I’ll Quit Being a God

Chapter 77: Section 77


However, in the laws of Huotong Kingdom, collusion with demons and evil spirits is a mortal sin, and Wu Zhiyuan is probably not immune to this.

The only choice he could choose was to die happily or die miserably.

In this world where monks are in charge of one party, because of the existence of witch doctors, there are many capital punishments that are more cruel and cruel than those known to Lu Heng in his previous life, enough for those wicked criminals to enjoy themselves.

If the second son of the Wu family does not want to be tortured and then die, the only way out is to confess all his colluding with the evil spirits in the Qingming Cave.

After the two sons of the Wu family were not spared, in the end, the position of the future head of the Wu family was entrusted to the second young lady of the Wu family, a middle-aged woman who was in her 50s but guarded the Wu family's foundation. .

In this regard, the elders of the Wu clan did not have much opinion.

In this world where both men and women can practice, discrimination against women is not as strong as in Lu Heng's previous life in ancient times.

Miss Wu Er has been guarding the Wu family for decades. In terms of popularity and ability, in fact, he should be chosen.

The reason why Mr. Wu was poisoned by his eldest son was also because he saw that his two sons were becoming less and less advanced in recent years, and he really had the idea of passing the position of the patriarch to the second daughter.

And this matter, was also known by the eldest son.

In the days that followed, there was not a tragic purge in the Wu clan.

Almost all the people of the Wu clan who participated in the eldest son's poisoning of the old man were found out. The rest are also the kind of small fish and shrimp, hiding in the dark and unable to make waves.

It was even worse for those who followed the Second Young Master. They were directly taken away by the wizard of the Fire Temple and went to the black prison of the Fire Temple for a while.

As for their experience, it was even more tragic than those of the eldest son's followers.

Of course, that's a story later.

After dealing with many matters of the Wu family, it was already afternoon.

The old man Wu, who was already a ghost, sighed and said to the old brothers, old friends, and daughter in front of him.

"It's too late, and the old man can't stay any longer."

"Everyone, the affairs of the Wu family will be handed over to you in the future..."

After speaking, the old man's ghost body turned around and left, no longer having any nostalgia, and quickly disappeared from the sight of everyone, completely ignoring the retention of many relatives and friends behind him.

"Congratulations to send the old man!"

"Congratulations to send the old man!"

While the Wu clan members were singing in unison, the spirit of the old man Wu came to the small courtyard next door and met Lu Heng and the three of them.

Lu Heng stood up, smiled and cupped his hands, "Congratulations, old man, it's over, but the world is over. Now, I'm finally relaxed."

"According to the previous agreement, Mr. Lu can fulfill one of the wishes of the old gentleman, and then send the old gentleman to the reincarnation in the nether world... The old gentleman has thought about these days, do you have any ideas about this matter?"

Lu Heng asked sincerely.

The old man Wu gave a wry smile and returned the salute, "The wolf god's words are serious, this time the Wu family can survive the disaster, and it is all up to the wolf god to take care of it. How can this junior ask for more?"

"Since my father knows the senior, that is the fate of the two venerables. As a junior, it is a blessing for the Wu family to receive such care from the wolf god. The ghost can be reincarnated."

"The Wu family's income this time is already too much."

The emotion of the old man Wu is sincere and sincere.

For him, what he couldn't put down for a long time was what happened behind him.

But the current turmoil has actually helped him make up his mind. And with the ability of the two women, it is absolutely enough to support the stable development of the Wu family.

As for what happened next, he didn't need to worry about it.

The second daughter's family education is extremely strict, and teaching her children to teach her daughters is much better than his poor old man. The main family is in the second daughter's room, and the next generation's heir to the Wu family will not be bad.

To be able to get such a result, has already made the old man very gratified.

The old man's words surprised Lu Heng a little.

Because he could feel that the old man's words were sincere. The body of the ghost cannot play tricks in front of him.

Therefore, Lu Heng was both surprised and emotional.

He took a deep look at the old man in front of him and sighed, "What the old gentleman said... hey... it makes Lu Mou ashamed."

"The old gentleman is open-minded, compared with Lu Mou who only wants to fulfill his promise... Compared with the two, Lu Mou is inferior... Ha..."

Lu Heng gave a wry smile and said, "But since Mr. Lu was called a senior by the old gentleman, he did make an agreement with the old brother Wu... Well, the old gentleman can inform the second lady."

"If there is a major incident in the Wu family in the future, the descendants of the Wu family can go to Hanyu Mountain to find the wolf god in the mountain. If Lu is here, they can protect the Wu family's peace."

