I Love You as Much as You Do

Chapter 7


The next day, before dawn, Jinxiu got up to make dumplings, and then went to wash and wash her clothes.

After eating the dumplings, Jinxiu put her lunch portion in an insulated box, put the rest in the pot for her family, then picked up the basket and went to the field to pull peanuts.

It was just dawn, and the surrounding trees and grass still looked like black shadows.

When passing by the small broken house, Jinxiu paused.

Is the big guy still here

It looked like he was injured yesterday. I wonder if he has been dealt with

I don't know if the big man has anything to eat, but he was so anxious to eat those two steamed buns yesterday, it must have been a long time since he was full.

Shall I give him dumplings

hi what am i thinking

I don't know who he is.

No matter what he does, I am despised by others myself!

What if he really didn't have anything to eat and died of starvation here

Won't. He didn't live well until he saw me.

He'll be gone when he's rested.

What if he's still here

Before she knew it, Jinxiu had already entered the small broken house, and she was looking for the big man everywhere.

I don't know if it's not dawn yet, or he has already left at all, and he didn't see anyone after turning around.

Might actually go.

Jinxiu walked out of the hut, and when she reached the door, a black shadow loomed over her.

"Ah!!!!" Caught off guard, Jinxiu took two steps back, so frightened that she almost threw the heat preservation box in her hand away.

The big man took a step forward, and gave Jin Xiu's waist a little help so that she could stand still.

Jinxiu patted her chest and said angrily, "Why do you always scare me?"

Originally, he thought that the big man should be tall, but now that Jinxiu was standing in front of him, Jinxiu had just reached his chest, making him look even smaller.

It's so annoying.

Jinxiu stared angrily at the big man with her cheeks puffed out, she didn't know whether she was angry because of her height or because of her sudden embarrassment.

The big guy is very innocent, obviously you came here by yourself, I was the one who was scared.

He didn't dare to say that, he just looked at her with sleepy eyes.

Jinxiu suddenly remembered: "Why are you still here?"

The big man walked sideways into the hut to avoid bumping into Jinxiu. Only then did Jinxiu realize that the big man's right foot was also injured.

He bent down slightly, pressed his right leg with his right hand, took a step forward with his left foot, and dragged his right foot forward, one deep and the other shallow.

Jinxiu shouted from behind: "Hey, you haven't answered me yet?"

The big man stopped and turned around to take a look at Jinxiu, and then went back to the hut.

Jinxiu thought for a while and followed in. She said softly, "Did you not eat? I have dumplings here that are still hot. Let me give you some."

The big guy found it incredible, he was obviously afraid of him, but he kept getting close to him.

Jinxiu didn't expect him to answer, so she opened the insulated box directly, took out the bottom layer of dumplings and handed it to the big man, keeping the top layer for herself.

"I didn't expect you to be here, otherwise I would have given you more." Jinxiu was talking to herself.

The big man took the spoon and ate silently, the speed was still as fast as ever.

It was so fast that Jinxiu didn't even have time to stop her: "Hey, hey..."

The big man was burned a bit, and he took a mouthful of dumplings, neither swallowing nor spitting.

"Let me just say, I just made it, and it's still hot." Jinxiu raised her head slightly to look at the big man, the slender and graceful neck line collapsed into a line, like a proud swan.

Jinxiu felt that it was very gratifying to watch him suffer, and she finally got revenge, who made him scare her just now.

When the dumplings in his mouth were not so hot, the big man chewed them twice before swallowing them directly. It's quick, but not rude.

Immediately afterwards, the big man picked up another dumpling, and this time he was prepared, so he was not in such a hurry to put it in his mouth.

Jinxiu opened her big eyes and looked at him like black grapes. It was pitch black but bright, as if it filled the entire starry sky. Anyone could hear the show off in her jumping voice: "Is it delicious? I made it myself."

Now it has changed from a proud swan to a little hen who keeps showing off.

The big guy looked at Jinxiu, the girl's skin was a bit dark, which should be caused by frequent exposure to the sun. But the facial features are very correct, the eyes are very big, the small face that is slapped is full of two big eyes that are blinking, and the small cherry mouth is also opening and closing to talk, all the emotions are clear on the face.

