I’m A Detective In The American Movie World

Chapter 12: clue


Unlike the two fakes, Dean and Sam, Sherron is a real NIA agent, so he doesn't have the natural fear of the police station like a mouse seeing a cat.

Generally speaking, people like Dean and Sam could only rely on gossip newspapers and magazines in addition to visits in 2005, when the Internet had not yet emerged on a large scale among the public.

For Xie Lun, the most convenient and quick way to investigate someone is to go to the police station to search for files. Don’t think that the United States does not have personal files. In fact, the file information here is the most detailed and clear in the world.

Sherron ostensibly followed Dean's advice, but said that he was used to investigating alone, so the two parties left each other's contact information, and after confirming that they would meet at the restaurant in the evening, they parted ways.

Xie Lun drove around the town and made sure no one was following him before he turned around and drove into the town police station.

The size of the American police station is closely related to the development of the local town community. If the town is big and the community is affluent, then the police station will be grand and the police officers will be well-equipped.

If the opposite is true, just look at Detroit.

This town is not small, so the police station is well built and has complete supporting facilities. Even large computers are provided for the police officers.

You must know that this was 2005, and in 2019 in the previous world, there were still remote police stations in the United States using this kind of computer.

The receptionist of the local police station confirmed Xie Lun's number and identity through the internal hotline between the police station and the Arizona NIA branch, and then allowed Xie Lun to enter the police archives room. With the help of civilian police officers, Related files.

Judging from this series of procedures, Sherron understood why Dean and the others did not dare to come to the police station. No matter how convincing their documents are, the police station only needs to make an internal call to reveal their identity.

The identity of Agent Nia was quite popular in the police station below. Especially after Chief Owen called specifically to give instructions, the police officers assisting Sherron did not dare to be careless.

Soon a stack of case files was placed in front of Xie Lun.

The young police officer wearing glasses, who looked like a newcomer at first glance, said breathlessly: "Sir, all the missing cases within ten years are here."

"Okay," Xie Lun picked up a file, blew the dust on it, and said in a deep voice, "Now we need to find cases similar to this missing case. For example, the date and time, all men alone etc"

Sherron had no choice. He couldn't remember the plot of the TV series starring Dean and Sam, so he could only rely on this old method to find clues.

After more than an hour of investigation, Xie Lun and the young police officer found sixteen case files from the mountain-like pile of case files.

The basic circumstances of these sixteen disappearance cases are very similar to the Jack disappearance case. First of all, the dates of these people's accidents are between July 15 and 21 every year.

Secondly, the people who had the accident were all men walking alone late at night, and there were no witnesses when the accident occurred. It seemed that they disappeared overnight without anyone noticing.

Spread these sixteen thin files and line them up one by one in front of Xie Lun. Sherron looked carefully, hoping to find some clues, especially when it came to women, to see if there were any women who liked to wear white clothes.

But after investigating for a long time, Xie Lun couldn't find anything. After all, in the United States, missing people is completely normal. Just look at the homeless people filling the streets and you will know that running away from home at every turn is a unique landscape of the American people.

Therefore, after the police station receives such a report, it usually ends it hastily and does not spend huge manpower and material resources on the search.

Like this time when Jack disappeared, the police department was able to dispatch helicopters and police dogs because Jack's stepfather was the mayor.

"Strange," while Xie Lun was thinking, the young police officer on the side suddenly said, "Sir, according to your instructions, I marked the route of these people on the map when they disappeared, and found this."

As he spoke, the young police officer spread the map in front of Sherron. Routes were drawn on the map with pencils of different colors, but they all ended up on the same road.

Route 28.

Xie Lun narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice: "Mark the locations where these missing persons' vehicles were found."

The young police officer immediately pointed with a pencil, but after just three clicks, his expression changed. After marking the locations where the vehicles of the sixteen missing persons were abandoned, it can be clearly seen that these small dots are all around Route 28.

Xie Lun stared at the road line on the map that had become thicker because of the pencil's constant scratching. Suddenly, he suddenly remembered something and quickly rushed into the mountain-like pile of files. After flipping through it for a while, I finally found a dusty case file.

"Kolf Fuglin was reported missing by his wife Beth Fuglin on July 21, 1996. After several days of police investigation, the police found no results. The next year, on July 15, 1997, Beth was arrested. A man was found to have committed suicide by jumping into a river. When the police later searched his residence, they found that Beth's two children, a boy and a girl, had drowned in the bathtub."

Perhaps because this disappearance case involved a human life lawsuit, this file was investigated in great detail. There are not only detailed investigation records, but also scene photos and so on.

Sherron's eyes quickly locked on a photo, which showed the place where Beth committed suicide by jumping into the river. This place happened to be the iron bridge where Jack's vehicle was found.

Subsequent photos and autopsy reports confirmed Sherron's suspicion that Beth had indeed committed suicide, and she was wearing a white nightgown when she committed suicide.

As for her two children

Xie Lun slowly closed the file, sighed silently, handed the file to the young police officer and said: "Make a copy of this file, I want to take it away."

Just when Sherron made a major breakthrough in the case, Dean and Sam also made new developments. It has to be said that the two of them were quite good at investigating clues. They cut out the missing persons notices published in the town's newspapers over the years and put them together. Soon they also discovered the clue of Route 28.

Then the two of them followed Route 28 closely, and soon found an article similar to a ghost story in the 2000 edition of a gossip tabloid.

"It is said that Korf did not disappear, but eloped with a woman from out of town. After Korf disappeared, Beth's mental state has been unstable and she often feels lost, but she has refused to see a psychiatrist."

While reading the article, Sam frowned and said, "On the night of July 15, 1997, when the two children were taking a bath, Beth had mental problems again. She was in a daze and did not pay attention, causing the death of the two children. Beth was accidentally electrocuted while taking a bath. She completely collapsed. She ran out of the house barefoot and wearing only a thin nightgown. She ran for more than an hour at a stretch, and finally jumped off an iron bridge."