Lu Heng smiled but said to the old man seriously, "This time, it's Lu Mou's own promise... Mr. Respect for the Elderly, Gao Yi."

Lu Heng was sincere and serious.

It's just his last sentence that only he can understand.

Old Man Wu looked at Lu Heng with a dazed look. Although he wanted to refuse, but seeing that the wolf god was so solemn, it was not good to refuse.

After hesitating for a few seconds, he finally gave Lu Heng a deep salute and said, "That being the case, then Wu Yuan, on behalf of his father and the people of the Wu clan, thank the wolf god for his grace!"

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PS: Thank you to the leader of [Xi Yiqi], this time it was my fault and hurt everyone.

After a few days to adjust the state, I will definitely apologize more

Chapter 134 The Covenant of Reincarnation

The matter of the Wu clan has come to an end.

The eldest son was shown to the public by his head, and the rest of the party was also cleaning up.

The second son and his followers were taken away by the wizards of the Fire Temple and put in a black prison.

Lu Heng returned to the small courtyard behind the Fire Temple, and resumed his previous life again, reading books and practicing methods, and studying human cultivation techniques.

In Fushan City, the prosperity and liveliness of the past have been restored.

Afterwards, Mrs. Wu went to see the second lady of the Wu family again, informed the two daughters of Lu Heng's promise, and warned them solemnly that this matter can only be told to the next patriarch, and not to go unless it is a last resort. Han Yushan disturbed the wolf god.

In this regard, the second daughter naturally obeyed.

Since then, the uncaring old man in the world was sent to the underworld by Lu Heng to go to the reincarnation passage.

Before leaving, on the Ruoshui River, Mrs. Wu stood side by side with Lu Heng, looking at the reincarnation passage under his feet.

The old man asked curiously, "Dare to ask the wolf god, can this junior jump directly into this reincarnation passage?"

Lu Heng nodded with a smile and said, "Naturally, after you enter the reincarnation passage, your memory will be washed and your soul will be reshaped as you pass through the reincarnation passage."

"When you return to the mortal world again, you will become a healthy new soul and start a new life. Of course, it sounds like it is gone."

"But in the sense of existence, you can live another life."

"And when the soul dissipates, the pain that every inch and every thread of the body is torn apart and finally turned into debris is not something ordinary people can bear. The more awake the person, the more intense the pain. Reincarnation, then It can save the pain of dissipating."

Lu Heng smiled and said, "And if you succeed in your cultivation in the next life, there is a chance that you will be able to retrieve the memories of your previous life."

"It's just that you at that time were the old man of the Wu family, Wu Yuan? Or the identity of the reincarnation? This is probably only known by your personal experience."

Lu Heng's remarks made the old man's eyes widen in surprise.

"It turns out that there is such a mystery..."

He thought for a while, then said, "Then dare to ask the wolf god, this junior fell into the reincarnation channel, and after reincarnation, whether it is human, animal, demon or demon... Could these seniors control?"

Lu Heng said with a smile, "It can be roughly controlled within a range... Haha... Whether it is a rich and noble family of an emperor, a family of ordinary people in the countryside, even after the wild animals... As long as the old gentleman says a word, Lu can be Send you to the future you want."

Above the weak water, Lu Heng was full of confidence. Because what he said was not a lie.

There are countless living beings in this world, and it is not only human beings who give birth to soulless babies. Mountain birds, birds, monsters and beasts, as long as they raise offspring, there is a possibility of encountering offspring without souls.

The end of the reincarnation tunnel is to go to the bodies of these soulless babies, growing slowly in the womb, waiting for the birth and new life.

If the order of the Netherworld is established so that all sentient beings in the world can enter the underworld, and then the underworld is crowded with souls, the reincarnation places may be more precious, and only those souls of the deceased who have outstanding virtues and do good deeds can be selected.

But now the underworld is empty, the ghosts have no souls, and the reincarnation places in the entire world are left to the choice of the old man Wu.

Lu Heng naturally has the confidence to boast.

After listening to Lu Heng's words, the old man's soul frowned and thought hard for a long time in the dark wind of the underworld, and finally bowed his hands solemnly.

"Dare to ask the wolf god, there are people in this world who practice extremely fast and have extraordinary supernatural powers, whether they are human beings or demons... The younger generation wants to be this kind of existence in the next life."

Mr. Wu's words made Lu Heng a little surprised.

He also thought that after the old man experienced all kinds of winds and frosts, he planned to relax in the next life.

