I Love You as Much as You Do

Chapter 8


This kind of sweet potato was never eaten by Xiang Yang, or Xiang Yang had never eaten sweet potato a few times before, but the sweet potato he ate this time made him never forget it in the days to come.

When Jinxiu took two big wooden sticks to dig a hole in the soil, a scent came over her face. Xiangyang's belly also sang the sonata in good time.

Jinxiu just wanted to laugh out loud, thinking that it would be embarrassing, so she tried her best to suppress the urge to laugh. But the more she tried to suppress it, the weirder her expression became, her shoulders shrugged up and down.

Xiangyang was ashamed and annoyed, and with the stone in his hand, he unconsciously accelerated his speed to scrape away the dirt.

Jinxiu chuckled: "Don't use such force, the skin of the sweet potato will break."

Xiang Yang said sullenly, "What are you laughing at?"

The smile on Jinxiu's face could no longer be stopped, and she laughed out loud.

Looking at the smiling face on Jinxiu's face, Xiang Yang picked up a few small stones and threw them lightly on Jinxiu's body: "Stop laughing." The voice sounded like a baby.

Jinxiu stroked Xiangyang's hair, it was surprisingly soft: "I'm laughing, not to laugh at you, I just think you're so cute, it's strange that I thought you were scary before." Just like comforting Jinming with him.

Xiang Yang didn't say a word, and just threw pebbles to vent her anger, Jin Xiu didn't expect the big guy to have such a childish side.

Soon, all of Xiangyang's grievances were attracted by the sweet potato, despite its dark appearance, its aroma was first-class, more pure than the roasted sweet potato on the night market street.

Xiangyang turned the sweet potatoes from left to right to cool, and Jinxiu put his hands on the ground and helped him blow the sweet potatoes.

Because the hands are all dusty, the peeled sweet potatoes have patches of black marks, and in the current environment, no one dislikes them.

Xiang Yang handed the sweet potato to Jin Xiu, and nodded her chin.

Jinxiu said: "Eat it, I'll just peel it off!"

Xiang Yang didn't take back his hand either.

Jinxiu had no choice but to take the sweet potato.

At this time, Xiang Yang picked up the other and peeled it off to eat. It tasted really good, very sweet, mixed with a scent of earth.

Jinxiu stretched her neck with an expression begging for praise: "How is it? How is it? It's delicious."

Xiang Yang pretended to be reserved and said, "It's okay."

Jin Xiu didn't care either, she finished eating the sweet potatoes in her hand, and said to Xiang Yang: "Clean up this place after you finish eating, I'll go first."

Xiang Yang raised his eyelids, inexplicably disappointed: "You, don't you want to eat?"

Jinxiu patted the crumbs on her hands and body: "Don't eat, I still have dumplings. After eating, I still have work to do, and I have to work hard today."

Xiang Yang also propped up his body: "You wait for me, I will help you."

Jinxiu turned around and waved her hands: "It's okay, you don't know how to do these things, you can eat slowly."

So, did she come here just to prepare food for herself

Going home in the evening, Li Meili said that the whole family would go to grandma's house tomorrow to do something, so she asked her to pull out peanuts at home, pick peanuts, and dry them after picking, so she couldn't be lazy.

Jinxiu responded one by one.

In fact, there was nothing wrong with them, they just went to grandma's house for the summer vacation, which happened every year, she knew it very well, but she didn't want to make it clear.

She also doesn't like to go to her grandmother's house, and her cousins at her grandmother's house like to bully her.

When she was a child, she put caterpillars in her clothes or schoolbags. And every time I go back, several children will take turns running to her and singing and dancing, to the effect that she is a picked child who was discarded by her parents, and no one loves her.

At the beginning, she still cried and went to her parents, who would comfort her, and grandparents would help drive away the children.

After Jin Ming was born, her parents didn't take her seriously, and her grandmother's family didn't pay much attention to her. They began to talk about her biological parents without any scruples in front of her, saying that her parents gave birth to a younger sister. Nian said her parents finally gave her a younger brother.

But what does this have to do with her

Growing up so big, she only saw her parents from a distance once.

The mother held the younger brother in her arms, and the father led an older girl by the hand, and a teenage sister followed behind them.

They didn't know her, and she didn't intend to recognize them, she just watched from a distance, without feeling excited or sad.

Jinxiu would rather stay at home alone than go to grandma's house to watch people's faces.

Seeing that she didn't want to go, Li Meili couldn't ask for more.

Once when Li Meili went back to her natal family, someone talked about Jinxiu. When she got home, she scolded Jinxiu, saying that she was a slut, and she deserved to be ignored by others. She was born to be abandoned.

Jinming said that he would stay with Axiu at home and let his parents go to grandma.

Jinxiu said that I have to work and read, and if you stay, you will cause me trouble. It's hard to talk about it, so Jin Ming was dismissed.

What's the use of staying? Instead, her parents would blame her for teaching her younger brother not to go to grandma's house.

In this world, Jinming is the only one who regards her as a relative, and she doesn't want to show any negative emotions with her family in front of Jinming, so it's better to let him go to grandma's house to have a good summer vacation.

After breakfast the next day, my parents packed up and went to grandma's house.

Li Meili told Jinxiu to finish plucking the peanuts quickly, otherwise it would be very troublesome if the peanuts would not be dried in the sun and would germinate easily.

Jinxiu nodded.

Jinming looked at his sister helplessly, and asked pitifully, "Axiu, do you really want me to stay with you at home?"

