I Love Sashimi

Chapter 4: go home


The empty parking lot, the white lights, the smell of damp, dust, and gasoline.

Hot and humid to the touch, hot breath, overlapping bodies, hands clenched and held tightly.

It seems to go back to a long time ago.

It is also the underground garage, the environment, and the two people.

It should be in their sophomore year, they were still students, they didn't have a car and couldn't drive, but they often chose to pass through a cool tunnel in order to avoid the scorching sun in summer. Once, they kissed there.

That day Fu Fan was in a good mood, holding a doll head ice cream in his hand, and said to Qi Qianze, "Qi Qianze, I really want to kiss you now", Qi Qianze stopped, and then turned around and kissed him.

At that time, there were no certain people or things between them, and there were no big or small conflicts between them. It can be regarded as the best time since they met.

In the first period of dating, Qi Qianze was always hesitant in getting close, as if he didn't know whether what he was doing was right or wrong. His movements were stiff, his skills were jerky, and he was clumsy, but he seemed cautious and shy. Whenever this happens, Fu Fan will deftly stick out his tongue to seduce him, making the intimacy gradually better, and at the end, he will rub the corners of Qi Qianze's mouth with the tip of his teeth, creating a slight pain, and ask when they leave He "does it hurt?" If it hurts, he wants Qi Qianze to remember it, and if it doesn't hurt, he will kiss him again.

After a long time, they became familiar with each other, but Qi Qianze still maintained this pattern, as if kissing can only have this kind of rhythm, not a slow and affectionate one.

At this moment, Fu Fan slowly remembered many things from the past.

Looking at it this way, Qi Qianze seems to be very familiar with talismans, they are not much worse than real lovers.

But it's different now.

Qi Qianze held Fu Ran's shoulder with one hand, and pinched Fu Ran's wrist with the other hand. He pressed his body against the car door, so that Fu Ran couldn't get away no matter what. In his mouth, infecting his taste, his temperature, making a blushing sound.

Qi Qianze is no longer the dull and upright boy he used to be. His kiss has become a fatal robbery. From the moment he bows his head, it is bound to make Fuan have nowhere to hide, and lose everything inside and out. .

Fu Fan didn't know what was wrong with him. He probably thought about whether he should go up and bite hard to let Qi Qianze let him go, but once he was about to act like this, he found that all the strength in his body was gone, and his muscles became useless. It will restrain him, make his hands and feet weak, and he can't even stand up.

After a while, this feeling of powerlessness and paralysis invaded his rationality, and he almost forgot who he was, where he was, and whether they really separated in those three years.

After an unknown amount of time, Fu Fan was about to suffocate, he hid to one side in pain, begging for mercy brokenly.

Qi Qianze seemed to have noticed his pain, and finally separated a little.

Fu Fan felt that the car door leaning behind him seemed to be warmed by himself, he panted heavily, and when he calmed down, he raised his eyes and saw Qi Qianze's dark eyes against the light, as if he couldn't see the bottom of the deep sea.

He looked at it for a moment and seemed to be looking at it for a long time, and suddenly he was startled, came back to his senses, and wanted to break away from him, but when he moved, he realized that his wrist had been loosened at some point, both hands were clearly free, but He didn't listen to his master's order, and clung to Qi Qianze's arm without knowing what was good or bad.

Fu Yan's Adam's apple slid up and down, his hands betrayed him hatefully, and he was caught off guard, unable to resist at all.


Qi Qianze's voice was a little hoarse, and there was something about to move.

Qi Qianze's voice is always so nice, just one sound, Fu Wen's heart is beating like a drum, and he wants to run away.

Fu Yan pursed his lips and gritted his teeth, resisting something with difficulty.

"Fu Fan, you can't get rid of me, believe it or not?"

Hearing this, Fu Fan was taken aback for a moment, never expecting Qi Qianze to say such a thing. He suddenly felt it was funny. Believe it or not, it was a fact that he couldn't get rid of him, because he never wanted to get rid of him.

He misses this person and wants to know how this person is doing. In order to pick up the news, he keeps the group chat of the engineering department and reads those boring conversations every day; he wants to see and touch this person with his own hands. , so when he saw the party, he casually suggested that the team members eat here, and when he heard the word doctor, he came out of the private room next door—even if it wasn't mustard, he would always have a chance to get close to Qi Qianze.

And in the end, he went to the toilet to find Qi Qianze, it was purely because he hadn't given up yet and had delusions.

Fu Fan didn't know what kind of expression to show, so he simply lowered his head and hid in the shadows.

He couldn't speak, so Qi Qianze said for him: "Because you love me forever."

Fu Yan's heart seemed to be squeezed by someone suddenly, and he pulled it violently.

He looked up at Qi Qianze with a surprised expression, not knowing what he meant or what it meant.

But Qi Qianze was not sure, he was dazed and confused, like talking to himself, he choked up after seeing Fu Fan's surprised face, his voice began to tremble: "Fu Fan, is it... so? You, still love me forever me?"

is that so? Do you still love me forever

Fu Yan's heart throbbed in pain, obviously this sentence was no less lethal than the previous sentence, his lips moved slightly, like a sigh: "Qi Qianze..."

"Forget it," Qi Qianze interrupted him, "Stop talking."

He finally took a step back to give Fu Yan freedom, the two separated, and the slightly cold air squeezed between them, dissipating the remaining warmth left by each other just now.

It's over.

Fu Jian was attacked by coldness, he thought so.

Qi Qianze asked Fu Fan: "Have you taken all your things?"

Fu Fan was taken aback for a moment, with a confused look on his face: "What?"

"Is your belongings still upstairs?"

"It's all on me." Fu Fan only brought his mobile phone and keys.

"Okay, let's go."

Qi Qianze raised his hand and pressed Fu Wen's shoulder, opened the door with unresistable force, pushed him into the passenger driver, fastened his seat belt, then closed the door, quickly bypassed the front of the car, got in the car, locked the door, and started it all in one go .

Fu Dan was confused about the situation and asked him, "Where are you taking me now? What are you doing?"

Qi Qianze said: "Anywhere, fuck you, then kill and throw the body away."

Characters: "..."

Qi Qianze was pleased by him, smiled softly, and said, "Just kidding, let's go back."

"go home."