I’ll Still Love You Even If You’re a Man

Chapter 88: Madin's father


They spend a lot of time teaching you to use a spoon, use chopsticks, eat...

Teach you to put on clothes, tie shoelaces, tie buttons...

Teach you to wash your face, teach you to comb your hair... .

Teach you the truth of life...

Do you remember constantly pressing them, where are you from

… … .so… … … …

So, when they get old one day... .

When they can't remember or catch up...

Please don't blame them...

When they start forgetting to button their buttons, tie their shoelaces...

When they brush their hair their hands start shaking....

Please don't rush them because you're growing up and they're getting old...

As long as you are in front of them...

their hearts will be warm...

If one day, when they can't stand still, they can't walk... .

Please hold their hands tightly and walk slowly with them...


Just like they held you back then...]

Early on Sunday morning, Mai Ding wouldn't let An Ziyan sleep, he rolled and made noises on the bed, he insisted that An Ziyan get up and follow Mai Ding's father together.

I have to start talking about it from yesterday. Yesterday, Mai Ding went home to play as usual, and Mai Ding's mother sighed and said: "Your father doesn't know what the hell is going on recently, he is always sneaking around, leaving early and returning late, asking him what, He didn't say anything."

"Could it be an affair." Mai Ding joked.

Mai Ding's mother gave Mai Ding a white look: "Shut your crow's mouth."

"I'm just kidding. Don't worry. It might be something real. I don't want you to worry. Don't worry about my dad. After so many years as an old married couple, when did he do something to be sorry for you?"

Mai Ding's words made Mai Ding's mother feel a little better. After eating and drinking at home, Mai Ding was ready to go home. It was already night and the road was familiar, so Mai Ding was not in a hurry and walked slowly. Suddenly he saw two men sitting on a wooden bench in the square, Mai Ding recognized him even when he turned into ashes, and one of the men was his father. Mai Ding was so frightened that he couldn't accept it at all, he started to think wildly, he didn't go home at night, and he was in the park with a man, could it be? Could it be that he and An Ziyan were affected by watching him every day, but he has a family, so how could it be. Mai Ding didn't dare to look any further, ran home frantically, kicked open the door, looked at An Ziyan with a doomsday expression on his face: "An Ziyan, it's over, it's over, something big happened, my father inherited it from me."

"You are not afraid of being struck to death by lightning."

"The marriage has changed. Do you know what I saw just now? You wouldn't believe it when I said it."

"Your father is killing your mother?"

Mai Ding shook his head violently: "My dad is actually with a man." Mai Ding grabbed his hair and walked back and forth in front of An Ziyan uncontrollably: "It's over, this is a serious matter, I want to How do you tell my mother, how do I face my father, An Ziyan, what do you say I will do."

An Ziyan didn't take Mai Ding's words to heart at all: "Who told you that the relationship between two men is that kind of relationship."

"Otherwise, what else can it be? Only innocent people think it's a friendship."

"I think you are too naive."

"No, I must figure it out. You will accompany me to follow him tomorrow."


"This is a family matter, how can it be nonsense."

"Anyway, I won't accompany you to do such boring things."

Because of this incident, Mai Ding never stopped making noises early in the morning, insisting on An Ziyan to accompany him. An Ziyan refused to let him sleep if he refused. In the end, An Ziyan compromised and accompanied Mai Ding very reluctantly. The two first went to the grass near the house to stay in the grass. , turned around and saw An Ziyan standing there, and dragged An Ziyan down: "It's said to be lurking, why are you standing there, someone will find out later."

"Damn it."

At this time, Mai Ding's father came out with a vegetable basket, whistling and looking in a good mood, he didn't ride a bicycle, so he walked slowly to the vegetable market, Mai Ding dragged An Ziyan and followed carefully, walking back and forth. Bian explained to An Ziyan: "Usually as long as I'm home on Sundays, my dad will help my mom out to buy groceries."

An Ziyan didn't say anything, and followed behind. Anyway, it's useless to say more.

Mai Ding watched Mai Ding's father bend down to buy vegetables with his hands on his waist. He has always had a bad waist. Mai Ding felt a little distressed. How long has it been since he didn't pay attention to his father, always thinking that he is by his side and treats him well? It's a matter of course, I always think it's a matter of course for him to spend money for himself, I always think it's a matter of course for him to be annoying because of his long-winded words. During these natural processes, they gradually grew old. Seeing that he is a bit presbyopic when reading newspapers, and has age spots on his hands, he always thought that his father would not grow old, and he always thought that he was only thirty age.

It wasn't until one day that he found his staggering figure that he began to regret it.

An Ziyan saw the look in Mai Ding's eyes: "It's not too late to start now."

Mai Ding turned his head in surprise, then nodded with a smile. After Mai Ding's father finished shopping, he went home first. Mai Ding still refused to give up, An Ziyan scolded: "Didn't you just say you want to be filial to your father?"

"Filial piety is one thing, but finding out the truth is another."

