I’m A Detective In The American Movie World

Chapter 117: The end of Han Cheng


As long as it is a normal country, no matter how tough the gangs are, they cannot defeat the well-trained state violence agencies. Whether it is weapons and equipment, personnel quality, or even professionalism, the two sides are not at the same level at all.

Forget about countries like Mexico, Colombia, and Brazil.

This group of members of the Three Territory Associations were armed with at most a few submachine guns. How could they possibly be the opponents of the police who came prepared with explosion-proof vehicles as bunkers, armed with explosion-proof shields, wearing body armor, and armed with long guns and short cannons

What's more, the original idea of the Three Grounds Association was that the police would attack the bar in large numbers, so they placed all the weapons in the underground casino. No one expected the situation today.

Coupled with the fact that the number of police officers on the scene far exceeded the members of the Three Territories Association, in less than ten minutes, all the dozen or so members of the Three Territories Association present were shot to death amidst gunfire like fried soybeans.

"Look, I just told you that we don't need to do anything. Someone will come to help in a moment."

Sherron and Tina just sat carelessly in the bar, watching the heavily armed police officers filing into the bar and pointing their guns at them.

"Special Agent NIA, Sherron, who is your commander?"

Xie Lun showed the ID he had prepared.

"New York City Police Department Senior Sergeant Wolf, come to report"

Wolfe slapped away some of the blind men who wanted to check Sherron's ID. They quickly rushed to Sherron and gave him a meticulous salute.

"Sir, the gangsters outside are stubborn and resisting. They have all been killed. The scene is now under the control of our police. Please give your instructions on the next step."

Sherron patted Wolf on the shoulder, nodded with satisfaction and said: "Well done, we can't show mercy to these black sheep who disturb social order and harm the stable life."

After hearing Xie Lun's words, Wolf felt as if he had taken a reassurance and couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

To be honest, he has been following Mayor Phiri over the years and has done many harmful things. Just collecting black money from various gangs every year is enough to send him to jail for a hundred or two hundred years according to American law.

Fortunately, word has been passed down from above. Except for the culprit, everyone else can be forgiven as long as they change their minds and change their past mistakes.

So what does it mean to change one’s mind and change one’s past mistakes

Wolfe chose what he thought was the answer.

Now it seems that this answer is the right one.

"I have other tasks, so I'm leaving first. By the way, Chief Wolf, there are 20 million US dollars in the safe in the basement. I have already told the superiors about this. I heard that Chief William wants to come and see for himself. , you should be optimistic, if there is even a penny less, then no one can really save you."

Hearing Xie Lun's words, Wolfe, who had just breathed a sigh of relief, immediately felt his heart in his throat. Without saying a word, he ran towards the underground casino with a gun in his hand: "Come here, send my order and block it immediately." Not even a fly is allowed to fly out of the entire casino."

Of course, Wolfe's order has no effect on Sherren. Sherron and Tina walked out of the casino, got into the scarlet sports car, and drove away.

"Luke, I'm on my way. Has Alex contacted you? Bay Pier, okay, I understand, I'll be there right away."

The hometown of the Three Earth Clubs in New York is a manor located on the edge of a cliff. At this time, this once beautiful, secluded and peaceful manor was surrounded by countless police cars, and helicopters even appeared in the sky. Gunshots rang out one after another. The heavily armed police officers had already launched two attacks and were preparing to launch a third wave of attacks.

A big man covered in blood rushed into the villa, stumbled in front of the old man sitting in the middle, and said anxiously: "Master Han, I can't hold on any longer. The cops even brought armored vehicles. If we don't do anything, It’s too late to leave.”