I Love You as Much as You Do

Chapter 25


Because it is a service industry, it will always be busy and fulfilling.

Jinxiu has never felt that she wants to have a holiday as much as she does now. Christmas will be in two days. The shopping malls and hotels are all decorated with Christmas trees, playing cheerful Christmas songs, and the festive atmosphere is very strong.

The person who said he would take time to come and see her didn't see it, but an unexpected person came.

"Hello, my name is Chen Ting, and I am Chen Yao's younger sister.

The woman on the opposite side was dressed very stylishly. She took off her sunglasses, her eyebrows and eyes were indeed similar to Chen Yao's, and her words were decent, but it made Jinxiu feel unspeakable discomfort.

Jinxiu didn't understand famous brands, but she knew that Jinxiu would have to go without food or drink for several years before she could afford one of her bags.

She had seen that Mo Ni also had a bag of this brand.

Chen Ting tried her best to show a friendly smile: "You don't have to be nervous, I'm really Chen Yao's real sister, and if you really get married in the future, I'll have to call you sister-in-law."

After hearing Chen Ting's words, Jinxiu lifted her heart that had just been let go.

Chen Ting went on talking to herself: "My brother is good at everything. He is responsive to his girlfriend and his family. He can't be soft-hearted. No, I have talked about marriage with Lan Jun. Now I meet Miss Jin again. The posture that you have to do it is not to repay your previous kindness."

"Actually, I quite admire He Lanjun. Not only is she beautiful, but she is also sensible. My mother likes her very much. You see, every lady is different. She is knowledgeable, courteous, and polite, unlike some small families. People from the countryside are so petty."

"Hey, don't think too much about it. I'm not talking about you. Since my brother has decided to be with you, he will still treat you wholeheartedly during the time we are together."

"At first, I also told my brother that it is enough to repay the kindness. There is no need to enter the Chen family's door, give some money, and give a few houses. Our Chen family can't afford it. But, my brother just Admit it to death and say that since you like him so much, he can't let you down."

"But in order not to let you down, but also to let down Lan Jun's deep affection, it's not tiring. I want to please both parties. Is this the bad nature of men? I don't understand."

Chen Ting looked at Jinxiu's face slowly becoming uncomfortable, but applauded in her heart. She also didn't expect Jinxiu to give her any response, the time was too tight, as long as she listened.

"You said, could it be because Lan Jun doesn't want a child, but you can bear him a son?"

Although Jinxiu didn't know how the relationship between Chen Ting and Chen Yao was, but hearing Chen Ting's tone of voice, it was like setting off firecrackers with a small mouth.

Chen Yao said before that his parents divorced a long time ago, and his father has a new family. If the relationship between their family is really that good, Chen Yao wouldn't have to live alone for so many years.

Therefore, this sister is undoubtedly here to pick things up.

But what good would she do

Seeing that she didn't stop talking, she probably jumped the wall in a hurry.

Jinxiu didn't know the reason for her visit, so she kept her expression on her face, but the more she listened, the more she understood, it was obviously out of sheer good intentions.

This is thanks to Xu Jingyan often talking about the plot of the rich family novel and rich family TV series in front of Jinxiu. The script that Chen Ting is holding now is definitely a character who beats the mandarin duck.

It seems that this is to punish the heart.

Jinxiu blinked and looked at Chen Ting with big eyes, the shallow smile on her mouth slowly froze, looking ignorant and nervous.

Chen Ting sneered in her heart, of course she had bad intentions, before Chen Yao covered Jinxiu too tightly, they never knew there was such a country girl.

Now that I have just heard the wind, and in addition to being suppressed by Chen Yao all these years, I can only find some falsehoods and rare ones.

But for a country bumpkin with little knowledge, it should be enough to help her. Chen Yao, who is the loudest, has no peace and no time to care about other things.

Jinxiu lowered the corners of her eyes, her eye circles were red, and there was a bitter smile on the corner of her mouth. Coupled with her baby face, she looked pure and innocent, and she looked like a little daughter-in-law who was willing to compromise.

"Brother Yao said he would marry me, so that no matter how many women he has in the future, I will still be married. Only I will be the original spouse that Ming Media is marrying. From now on, all his property will only be given to me and our children."

