I Love Sashimi

Chapter 8: This is crying for Mao


why go

Why did you split up

Why avoid me

Why don't you love me anymore

Qi Qianze has many, many questions to ask him, just like the day they broke up many years ago.

Fu Yan looked sideways at him, the expression on his face couldn't be seen clearly, but he could feel a slight pause in his movements.

These questions have already been answered already.

They broke up before Qi Qianze graduated. That day happened to be Children's Day. The weather was really nice and the sky was clear. Just waking up and opening the curtains to look at the sunshine can make you feel better all day. There is no breakup in TV dramas at all. The cloudy environment on the eve set off.

They made an appointment a long time ago to go to the playground together for a day, because Fu Fan kept saying that he wanted to ride a roller coaster, meet Qi Qianze in a maze pretending to be fate, eat the same ice cream, and take countless couple photos... But Qi Qianze is graduating soon, and his life is occupied by papers, so he has no time to accompany him. Fu knows that he also has a lot of homework, so he can't take time off. They have never been there.

At breakfast that day, Qi Qianze was dazzled by the sun, and he suddenly had a feeling of "it's today", which was just right for him to do what Fu Fan wanted to do but hadn't done yet. So he said: Fu Ming, let's go out today.

Fu Fan didn't seem to have slept well, and was not very interested. He sat on the dining table staring at his soy milk in a daze. He was stunned for a moment when he heard Qi Qianze's voice, and asked him, what did you say

Qi Qianze was very patient and repeated it. He said, I want to go out for a while, to a place, can you accompany me

Qi Qianze didn't tell him where to go or what to do, he wanted Fu Wen to think for himself first, and then he could give him some hints on the way. If Fu Yan guessed it, he should be looking forward to it, but if he couldn't, it would be a surprise.

No matter what, nothing can go wrong anyway.

Everything will go well that day, and then Qi Qianze can play with Fu Fan until the evening, until he can't walk anymore. He will have a heart-to-heart talk with Fu Ming at a very suitable time and a very suitable place, telling Fu Ming what he has thought about for a long time but never told Fu Ming, and then confessing his love to Fu Ming.

Yes, confession.

Qi Qianze likes to be familiar with.

It is true that Qi Qianze hated Fu Fan when he was a child, because he always blamed him for having no friends, and felt that Fu Fan was arrogant, mean, and not a good person.

But as he grows up, he can also come into contact with other aspects of Fu Wen. For example, his unscrupulous words are often just bluffs. For example, his love for Qi Qianze is sincere. There are so many advantages that others don't know... Even if Fu Dian has some bad things, he is not heinous.

If you think about it carefully, seventy-five percent of Qi Qianze's life before the age of twenty was spent with Fu Fan. He can say a few words more or less, and Qi Qianze also relies on Fu Dian. It can be said that no matter what the process is, the result shows that all his loneliness is resolved by Fu Dian. No one else can achieve this level except for Fu Ming.

When Qi Qianze realized this, he realized that he had stopped hating Fu Fan, otherwise Fu Fan would not agree to be with him if he confessed to him.

It doesn’t matter if the speech is bad, if you find it, you can remedy it, apologize, and change it bit by bit; if you have an awkward personality, it’s okay to be picky, just remember his likes and dislikes, and don’t let him know what he doesn’t like See; as for the two of them, they don't have a wide social circle and it doesn't matter, take your time with friends, if Fu Jian is willing to make friends, if you don't want to, forget it, Qi Qianze will not force him.

There is nothing bad or bad, because of love, Qi Qianze feels that nothing is a problem.

But that day was not smooth, everything not only went in the opposite direction, but also got out of hand.

Fu Fan didn't know what was wrong, before leaving, he said some words to Qi Qianze at home who didn't know where they came from. He said that he was very bad, he was very bad, he counted his shortcomings, and then turned to Qi Qianze's grievances. After Qi Qianze jokingly said "you know", Fu Fan was silent for a long time, and finally Tell him, let's break up.

Qi Qianze was stunned, but he didn't feel very sad in his heart. It can even be said that there was no disturbance, because he didn't react at all and was out of shape at all.

He asked Fu Jian, why? The expression is very confused, as if asking why one plus one does not equal two.

At that time, Fu Wen said, Qi Qianze, I suddenly felt very boring.

You should think so too, Fu Jian’s voice is gentle and low, like a gentle elder who is worrying about Qi Qianze’s life, he said: no freedom, no friends, no people to hang out with, no youth Not happy, not like a normal college student. Qi Qianze, you can't do this.

how about you? Qi Qianze asked him, aren't we together? won't you accompany me

Fu Wen just smiled, as if he heard something that made him very happy or touched. He rarely showed such an expression, he said, Qi Qianze, you are really good.

He thought to himself, why should I accompany you? What do I use to accompany you, I'm just that hateful rope that prevents you from being free. You are so nice, that's why you shouldn't be tied up by me, right

But Fu Fan didn't say these words, he just said, I'm not in a good mood today, I want to go out for a walk.

one person.

Qi Qianze finally nodded. But it wasn't until he didn't wait for Fu Daan to go home at night, and when he called and was out of the service area, he found out that the breakup Fu Daan said was serious.

Fu Yan didn't take anything except his passport, and even resolutely gave up the game console he had saved for a long time, as if he had never liked it.

Just leave.

So now, it's still this house, this living room, or this porch, Qi Qianze asked the same question.

"Family, why?"

Fu Wen was pulled by the wrist and couldn't walk like last time.

Qi Qianze is no longer as easy to be fooled as before. He wants to understand all the problems that he couldn't figure out at the time, and repeat all the things he couldn't say at the time.