I Love Sashimi

Chapter 1: stupid


Class reunion three years after graduation.

Qi Qianze took a big mouthful of wasabi while eating sashimi, and burst into tears from being choked.

Someone smiled and hugged his shoulders: "Hey buddy, I haven't seen you in a few years, so I won't cry like this?"

Qi Qianze waved his hand, trying to say it was mustard, but he couldn't make a sound.

He was coughing, as if he was trying to cough out his internal organs, his neck was red and blue veins could be seen.

"Brother Ze can't eat?"

"My God, it's coughing like this."

"Are you okay?"


The people around are so noisy, and some even ask the students if they have studied medicine, and let them take a look.

Qi Qianze wanted to laugh, today is a gathering of their engineering department, they have only graduated for three years, even if they are re-entering medical school, it will take a few years before they graduate, where do they get doctors.


Speaking of doctors, Qi Qianze knew a good-looking, tall, cold-tempered doctor.

He only knew such a person who was a doctor, and relying on his impression of this person, Qi Qianze thought, fortunately there is no doctor here, otherwise he would not know how he would secretly laugh when he saw a person choking on mustard, maybe he would Write it down and post it online.

Yes, that's what that person is.

He would keep his face on the surface, sneer behind his back, and say...

"Mustard? Where is the man?" someone seemed to ask.

Coincidentally, there is a doctor.

Qi Qianze's head was all wooden, he pressed his temples as hard as he could, but his mind was still mixed.

What would that person say? He thought for a while, oh, come to think of it, the man would say—

"Qi, Qi Qianze?" Someone said, "Why are you here?"

Hearing the voice, it's quite familiar, it seems to be a student or something, I can't remember clearly.

"Hey, hey, do you know me?"

"Let's take a look first, he seems to have taken a big mouthful of mustard without noticing."

"Coughing like this, I'm crying..."

"Is it possible that you are allergic to sashimi?"

People around are chattering.

"It's not an allergy—"

A voice sounded, very cold and light, as if there was a really cold temperature, freezing the surroundings, making the noise farther and smaller. Quiet.

His voice is a light that shines through the fog, darkening all around.

Since he spoke, Qi Qianze had only this voice in his head.

"His favorite food is sashimi."

Qi Qianze raised his face, his eyes were foggy, he couldn't see clearly, he just felt a hand touching his cheek.

Like wiping a tear, but rudely, a disrespectful, cold hand.

"Hey, what are you doing..."

Yes, Qi Qianze heard it, it was a talisman.

It is the familiar voice and the familiar temperature.

It was someone he had been looking for for years but couldn't find.

Qi Qianze suddenly grabbed that hand.

he would say—

"Qi Qianze, why are you still so stupid?"

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