I’m A Detective In The American Movie World

Chapter 123: School


Outside the Chinese restaurant, Xie Lun waved and watched Luke drive away, pulling Chen Meimei away. Tina on the side laughed softly: "You want to pull that girl into the group?"

Sherron nodded.

Tina smiled and said: "I didn't expect that, I thought you would recruit that bald man."

"First of all, Luke is not bald, his hair is just a little sparse. Secondly, his ability, experience, background and even psychology are not suitable for this job."

Xie Lun said solemnly: "You should know how dangerous this job is. Hallucinations, temptations, traps, violence, any negligence may lead to death. Therefore, my team members need to have enough control. At least when you see certain things or meet certain people, you can stay calm without panicking."

Tina shrugged: "It's a pity that this muscular man's fighting power was wasted."

"Don't worry, Meimei is here, I'm afraid Luke won't help"

"Ha Tou, you are so insidious."

"Just average."

The two people got back into the scarlet sports car and drove towards Parker's apartment. On the way, Tina continued to ask: "Why don't you agree with the girl's plan to lure the snake out of its hole?"

Xie Lun smiled: "What do you think is the chance of success of that plan?"

Tina curled her lips: "Let's go fifty-fifty."

"You say 50-50, then the chance of success is only 10." Xie Lun said with a smile while driving, "If this is a long-range magic or curse attack, who of us is sure to be able to resist it, and who is sure to be able to defeat it?" Find the murderer"

Hearing this, Tina nodded slightly.

"That kid is so smart. She has seen that I want to recruit her, so she wants to express herself more actively." Xie Lun smiled, "So, let smart people analyze the case and come up with ideas, but it's okay to let smart people analyze the case and come up with ideas." The direction still has to be in your own hands.”

Tina rolled her eyes at Sherron: "Then what should we do next?"

Xie Lun smiled: "It's simple, just follow Meimei's analysis to find out the doubts. As for Marina, I have asked Monica to notify the Missouri branch and let them thoroughly investigate all the information about Marina. As for the two of us, tomorrow we will go to the school where Pasi attended before her death."

Tina pouted: "If I remember correctly, the school that Pasi attended seems to be the school where the Parker brothers and sisters attended."

Xie Lun's expression condensed and he looked at Tina: "Are you sure?"

Tina spread her hands: "What Ben said, I just said a few words, and he told all the secrets of his family."

She lowered her voice: "He even told me where he hid his private money and secretly discounted the decoration design fee by 20%."

Xie Lun laughed and nodded thoughtfully: "In that case, that school really needs to be investigated carefully. Maybe there are some clues hidden there."

New York Wisteria School is a comprehensive school, which is divided into three campuses, namely elementary school, junior high school and high school. Pasi's four siblings all study in this school, so they can usually take care of each other, and Uncle Ben saves worry and effort by picking them up and back.

"Agent Xie, this is the classroom where Pasi used to attend class."

Accompanied by a vice-principal, Xie Lun stood at the back door of the classroom with his hands behind his back, looking in through the glass on the door frame, just like a leader coming to inspect from his superiors.

The education style in the United States is very different. Common schools are scattered and poor, but elite schools have very strict requirements. If a student dares to cause trouble in class, the teacher has the right to punish or even suspend the class and notify the parents.

So what appeared in front of Xie Lun's eyes was an orderly classroom order, not the careless scene he imagined.

After the recent period of rectification, people with some connections above had heard about Nia's cruelty, so the gray-haired vice-principal was obviously a little afraid of Xie Lun's attitude, and pointed carefully: "Look, The empty seat in the third row in front is the seat in front of classmate Pasi."