng couldn't help but shuddered and his face turned pale.

It is early summer now, and the weather is hot. But the white mist-shrouded Youtian Valley was chilly, like the middle of winter, Huo Feng had goosebumps all over his body and felt extremely uncomfortable.

Subconsciously, he quietly leaned in the direction of the wolf god, for fear of something terrifying rushing out of the fog.

Lu Heng followed behind Huo Feng, frowning at the Youtian Valley in front of him.

In the valley shrouded in white mist, lush green grass is everywhere, and there are white flowers blooming in the grass. It looks peaceful and peaceful.

If it weren't for the strange scene of the fog, the scenery of this valley could also be called a paradise.

It's just that the more you go inside, the more yin and cold the air becomes, and the temperature is getting lower and lower.

Huo Feng had already loosened the reins of the barge, and while walking, rubbing his arms, he said, "It's so cold..."

In the fog in front of them, vaguely, there are terrifying figures wandering one after another.

They were all figures with extremely tragic deaths, like ghosts, all with ferocious faces, floating in the mist.

It's just that wherever Lu Heng went, these ghostly figures who were about to rush up when they saw the living people all fled in panic, as if they felt the condensed thunderous aura around Lu Heng.

Huo Feng was not surprised when he saw this scene.

Ordinary cultivators enter this Heavenly Valley. Although they don't have to be afraid of these ghostly shadows, they are just relying on their cultivation to quickly travel through the valley and avoid the entanglement of these ghosts.

Wherever Lu Heng went, the sight of ghosts retreating was not only the first time he had seen it, but also the first time he had heard of it.

But the wolf god can even command the power of the thunder, and the evil spirits retreat wherever he goes. Isn't this a matter of course

After seeing the ghostly figures in the fog all hurriedly fled away, Huo Feng finally put down his worries and began to think about what to say after seeing the witch girl next.

While Lu Heng observed the ghostly figures in the mist, he frowned slightly.

There is no netherworld in this world, and the soul will dissipate directly after death. Only one kind of soul can survive in the world.

- That is the evil thing that harbors resentment and turns into a ghost.

After entering Youtian Valley, Lu Heng saw at a glance that these ghosts wandering in the mist were not evil spirits. And looking at the style of his clothes, it may be the dead residents of the secluded city not far away.

After the death of these residents, their souls will not be scattered, wandering and entrenched in this mountain, but without the evil spirit of resentment and ghosts... Could it be related to the fog in this secluded sky valley

In this fog, there is a cold and evil spirit that is not found in the outside world. Is this evil force that maintains the existence of these souls? Keep them from dissipating

So what is the source of this evil power

Lu Heng followed behind Huo Feng, feeling the yin and evil spirit that became stronger the further he went in, and finally saw the source of all this.

A icy lake.

At the end of this Heavenly Valley, there is a pool of cold and dusky lake water.

Above the lake is the only area in Youtian Valley without fog. Lu Heng and the others can clearly see the small island in the lake and the grass hut on the island.

It can be seen that the grass hut has not been built for a long time, and the grass stems spread on the roof even have a little greenery.

And in the open space in front of the grass hut, there is a medicine stove emitting a faint red light, and it seems that some kind of secret medicine is being refined in the steaming steam.

Huo Feng finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this scene.

He hurriedly walked to the lake, bowed and saluted the grass hut in the lake, and said loudly, "In Huo Feng at Xiayunmen, I will pay a visit to the witch girl with the fat leftover. I implore the witch girl to be merciful."

Huo Feng's voice spread far and wide in the mist.

However, before the empty thatched cottage, there was no response.

Huo Feng was a little confused and worried. Could it be that my gift couldn't impress Madam Wu

But I heard the wolf god beside me saying, "There is no one in this cottage, and the witch is not there."

"Ah?" Huo Feng raised his head in astonishment and looked at the grass hut in the lake.

But seeing a huge monster flying out of the grass hut, he smiled and said, "That's right, the witch is not here. The old lady went out to play, and only the uncle is here... Yunmen boy, you bring fat. The lost bird came to the door, do you want to ask the witch to help you heal?"

"It's a pity that the old ladies have a weird temper, and they will definitely not heal you even here. Fortunately, this uncle is kind, you bring the fat bird over and let me have a look, maybe this deity can cure you."

The laughter of the strange bird was shrill and hoarse, which made people feel unpleasant.

And its shape is even weirder.

It is not very big, but it is also the size of an ordinary ape. A pair of gray-black wings fluttered, revealing the ape-like body full of downy, but the feet were sharp claws of raptors, and above it was the head of a living person.

It's just that the face is gloomy and terrifying, and it makes one's heart chill at a glance, knowing that this is by no means good.

This bird is...

"Human-faced owl?!" Huo Feng was startled and took a half step back subconsciously.

On the roof of the grass hut in the lake, the weird and terrifying bird laughed and laughed hoarsely, "A coward like a mouse, is Yunmen a coward like you? Don't worry, this deity has not eaten people for many years. Now, you can wade with your companions as much as you can to ensure that your lives will not be harmed."

"But I want to remind you first that the water of this secluded spring erodes the bones and ecstasy, and the flesh and blood will die if you touch it. When you wading over, don't touch it."

In the sharp laughter of the strange bird, the white wolf by the lake shook his head and said with a smile, "It's just not touching the water, what's so difficult about it?"

As he said that, he took a step forward and stepped into the dark yellow and turbid lake with his forefoot.

The invisible power of thunder spreads under Lu Heng's feet, separating the cold and bone-eroding secluded spring water from the flesh.

He smiled and said, "Brother Huo, Xiao Ai, come with me."

The little girl with silver-haired animal ears followed directly and walked with Lu Heng.

Although Huo Feng was terrified in his heart, he saw that the wolf god stepped into the lake without incident, so he also led the barge and followed.

Two people, a wolf, and a barge horse walked straight from the dark yellow and turbid lake. The cold and bone-scorching lake water couldn't hurt them at all.

The human-faced owl on the grass hut saw this scene and was so frightened that it screamed and flew up and down.

"Tianlei! Tianlei!"

"You monster! You can actually make Tianlei... Don't come! Don't come!"