I Love You as Much as You Do

Chapter 14


Two days before New Year's Day, Li Meili asked Jinxiu to ask for leave and not to go to school, saying that there was an important guest at home.

Jinxiu found it strange that Li Meili wanted to send her away when people usually came over, but today she actually told her to dress neatly.

The day before New Year's Day, after Li Meili sent Jinming to school, she told Jinxiu to tidy up the house and let her wear more beautiful clothes.

Xiang Yang also had a class to attend today, and when he left early, he found out that Jinxiu had asked for leave, and when he asked what was going on, Jinxiu couldn't tell.

Jinxiu was just killing chickens and Jinxiu was cooking. Li Meili seldom smiled at Jinxiu. She kept telling Jinxiu to be polite, smile more and be diligent when seeing guests.

After ten o'clock, the guests arrived, and Li Meili pushed Jinxiu to open the door.

Jinxiu opened the door, a man and a woman, two middle-aged people and a young man outside.

"Jinxiu, this is Liang Bing. He is 28 years old this year. He is doing business in the provincial capital. This is Uncle Liang and Aunt Liang." After Li Meili introduced the guests to Jinxiu, she said to Jinxiu again, "This is our Jinxiu family. , just turned 18 in May."

Jinxiu felt that Li Meili's introduction was a bit weird, but she couldn't tell what was wrong. Jinxiu had a bad premonition, but thinking about how fierce Li Meili was to her, it shouldn't be too much, it should be because she was thinking too much.

Aunt Liang examined Jinxiu with critical eyes, nodded and shook her head. From time to time, he still whispered to Liang Bing in front of them, Liang Bing squinted at Jin Xiu with an obscene look that he thought no one else saw, and nodded.

During the meal, Aunt Liang put a piece of fatty meat into Jinxiu's bowl, and said arrogantly to Li Meili, "Jinxiu needs to eat more, she can't be so thin."

Li Meili nodded quickly: "Yes, yes, yes. Jinxiu is usually more diligent at home, but she always forgets to eat when she is working, and she will gain weight if she eats on time in the future."

Jinxiu took two mouthfuls of rice and put down her chopsticks: "Eat slowly, I'm full." As she spoke, she was about to stand up.

Li Meili's complexion was a little ugly, but she didn't like to get angry, she just said, "Jinxiu, the guests are still eating, so you can't be rude."

Jin Xiu sneered: "That's your guest."

Li Meili dropped her chopsticks, and her tone no longer concealed her harshness: "What are you talking about?"

Jinxiu turned her head to the side and said nothing.

Aunt Liang said in a shrill voice, "You are already skinny, if you don't eat to gain weight, how will you have children in the future?"

To say that the words just now were a bit cryptic, but now it is naked. Naked. Naked in front of everyone.

Her bright eyes stared straight at Aunt Liang.

Aunt Liang jumped up and pointed at Jinxiu with her index finger: "Yoho, what kind of eyes do you have, as if I'm bullying you." She turned around and pulled the stool away, angrily making gestures to walk away.

Li Meili quickly ran over to hold her hand, and patted the back of her hand lightly: "In-law, in-law, children are ignorant, you don't have to worry about her, and when you get married, you just need to teach her well, there is no need to get angry."

Aunt Liang pouted and sat down with a smile on her face when she reached the steps.

Jinxiu couldn't bear to watch, and went straight out of the hall.

Liang Bing was anxious, and he got up in big strides to chase after him, and the chair made a harsh sound.

He ran forward and grabbed Jin Xiu's hand: "Hey, where are you going?"

Jinxiu shook off Liang Bing's hand vigorously, and rubbed the goosebumps on her hands vigorously from being touched by him.

Liang Bing held Jinxiu's hand tightly again, and continued: "Although you are not my ideal type, but if you are obedient, I will treat you kindly in the future."

Jinxiu felt even more disgusted in her heart, she turned her face away: "Let go, don't touch me."