Not long after, Mai Ding's father came out again, looked left and right with a strange expression, and after making sure that there was no one, he walked to the other side of the street. When he came to a coffee shop, Mai Ding shook his head: "Look, there must be a ghost, my instinct is not bad."

"I'm too lazy to talk to you."

At this time, another man who was about the same age as Mai Ding's father came in, and the two were discussing something furtively while drinking coffee. "Ambiguous, purely ambiguous, have you seen it?"

At this time, another man came and sat down with them, Mai Ding couldn't accept it at all: "Are you still playing?"

An Ziyan slapped Mai Ding on the back of the head with a slap: "You should have a limit to your flirtatiousness."

"My father is on one side, and my mother is on the other. My palms and backs are full of flesh. What should I do? I can't bear a broken family." An Ziyan rolled his eyes beside him. Isn't this person completely sick? Although it's a bit sneaky, it's ambiguous, I don't know how Mai Ding's eyes grow.

"No, women are always the victim, I can't hide it from my mother." As he spoke, he dragged An Ziyan back home. "Mai Ding, the only reason your family is broken is because you were born."

Mai Ding could no longer listen to An Ziyan's words, and her heart was in turmoil. If she told her mother, how would she react. But if you don't tell her, the more it drags on, the more it will hurt. An Ziyan didn't stop Mai Ding either, he was bored anyway, let's see what trouble he can make.

Mai Ding returned home in a hurry: "Mom, me, mom, me, mom, me."

"Do you want to die."

"Now is not the time to joke. I don't know if I should tell you something. Don't be scared after hearing it."

"Don't tell me that you are pregnant, then I must be scared to death."

Mai Ding heard An Ziyan's chuckle behind him, turned his head and glared at An Ziyan, then turned his head again: "Mom, that."

This kind of thing can be said by oneself, after all, that person is not someone else, but his father, Mai Ding's heart is in a mess. Still struggling, still hesitating, twenty minutes passed like this, Mai Ding's father came back, and saw that Mai Ding and An Ziyan were also at home, An Ziyan was watching TV on the sofa, Mai Ding followed Mai Ding who was cooking in the kitchen Mom looks anxious from behind.

An Ziyan saw Mai Ding's father come back: "Uncle, are you back?"

"Well, why do you have time to go home and play today?"

When Mai Ding heard that Mai Ding's father came back, he walked out with a serious expression: "Dad!"

Before Mai Ding could speak, Mai Ding's father spoke first: "Come over to the study, I have something to tell you. Ziyan, come here too."

"Exactly, I also have something to tell you." Mai Ding was very serious.

After An Ziyan and Mai Ding entered the study, Mai Ding's father closed the door, and Mai Ding couldn't help it anymore, with a serious face: "Dad, you have really thought about this matter carefully, giving up your family for a man , this road is not easy to walk, like now, how painful it is for us to be together, endure the eyes of others every day, he began to become depressed, smoking, drinking, we quarrel every day, sometimes we even fight. Don't think we have How happy, it was all faked. He slapped me yesterday, and I regretted choosing a different path, so, don’t imitate me, I beg you." Regardless of so much, Mai Ding wanted to fabricate two The illusion of being together in pain, so as to scare Mai Ding's father away. He couldn't see An Ziyan's face getting darker behind him.

Mai Ding's father was a little puzzled: "What are you talking about?"

"You called us in just to confess to us."

"Frankly, I called you here because of your mother's birthday in a few days, and I wanted to give her a big party. Just now I found her old friends and colleagues to give her a surprise. Let you know that I'm afraid of you That brain has punctured my plan, and besides, it will help me."

It seems that Mai Ding's father really understands Mai Ding, just a little bit, the surprise turned into shock.

"Ah~~?!" Mai Ding's mouth was opened wide, and he didn't know what to do in embarrassment.

"Ah what, what did you just say, are you still fighting?"

"Haha~~ I said it to scare you, but you really took it seriously, haha~~~ An Ziyan, you really scared him."

Mai Ding's father thought that Mai Ding looked like a lunatic, he opened the door of the study: "I'm going to cook for your mother, remember to keep it secret."

The door of the study was closed, Mai Ding turned his head stiffly: "I, I was just talking nonsense."

An Ziyan smiled, with that kind of smile, shook his head and approached Mai Ding: "You didn't talk nonsense, you said it very well."

"An Ziyan, haha~~ You are reluctant to hit me, right, good husband~~" Mai Ding blinked his eyes, now the only way is to pretend to be cute.

"How happy you think we are, it's all pretending." After speaking, Mai Ding was pressed on the desk, and it was a severe beating.

The misunderstanding was over, the two of them bid farewell to their parents after eating, and on the way back, Mai Ding suddenly thought of himself and Mai Ding's father, and expressed his feelings, looked at An Ziyan and said, "An Ziyan, will I I will be so sorry to you, you have no chance to celebrate Father's Day." I am a man, so it is a fact that I cannot bear him a child.

"If you can't celebrate Father's Day, then celebrate Valentine's Day."

What An Ziyan said was calm and breezy, causing ripples in Mai Ding's heart.