I Love Sashimi

Chapter 2: Always abandon


Qi Qianze met Fu in primary school.

In this way, they can actually be regarded as childhood sweethearts.

Fu Wen was very white and thin when he was a child, because of his family genes, his brows, eyes and nose were clearly outlined, and he never experienced a period of facial weakness when he was young, and he was always the most beautiful kid in his class. Later, in the fifth and sixth grades, he grew taller and became thinner. He didn't like to laugh, and he didn't like group activities.

Others don't like him, it's okay, we are in love with each other, and Fu Fan doesn't like to see them.

But Qi Qianze couldn't do it if he didn't like him, he was one of the few people who could catch Fu Jian's eyes.

It's interesting to say.

Fu Fan doesn't like to invite friends, grandstanding, or show his face... He has a lot of people and things he doesn't like, and he lives a very egotistical life, while Qi Qianze is the opposite, he was dull when he was a child , the reaction is a little slow, and he has always been quiet and orderly. He is the type that does not attract attention.

Fu Wan firmly believes that if there is nothing to dislike, there is only liking, and Qi Qianze is the rare person in his life who will be liked by him.

In fact, to put it bluntly, the biggest reason is that Qi Qianze has no friends. If Fu Fan likes him and plays with him, then Qi Qianze will only have one friend.

One is the only one.

This made Xiao Fu understand.

Fu is arrogant, poisonous, and selfish.

Since he entangled with Qi Qianze, Qi Qianze became even more unreasonable, and since Qi Qianze had no friends, Fu Fan would like him more... This became a deadlock.

For Fu Ming, this is a virtuous circle.

They went straight from elementary school to middle school, and most of their classmates knew each other, and everyone knew about Fu Fan's "notoriety".

Therefore, without any suspense, Qi Qianze hated Fu Fan.

Very annoying.

But it is difficult for children to bear loneliness, not to mention getting along for a long time, Qi Qianze feels that Fu Fan is just a child, and there is nothing unforgivable. In the end, after a long time, there was no suspense about surrendering, and he naturally became Fu's "private property".

He has a love-hate relationship with Fu Jian.

Qi Qianze spent his entire middle school days trying to break this knot, but he failed.

He still remembered that many years ago, they were admitted to the same university, and they knew what Fu had said to him on the school's boulevard.

"Qi Qianze, you can't get rid of me."

His tone was hateful, it was smiling, very pleasant.

"Look, what do you want? You need me to have no intersection with your life, but this is impossible. We have known each other for twelve years."

His voice was very soft, like gentle love words, but also malicious ridicule: "You can't get rid of me for twelve years, do you know why?"

Qi Qianze knew it, because he always felt that Fu Fan wasn't that bad, so he didn't have to stay away from each other forever.

"Qi Qianze, if you want to get rid of me, there are only two ways. One," Fu Yan stretched out a finger and shook him, "Don't be soft-hearted to me."

Fu knew that he was soft but not hard, if Qi Qianze was a stinky rock from the beginning, then he would not provoke him.

But it's too late now.

"Second," he tilted his head, raised his eyelids, looked from bottom to top, as if posing for a photo, and the scissorhands became playful on his side, "I don't like you anymore."

The sun was scorching hot that day.

Great noon.

Fu knows how to say this.

Qi Qianze was stunned for a long time at that time. For the first time, he felt that the light was so bright that it made people cry.

"The success rate of the first point is 10% to 20%, and the second point is 100%." Fu Wen smiled very brightly, and the silhouette of the leaves was reflected on his face, as if he was making a painting.

Such a talisman said pleasant words: "However, the incidence rate is 0."

"It's - no, yes, yes. Qi Qianze, do you understand?"

"Qi Qianze, it is impossible for me not to like you, just like it is impossible for you not to eat sashimi."

Qi Qianze remembered that when Fu Wen said this, he was very serious, more serious than anything he did and at any time.

But what's the use

Seven years later, at this moment.

Qi Qianze can recall the day they dated, the hem of Fu's clothes blown up by the wind, his smiling face, and his attitude of declaring love, but he just can't remember their love for each other the past years. It was too long ago, like a needle pierced in the heart, it would be dripping with blood as soon as it moved, Qi Qianze never dared to recall it anymore.

He felt the cold temperature on his face, looked at the blurred outline of the long-lost young man in a pool of tears, and thought to himself, the seriousness of Fu Ren is false, deceitful, and used to confuse him.

He grabbed that hand, as if he wanted to do something, but he didn't, he just pulled Fu Yan's wrist down, away from his cheek, and then quickly let go.

The action was quick, without any warmth, even like a tired rejection.

He covered his eyes and wiped away tears.

The mustard thrill was over, and he didn't need a doctor.

Someone passed a piece of paper at hand, Qi Qianze took it, said "thank you" in a low voice, and wiped it twice with his head down.

Fu Yan withdrew his hand and stood aside watching coldly.

"Brother Ze, are you feeling better?"

"Are you okay? If you feel uncomfortable, tell everyone."

"Do you want to go to the bathroom to wash?"


After Fu Dan stopped talking, the voices of the students surged up, huddled together and rushed into Qi Qianze's ears.

"It's okay, I'm going to the bathroom."

Qi Qianze smiled gratefully. He lowered his head, not knowing who he was addressing. Anyway, his gaze was very low, and he pushed aside the people in front of him and walked outside.

He didn't dare to look up, he was afraid that Fu Fan wouldn't even give him the look of reunion after a long absence.

He was afraid that the corners of his mouth would twitch slightly, with a mocking look on his face.

Qi Qianze took some water under the faucet, washed his face, put his cold hands on his eyes, and let out a long breath slowly.

In this world, there is a kind of person who is the most hateful.

The footsteps came from far to near, and stopped by the door, Qi Qianze didn't move, and after waiting for a while, the man didn't move either, as if he was standing by the door quietly watching him.

It is fluent.

Qi Qianze thought, he turned around to look, and it really was him.

The corners of Fu Fan's mouth were slightly raised, not mocking, but his eyes were deep and deep, suppressing something, and he didn't smile at all: "Qi Qianze, I really don't want to see you."

This is not Qi Qianze's most annoying look, but it's not too bad, it's just as surly, making it difficult for people to approach.

"It's okay, almost." Qi Qianze still had a nasal voice, and said something heartbreaking to the person he had been looking for for a long time, "I didn't expect to see you here either."

Fu Fan stared at him with a gloomy expression: "Really?"

You don't want to see me either.

Qi Qianze was speechless. A little against my will.

He simply didn't answer, turned his face away, took out a piece of paper and wiped the water.

There are very hateful and hateful people in this world.

For Qi Qianze, this person is Fu Fan.

Obviously said that kind of thing, obviously confessed, obviously kissed, obviously...


Qi Qianze couldn't speak, his eyes were still red, it was because of mustard just now, but now it's because of the talisman.

Familiarity is a bad thing. he thinks.

Say that the possibility is 0, say that you can't get rid of it, say that it is impossible for me not to like you, just like it is impossible for you not to eat sashimi

The fact is that Qi Qianze can be steadfast in his commitment to sashimi, but Fu Wen has always given up on Qi Qianze.