Li Meili and his wife and Liang's couple also came out, seeing this scene, Aunt Liang said, "Hey, why are you talking to Bingbing like that!"

Uncle Liang also said: "A girl every family, don't be too fierce."

Li Meili kept apologizing: "Axiu is not usually like this, she is usually very gentle."

Aunt Liang said: "This bad temper has to be changed. I haven't passed the marriage yet. That's it. It's okay after I get married."

Li Meili replied: "Yes, yes, yes."

Jinxiu roared with unprecedented anger: "I want to marry you to marry yourself."

Aunt Liang's mouth and nose were twisted in anger, and she couldn't speak for a while.

Liang Bing shouted there: "Our family has two houses. The family is in business. If you match your family, you are a high climber. Besides, your family has already accepted my betrothal gift. You are already a member of my Liang family. "

Jinxiu thought she heard it wrong, she stared at Li Meili with wide eyes, Li Meili was still nodding and bowing along with the Liang family couple.

Jinxiu's heart felt like falling into an ice cellar, she was so angry that her body couldn't help shaking, her eyes were dark. She had known for a long time that Li Meili didn't like her, but she never expected to sell her to someone else directly.

With a sudden bang, Xiang Yang rushed over before the door was fully opened, grabbed Liang Bing by the back collar and threw him back. Liang Bing was caught off guard, and stepped back step by step. With a "bang", he fell on two chairs, one of which fell apart.

Xiang Yang stepped forward to step on the chair with his right foot, followed by his left hand and pulled up the collar of Liang's terracotta warriors and horses.

"Fuck, I'm not here, which dog is barking at my girlfriend."

After knowing each other for so long, Xiang Yang was silent and teasing, but most of them had calm eyes, neither angry nor happy or sad. Now his eyes are dark, heavy and frightening, as domineering as a lion.

The Liang family didn't react at first, and it was too late to go forward. Xiang Yang slammed Liang Bing back hard, and with a "crash" Liang Bing fell to the ground.

Xiang Yang turned around to look for Jinxiu, and was about to hold Jinxiu's hand when suddenly there was a movement behind her.

Liang Bing looked at the scratched skin on his arm, and spat, "You're looking for death." He rushed up to throw Xiang Yang down, but Xiang Yang turned around and kicked Liang Bing hard.

Once again, Liang Bing was on all fours, his eyes were rolling wildly, and he touched a chair leg back with his hand, trying to gain momentum.

Xiang Yang walked in front of Jin Xiu, he took Jin Xiu's hand and looked around: "Are you okay?"

Jinxiu's eyes were red, she shook her head.

Taking advantage of Xiangyang's inattention, Liang Bing wanted to smash down Jinxiu with a stool leg, and Uncle Liang also wanted to knock down Xiangyang with a shovel in his hand. They have ignored it, showing a rogue face.

Xiang Yang stretched out his arm to block Liang Bing's sneak attack for Jinxiu, and with a "snap", his arm felt a dull pain. Before he could make the next move, Uncle Liang's shovel patted his back.

Jinxiu felt like her heart was about to be torn open, her chest was so stuffy that she couldn't breathe, her voice was like a torn rag: "Ayang..."

Xiang Yang staggered a few steps forward and almost fell down, Uncle Liang and Liang Bing followed closely to fight down again.

The Jin family couple was already overwhelmed by fright, Jinxiu reacted and wanted to jump on Xiangyang, but Xiangyang pulled her behind him. The ends of his eyes were bloodshot, and his voice lowered a few degrees, but he still coaxed her very gently: "Cough, it's okay, I'll come."

This time he was prepared, and Xiang Yang let go of his hands and feet. He twisted his neck and focused all his attention on Uncle Liang. He snatched his shovel and knocked off the chair leg in his hand with the shovel when Liang Bing was not paying attention. , Two or three backhand cuts, imprisoning Liang Bing in front of him, Liang Bing's face was distorted.

