I Love Sashimi

Chapter 10: Heartbeat


Late at night, twelve twenty.

Qi Qianze and Fu Wen lived in the home for four years.

On the sofa, two people sat side by side.

Since Fu Aan intermittently talked about his inner thoughts at a certain period, they began to talk like old friends.

At the beginning, it was to correct each other's inherent cognition, and later, it was a long-term confession, some things happened when they were very young, there were nostalgia from the time of passionate love, and many small details that they even forgot... These feelings that should have been known to each other finally flowed through the lips and teeth after being separated for many years, and came to light in the world.

Thinking about it now, it was really a coincidence, but neither of them realized at that time that they never seemed to have the habit of expressing their hearts to each other.

The only time Qi Qianze made up his mind to confess was also interrupted by the sudden breakup.

After they finally spoke, they were silent for a long time. They were so confused by this ridiculous situation and things that they didn't know what to say. .

Qi Qianze's voice was a little hoarse. He hadn't said so many words for a long time. After sitting for a while, he silently went to the kitchen and brought out two glasses of warm water.

Fu Ming drank half a glass, put the quilt on the table, and after a while wondered if he should leave.

After all, after talking about it, he has no position to stay in this family.

Qi Qianze was right, everything was Fu Yan's fault.

If Fu Daan didn't pester him when he was young, if Fu Daan didn't confess his love, if Fu Daan didn't go to the classroom to see him, if Fu Daan had a little more patience and waited a little longer, or if Fu Daan didn't want to be so arbitrary... No matter which one Change, the result will definitely not be what it is now.

The more Fu Fan thought about it, the more he felt that this was the case. It was always him who was wrong. Even if he said God's will to trick others, in the final analysis, wasn't it because of his bad character

This is an unchangeable fact and the culprit behind everything.

Fu Fan let out a breath, the once arrogant and reckless young man seemed to have changed again this night, he was no longer the one who dared to block people at the bathroom door in the afternoon.

But it doesn't matter, Fuan thought, I got a lot.

At least he finally had the chance to hear Qi Qianze say that he loved him once, it was very worthwhile.

Fu Fan stood up, straightened his clothes, and said hesitantly: "Qi Qianze, then... it's getting late, and I'm going to go back."

What he said was very ordinary, like a friend, not like a lover who was going to confess to Qi Qianze in the next step, and then chased after Qi Qianze again. Qi Qianze also heard that he had no such intention.

Qi Qianze looked at him for a long time, about five minutes, and kept staring, neither saying good nor bad, and his expression was very flat.

These two people obviously just confessed to each other those old things hidden deep in their hearts, but less than a quarter of an hour later, they buried all those emotions behind their deep expressions, as if they were not relieved after speaking, but new shackles .

No one would regret such a relationship.

It's a pity, can we go back to the past

No one knows.

They will only be entangled in such feelings. In the future, love will not be love, hate will not be hate, and it will seem that there is something wrong with whoever loves.

Finally, Qi Qianze drank the water in the glass, cleared his throat, and said, "Fu Fan, aren't you staying at home?"

His timbre is very similar to that of many years ago, it is flat and natural, as if it is a matter of course for Fu Jian to live at home.

Fu Fan felt warm in his heart, and felt that this was really good, all his absurd behaviors did not make the person in front of him look pitiful and detestable.

Fortunately, Qi Qianze is as usual.

Fu Wen nodded, but kept looking down, looking at the carpet under the sofa. He chose this carpet, and he even clearly remembered why he chose such a carpet back then. It seemed that Qi Qianze took a second look at the pictures.

Fu Fan thought of some things with nostalgia, twitched the corner of his mouth lightly, and said to Qi Qianze: "No, I'd better go back, I—"

His voice stopped abruptly.

Qi Qianze took his hand.

Fu Yan struggled lightly, very lightly, very lightly, like a slight twitch of the nerves between his fingers, his voice was also low, as if he was muttering to himself, because Qi Qianze's eyes were really deep, and there was something hidden inside him. What made Fu Jian unable to bear to continue talking.