The corner of Li Meili's mouth raised a hint of sarcasm, and said sarcastically, "Your sister has to work and has no time to accompany you."

Jinxiu patted Jinming's head, and smiled at him softly: "I want to read, but I really don't have time. You also have to study hard at grandma's house, you know?"

Jin Ming pouted, and reluctantly drew a long voice: "Oh~~"

Jinxiu squeezed his mouth, "Go there early, try to get there before dark, it's not safe if it's too late."

After saying goodbye, Jinxiu didn't rush out.

After repeatedly confirming that her parents and brother had gone out, she returned to the room again.

Then she took out a tin box from the bottom of the closet, which contained all her savings, and counted all the banknotes and coins, but she didn't know if it was enough.

Jinxiu didn't plan to go to the field today, she wanted to go shopping in the town, and also went to the village to find Old Uncle Liu.

Xiangyang got up in the morning and went to the river to wash his face and body. There is only such a set of clothes, there is no way to change and wash them, so I can only continue to wear them and try to make myself tidy.

Xiangyang wanted to laugh when he thought of Jinxiu's nympho-like eyes shining every time he heard him speak, but he didn't expect the little girl to be a voice controler.

I don't know, is she a face control? Will she be like that when she sees her clean face

Xiang Yang touched his face, he never cared about his appearance, all the people around him said he was tall and handsome, and for no reason he became a school girl in junior and high school.

I don't know how this girl will react when she sees her face? Such a look, Jinxiu should like it, right

Xiang Yang was suddenly stunned by his thoughts, what was he thinking? He didn't know where this was. He had only met a girl for two days. What did he care about what she thought

Thinking of the girl named Jinxiu, his heart couldn't help softening.

The sky is getting brighter, it should be time for Jinxiu to come over.

Xiang Yang hurriedly ran to the "bed" made of cardboard boxes in the hut and lay down. His back was facing the door, but his ears were pricked up vigilantly, listening to the movement outside the door.

After a long time, Xiang Yang hadn't seen Jinxiu's figure until the broken sunlight came in from the roof.

At this time, Xiangyang's stomach also growled. He just lay there motionless, his eyes fixed on the dots of sunlight streaming in from the roof.

His stomach kept growling happily, but he didn't feel hungry at all, nor did he feel sleepy. Maybe it's because the sun rises, and I feel unspeakably hot.

The room was getting hotter and hotter, and the sweat on Xiang Yang's back flowed down like a small river. The wounds on his body hadn't been treated in any way. In such a hot weather, they were probably infected, and now he was in a dull pain.

However, Xiang Yang just wanted to lie down.

He lay flat on his back, looking up at the little sunlight on the broken roof. Ugly, he thought.

With inexplicable irritability, Xiang Yang sat up, walked to the door and looked outside, only the hardworking villagers, no one else came.

Xiang Yang paced around non-stop, suddenly his brain froze, he squatted down, grabbed a handful of dirt on the ground, rubbed his hands vigorously, and then wiped his face. When he felt a layer of dust on his face, he lay down on the cardboard box again with "peace of mind".

Just when Xiang Yang's head was empty, there was the creaking sound of shoes stepping on the gravel path outside.

Xiangyang jumped up from the cardboard box, he quickly walked to the door and took a look, then returned to sit on the cardboard box, pretending to carelessly scratch the ground with a wooden stick.

Jinxiu walked in with brisk steps, she crossed the threshold, stepped on the stones with a creaking sound, broke a wooden stick, and with a slight "pop", she walked in front of Xiangyang.

Xiang Yang didn't look at her.

Jinxiu leaned down and looked at Xiangyang, with a smile on her face showing two small dimples: "Are you hungry?"

Xiang Yang glanced at her hand from the corner of her eye, it was empty. I glanced at her dimples in a blink of an eye, what a smile, I'm not hungry.

Jinxiu was used to his hot and cold, so she stretched out her hand to pull him up, "Come on, come with me."

Xiang Yang said awkwardly: "I won't go." But his feet followed her out.

When going outside, Jinxiu naturally let go of Xiangyang's hand.

Xiang Yang looked at his empty fingers, rubbed his fingertips lightly, and said reluctantly, "Where are you going?"

Jinxiu turned her head to look at Xiangyang, and smiled brightly at him, "Go to my house."

Xiang Yang was flickered by her smile, and paused: "Going to your house? Will it be too fast?"

Seeing him limping, Jinxiu couldn't help but backed away and took his hand and walked forward.

The corners of Xiangyang's mouth raised slightly, and then remembering that he was still angry, he pressed down the corners of his mouth again, but he squeezed her back with a little force.

Jinxiu didn't notice it, she said: "My parents are not at home for a while, you stay at my house first, and then leave after recovering from your injuries. I have already asked Uncle Liu to come over and take a look at your wounds later. .”

The little girl kept her mouth shut, Xiang Yang's heart sank, oh, so that's what she meant.

Seeing that Xiang Yang didn't speak, Jinxiu knew what he was thinking, and felt that she had guessed what he was thinking: "Are you afraid of pain? Don't worry, Old Uncle Liu is an old doctor. Anyone in our village who has intractable diseases will go to him. Medicine is good."

Xiang Yang expressionless: "I'm afraid of pain."

Jinxiu patted her chest: "Don't worry, I will be by your side to cheer you up."

Xiangyang's eyes lit up: "Will you always be by my side?"

Jinxiu nodded firmly: "Yes."

Xiang Yang smiled triumphantly.