Xiang Yang cut Liang Bing's hands backwards with his left hand, and held the shovel in front of him with his right hand. Facing Uncle Liang, his voice sounded like he was chewing ice slag: "Come on, ah!"

"Brother, brother, brother, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, let it go, let it go, eh, eh,,,," Xiang Yang also made a murderous move, and Liang Bing's voice was breathless.

Aunt Liang was also anxious, "You, who are you, let go of your hand. This is a family matter for us, you don't care about it, but their family received a gift of 100,000 yuan from our family. If we knew she was a second-hand product, we wouldn't I will not give such a high betrothal gift."

Xiang Yang twisted Liang Bing's hand hard, and Liang Bing yelled in pain: "Mom, mom, don't, don't say it."

Only then did Aunt Liang shut up.

Xiang Yang had a cold and serious face, his face was covered with stones and expressionless, he said in a cold voice, "I will return the 100,000 yuan to you, plus 10,000 yuan in compensation, and bring your money." Get the hell out of here right now. If I see you again, don't blame me for being rude."

Li Meili procrastinated, still reluctant to return the money, Xiang Yang shot his eyes directly, Li Meili shivered, went back to the room and took out the money.

Xiang Yang asked Jinxiu to go to his room to get 10,000 yuan, Jinxiu hesitated to speak: "Ah Yang, I,,,,"

Xiang Yang smiled at the corner of his mouth, but his eyes were still sharp: "Don't be afraid, I'm here."

When Li Meili returned 100,000 yuan to Aunt Liang tremblingly, Xiang Yang also slapped 10,000 yuan on Liang Bing's chest, "You and that woman can leave after apologizing to Axiu."

Aunt Liang just wanted to speak but then closed her mouth, Liang Bing was even more angry and dared not speak. The two took turns apologizing to Jinxiu, feeling unwilling but eager to leave quickly.

When the Liang family left, Xiang Yang kicked hard at the iron gate with a "Dang", which startled everyone.

Jin Xiu had never seen Xiang Yang get so angry, and felt uneasy for a while. She walked over and tugged at the corner of his clothes, coaxing him softly: "Ah Yang~"

Xiang Yang shook off her hand: "Are you stupid? You won't refuse even this way."

Jinxiu felt wronged: "I just found out, so I walked away."

"It's all on your head, can you just walk away?"

Jinxiu was afraid in her heart, and she didn't care about her parents hugging Xiangyang, her voice choked up, "Ayang, where did you get hurt? Does it hurt?"

Xiang Yang's anger was extinguished, he took a deep breath, and calmed down: "I'm fine, you go and get a pen and paper."

Jinxiu looked up at Xiangyang, who comforted her back.

Li Meili said angrily, "Our family had a good marriage, but now you have ruined it. You see, you are just a teaching assistant now, and you have no guarantee of life every month. How dare you say that Jinxiu is your girlfriend .”

Xiang Yang wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his thumb, looking like a bloodthirsty demon, he looked straight at Li Meili without saying a word.

Although Li Meili was afraid, she still puffed her chest out. This is her home. What is she afraid of: "You don't need to give them the 10,000 yuan. If you have money, you might as well give it to me."

Xiang Yang took the pen and paper in Jinxiu's hand and wrote a few lines, and held it in front of Li Meili, "You sign and press your fingerprints, and go through the formalities in two days. Jinxiu has nothing to do with your family in the future. I will give You five million, from now on you can't disturb Jinxiu, you can't interfere with her life, otherwise we will see you in court."

When Li Meili heard 500,000, her eyes widened in an instant. She had never seen so much money in her life. She was already very satisfied with 100,000, but she didn't expect it to become 500,000. Such a good thing.

She glanced at Jin Gang, her brows and eyes were all smiling. Jin Gang and her looked at each other for a moment, then lowered his head and did not speak.

