I’m A Detective In The American Movie World

Chapter 7: Crash landing


In the movie, after Willy breaks the window, it doesn't look like the wind's suction is particularly strong. However, Xie Lun knew that the picture must have been artistically processed.

The broken windows were like a flush toilet that was pushed down, sucking out all the unfixed objects in the plane. Under the impact of those sucked items, in the blink of an eye, the gap in the cabin changed from a window to a huge gap nearly two meters long.

The others were okay. Although they were blinded by the wind, at least they were still fixed in their seats, but Sharon and Troy were in trouble.

With his own weight advantage, Troy has not been blown up by the wind, but he is unable to move forward. As for Xie Lun, there is a risk of being blown up by the wind at any time if his feet are light.

At this moment, Xie Lun's personal information panel was displayed.

Your current experience value is 112100 and you have met the upgrade conditions. Do you want to upgrade


Yes, you have successfully reached level 2. Each attribute has been increased by 1 point, and you have obtained 5 attribute points. Do you want to distribute them

"Give me some strength," Xie Lun shouted at the top of his lungs, "Give me strength."

Fortunately, everyone's ears were filled with the sound of wind, and no one heard Xie Lun's roar.

Yes, all 5 attribute points have been added to strength. Do you want to view the latest personal information

"Damn it, didn't you see that I'm busy right now?"

Xie Lun closed the personal information panel, felt the power coming out of thin air in his body, roared, grabbed the safety rope with both hands, and moved forward step by step. Soon he came to the door of the cockpit and struggled to open the door. The poisonous snakes inside immediately flew out with a roar.

There was even a venomous snake in the air that bit Sherron. Xie Lun reluctantly turned his face to avoid the blow.


Sherron grabbed the cockpit door frame with one hand, and grabbed Troy's arm with the other hand, almost forcefully dragging him into the cockpit. Then he went in himself and closed the hatch hard.

The terrible pressure disappeared instantly.

Sherron didn't have time to rest, so he quickly untied the ropes around his body and Troy's body. The two people sat on the driver's seat as quickly as possible. After observing the situation of the aircraft for a while, they controlled the aircraft to lower its altitude while making contact with the airport tower.

"Los Angeles International Airport, this is South Pacific Airlines Flight 121. I am Troy, the newest pilot, and sitting next to me is my brother with a different surname."

Troy, who was so excited when he actually flew a plane for the first time, involuntarily triggered his racial talent, opened his mouth and started muttering, "Although our skin colors are different, in my heart, he is my biological brother. Welcome my co-pilot, the great Agent Xie”

"Oh my God," Sherron rolled his eyes and said angrily, "Shut up, Troy, and get down to business."

Troy curled his lips and said helplessly: "Okay, control tower, has the airport been evacuated? South Pacific Airlines Flight 121 is about to make an emergency landing."

A nervous echo came from the earphone: "Flight 121 has been received by the tower and all runways have been evacuated. But before that, can I ask, sir, do you have any experience in flying an aircraft?"

"Of course," Troy nodded confidently, "Except for passenger planes, I have flown all F22s and F35s."

The tower was obviously relieved: "Then I am really lucky to have you as the pilot this time. May I ask which flying group you served in before?"

"Uh super ace pilot"

The headset fell into deathly silence. After a while, the tower hesitated and said: "Sir, you mean that all your actual flight experience is playing computer games."

"You're wrong to say that," Troy defended, "It was a simulated flight, very realistic, almost exactly like the real thing."

The tower sighed and said: "Flight 121, do you have any other experienced pilots?"

Xie Lun said helplessly: "I am NIA agent Xie Lun. The guy you are talking to on the phone is already the most experienced pilot on the plane. Hey, listen, I know that under the command of the tower, the passenger plane landed successfully. The rate is still very high. So please trust us, okay?”

Troy said from the side: "Yes, tower, please tell me the VHF navigation parameters and flight vector parameters. I can handle the rest."

The tower sighed helplessly, told Troy a series of parameters, and finally emphasized: "Sir, your plane is currently in a tailwind. I suggest you change direction and land on runway 24 against the wind."

Sherron shook his head and said: "No, tower, the cabin of the plane has been damaged, and there are a large number of injured people in the plane who are in urgent need of serum injections. We can't wait any longer."

"But sir, if you land too fast like this, you may overshoot the runway."

"Then you'd better clean up the outside of the runway." Sherron simply turned off the communication and opened the aircraft's internal communication. "Gentlemen and ladies, hurry up, we are about to land."

Looking at the resolute Sherron, Troy raised his eyebrows, gave Sherron a thumbs up, and then controlled the plane to land on the runway below.

The landing gear slowly opened, and with a few violent bumps, the wheels finally fell to the ground.

"Slow down, slow down tmd, hurry up and slow down"

Troy held the steering wheel tightly and muttered through gritted teeth. Even without Troy's words, Sherron could tell that the speed of the plane was indeed a bit fast at this time.

"Brake the brakes, damn it, Troy, hit the brakes!"

Sherron yelled.

"I've slowed down and stepped on the brakes. Do you think this is driving a car? This damn big guy just can't slow down."

Troy yelled as well.

Sherron watched the plane gradually approach the end of the runway, and at the end of the runway, there was a huge billboard.

"Turn to the left. There is plenty of room on the left. Get this big guy off the runway."

Sherron and Troy turned at the same time, and the plane's wheels rubbed against the ground. After releasing a puff of smoke, the plane quickly turned around, rushed out of the runway, and rushed to the left side of the runway.

"Oh damn God"

The people on the airport tower stared at the plane rushing towards us, their eyes widened, and they grabbed the intercom and screamed, "Slow down, slow down."

"Still using your nonsense"

Sherron and Troy yelled at the same time.

I don't know if the roar worked, or if Troy braked correctly this time. Anyway, the plane finally came to a slow stop, and the nose of the plane was only one or two meters away from the tower's hanging window.

Such a close distance that Xie Lun could clearly see the pale faces of the staff on the opposite tower.

Xie Lun took a long breath and was about to relax and take a rest when a series of electronic sounds suddenly sounded in his mind.

You successfully rescued Detective Willie Finn and received 5 points.

You successfully rescue witness Sean Jones and receive 5 points

You successfully rescued First Officer Rick Knife and received 5 points.

Flight 121 made an emergency landing successfully, and the case "Snake Infected Flight" was completed. You received 100 experience points and 100 points.

The newbie gift package has been distributed, please pay attention to check it