There was nothing wrong with these words at first glance, Chen Ting looked down on Chen Yao a bit, why did she find such a silly Baitian. Sure enough, she is willing to endure anything for money, is this woman stupid? It doesn't matter which feudal tribe this is from.

Could this be another counterfeit? No, if it's a counterfeit, there's no need to protect her so well. They only found her now.

After thinking about it, something was wrong, the first wife who kept her mouth shut sounded like she was mocking herself as the child of the mistress and would never be able to get on the stage.

Although her mother did enter Chen's family by destroying other people's families. But who doesn't know when she goes out now, she is the upright young lady of the Chen family, and Chen Yao is just a wild child.

Impossible, this is a mountain girl, why should she laugh at me.

Chen Ting maintained a calm face, but her heart was overwhelmed.

Just when she was about to continue rambling on, Jinxiu's cell phone rang.

Jinxiu said she was sorry, but she answered the phone without any apology on her face.

"Miss Jin, can you do me a favor?"

It was the first time Wang Yi called Jinxiu in his own name, and Jinxiu responded easily, "Okay, tell me."

"The driver is going to your place now, is it convenient for you to come over? It won't delay you for too long."


After hanging up the phone, Jinxiu felt that her pity for the heroine had come to an end, she stood up and bid farewell to Chen Ting: "Miss Chen, I'm sorry, I have something to do right now, so I can't drink coffee with you anymore, I'll treat you to ice cream another day .You should like it."

Chen Ting looked at the little daughter-in-law who was about to cry just now and suddenly became full of smiles, and she felt a little unreceptive for a while, what do you like? Like to eat ice? What kind of ice do you eat on such a cold day

Wait, eat ice? She wants to say I'm cool

This country bumpkin,! ! !

Now that she, Chen Ting, has lost power, she didn't expect that a country bumpkin could ride on her head.

Chen Ting directly poured a cup of coffee into her mouth angrily, but forgot that the coffee was still hot, and almost burned her tongue off.

Amid Chen Ting's embarrassing coughing, a shadow was cast in front of her eyes.

Chen Ting raised her head and found that it was her cheap brother who hadn't seen him for more than three years. She silently blew on her tongue and snorted coldly. The action was really fast enough.

Chen Yao didn't say hello to her and sat down directly. He put his right hand on the coffee cup that Jinxiu drank before, and kept rubbing the rim of the cup with his thumb back and forth.

Chen Ting poked at Chen Yao's body with vicious eyes, wishing to peel off his skin, eat his flesh and drink his blood.

Chen Yao was indifferent to her eyes, he turned his watch slightly, and said lightly: "I suggest you stop thinking about Jinxiu, otherwise, I don't mind taking back all the shares in your hands."

Chen Ting was trembling with anger, she pointed at Chen Yao tremblingly: "Don't forget that now my mother is Chen Sheng'an's real wife."

"Oh? Then you just try to challenge my patience." Chen Yao didn't care.

"Chen Yao, my future sister-in-law hasn't seen you with such decisiveness, has she? Look at your current appearance, you look like a devil. I don't know if my future sister-in-law will see you like this. Aren't you afraid of you?" Chen Ting became angry from embarrassment, and couldn't help laughing out loud.

Chen Yao didn't even look at her: "Chen Ting, you can still be so carefree now, you should be glad that you and I have the same father, if you want to touch my bottom line, don't blame me for reminding you, I am not the same as you Mom gave birth."

Chen Ting suddenly looked like a deflated ball, how much it bounced at the beginning, and how quickly it slumped now.

How could she forget how her mother almost killed him several times. How could she forget how Chen Yao kicked their mother and daughter out of the Chen family.

Chen Yao has always regarded them as clowns, and he has nothing to fear, but if he keeps getting in his way again and again, it's no wonder that he wants them to suffer the consequences.

Chen Ting knew their situation, and Zhang Sufen knew it too. Chen Yao is not the same Xiangyang as before. The genetic factor of aloofness from his mother has also been polished and wrapped up by them in the past few years, and her father's inherited ruthlessness is constantly being released.

"Miss Chen, you should not be able to return to China now. If I haven't seen you on the plane back today, I'd be happy to tell your good friends the news of your return to China, so that you can catch up on the old days."