However, the old man's thoughts can be understood. In this world, monsters are rampant, and dangers are everywhere. Only by stepping into practice can you truly control your life.

So he nodded with a smile, and said, "Of course it can, old gentleman, let's wait for Lu to find it."

After finishing speaking, Lu Heng directly summoned the Nether Soul Requiring Seal.

The black-yellow big seal was suspended beside him, and a gloomy chill spread into the reincarnation tunnel.

Lu Heng frowned for a while, and finally opened his eyes and said, "It happens that there is a womb of a strange beast that has no soul, and you can send the old gentleman there."

"It's just that this alien beast has extraordinary powers, and even Lu cannot speculate on its origin. He can only roughly sense the extraordinary and miraculousness of this child. As for what will happen to the old gentleman after his reincarnation, Lu does not know and dare not. ensure."

"I don't know old gentleman..."

After Lu Heng finished speaking, he looked at the old man in front of him.

And the old man Wu nodded directly and said, "This is the baby, please send the wolf god to the junior. When the junior is successful in his cultivation and retrieves the memory of his previous life, he will definitely return to Hanyu Mountain to bow down and be the next guard of the wolf god's gate. The door god, in return for the favor of the wolf god."

Mr. Wu's words made Lu Heng startled and dumbfounded.

So this old man was playing this idea

He shook his head and refused, "You don't have to do this, old gentleman, Lu does not ask for anything in return."

"If the old gentleman wants to be reincarnated with such thoughts... Let's not mention how slim the probability of recovering his memory is after he has succeeded in his cultivation. Even after being reincarnated into a strange beast, he may not be lucky."

"The power of an alien beast, the more tyrannical it is, the easier it is to be jealous of the heavens. When you are young, you will be vulnerable to bad luck and die prematurely. If the old man has the idea of repaying Lu Mou to cast this child, Lu Mou can only refuse. ."

"Because it is too dangerous, Lu cannot send the old gentleman to a dangerous place."

Lu Heng's expression was extremely solemn.

But the old man bowed deeply and said, "I beg the wolf god to grant Wu Yuan's wish... Because Wu Yuan's reincarnation is also for himself."

"The demon in the Qingming Cave lured my two sons into the wicked way, causing him to be punished to death by the fire god. Even though the younger generation is completely disappointed with these two sons, they still feel heartache for this matter."

"The younger generation hopes that in the next life, he will have the strength to avenge today's revenge for the second son, and he can also vent the grievances of the demon who disturbed my Wu family... So I beg the wolf god to answer."

The old man Wu said earnestly, "The younger generation knows that the wolf god and all the witches are there, and the Qingming Cave will not be rampant for too long. So I hope to return with the power of revenge one day... If you want to fulfill such a wish, only This animal is the fetus. I beg the wolf god to answer!"

The old man said, already kneeling in the void.

That appearance, it is clear that he has made up his mind and does not intend to change it.

Lu Heng looked at him in disbelief and said, "If I don't promise you, I'll break my promise just now."

"But if I promise you... hey... it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter."

Lu Heng shook his head helplessly, and said, "If that's the case, then I'll send you there. I just hope you can be blessed and don't suffer from that premature death..."

The old man Wu quickly thanked, "Thank you Wolf God!"

With a wave of his hand, Lu Heng injected a chilly aura into the old man's soul, so that he would not suffer from the reshaping of his soul when he fell into the reincarnation passage, and then said, "But you have to remember this trip, my cold Yushan Temple’s small pond is shallow, food is scarce, and it can no longer support extra people.”

"You are reincarnated, and you are successful, so don't come to me. If you can write down this, then Lu will be thankful."

What Lu Heng said with a smile made the old man slightly startled.

But the old man saw the solemnity and seriousness in Lu Heng's smile, and knew that the wolf god was serious.

In response to this, the old man could only nod his head and said, "Senior ordered, junior will save it."

"Okay, then you can go," Lu Heng waved his sleeves and sent the old man's soul directly into the reincarnation passage.

Above the weak water, the old man's soul fell into the huge whirlpool that was constantly spinning, and soon disappeared from Lu Heng's field of vision.

As for where the old man went, and why the reincarnated parents were waiting, even Lu Heng, who was holding the Nether Soul Requiring Seal, didn't know.

But watching the old man's soul fall into the reincarnation channel and quickly disappear, Lu Heng sighed and said.

"I originally thought that the reincarnation channel can wash away the memory, so I don't need Madam Meng."

"But when the soul is reshaped, there will be severe pain... If you want to avoid this severe pain, it is impossible for every reincarnated soul to go to the underworld to save a suffocating cold, right?"