I’m A Detective In The American Movie World

Chapter 18: new skill


Since there were no smart phones yet, Xie Lun could only use a camera to take pictures of the sheepskin book, inside and out, page by page.

To Xie Lun's surprise, just after he completely reprinted the parchment book, he actually achieved another achievement.

Congratulations on obtaining the rare achievement "John's Notebook": As an important prop in the first five seasons, many important clues are recorded in it. It is quite beneficial to read it when you have nothing to do.

Reward rare props: "Universal Item Repairer"

Universal item repairer: It is limited to inanimate items. No matter whether they are artificially made or not, as long as a certain amount of points is consumed, the target item can be completely repaired. You should know that points are very important, right

Xie Lun looked at the golden ring that appeared out of thin air in his hand and was speechless. The function of this ring seemed very powerful, but it also consumed points, which made Xie Lun reluctant to part with it.

After finally solving a case, I was rewarded with 50 points, which was not enough to open the lowest level treasure chest.

Speaking of points and treasure chests, Xie Lun remembered that he had 70 points left, and with the 50 points awarded this time, he could open the treasure chest again.

Xie Lun didn't hesitate and immediately spent 100 points to open a low-level treasure chest.

Congratulations on getting the active skill Soul Catching. Do you want to learn it


Ghost Catching: A low-level active skill. After using this skill, there is a chance to permanently capture an abnormal creature that has not opened its intelligence as a pet. It is an instant skill with a cooling time of 1 hour.

Special note: The lower the target's mental state, the higher the chance of success in capturing, and every time this skill is used on the same target, the chance of success will be cumulatively increased. Once the capture is successful, you cannot use this skill on other targets unless you give up the captured pet, but the pet pair after giving up will immediately attack you.

Early the next morning, after Sherron returned the parchment to Dean, Dean and Sam looked worried and drove on the road without even eating breakfast.

Sherron watched the classic Chevrolet Impala drive further and further away and sighed secretly. Although I can’t remember the specific plot, at least Xie Lun knew that if the TV plot continued to develop in the future, the brothers would probably spend the next ten years in this car.

Xie Lun came to his Cadillac SUV and was just about to open the door and get in. Suddenly, he had a thought in his mind and reached out to put the ring on the index finger of his left hand on the car body.

"System, how many points does it cost to repair this car?"

It costs 50 points to restore this car to factory mode during scanning, and 5 points to restore it to when you first received it.

"After opening the treasure chest, there are still 20 points left. Even if it is restored to factory settings, there is no money." Xie Lun shook his head, "Restore it to the state when I first received this car."

An extremely weak blue light burst out from the ring, and accompanied by a subtle sound of metal friction, the blue light swept across the car in an instant.

After the repair is completed, 5 points will be deducted, and you currently have 15 points left.

At the same time, Dean pulled out the headphones that suddenly made a piercing noise from his ears. He threw it aside and said angrily: "That guy discovered the bug I installed."

Sam, who was sitting in the passenger seat, said lazily: "That guy is a NIA agent. His anti-reconnaissance skills and consciousness must be better than ours."

Dean snorted and gritted his teeth: "It's not all that guy's fault for deliberately concealing what he said. It's about dad's safety, so of course I'm anxious."

"Don't worry," Sam closed his eyes and said lazily, "Didn't that guy say that Dad is fine? He will contact you when needed."

"Huh, of course you don't have to worry, future barrister." Dean said angrily, "Don't forget it no matter what, Sammy. That guy warned you to be careful of the female devil."

Sam lay on his seat, almost falling asleep: "It doesn't matter, I'm only going to help you this time anyway. From now on, fighting and killing in this world has nothing to do with me."

Dean's face was very ugly, but he really couldn't open his mouth to scold his only biological brother, couldn't bring himself to hit him, so he could only sulk to himself.

However, Sam doesn't know that when he returns to school this time, he will see horrific scenes that he will never forget.

But this had nothing to do with Xie Lun. At this time Xie Lun had a simple breakfast in the town and embarked on a new journey.

The tightly closed curtains made the room very dark. An old man with gray hair was sitting on a single sofa, crying.

"Felissa, I'm here, I'm here to accompany you, wait for me"

The cold barrel of the gun was pressed against his chin, and an old finger like dry bark slowly pressed on the trigger.

A moment later, a "bang" gunshot was suddenly heard from this somewhat dilapidated building. The crows that landed on the roof began to fly into the sky with strange cries.

From the perspective of flying crows, you can see the endless cornfields surrounding the small building.

The small town of Dinmingtu is located on the border between Arizona and Mexico.

Judging from the name, this town seems to be very powerful, but in fact, it is a small town that cannot be smaller.

So small that the name of this town cannot be found on the latest version of the map of the United States that Xie Lun bought. That is to say, Xie Lun found this place according to the coordinates provided by the system, and only then knew the name of this town when he saw the sign on the roadside.

The town is very small, and it feels not as big as an ordinary small village in China. Xie Lun drove slowly and passed through the town in five minutes.

Not finding anything unusual, Xie Lun frowned and simply drove the car to the door of the police station. The police station here is very simple. After opening the narrow door, there are a few tables randomly placed in the small room. There are no computers, only landline phones and a few typewriters.

Looking at the empty police station, Xie Lun raised his eyebrows, reached out and knocked hard on the table, and shouted: "Hello, is there anyone there?"

"Who is it? You can't even take a nap to relax. I wonder if today is Saturday and the police station is closed?"

The door to the inner room opened, and a female police officer with a ponytail came out cursing. When she looked up and saw Xie Lun in a suit and tie, she was slightly startled and frowned: "Who are you and what are you doing at the police station?"

Sherron showed his ID with a cold face: "Special Agent NIA, is the Sheriff here?"


The female police officer was shocked. She quickly adjusted her clothes, and then saluted Xie Lun: "I'm sorry, sir, the police chief should be having lunch in the restaurant opposite now."

Xie Lun nodded and was about to turn around and leave when suddenly a man's cry for help came from inside: "Help, sir, they are illegally detaining me and have been keeping me for several days. Please help."

The female police officer's face changed drastically. Before she could say anything, Xie Lun had already pulled out his pistol and pointed it at her: "What's going on inside?"

Facing the black muzzle of the gun, the female police officer quickly raised her hands and said with a wry smile: "Sir, don't listen to that guy's nonsense. That bastard Oliver is a drug addict."