I’m A Detective In The American Movie World

Chapter 126: Spider-Man


"Then, let us applaud today's challenger, this brave newcomer Super Thunderbolt Invincible Spider-Man, what a bullshit code name," the host muttered a few words, then raised his voice and shouted, "Let us warmly welcome Spider-Man. people"

Before he finished speaking, the secret door on the side of the swimming pool opened and a person walked out. While walking, he complained: "My name is not Spider-Man, I am Super Thunderbolt and Invincible Spider-Man."

Sherron rolled his eyes, and Tina smiled helplessly and shook her head.

Although this man was wearing a black hood and ordinary sportswear, they could still recognize him at a glance. This guy was Peter Parker.

Looking at the so-called "Spider-Man" appearing on the stage, there was sparse applause from the stands, and more sarcastic whistles and boos.

The host shouted hurriedly: "Then let us give the warmest applause to welcome our legendary boxer Wolfdog Downey"


Deafening applause sounded, and many people stood up excitedly, clapping hard, stamping their feet, and screaming. Sherron and Tina looked at each other. They didn't expect that this "Wolf Dog Donnie" contestant was so popular, so he probably had some real ability.

But no matter how powerful he is, if he encounters the mutated Spider-Man, he will only be tortured.

Looking at the person coming out of another secret door, Xie Lun closed his mouth suddenly and stared.

Two people came out of the secret door. The leader was a short, fat, and very disgusting middle-aged white man. He was holding a dog leash in his hand, and the other end of the dog leash was tied around the neck of the young man following him.

This Asian man was short and plain-looking. His clothes were in tatters. His eyes were dull and his face was expressionless, just like a dead corpse. Wearing a leather band around his neck, he followed the fat white man step by step.

But just such a person reminded Xie Lun of a certain Kung Fu superstar he knew in another world.

Listening to the applause and screams of the audience, the host nodded with satisfaction. After both players entered the room, he continued: "Considering that there are new spectators coming today, I will tell you the rules again. Our Stone Fist Competition In order to ensure fairness and justice and prevent manipulation, we prohibit gambling and place bets and replace them with a prize pool model.”

"All viewers make spontaneous donations. If the prize pool reaches 5,000 before each game, the game can start normally. No matter which player wins, they can get all the prize money."

"In addition, in order to increase the fun. In addition to the basic bonus of 5,000, if an additional 2,000 are added, the players can be randomly given a weapon to fight. If the cumulative bonus reaches 10,000, this game will be a life and death fight. "Until death"

The whole crowd screamed again.

Peter was confused and stammered: "Hey, this is different from what we promised before. I'm just here to punch, not to kill."

"Haha, it seems that our newcomer is very confident. He even said that he doesn't want to kill anyone."

The host and the audience burst into laughter.

"It's a pity, newcomers. When you enter the Stone Fist Arena, it's not me or you who control your destiny, but the audience. If you don't want to kill someone, it depends on whether the audience is willing."

The host waved his hand suddenly: "Then the bonus donation for this game begins"

Before he finished speaking, a dozen strong men holding glass boxes in their hands quickly walked past the audience. The spectators screamed one by one and stuffed the bills into the glass box.

Xie Lun also took out two green bills and threw them into the glass box. He thought that even if the opponent was the kung fu superstar, but against Spider-Man, he would only be rubbed on the ground.