Jinxiu didn't expect Xiangyang to give out so much money, and she was very entangled immediately, her fingers tightly clasped Xiangyang's five fingers.

Xiang Yang turned his head away, suppressing the depression in his heart, then turned his head and asked softly: "You want to persuade me too?"

Jinxiu shook her head.

Seeing my mother happily signing her name, she would rather bite her finger and print her handprint. Dad was not very happy, but he didn't object. Mom pushed him, and he also signed his name on the paper.

After today's events, her heart has cooled a lot, and the little remaining affection for this family has been exhausted. It's just that she owed Xiangyang a large sum of favors, money, and feelings, when will she be able to pay back.

But she can't say anything now.

Xiang Yang checked that it was correct and put the note away.

Li Meili's face was as bright as a chrysanthemum: "When will the five hundred thousand be given to us?"

Xiang Yang glanced at it with contempt: "Within a month."

Li Meili salivated again: "Then where can I find you?"

Xiang Yang took Jinxiu's hand: "Don't worry, I still need you to sign, I won't deny you half a million."

After they went to the room and packed their luggage briefly, they left the village.

When she reached the entrance of the village, Jinxiu looked back at the village where she had lived for more than eighteen years, then turned her head resolutely and continued walking.

Xiang Yang held the luggage in one hand, and held Jin Xiu's hand in the other, "Can you blame me for making my own decisions?"

Jinxiu twitched the corners of her mouth, suppressing the moisture in her eyes: "Thank you, Ayang, I don't blame you. I just didn't expect to leave home in this way."

She sealed the corners of her eyes and continued: "I have lived here for eighteen years. Before Jin Ming was born, my mother told me that I should be obedient and marry a good family when I grow up, so that it will not be in vain for her." Raise me. After Jin Ming was born, she didn't care about me at all. She just beat and scolded me when she didn't like her, saying that she raised a heartless white-eyed wolf. I was in a hurry before I was nineteen. If you want to sell me, don't you really have no affection for me for so many years?"

Xiang Yang really wanted to slap himself in the mouth, what was not good to mention, but he still brought it up.

He took Jinxiu into his arms, kissed the corners of her eyes, and patted her on the back lightly: "Hey, it's okay."

Jinxiu suddenly thought of the five hundred thousand, which was not a small amount, and many farmers had never seen so much money in their entire lives.

"The money??"

"Huh? Oh, it's okay, I'll give it to them after completing the formalities."

"That's not what I meant. I mean, where did you get so much money?"

Xiang Yang smiled and patted her back: "Just kidding, your boyfriend doesn't have much else but money."

After thinking about it for a while, Xiang Yang felt that he should tell her, "Giving them half a million is to prevent them from pestering you in the future. As for whether you want to contact them, you have the initiative." After a pause, He touched Jinxiu's face, "Besides, I also want to thank them for helping me raise my wife."

Jin Xiu's face was flushed red, she punched Xiang Yang's chest: "Who is your wife?"

Xiang Yang yelled "Ah" and bent down, covering his chest with his hands.

Jinxiu was in a hurry, she wrapped her arms around his waist, trying to break his arms away. She knelt down and said nervously, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I forgot that you were injured."

Xiang Yang bowed his body and did not respond.

Jinxiu was so anxious that she raised her head to look at Xiangyang, and was about to ask again. Xiang Yang laughed until his shoulders shook all the time, seeing Jin Xiu's concerned expression made his heart move even more.

He quickly lowered his head and touched Jinxiu's lips, and said with a smile: "Fool!"

Jinxiu didn't dare to hit hard this time, she only pushed lightly, and said softly, "You are so annoying."

Xiangyang's heart felt as if someone had wrapped her up. When he rubbed it gently, it felt a little numb, a little itchy, and he didn't know what to do with her? Maybe she didn't even know how delicate her voice and demeanor were, as if she was acting like a spoiled child to him.

The author has something to say: The next chapter is the last chapter of memories, and then the reunion begins.

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