I Love You as Much as You Do

Chapter 6


Xu Jingyan washed the dishes, and Jinxiu went to take a shower.

After taking a bath, Jinxiu lay on the hanging basket on the balcony and read a book.

Suddenly she was patted lightly on the shoulder, she raised the end of her eyes, glanced at Xu Jingyan, then lowered her head and continued to read.

"Hey, what are you looking at?" Xu Jingyan leaned against the balcony and looked down at Jinxiu.

"It's very interesting to find a book by accident about wedding folk customs in various places."

"Are you really planning to hold wedding celebrations all the time?"

Jinxiu raised her head and thought for a while: "It's okay, I'm very happy. Seeing couples get happy will make me feel good."

It was rare that both of them were free tonight, so they chatted casually.

Xu Jingyan squeezed Jinxiu and sat down in the hanging basket.

The two were close together, Xu Jingyan swayed slightly, and asked seemingly casually: "Xiuxiu, what kind of person is your boyfriend?"

After asking, I felt very inappropriate, and I haven't asked her about her relationship for so many years. At first, she felt that her boyfriend was just an excuse to block her relationship, but later she never saw her boyfriend appear and dared not ask.

She waved her hand: "Hey, I'm just curious. If you can't tell me, just pretend you didn't hear it."

"Why can't you say it?" Jinxiu put the book aside and looked at Xu Jingyan in doubt.

Xu Jingyan looked very surprised: "Huh? Can I ask? It's not that I haven't seen you in contact for a long time, so I'm afraid it will cause you sadness."

Jinxiu pondered: "We just haven't contacted for the time being."

"Then when did you guys get together?" Once the conversation started, the curious baby couldn't stop wanting to explore more mysteries.

"When I was a sophomore in high school." Jinxiu answered every question.

"Wow! Jinxiu, you actually fall in love early!" I didn't expect the good baby to have a rebellious side.

Yes, Jinxiu and Xiangyang had a puppy love, when Jinxiu was a sophomore in high school.

Jinxiu was 19 years old that year. Because I started school late, I was older than the children in the city.

The children of the farm family have long been in charge of the family. Especially Jinxiu, as the boss, has to share the labor with the family.

Originally, after graduating from junior high school, her parents would not allow Jinxiu to continue studying, but Jinxiu had excellent grades. At that time, the principals of junior high school and high school took turns to do ideological work at home, and then the tuition was exempted before she was able to continue studying in high school.

Even so, Jinxiu still cannot avoid going to the fields to do farm work every day after school and during holidays.

In the summer vacation of her freshman year of high school, Jinxiu was pulling peanuts out of the field. Just now, the sun was scorching, and then it rained heavily.

Jinxiu could only run to an abandoned house to hide from the rain.

This is where the orchard guards lived, but now it can shelter passers-by from the wind and rain.

After working all day, Jinxiu was also tired. She took a sip of water, then opened the cloth bag and took out a steamed bun, then wrapped the cloth bag and put it away.

Jinxiu took a bite of the steamed bun, flipped through the book with the other hand, and took out the textbook to preview.

Because there is endless work to do every day, there is less time to read, so I can only use the rest time to recharge myself.

Jinxiu chewed on the steamed buns, swallowing them in small mouthfuls, but she always felt that something was different today, as if someone was staring at her in the dark, coveting the steamed buns in her hand.

She stood up and turned around, but found no one.

Sit down and continue reading, but it is difficult to settle down.

Jinxiu felt that her skin was about to get goosebumps, and she always felt that there was something like a searchlight locked on her and peeking at her non-stop.

"Ah!" Jinxiu jumped up excitedly, and finally saw a person when she opened a pile of cardboard boxes in the corner, she let out a soft cry and stepped back.

It was a homeless man whose face could not be seen clearly.

The man was dirty all over, the white shirt on his upper body was already dirty, and the jeans underneath had several big holes.

He hugged himself tightly, curled up in a huge pile of old cardboard boxes, his body was trembling slightly, under the dirt, his eyes could not be clearly seen on Jinxiu,,,, the steamed bun in his hand.

Jinxiu couldn't say a word, she just stared at him blankly.

This is a small village. Everyone knows who is in the village, who has come, who has gone out, and what happened at home. Such a big man has never been seen before.

Jinxiu wants to go out, but the heavy rain has no tendency to stop.

She couldn't read the book anymore, and she forgot to eat the steamed buns in Jinxiu's hand. She kept looking at the heavy rain outside, and kept walking in small steps with her feet.

The big guy didn't make any sound, but he could feel that he was looking at Jinxiu all the time, and that ray of light was hard to ignore.

Jinxiu turned around, glanced at the big man, and found that he was still staring at the steamed bun, but didn't say a word.

Jinxiu tentatively whispered, "You,, you, do you want to eat steamed buns?"

The big man didn't say a word, he didn't nod or shake his head, he just looked at her with a much softer gaze.

Jinxiu just wanted to reach out to give him the steamed buns in her hand, but she retracted it. She took out the cloth bag and said slowly: "There are two more in the cloth bag, you can eat here."

Jinxiu moved with small steps, glanced at the big man, gently placed the cloth bag in his hand, and then quickly retreated to a safe (?) position at the door.

