I’ll Quit Being a God

Chapter 88: Section 88


"This time, I was invited to come to the boat to see the joyful methods of the Palace of Bliss, but they broke up because of disagreement and disagreement, so the slave family threw themselves into the sea and left, not thinking that this separation would be a goodbye forever..."

Having said that, Lian Cai lowered her eyebrows and said nothing, with a hint of sadness between her eyebrows.

The weak posture of the beautiful woman seemed so helpless, people couldn't help but want to hug her and comfort her softly.

It's a pity that Lu Heng on the boat didn't respond, and Huo Feng on the side was teasing the little Gu Yan on his shoulders, and he didn't even bother to answer.

After the woman finished speaking, the boat fell silent.

The boat sailed slowly on the sea, bypassing the sunken wreck in the sea, and witnessing the floating corpses floating in the sea, Lu Heng suddenly thought of something.

The passengers on this ship are all accomplished monks...

With a thought, a black and yellow big seal suddenly flew out from behind Lu Heng.

Yin suffocated and suffocated, floating above the sea. Lian Caiyi, who had bowed her head sadly, suddenly raised her head with a look of astonishment.

Such a strong evil spirit...

Her expression was astonished, and she watched the strange and inexplicable black and yellow big print flying over the sea. Wherever he went, there was a dark and dead air.

The sea where the wreck was slowly sinking was already full of floating corpses, and it looked eerie. Now that the Yin Qi is surging, it looks even more gloomy like a ghost.

Lian Caiyi couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

"Former... senior..."

She stammered and asked, "You... what are you doing... "

The tragic state of the black armored knight when he was directly slashed to death by Jiudao Tianlei just now made her believe that Lu Heng in front of her was a careful old monster.

The cultivation base is unfathomable, and the foundation of Taoism is formed by the thunder of the sky. The black armored knight who can withstand the nine thunders and is immortal is like a baby in front of him. The old monster is definitely the old monster that survived in ancient times!

Able to escape the catastrophe of the world and survive to this day... This white wolf may even be at the level of the candle dragon!

Before tonight, although Lian Caiyi had never really seen such an existence, he had also heard of the ancient monsters who lived through the catastrophe in the world, and not only the candle dragon.

Therefore, after realizing the identity of the white wolf in front of him, although Lian Caiyi was nervous, he could still accept it.

It's just... the situation in front of me is too weird.

The yin and dead aura floating on the sea is getting stronger and stronger, reflecting the entire sea area with a ghostly aura, as if some evil ritual is being performed.

Such a situation made Lian Caiyi uneasy.

After all, the dead in this sea have one of her nemesis...

On the surface of the sea, with the dead aura of Yin Sha covering the entire sea area, Lu Heng directly activated the power of the Nether Soul Requiring Seal without delay.

Under the moonlight, one after another pale and translucent figures floated on the sea where the floating corpses were scattered.

Those figures were men and women, old and young, all of them were the souls of the victims on the treasure ship. Now, after being called out by Lu Heng, he floats in a daze.

It's just that the sea area here has long been shrouded in gloomy and dead air, and even if they are wandering in the world, they are not afraid of the wind.

With a wave of his sleeve, Lu Heng directly opened the gate of the netherworld and sent all wandering souls into the netherworld. When these wandering souls are nourished by the yellow spring water, they will be able to restore clarity.

At that time, Lu Heng can have a detailed conversation with them.

But now this scene looks different to Lian Caiyi.

After the black-yellow big seal floated around the sea, she saw souls emerging from the sea one after another. Then he was waved by the sleeve of Lu Heng in white, and all the souls were taken away...

Lian Caiyi swallowed and was frightened by this scene.

She kept her mouth shut and didn't dare to ask any more. For fear of asking one more question, his soul will be taken away by the white wolf in front of him.

Although it is miserable to be smashed by the thunder, if the soul is taken away, whether it is enslaved or refined by evil methods, it is even worse than the soul...

Lian Caiyi looked nervous, and Lu Heng, who had sent all his souls away, turned his head and gave her a slightly surprised look, saying.

