I Love You as Much as You Do

Chapter 10


The next day, Xiang Yang also went to Old Uncle Liu's house, Jinxiu couldn't say anything about him, so she had to let him ride on a tricycle, and Jinxiu took him there with her.

Old Uncle Liu's house is in another village, and it takes more than forty minutes to ride there from Jinxiu's house. It was a small three-story western-style building with bright and clean windows, and the condition of the house was obviously much better than that of Jinxiu's.

Old Uncle Liu was taken aback when he saw Xiang Yang, and then he invited him into the room to check his injuries.

When Jinxiu came out after finishing her tuition, Old Uncle Liu said, "Starting tomorrow, Xiao Jing will go to your home for tutoring, so you don't need to bother to come here."

Jinxiu asked in surprise, "Why? Didn't I promise to come here?"

Old Uncle Liu glanced at Xiangyang, but Xiangyang didn't look at him. He could only bite the bullet and say, "Xiaojing is a boy. If you run around a lot, you will know that you have worked hard, so you can study harder."

Jinxiu complied with a half-understood understanding.

On the way back, Xiang Yang wondered why it was different from the way he came.

Jinxiu said, "We're going to buy fish."

Xiang Yang was surprised: "There is also a vegetable market here."

Jinxiu smiled.

When they arrived at their destination, Xiangyang, they found out that there was no vegetable market there, and they just went to other people's houses to buy fish.

And because she only bought one fish, the owner didn't help to catch the fish, she had to go to the fish pond to catch it with a net.

Xiang Yang finally understood why the fish he ate varied in size and why there were only relatively monotonous fish and eggs every day.

Xiang Yang felt that he was so virtuous and capable that he had to be treated like this alone. His heart was full and he felt uncomfortable, and he felt extremely satisfied when his heart was full.

After weighing the fish, when Jinxiu gave the money to the owner of the fish pond, the man kept looking at Xiangyang with strange eyes.

Xiang Yang didn't give him a single look.

Jinxiu was riding a tricycle with a small body, and Xiangyang sat behind and watched her back quietly, thin and frail, but she didn't complain.

She hung the bag of fish on the front of the car, stepping forward alternately with both feet. They hadn't known each other for long, but she had done too much for him, reaching out to him when he was most desperate and powerless.

After dinner in the evening, Xiang Yang taught Splendid Geometry again. Jinxiu's basics are not bad, but she lacks skills and is not flexible enough to do the questions. After Xiang Yang taught some methods, the speed of doing the questions has improved a lot, and there are not so many tedious steps in solving the questions.

Jin Xiu looked at what she had gained in the past two nights, and she was really happy in her heart. She couldn't help but praise Xiang Yang for being so smart and amazing: "The problem-solving ideas you taught are really good, none of our teachers have ever taught them like this. After reading the questions, I have a framework in my mind, which saves a lot of time for answering questions.”

Xiang Yang said, "You have to be good at summarizing, your foundation is good, and you will gain something if you do a few more questions."

Jinxiu said sincerely, "Thank you, Xiangyang."

Compliments would make anyone happy, let alone such a sweet little girl. Xiang Yang smiled, "Stupid."

When Jinxiu was writing the questions, Xiang Yang suddenly remembered, and asked her casually: "I heard from Old Uncle Liu that you are the first in the county in the high school entrance examination?"

Jinxiu paused for a moment, then responded softly: "Yes."

"Then what school do you plan to go to in the future?"

Jinxiu shook her head: "I don't know." She didn't know what kind of school there was, what kind of school she could be admitted to, let alone whether she could continue her studies.

Xiang Yang saw that she didn't want to talk more and didn't ask any further questions.

But Jinxiu didn't stop talking, she seemed quite interested: "What about you? You're in your third year at the beginning of school, right? You're so good, what school do you plan to go to?"

Xiangyang's memories seemed to be pulled away, and it took a while before she replied to Jinxiu: "I'm starting my sophomore year."

"Wow!" The girl's emotions were evident on her face.

Looking at Jinxiu's bright eyes with the expected exaggerated smile, Xiangyang felt that everything was not too bad.

So Xiang Yang went on to say, "I was the champion of science in our province during the college entrance examination."

Jinxiu opened her mouth wide, grabbed the corner of Xiangyang's clothes with both hands excitedly, and kept shaking it, unable to say anything. Xiang Yang expected that she would show an expression of admiration again, but unexpectedly, this expression made him inexplicably shy.