The big man closed his eyes for a moment and then opened them again. He ate three or four more dumplings before he spoke, "You are not afraid of me now?" The two people said not the same thing.

Jinxiu stared blankly at Xiangyang, her ears turning slightly red. She just said "You,,," and forgot what she was going to say.

Only then did Jinxiu start to observe the big guy, his hair was too long, covering his forehead and eyes, and he hadn't washed for a long time, so some strands of his hair were tangled together. I can't see too much of the nose, only the tip of the nose. The mouth was not blocked, and the thin lips were pursed, revealing a sharpness. There were bruises and bruises all over his face and body, and his body was filthy and dirty.

It's just such a person with no image, and his voice is so clear and beautiful. The hoarseness of yesterday is gone, now it sounds like spring water flowing from a small stream, dripping down rocks, ding dong, echoing in the empty valley, making people's hearts rippling along with it.

"What's the matter?" The big man asked in puzzlement seeing Jin Xiu hesitating.

"Ah! It turns out that your voice is so beautiful, you can say a few more words to listen,, listen." Jinxiu, who finally expressed her wishes clearly, said happily.

The unexpected big man almost choked again.

He sighed speechlessly.

"Are you so familiar with everyone?" There was more mockery in the big man's eyes.

"Yes, yes, that's it. You can talk more." The big man's voice is not only nice, but also very standard, with correct words, just like someone on the radio standing in front of her.

The big man stared at Jinxiu, and after a while, Jinxiu felt the difference in the atmosphere, and then realized that she was actually infatuated with a man who looked like a "beggar".

She stammered and said: "Yeah, yeah, no. Just, just,,, just,,," for a long time, she didn't know how to express her surprise and joy.

The big guy raised his eyebrows and didn't ask any further questions, as if the answer wasn't important, he finished the last bite of the dumpling, handed the bowl to Jinxiu, and then answered Jinxiu's question before: "Thank you, the dumplings are delicious."

Jinxiu showed two dimples, she seemed very happy. She packed up the insulation box and said to the big man: "I'm going to work, you should go home soon!" After finishing speaking, she hurried away.

The big man clenched his fists.

go home

Where is home

The sun was shining at noon.

Jinxiu was hungry after working all morning, she was thinking, did the big guy leave? What does he have for lunch

The more you think, the less you can calm down and work.

Jinxiu said to herself, I'm not going to see if he's around now, nor do I care if he's eating or not, I'm just going to take a rest.

After Jinxiu brainwashed herself, she walked into the hut in a manner she took for granted.

The big man was sitting next to the pile of waste cardboard boxes at this time, his left foot was slightly bent, and his right foot was straight. He didn't know what he was thinking, but only looked at the door.

In the eyes of the big guy, the skinny little girl came over sneakily, took three steps and one step back, with her waist bent, as if she was a thief.

He felt that this girl was quite contradictory, she was obviously afraid of him, but kept approaching him.

He has been in this place for four days, when it was dark, he accidentally rolled down the hillside and suffered some injuries. After climbing up, he just found a place to settle down.

I was hungry, so I had to dig some sweet potatoes and peanuts in other people's fields to fill my stomach. When I was thirsty, I went to the nearby river to drink water directly.

That day, the girl came in to hide from the rain and brought steamed buns and clean water.

The girl's own rations.

This morning brought dumplings again.

It was the first time in four days that he had hot food.

He is grateful for this lovely little girl.

"Ah, big man, why don't you leave?" Jinxiu pretended to be careless and asked.

Big guy! ! ! ! ?

The big man's eyes jumped. Well, he already thinks she's not so cute anymore.

Jinxiu patted her forehead, she ran out, and a voice came over, "Wait here for me!"

The big guy laughed, where else could I go

Not long after, Jinxiu hurried in. She scratched under a pile of stones next to the door, and ran out again with a small square box.

Not long after, Jinxiu was heard shouting outside: "Big guy, big guy, come here quickly."

The big man didn't want to talk to her, and the big man wanted to refuse.

Then the big man stood up, dragged his right leg out with one foot deep and one shallow foot.