The big guy still kept looking at Jinxiu, observing her every move. Although his fingers were trembling, his mouth was eating the steamed bun very quickly, it could be said that he swallowed it directly.

Two steamed buns are gone after two or three mouthfuls.

Jinxiu only dared to take a sneak peek, watching the big man quickly get rid of the two steamed buns, his big eyes opened round and round as if they were emitting light, his face was full of disbelief.

Seeing Jinxiu's rich expression, the big man choked and coughed.

Jinxiu ran over and shouted coquettishly: "I knew you would choke, see!" Opening her water glass and handing it to the big man while speaking.

The big man coughed even harder, coughing, coughing, reaching out to take the water glass. Jinxiu withdrew her hand, "Ah, this is my water glass."

The big man stared at Jinxiu, his eyes were full of bloodshot eyes, which made people feel pitiful.

Jinxiu tentatively stretched out her hand again, "Why don't you just take a sip?"

The big man grabbed the water glass rudely, unscrewed the lid and took a big gulp. Unexpectedly, he was choked again and coughed even louder.

"Ah, look, you can't drink in such a hurry. Slow down!" Jinxiu hurried forward and patted the big man's back with her small hands.

"Children will choke on drinking water."

"You,, cough,,, shut, mouth,, cough." The big man's voice was hoarse. It was unknown whether it was caused by not speaking for a long time or being choked, but it could be heard that he was not very old.

Jinxiu patted him anxiously, "You are the one who shut up and told you to drink in such a hurry, don't talk now, just drink slowly." The previous wariness about the big guy miraculously disappeared because of this little episode.

After taking two sips of water, the big guy finally recovered. Jinxiu showed two dimples, and she didn't pat him on the back again: "How long has it been since you ate, why are you in such a hurry?"

The big man didn't speak, just looked at her silently.

Seeing that Jinxiu didn't answer, she looked at him with confused eyes.

The four eyes met for a long time before Jinxiu realized something was wrong. The two of them are strangers, they don't know each other at all, and they don't know whether this person is good or bad. It was a dangerous distance to be so close to him now.

Only then did Jinxiu react belatedly.

She quickly moved away from the big man, and then ran out of the hut without looking back.

The big man looked at her back as she ran away in a hurry, the corner of his mouth curled up, and he tightly tightened the cloth bag in his hand.

Fortunately, the rain was much lighter at this time, Jinxiu blushed and pretended to be calm and continued to work in the field, but her heart kept beating.

When the sun was about to set, Jinxiu had to stop what she was doing, and went to other people's vegetable fields to find out if there were any leftover vegetable leaves after harvesting. She had to put them in bamboo baskets and carry them back to feed the pigs.

When we got home, it was completely dark.

Just as Jinxiu put the bamboo basket on the ground, a small cannonball flew over: "Axiu, Axiu, you're back!"

Jinxiu stroked Jinming's head, revealing two cute dimples.

Jinming waited for Jinxiu to put her things away, and hurriedly dragged her to the kitchen. Jinxiu let him pull her. Firstly, she was afraid of hurting Jinming if she resisted, and secondly, Jinming, who was more than seven years old, was simply a grown-up, so she pulled Jinxiu hard with both hands, but Jinxiu couldn't break free.

After arriving in the kitchen, Jin Ming took out a bowl, and there was a big chicken leg in it. He smiled and flattered: "Axiu, I left this for you."

Jinxiu patted Jinming's head lightly, pursed her lips and pretended to be angry: "Call me sister."

Jin Ming scratched his head and laughed happily.

Jinxiu had worked all day today, and she didn't eat the steamed buns well, so she was really hungry.

She picked up the chopsticks and took out the stool. Just as she sat down and was about to eat, Li Meili's voice came from outside the kitchen: "Your sister is full, the chicken legs are for you."

Jinxiu heard this, neither eating nor letting go.

Jin Ming put his hands on his hips and hummed: "How can Axiu only eat four steamed buns for a day's work?"

Li Meili walked in and gave Jinxiu a disdainful look: "You are so big, you eat my clothes and wear mine, and you have the nerve to stay at home with such a big face. Who in the village will such a big girl not go out to work and earn money. Every girl Yes, you can get married after a few years of work, so why read so many books?"

Jinxiu lowered her head, not daring to answer her mother's words.

Jin Ming couldn't listen anymore: "Grandma, why are you saying this again?"

When Li Meili spoke to Jinming, her tone lowered and her tone was much gentler. She said slowly, "What I'm telling is the truth."

"Mom, you are so annoying." Jin Ming stomped his feet angrily.

Only then did Li Meili stop nagging, and said to Jinxiu impatiently: "Axiu, you hurry up and finish pulling the peanuts tomorrow, and your father and I will go over and pick the peanuts together to dry after harvesting in the field."

Jinxiu nodded: "Okay, Mom."

When Li Meili walked away, Jinming sat in front of Jinxiu, he tilted his head: "Axiu, are you angry?"

Jinxiu shook her head while chewing the rice, and gave Jinming a bitter smile.

It is a lie to say that she is not lost in her heart, but she has no way to care about it. She just thinks, I have to study hard, and only by studying can I change my destiny.

Jin Ming jumped up: "I'll help you tomorrow."

Jinxiu patted his head: "Go and play, your little friend wouldn't be so happy without you."