I Love Sashimi

Chapter 12: Good night (below)


When Fu Dan got out of the car, he was refreshed by a gust of wind outside. He moved his nose, turned his head to meet Qi Qianze's gaze from the car window, and tugged at the collar of his coat.

Qi Qianze understood and nodded at him.

Suddenly, Fu Fan was in a good mood, like a flower in his heart, quietly blooming.

The car window came down, and Fu Wan said, "Then I'm leaving."

Qi Qianze gave a "hmm" and looked at him, as if he didn't intend to do anything, just watched.

Being stared at by such eyes, Fu Yan didn't know how to move forward, he inexplicably felt that Qi Qianze was wronged, and this wronged was precisely because he was leaving.

Fu Fan's feet were bound by something invisible, and he stood there for half a minute, then said again: "Then I... let's go."

Qi Qianze nodded.

Then when Fu Dan turned around, he got out of the car.

Qi Qianze took three steps at a time and walked up to Fu Fan, who stopped and waited for him, as if he had expected it long ago.

"Fu Fan," Qi Qianze squeezed his wrist, "don't run away."

His touch is the warmest thing in this cool night, so warm that the apex of my heart trembles slightly.

"Did you hear that?" Qi Qianze asked again seeing that Fu Fan didn't speak.

Fu Wen nodded and said "OK".

Qi Qianze wanted to let go, but the soft warmth in his hands reminded him of something. He suddenly raised Fu Wen's wrist, lowered his head, let a kiss fall on the inside of his forearm, and then slid it lightly, ending at Fu Wen's slight kiss. Curled palms.

Fu Fan was startled by this unexpected move, his hairs and goosebumps all over his body, and he felt that he would pull out his hand in a conditioned reflex the next moment, but he didn't until Qi Qianze let go of him.

Qi Qianze became affectionate and numb, making Fu Wen's face completely blush.

Such an adult's provocation has the eroticism and temptation that young people can't show, this temptation even includes Qi Qianze's obsessed expression, as if drunk, and then the drunkenness wanders along the skin-to-skin contact position, invading Knowing Fu, let him get drunk with him.

"Qi Qianze..." Fu Fan couldn't help calling his name.

Qi Qianze was very polite and didn't do anything else. He looked into Fu Jian's eyes and said, "Let's go on a date in two days."

Fu Fan was taken aback, thinking that what he heard was garbled characters: "You, what did you just say?"

"Appointment, meeting." Qi Qianze repeated word by word, and then said, "You don't need to worry about it, I will make an appointment with you when the time comes, just come."

Fu Fan opened his mouth: "I'm very busy this month... There are a lot of things, maybe the time is not right for you..."

"It's okay," Qi Qianze said, "then I have time, and I will ask you out."

Seeing that Fu Fan hadn't moved, Qi Qianze said again: "Go back, I'll watch you."

It's hard for Fu Fan to say anything now, because the longer he stands, the longer Qi Qianze doesn't wear much, so he will be blown in the wind all the time.

Fu Da then said lightly "Then I'm really leaving", strode away, and gradually disappeared from Qi Qianze's eyes.

Qi Qianze didn't get in the car. He stood outside the car and lit a cigarette. He took a puff and put the cigarette between his fingers. He turned on his phone and looked at what the students in the group said, and then repeated their greetings one by one. Only then did I see a small red circle on the top with "3" in it.

-I'm home now.

—Tell me when you arrive, and go to bed first.

-Good night.

On this message was Qi Qianze's greeting, "Happy birthday!". He had been alone all this time, and after two full months, he finally got a reply.

Qi Qianze stared at the few lines for a long time before sending a message: "Okay, good night."