"My things are still..."


Qi Qianze squeezed his hand, the dry temperature between the skin seemed so gentle, he said: "Fu Wen, you can go back, but I still have a few words to say to you."

The Qi Qianze at this time is not the one he saw when they reunited, nor the one he saw when they broke up. It is a bit similar to when they were in love, but it still seems to be a little different, and Fu Fan can't tell.

Qi Qianze said: "There is a topic that is not over yet."

His fingers made a fuss, and he calmly and steadily inserted into Fu Jian's fingertips. This movement was done very naturally, as if it was the way it was, and it would be extremely inconsistent if he didn't do it. Qi Qianze said slowly, probably thinking: "Fu Fan, I think you will go."

"If I don't say it now, you will be the same as before, and you won't come back when you leave."

Fu Fan was taken aback for a moment, his thoughts hadn't reached this point yet, he just wanted to go back first, he felt it was strange to stay any longer, one was that he felt too embarrassed, it was really difficult to get along with Qi Qianze calmly, Moreover, they haven't seen each other for many years, so the gap is not without, and the other is that he feels that the current self is not worthy to continue to be the master of this family, and it is not suitable in all aspects.

So he needs to go, which can be regarded as giving himself a time and space to recollect.

But he didn't expect Qi Qianze to say that, it's so strange, he didn't even think of it himself. But he also calmed down because of this, Fu Fan thought about it carefully, and felt that he would probably do such a thing.

Maybe before he got home, Fu Jian who was still on the road would realize that there was actually nothing wrong with being like this now. Although the mutual complaints came very late, they were not absent after all, which can be regarded as an explanation to their young selves, and their love was finally consummated. After that, both of them had their own new lives, and the past three years proved that they could still live without each other, and they might live better. It seems that there is no reason to stay together anymore.

As for the future...

Fu knows not to know.

"Fu Wen, you are a paper tiger."

Fu Fan was stunned for a moment, but didn't understand what it meant.

Qi Qianze: "You only dare to do this to me, because I am closest to you, you run as soon as you say, and you leave as soon as you say, is it because you think I will forgive you that you are so confident?"

What are you talking about

Fu Fan was not like that at all, he opened his mouth to defend himself, but was covered by Qi Qianze's hand that suddenly stretched out.

Characters: "..."

Qi Qianze took his hand and covered his mouth, Fu Fan avoided it, Qi Qianze followed suit, and then Fu Fan retreated to the sofa and sat down on his buttocks, but Qi Qianze walked away For convenience, he locked him firmly between him and the sofa with his body.

Talisman can't move.

"Fu Ming, you will only bully me."

As if resignedly stating a fact that had to be forgiven, Qi Qianze looked down at Fu Fan for a while, then lowered his body and kissed Fu Fan's forehead, and said to him condescendingly and very gently: "Let's start over, shall we? ?”

He probably already knew that Fu Fan was entangled and hesitant, and also knew that according to Fu Fan's thinking, he might let go of it and bless him from afar, so he had to preemptively hold Fu Fan before these things started.

Fu Fan can feel that he is wrong, or that he is unworthy, but this kind of emotion should only exist for a short while, and should not affect Fu Fan for a long time.

Let's start over, shall we

Fu Yan was trapped on the sofa, surrounded by a big animal named "Qi Qianze", the big guy's breath was very warm and thick, it wrapped him up completely, making him breathless. His hands were still pressing on his face, obviously covering the area below the nose and above the chin, as if the temperature would flow, making Fu Ming's whole body slowly hot, and a thin layer of damp sweat appeared behind him .

Qi Qianze... When was he like this

Has he ever expressed such strong love

When did he become different from what Fu Yan imagined

This person is much more mature than he was when he was young, and his emotions have only increased compared to when he was young, and he has become a little bit stronger. It seems that Fu Fan will be locked here forever if he doesn't answer "yes", but he doesn't let Fu Ming speak. I don't know what it means.

But—no matter what it means, at this moment, Fu Wen's heart is moved by him just like any time before.