I’m A Detective In The American Movie World

Chapter 129: Blackface gang


"Seal all entrances and exits, and snipers seal the window vents. Even a fly cannot fly out." The sudden darkness also caused certain interference to the action team. Fortunately, despite the high-level infighting in the New York branch over the years, the training of lower-level agents has not been relaxed. Although these action team members have collected illegal money before, they have not lost their ability. After the initial chaos, they immediately changed their action plan from a sudden advance to a blockade. Temporarily trap the enemy in the venue, and then rush in after equipped with night vision goggles. As for Xie Lun, the moment the lights went out, he summoned Xiaocao. But before he could take out his night vision goggles, he heard a harsh sound of metal friction nearby, followed by a strong gust of wind. "Bang bang bang" Although he couldn't see it, Xie Lun still raised his hand and fired three shots. He heard a muffled grunt and kicked Xie Lun hard on the shoulder, sending Xie Lun flying out. Fortunately, Xiaocao caught up with Xie Lun from behind and offset most of the impact. Otherwise, Xie Lun might have really flown seven or eight meters away. "The cage is open." Xie Lun reluctantly put on night vision goggles and turned around to look. Sure enough, there was no one in the swimming pool. Then he looked around, and found that Donnie and the short fat man were nowhere to be found. As for Peter Sherron, who looked up at the ceiling, the kid still had time to worry about others at this time. Spider threads were shot out from above, trapping all the gun-wielding guards and hanging them upside down. When Sherron looked at Peter, Peter also looked at Sherron. Seeing the scarecrow standing behind Sherron, wearing a black cloak and looking particularly eerie and scary, Peter shouted, waved his hand and shot out spider silk, in an attempt to trap the grass and protect Sherron. "This kid" Sherron sighed, raised his hand and shot the guard who was hiding in the dark with the intention of shooting Peter in the head. As for Xiaocao, she opened her mouth and swallowed the spider silk shot by Peter. "What's going on?" Peter was shocked. Looking at Xiaocao standing neatly behind Xie Lun, he seemed to understand the relationship between the two. This simple child who was not experienced in the world was immediately frightened, turned around and wanted to run away. "If you dare to run away, I will tell you why you came here." With one word from Sherron, Peter froze on the ceiling, not daring to move. Several stun bombs were thrown in, and there were a few muffled "bang bang" sounds, and the action team members who had changed their night vision goggles burst into the venue again. Xie Lun immediately took back the grass, calmly directed the action team members, and quickly brought the situation under control. "Thank you, Agent, he" The two action team members looked at Peter who fell on the ceiling in surprise. "It's okay, this is my team member." Xie Lun waved and motioned for Peter to come down. Peter, who was riding a tiger and couldn't get off, had no choice but to get down obediently and stand in front of Xie Lun with some fear. "Look at him, I'll have something to say to him later." Sherron gave Tina instructions, walked up to the captain of the action team, and asked in a low voice: "Did anyone escape?" The captain's expression was a little ugly: "Yes , that guy was so powerful, he suddenly jumped out of the darkness, knocked down five of us, took another white man, robbed a car and ran away." "Brothers, are you okay?" "A few ribs are broken, but There is no life safety." Xie Lun nodded after hearing this and patted the captain on the shoulder: "As long as everyone is fine. Don't worry, that guy can't run away. I have a hunch that I will have to meet them sooner or later." Two blocks away. "Fuck, Fuck, Fuck," Bart slapped the steering wheel hard while driving. Behind him, Downey was lying weakly on the seat, and the clothes on his chest were soaked with blood. Just now in the darkness, although he kicked Xie Lun away with a sneak attack, he was also shot by Xie Lun. "Obviously a very simple game, why did it become like this? I didn't even get 10,000 yuan. Damn it, damn it." Bart cursed and took out his mobile phone to make a call: "Mayed, you and Ihe Sang is at his usual place, ready for sacrifices, Donnie was seriously injured." He was just talking on the phone, not paying attention to the road ahead. A garbage truck suddenly rushed out of the path on the right and hit the back half of the car hard. The poor car was like a hit billiard ball, rolling and rushing outwards, and finally hit a fire hydrant on the side of the road before coming to a stop. Cold water gushes out from the fire hydrant and pours on Downey, who is covered in blood. Suffering such a serious injury, he suddenly opened his eyes with a start. Looking around blankly, after a while, he struggled to climb out of the twisted car. Watching Downey staggering towards the alley opposite, the driver sitting in the garbage truck called in a cold voice: "I've done the work, don't worry, the target is still alive and has escaped." , I understand the other guy." The driver jumped out of the car, walked to the car, looked at Bart who was unconscious in the driver's seat, and dialed 911: "Hey, I called the police, I didn't know they rushed out suddenly, but I Driving normally, please come quickly." In the venue, power has been restored. Luke reported to Sherron with a serious face: "We found out, these are all members of the Blackface Gang." "Blackface Gang" Sherron looked confused, "I haven't heard of it, what are their backgrounds?" Luke He lowered his voice and said: "One of Gotham's A-level wanted criminals, Black Mask, is a gang established. Because all official members of the gang wear black masks, they are called the Blackface Gang." Sherron said "Ha" He said: "I didn't expect it to be related to Gotham." Luke nodded and sighed: "I can't help it. After all, this place is too far from God and too close to Gotham." Sherron frowned strangely and said: "Gotham sucks after all. What's it like? As for exaggerating it like this, what you said is like a piece of shit." Luke said seriously: "Shit is not scary. The scary thing is that there is poison in it. It is so poisonous that you can even smell it. He died of poisoning." Xie Lun curled his lips when he heard this, looked at the boxing ring guards who were squatting on the ground with their heads in their hands, frowned and said: "Have you asked me clearly, why do they want to ambush me secretly?" Luke shook his head: "They are all a group of people. I'm just a little guy, just following orders. This underground boxing ring is in charge of the host, but you have already killed him." After saying that, Luke clicked his tongue and said: "You used an iron nail to shoot me in the head, if it weren't for I definitely don't believe it after seeing it with my own eyes." Sherron smiled: "So, unless we enter Gotham, capture that black mask, and interrogate it ourselves, we won't be able to find out anything." Luke clicked. He nodded: "There is another trouble. The identities of the spectators who came to watch the boxing match have been almost checked. They are basically the rich and famous young men in the city. If not handled properly, I'm afraid it will cause trouble." "Trouble" Sherron sneered, "When have we, Nia, been afraid of trouble? Go and let them leave fingerprints on the gangster's gun. The evidence will be damning." Luke blinked and said cautiously: "It's against the rules, isn't it?" "You were a ruthless guy back then, why have you become a mother-in-law now?" Sherron waved his hand impatiently, motioning for Luke to call the captain over, and ordered, "All these people are taken away and detained. The family is honest and well-behaved. , just pay a fine and let him go. If there is someone who is blind and wants to cause trouble." Xie Lun let out a few sinister smiles that made the captain's hair go numb: "Your action team should be able to handle the confession of the voluntary confession." The captain swallowed. Spit: "Don't worry, sir, we are the best at this job."