"Why is the girl so pale... Is this evil spirit making you uncomfortable?"

After speaking, Lu Heng thoughtfully removed the power of the Nether Soul Requiring Seal.

I saw the gloomy ghosts condensed and lingering on the sea, all disappeared with the disappearance of the Xuanhuang Great Seal. The cold moonlight fell on Lian Caiyi again.

- But it seemed that her face was even paler.

Facing Lu Heng's concern, Lian Caiyi smiled awkwardly. I want to say something, but I don't dare to say it casually.

After hesitating for a few breaths, she suddenly thought of something.

Even the old monsters that survived in the ancient times must be divided into good and evil.

The white wolf in front of him is full of righteousness, which is the nemesis of evil spirits. Maybe... he's actually a righteous person

And if you talk about the ancient evil old monsters, you will definitely not be able to skip the legendary candle dragon.

Thousands of years ago, the Dragon of Candle Yin swallowed the creatures of the country in one bite in the East China Sea, and its monstrous demonic energy even attracted the thunder of heaven's punishment.

According to legend, that day, the wind howled, lightning and thunder roared above the East China Sea.

Every thunderbolt fell, completely illuminating the world.

However, in the face of the utterly ferocious Thunder of Heaven's Punishment, the Dragon of Candle Yin, which swallowed a whole country's life, laughed loudly, went up against the sky, and received the Thunder of Heaven's Punishment head-on.

The demon cultivators are all afraid of the incomparable divine punishment and tribulation thunder, but they seem so powerless in front of the monstrous demonic energy of the candle Yin dragon.

A total of nine thunders fell, but they failed to destroy the terrifying evil monster.

Even the last ninth Heavenly Punishment Tribulation Thunder only seriously injured the arrogant and arrogant Dragon of Candle Yin, but could not hurt its life.

Since that day, the name of Zhuyin has resounded throughout the Eight Wastelands. All over the world, everyone saw the strength of the old monsters in the ancient times.

That is definitely not an existence that ordinary people can provoke.

Therefore, after seeing Lu Heng, the first similar existence that Lian Caiyi thought of was the legendary candle dragon.

After hesitating for a while, he saw that the man in white in front of him was graceful, and there was no evil spirit around him.

Therefore, Lian Caiyi finally mustered up the courage and asked.

After all, You Yue's divine soul is also in the soul that was taken away...

"Dare to ask senior..."

Lian Caiyi carefully worded her words, and then asked, "Do you know the legendary Zhuyin Dragon and Zhujiuyou?"

Lian Caiyi's inquiries were very cautious, and he didn't dare to say anything disrespectful. After all, if the old monster in front of him is not the right way, it is possible to have an old relationship with the candle dragon.

But if the white wolf in front of him has a rift with the candle dragon, it means that he may be on the right track.

Therefore, after Lian Caiyi finished asking, he nervously waited for Lu Heng's answer.

Under the moonlight, when Lu Heng in white heard the woman's question, he turned his head slightly in surprise and looked up and down at the woman in front of him.

Somewhat curious.

"How did you know I knew the candle dragon?"

Lu Heng was very interested, "Have you been to the Falling Dragon Mountains too?"

The Falling Dragon Mountains... The place where the dragon falls in the ancient legend... Two ancient monsters who knew each other...

Lian Caiyi smiled a little reluctantly, "Senior is joking, the junior is still young, and has seen the legendary place where the dragon falls... Also, the senior and the legendary dragon of the candle shadow... Yes... "

"Friends," Lu Heng said, paused, then added with a smile, "Is it a good friend, even though we haven't known each other for a long time... er... girl?"

Lu Heng was a little confused, "Are you feeling unwell? You look very bad... Did you catch a cold before soaking in water?"

Lu Heng asked with concern.

At that moment, Lian Caiyi felt like she was about to cry.

How could she have been so helpless since she succeeded in her practice...

The old monster in front of me knows Zhulong, and is a good friend with Zhulong... Youyue, Youyue, it's not that I didn't save you this time, it's that I really can't do anything about it!

This old monster called the Wolf God, even if the Palace Master of your Bliss Palace comes in person, you have to shy away!