"Is there anything you haven't eaten, or where you haven't been, I'll ask someone to take you there, and then I'll take you home in person, so that you can have a New Year's Eve dinner together as a family."

Chen Ting was so angry that she couldn't choose what to say: "Chen Yao, I'll wait to see how you die."

Chen Yao clenched his fist hard, and his fingers were about to tear off a piece of flesh in his palm, but his face was indifferent, as if he was not talking about him: "I am waiting for you at any time, but in the past twenty or thirty years, you Shouldn’t have the ability to see it yet.”

Later, Chen Ting was "escorted" by two bodyguards, one on the left and the other on the right. She knew she couldn't resist, and she kept saying dirty things, emphasizing every word. She said that Jinxiu knew that he was treating her family well. How cruel, how disheartened he is now, and finally directly poked Chen Yao: "A person like you should die alone, hahaha..."

After Chen Ting went out, Chen Yao leaned back on the back of the chair, and the cold aura he had just faced Chen Ting was gone.

After pondering for a long time, he remembered to explain to the king: "Check out how Chen Ting entered the country."

Originally, he wanted to give Jinxiu a surprise, but now his heart sank to the bottom, would Axiu be afraid of him? She was so timid, she must have thought he was a devil, a devil that would not spare even her own family.

How much did she tell Jinxiu, and how much did that chick believe? Will there be a estrangement from then on, and then I will start to avoid him again, and when will I be able to forgive him this time.

Is the happy life that just started going away from him again? Obviously he was just fighting back, so should he really die alone

"Wang Yi, tell me, will Axiu get angry?"

Looking at the frustrated face of the boss, Wang Yi couldn't answer his question. He had been proud of himself for the past few days, but now he looks like a monster who has been beaten back to his original form. .

I still remember the stinky face when he asked himself to book a plane ticket yesterday. He said that he would spend Christmas with Miss Jin, and that he, a single dog, could take a day off tomorrow to feel the lonely atmosphere of the festival.

Chen Yao didn't understand Jinxiu's brain hole, he could think about it all day long, but he didn't know where his brain hole would break through this time.

Normally, she would not question or scold, she would just bury her heart to avoid problems. He never forgot how indifferent Jinxiu thought he was with He Lanjun at that time.

He wanted to ask her, do you care? You have to believe me, I really didn't do anything harmful. However, he didn't dare, he was afraid that after some words were spoken, it would be really irreversible.


The driver took Jinxiu to a small domed auditorium by the sea. The auditorium was surrounded by flowers of various colors. It was very beautiful, and it also had the feeling of spring in this cold winter.

A young lady in a white gauze dress came out, and after saying hello, she said that she needed Jinxiu to go in with her eyes closed, and there was a surprise for her inside.

This scene, this posture, made the wedding girl Jin a little nervous, and she didn't know which step to take first.

She kept building herself up mentally, it's okay, it's okay, it's just a surprise, not a marriage proposal.

Cocoa, are you sure it's just a surprise? Do you want to engage in such a big battle for surprise

No, this is too fast, and I have no psychological preparation at all. Ayang, if you were inside, you would be dead today.

The young lady didn't understand why Jinxiu's hands were shaking, but her professionalism told her that the customer is God, and it's normal for God to be nervous.

She walked forward holding Jinxiu's hand, and stopped for a while when she reached the door, and then a burst of soft music came. Jinxiu heard the sound of the door closing. The door cut off the wind and human voices outside, and the sound of music seemed to flow around her. Such an atmosphere made Jinxiu want to cry.

Her tears were about to come out.

The young lady said softly, "Miss Jin, you can open your eyes now."

Jinxiu opened her eyes and saw the sky full of stars, and the round moon was hanging directly above.

The curtains of the auditorium were all drawn, only the faint starlight shone from the half-real sky above, which made Jinxiu really feel like she was under the starry sky.

This reminded her of that summer vacation, the teenagers and girls on the roof.

The villain in her heart is beckoning, here, here, you see, she really proposes marriage.


In a trance, Chen Yao's voice sounded, and Jinxiu thought she was dreaming.