The two of them just looked at each other stupidly, without saying anything, they just smiled vigorously.

In the following time, there is no work to do, and it is enough to feed the pigs and chickens regularly.

Xiaojing also goes to home on time every afternoon for tutoring.

Jinxiu didn't know why old Uncle Liu suddenly didn't need to go there by himself, but it did save him a lot of trouble, and the extra time to go back and forth could be freely arranged.

The large and small wounds on Xiangyang's body have already healed and scabbed, and his feet have almost recovered. As long as he doesn't walk too far, there is basically no visible injury.

One evening, Jinxiu was doing her homework in her room, Xiangyang was taking a shower, and Li Meili and the others came back.

Jinming rushed directly into Jinxiu's room, and shouted before entering the room: "Axiu, Axiu, I'm back, do you miss me?"

He came in and hugged Jinxiu directly, as if he hadn't seen each other for a long time.

Jin Xiu was obviously also very happy, she looked Jin Ming up and down, then patted his head: "Of course I do, our family has grown up again."

Li Meili and her father Jin Gang came in later.

Li Meili looked at the appearance of the two siblings, curled her lips in disdain, and said, "Obviously you and Dad are going to pack up your toys, and I have something to say with your elder sister."

After Jinming and Jingang left, Li Meili looked left and right in Jinxiu's room.

Jin Xiu obediently asked Li Meili: "Mom, are grandparents in good health?"

Li Meili sneered: "You still know how to care about others, I have lost face to your grandma's house."

Jinxiu stared blankly at Li Meili, not understanding what she said.

Li Meili put her hands on her hips, "As soon as I returned to the entrance of the village today, someone told me that there was a little boy hiding in our house. At that time, I had no place to put my face."

Jinxiu explained: "Mom, it's not like this,,,"

Li Meili nodded Jinxiu's forehead, and kept reprimanding: "Isn't it like this? What about you? You damn girl, you just brought a man home casually like this. Do you want to lose your reputation? Will you still want your reputation?" Don't get married. Do you know how ugly the village is saying now? You are shameless, but we still have shame. "

Li Meili kept pointing Jinxiu back, but her shoulders were stiff, but she never compromised: "He is my friend, if I don't leave him alone, he will have nowhere to go."

Li Meili was so angry that she picked up a twig and whipped it at Jinxiu's body: "There are too many people who have no place to go, can you take care of them? They eat and drink for nothing every day. If you want me, I won't leave."

The back of Jinxiu's hand was in hot pain, but she didn't cry out: "Mom, I'm an adult, I have the right to make friends."

Hearing what Jinxiu said, Li Meili couldn't help but greet Jinxiu with her hands, where it hurts the most and where there is no clothes to cover it, she will pull it from there.

She kept cursing and cursing: "You are an adult, why don't you go out to work and support your family when you are an adult, ah!!! You still eat my clothes and wear mine when you are an adult, why are you staying at school and not working? Ah!! You say,, ah,, you say, ah,, "

Jinxiu was kicked and jumped, but she still refused to compromise, she bit her lips tightly, she didn't beg for mercy, she didn't walk away, she didn't stop her.

She said that she would always be by Xiangyang's side and would never abandon him. She will do her best to do what she promised, which is her responsibility to herself and others.

Jinxiu was wearing short sleeves and knee-length shorts, and had red marks on her hands and feet, some of which were bleeding.

Li Meili kept beating as if she didn't see it.

Li Meili spat on the ground: "Look at you now, you don't speak a word, and you don't know how much you hate me in your heart? You know that I raised a white-eyed wolf. I saw you pitifully at the beginning, but you were taken care of by your parents." I lost it. I brought you back from the field. I didn’t expect you to do such a shameful thing to me today. Now you go to be a good person. That man can’t support himself. How do you care about him? Do you want to support him for the rest of your life? ?…”

Suddenly, the branch in Li Meili's hand was stopped by a force, and she couldn't hit it no matter what. She turned her head and saw Xiang Yang tightly grasping the branch, his whole face was dark, and he looked at Li Meili with a gloomy face, as if he wanted to poke a hole in her face.

Li Meili shuddered, and couldn't help stepping back, so scared that she forgot what she was going to do.

The man was tall and tall, and his skin was very fair. The village was right when they said he was a pretty boy. Although he has a dark face now, he looks really good. At first glance, he looks like the kind of person who is pampered and has never had a hard life.