In front of Jinxiu was a small mud room with a fire burning inside. She was still throwing firewood into the fire, and when she saw the big guy coming out, she quickly waved: "Hurry up, hurry up, I have to go get some firewood."

The "disabled person" can only speed up his pace and walk towards Jinxiu.

Jinxiu disappeared in a flash.

The big man looked at her back and shook his head, as if he was really not afraid of him anymore.

Watching Jinxiu come back and forth to bring back a lot of firewood, and sweet potatoes one by one, all piled up next to the big ones.

When Jinxiu finally stopped, she crouched next to the big man and panted like a puppy, her forehead and body were covered with sweat.

The big man laughed, and finally he could raise his doubts: "What are you doing?"

Jinxiu raised her head and said to the big man, "Sweet potato kiln, can't you see it?"

The big man shook his head: "I haven't done it."

Jinxiu lowered her head, and she used a wooden stick to scribble on the ground: "I haven't done it before. I watched other people do it before."

The big man threw another piece of firewood in, "Why do you just watch others do it?"

Jinxiu said in a low voice: "I have to do farm work, I want to study, I don't have time."

"How old are you?" The big man threw the firewood in and continued to ask.

"Hey! You're wrong, there needs to be a hollow in the middle, so that the fire can burn." Jinxiu took a wooden stick and stirred in the middle of the fire to let the air in, and then answered the big man's question, "I'm eighteen years old, a sophomore in high school at the beginning of school." gone."

Already eighteen? I thought it was a junior high school student.

"Xiangyang, one year older than you."

Jinxiu nodded, "Oh, Xiangyang, huh? What Xiangyang?"

Xiang Yang teased, "Xiang of the direction, Yang of the sun." Then he emphasized each word, "Xiang,, Yang,. My name."

Jinxiu was taken aback for a moment before realizing that she was being teased. She pushed Xiangyang away and threw the firewood heavily into the mud room.

Xiang Yang was caught off guard and fell to the ground, and sat directly without wanting to get up. He smiled lightly, and tapped Jinxiu's arm with a small wooden stick: "Hey, are you angry?"

Jinxiu waved his small wooden stick away: "Aren't you aloof?" Why are you talking so much now and still laughing at me.

After waiting for a long time, but she didn't hear anything, Jinxiu raised her head and glanced at Xiang Yang, seeing that he was staring at Huo in a daze, not knowing what to think.

After a while, a gentle male voice sounded: "I'm curious, what's the use of your fire? There's nothing in it."

Jinxiu said, "Just wait and see."

After burning all the firewood, the mud clods were all blackened, Jinxiu threw sweet potatoes into it one by one, and then smashed the mud house down with stones.

Jinxiu gave Xiangyang a big rock to smash the mud into pieces.

"You kids in the city haven't made this, have you? This is fun, and the sweet potatoes are also very delicious."

Xiang Yang smashed the clods of mud, and said: "It's really not there." I have never seen it.

"Then next time we can put some corn and peanuts in and it will be delicious." The girl said with a smile.

Xiang Yang thought for a while: "Okay."

Jinxiu asked: "Where are you from?"

"Lin City."

Jinxiu showed an envious expression, and unconsciously raised her voice: "Wow, I heard that Lin City is very big? It has everything."

Xiang Yang nodded: "Do you like it there?"

Jinxiu's tone was lost: "I have never been anywhere except our town. I just read that Lin City is very prosperous and big, and there is everything there."

Xiang Yang didn't know why Jin Xiu was suddenly upset, "Do you want to go there?"

"I want to." Jinxiu nodded vigorously, "I want to leave here."

"You can come to Lin City to find me in the future. I grew up there and am familiar with it."

Jinxiu's eyes were moist, like a crystal clear lake, she agreed with joy, "Okay!"

Seeing that her mood improved, Xiang Yang unconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

Facing Jinxiu, he stretched out his hand and solemnly introduced himself to her: "Hi, my name is Xiangyang, Xiangyang facing the sun."

Jinxiu also looked at Xiangyang, the corners of her mouth slightly raised, revealing two dimples: "Hi Xiangyang, my name is Jinxiu, Jinxiu of Jinxiu Future."

After speaking, they touched each other lightly, and the two looked at each other and smiled.