Jinxiu looked at the direction of the voice with red eyes like bunnies. It turned out that it was only Chen Yao's video projection. He looked at Jinxiu with a smile, "Axiu, Merry Christmas."

Jinxiu couldn't say whether she was disappointed or thankful, she thought he came to look for her, but it was understandable, after all, he was so busy every day, he probably wouldn't be able to find time to come here.

If she was really by her side now, she would probably burst into tears, how embarrassing she would be then!

It has been a long time since Jinxiu spoke, and Chen Yao, who was already a little nervous, became even more guilty: "Don't you like it?"

Jinxiu endured the tears in her eyes, looked at her boyfriend on the screen, and sniffed: "I like it very much, so beautiful."

Chen Yao became a little flustered: "Did you cry?"

Jinxiu shook her head, "No, I almost cried, I thought you came here too?"

Chen Yao's eyes flickered: "Do you still want to see me?"

Jinxiu pretended to wipe the corners of her eyes casually: "Of course I want to, but I know you are busy, it's okay. I like the moonlight very much, it's very beautiful, it reminds me of the time when we watched the moon on the roof that year, and I have some feelings That's all."

Chen Yao tentatively asked: "It's a pity that I can't come to celebrate the festival with you, shall we spend New Year's Eve together in a few days?"

"Of course." Jinxiu made a promise, I hope I can be with you every year.

The straight man Chen Yao was confused: "Then why don't you smile?"

Jinxiu covered her forehead with her hand in embarrassment: "I was about to cry just now, I was afraid that I would be ashamed if you saw it."

Chen Yao didn't expect this to be the case, he let go of the big stone in his heart, and couldn't help laughing.

Jinxiu didn't care about any embarrassment anymore, and said loudly, "Look at you, I told you, and you laughed at me again."

Chen Yao froze for a moment, the two lovers stared at each other through the big screen for a few seconds, and couldn't stop laughing at each other.

Jinxiu's eyes were curved, and two small dimples were clearly shining on Chen Yao's screen.

If such beauty was in front of him, he really wanted to hug her tightly, and kiss her pouty little mouth fiercely.

However, the current Chen Yao can only touch the wall with his hands, listening to the voice of his beloved girl who is separated from him by the wall.

"Mr. Chen, everything is ready, are you sure you don't want to go in?" Wang Yi couldn't bear to see the hurt expression on Chen Yao's face, and couldn't help reminding him.

Chen Yao touched the tiles on the wall with nostalgia, and struggled for a long time before making up his mind: "Let's go, I'll be back in two days."

Chen Yao admits that he is a coward, now he doesn't know how to face Jinxiu, and wonders if Jinxiu will want to see him.

Chen Yao was terrified of the life of lonely ghosts and ghosts in the past few years, and never wanted to return to the previous state of walking dead.

Now he just wants to humbly pray to God. My mother is gone, and my father only regards me as a tool to inherit the family business. Can this girl who treats me wholeheartedly accompany me to go on.

Jinxiu definitely didn't know that Chen Yao came and went, and of course he didn't understand his complicated inner activities.

Her mood fluctuated up and down that day, saying that Chen Ting had no influence on her and it was impossible, but the surprise behind was too big, which could completely cover up that little discomfort.

Seeing her like this, He Feifei couldn't help teasing her that she was a little nervous, she usually looks so quiet, she was just in a relationship, how could she change more than plastic surgery!

Jingyan couldn't help complaining, "Student Jinxiuxiu, why do you look like a mentally retarded?"

Jinxiu was like a screaming chicken: "Ahhhhhhh, I was scared to death, I thought he proposed to marry me, I was ready to cry!"

Jingyan rolled her eyes: "Hey, sisters, are you reserved, are you reserved? Is it interesting to abuse us single dogs like this?"

Screaming Chicken continued: "Hee hee, I can't help it, but I'm really happy now!"

Jingyan clapped her middle fingers: "Show off, huh~"

"Speaking of which, does your boyfriend have any obsession with appreciating the moon? You are so old-fashioned, so you don't dislike him."

Jinxiu wanted to protect the dignity of her dear boyfriend at this time: "What do you know, he knows that I like this."

Jingyan really wanted to turn the whites of her eyes upside down: "Okay, I don't understand, I'm just single, I've never been in a relationship, I don't understand anything."