Li Meili took a deep breath and said loudly to Yang, "What are you doing? This is my family business, so leave it alone."

Xiangyang's temples were throbbing. He grabbed the branch and dragged it directly. Li Meili was almost thrown forward to the ground, and she staggered a few steps before she could stand still.

Xiang Yang took a stack of banknotes from his pocket and handed them to Li Meili, without any emotional ups and downs, he said to her: "Recently I have caused trouble for your family, you take this money, and treat it as if I rented a room in your house. Have you seen enough of your tenants?"

Li Meili looked at the pile of money, and her face changed instantly. She forced out a smile like a palette, as if the person who beat and scolded just now had nothing to do with her.

Jinxiu stepped forward to block Xiangyang's hand, but before she could speak, Xiangyang seemed to know what she was going to say, he shook his head to let her ignore it.

Li Meili quickly reached out to take the money, squeezed the banknotes tightly with her left hand, licked her right fingers with her tongue, then counted the money back and forth, and raised them up one by one to take pictures in the bright place.

After confirming the authenticity, he smiled, "Since you are Axiu's friend, you can live here. You can live in your own house, it's fine. Hehe."

As if everything had never happened, Li Meili took the money and left.

After Li Meili left, Jinxiu stepped forward and said guiltily, "I'm sorry, Xiangyang."

Xiang Yang smiled, but there was no smile in his eyes: "I'm sorry for you, I didn't think carefully." Thinking of how he used his life experience to win Jinxiu's sympathy before, he felt shameful.

Jinxiu's eyes were red, she looked at Xiang Yang and shook her head.

Xiangyang checked Jinxiu's wound up and down, and gently rubbed the corner of her eye with his thumb. There wasn't a single tear there, but Xiang Yang felt that he couldn't wipe away the tears that flowed there.

"Does it hurt?" He knew she was in pain, and he just wanted to tell her that he was in pain, as painful as hers, or more painful than hers, and it was his fault.

Jinxiu shook her head again: "It doesn't hurt."

It hurts. Even after so many years, even after experiencing so much, my heart still hurts.

Xiang Yang couldn't bear her look, the veins on his forehead were throbbing, his right hand was still stroking Jinxiu's face, his left hand was clenched into a fist, the veins on his hand were throbbing violently. He has been patient, enduring the urge to hold her in his arms.

She is such a pure, kind and good girl who lived such a life.


Send someone under the fence.

It turned out that in Xiangyang's heart, she was like a ray of sunshine breaking through the darkness he was in. Pull him up from the abyss, from the edge of the cliff, bring him light and warmth, so that he will no longer face this cold world alone.

But what about herself? She smiled sweetly at him, her face full of sunshine. He thought that she would be in a happy family, otherwise, how could there be such a beautiful girl.

However, every step she took was so difficult, and she encountered many obstacles, but I couldn't help her with anything.

Xiang Yang felt distressed.

His heart was always clenched, and he felt a sharp pain even when he breathed.

Growing up so big, it was the first time I fell in love with a girl, the first time I had the idea of wanting to love her and take care of her.

Xiangyang took Jinxiu's hand and sat down on the chair, then told Jinxiu to sit and wait for him to come back.

He boiled water in Xiangyang, then brought warm water into Jinxiu's room, wet it with a towel and gently cleaned Jinxiu's wound, just like Jinxiu massaged his feet with medicine every day before.

After cleaning it up, she rubbed it with medicated oil. When she saw Jinxiu's body trembling in pain, Xiangyang's heart constricted, and he anxiously breathed on Jinxiu.

Looking at him, Jinxiu didn't feel sad. Look, who said that no one hurts me and no one loves me, how nervous this boy is about me.

Jin Xiu smiled, her eyes were red, but the smile on her mouth was real. She asked Xiang Yang: "Are you scared?"

Xiang Yang stopped the movements of his hands, and after a while, he continued to rub his palms to warm Jinxiu's wound: "Well, I'm scared." His voice was a little hoarse, and he didn't know whether it was anger or distress.

Afraid of how many beatings you have suffered when I am not by your side. I'm afraid that if I don't come back just now, how badly you will be beaten for your stubborn temper. Afraid of the days without me by your side in the future, what should you do

Jinxiu touched his bowed head, and said softly to him: "Don't be afraid, I'm fine." Her words were gentle, like a feather gently brushing Xiangyang's heart, reassuring him.