Is there anyone in this world who dares to provoke the ancient monsters who have made friends with Zhulong

Even if he really took your soul to practice evil methods, no one would dare to say anything!

And why am I so unlucky that I jumped into any boat at sea and ran into such an old monster.

The black-armored knight who split the treasure ship of bliss with the previous blow was obviously aimed at this old monster.

That black armor knight doesn't seem to be from this era, and it's an old monster from many years ago.

What happened just now was clearly two ancient monsters who had a feud and were fighting for revenge.

Why is it so unlucky that I ran into such a battle without dying, and now I'm still on the ship of this old monster...

This time, it is an extravagant hope to even retreat completely!

Under the moonlight, the woman named Lian Caiyi was pale and trembling in her heart.

At this moment, she felt that she was the most unlucky person in the world.

The only one who could be more unlucky than her, may be only one of the passengers on the Bliss boat...

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PS: The laptop has been hibernating, with a black screen, hibernating once every ten minutes of writing, and sleeping once every ten minutes of writing... The mentality has exploded.

Chapter 151

The legends and stories of ancient times have always been secrets and anecdotes that people talk about with great interest.

It is not uncommon to practice Caiyi, and in the past, I was also curious about such rumors.

But now that I have personally experienced the battles of the ancient powers, I have only one thought in Lian Caiyi's heart... Why is it me who bumped into all this!

Although meeting a very interesting little man made her feel good, but this interesting little man was accompanied by an old monster.

Moreover, he is also a giant of the evil way in the ancient years, and he is a close friend with the legendary dragon of Zhu Yin, Zhu Jiuyou...

It is interesting to hear other people mention those hidden ancient rumors, but if you are in the middle of it, it is not interesting at all.

Lian Caiyi was pale and nervous.

She was worried about her own life and death, and she couldn't turn a blind eye to the whereabouts of that boat of monks' souls, but she also didn't dare to talk nonsense, worried about angering the white wolf in front of her.

Not only caring about morality, but also worrying about her own survival... The dilemma made her feel uncomfortable.

Huo Feng, who was beside him, was a little curious when he saw her uncomfortable appearance.

"Girl," Huo Feng took the initiative to care, "You are so uncomfortable, is Tiangui coming? The sea is windy, if you are not feeling well, you can go to rest in the cabin and drink some hot water may be better."

Huo Feng's casual inquiries made Lian Caiyi stunned for a moment, and then a black line appeared on his face.

This guy…

She looked back at Huo Feng, but saw Huo Feng's serious face.

At that moment, she couldn't even tell whether the guy was joking or serious.

This guy, since he knows that women come to Tiangui once a month, doesn't he know that female monks can kill red dragons and absolute Tiangui

And regardless of whether there is a slashing of the red dragon, directly asking women about such private matters...

Lian Caiyi hesitated for a moment, but still showed a weak smile, and said, "Thank you for your concern, Caiyi doesn't need to rest. This floating corpse in the sea has my old friend, Caiyi wants to give her a ride... At least, I can Watch her spirit go away."

Lian Caiyi whispered weakly and sadly, and tried to use the least irritating tone to slap the sidelines and mention the soul of Youyue.

However, Lu Heng didn't speak, Huo Feng waved his hand and said.

"Then you don't need to send it away," Huo Feng said. "Your mortal enemy soul will serve in the Wolf God, and he won't be able to leave in a short time. You should go in and rest, there is no need to guard here."

After Huo Feng said these words, Lian Caiyi's face was pale again, and his smile seemed a little reluctant.

You Yue's divine soul wants to work here in the wolf god... It won't be able to leave in a short time... This is really what it means to be used to sacrifice evil methods!

Moreover, Lian Caiyi felt the obvious chasing meaning in Huo Feng's words.

After a little hesitation, she finally bowed to the people on the boat and said, "Then Caiyi will go to rest first..."

After that, the woman left in a hurry, daring not to stay on the deck anymore.

And Lu Heng, who was on the bow, watched the back of the woman leave, and now he has come back to it, and guessed what the other party was worried about.

Suddenly a little funny and helpless.