I’m A Detective In The American Movie World

Chapter 84: Go into the mountains


"Savage" Sherron frowned, "There are still such legends here in Montana."

Meng Na took out her mobile phone, opened a video, and handed it to Xie Lun: "Agent Xie, this is the last video my sister sent me before she disappeared. When I watched it last night, I noticed something unusual."

In the video, a beautiful woman who looks similar to Mona, but is obviously more mature than Mona, is smiling and saying something to the camera.

Meng Na pointed: "Agent Xie, look at this time, look behind my sister."

Sherron frowned, rewinding the video a few seconds again, then switching to slow playback.

Sure enough, on the tent behind Dana, a black figure suddenly flashed past.

Xie Lun looked at it several times and said solemnly: "No matter what it is, I can be sure that it is definitely not a bear."

Mona nodded: "I told the police about this situation, but they didn't take it seriously."

After Xie Lun sent the video to himself, he spread out the map and said in a deep voice: "Delineate the area where your sister may have gone, and I will go into the mountain to search for it now."

"Now" Meng Na said urgently, "then I'll pack my luggage and go with you."

"No," Xie Lun refused without hesitation, "This is not playing house, it might be very dangerous. Why are you just a girl going to join in the fun? Just stay at home."


"It's nothing." Xie Lun glared, "Don't do anything stupid, and don't try to follow him secretly. Otherwise, I will notify the local police and put you into protective custody. You know very well that I have this right."

Looking at Xie Lun's sharp eyes, Meng Na felt a little weak, secretly stuck out her tongue, and hummed: "I won't go if I don't go, sister, the man you are looking for is too scary, and he has no mercy at all."

"Well, what are you mumbling about? Why don't you come over and draw a map?"

Meng Na did not dare to talk anymore, so she obediently picked up the pen and marked the areas where Dana and others might go on the map: "Agent Xie, the police have sent people to search most places, but this area is too close to the inside. No one was sent to search.”

Xie Lun tapped a small black dot on the map and asked in a deep voice: "What is this?"

"A resort seems to be the territory of four people belonging to a certain rich man." Meng Na said angrily, "The police did not go to that place to search. I heard that there was also this reason."

Xie Lun snorted, put away the map, and once again told Meng Na to stay at home, before going out and driving towards the mountains.

In fact, there are divided hunting areas and recreation areas in the mountains, but as Americans, everyone knows when they will be obedient.

The more the government doesn't let you do something, the more they have to try it.

So every year, a few disobedient backpackers die deep in the mountains, either because they got lost and froze to death, or they were attacked by wild beasts.

This is also the reason why the local police did not pay attention to the search.

Since you are seeking death, you must be mentally prepared for real death.

While driving along the rugged mountain road, Sherron said to Tina, who had re-transformed her body shape: "Change your clothes, put on your high heels, and come into the mountains with me."

Tina was stunned: "I'm going with you, who's watching the car?"

Xie Lun rolled his eyes at her: "Someone dares to steal this car."

Tina curled her lips: "But climbing a mountain is very tiring, and I am a weak woman with no strength. Following you will be a burden."

"You weak woman, those big men whose souls you sucked and whose bodies were stuffed into the car don't think so." Sherron snorted, "Besides, you are immortal, and with you by my side, you can help me block it." Gun."

Tina rolled her eyes. Although she was unwilling to do so, she could only submit obediently in front of Xie Lun who had control of her life.

Soon there were no more rugged mountain roads ahead, and we had to rely on our feet to climb. Just when Sherron and Tina were trying to find a hidden place to hide their car, two more cars suddenly drove up from behind.

One of the Chevrolet Impalas looked particularly familiar.

"Dean, Sam" Sherron smiled as he looked at the two young men who got off the Black Antelope, "What a coincidence, I saw you two again just after your dad separated."

"It's you bastard"

Like a cat that stepped on its tail, Sam raised his fist and rushed towards Sherron.

Then Sherron slapped Sam and sent him flying away.

Looking at Sam who fell to the ground, Dean quickly stepped forward to help, and then he was like Sam, no, he was a little stronger than Sam, because Sherron pinched his neck and hit Sam in one fell swoop.

Sam, who had not yet come to his senses after falling to the ground, was hit by Dean so hard that he almost lost his breath with a "clack".

Looking at the two brothers, Xie Lun crouched down helplessly: "As expected, we are our biological brothers. It would be dishonest not to be beaten when we meet. Your father is like this, and you two also have the same problem."

Dean grinned and looked at Sherron: "You've met my dad."

Xie Lun nodded: "Your father and I met so late that we almost cut off the chicken head and burned it with yellow paper. If I didn't agree to it, you two would have to call me uncle now."


Sam clutched his aching chest, struggled to get up from the ground, and glared at Sherron angrily: "Jessie's death, is it related to you?"

Xie Lun was stunned: "Who is Jesse?"

Dean also rubbed his chest and whispered in Sherron's ear: "Sam's girlfriend died the same way as my mother. She was stuck to the ceiling and burned alive."

Xie Lun raised his eyebrows: "Don't worry, I don't even know your girlfriend."

Sam gritted his teeth and said, "You must know something, but you never told us, right? Did you already know that Jesse was in danger?"

Sherron shrugged, turned to Dean and said, "Your brother is now in mad dog mode. How can he bite whoever he sees?"

Hearing Xie Lun's words, Sam screamed and rushed towards Xie Lun to fight for his life, but was stepped on by Xie Lun again.

Looking at the calm Xie Lun, and then looking at Sam who was completely pressed to the ground and rubbed, Dean said cautiously: "Sammy, I think it's alright. Jesse's matter should have nothing to do with Xie, otherwise he I won’t be kind enough to remind you.”

Sam didn't know that Sherron was innocent, but his girlfriend died tragically in front of him. There was always a fire in his heart. After seeing Sherron, he couldn't bear it anymore: "No, he must not have told the truth, absolutely."

Sherron shook his head, grabbed Sam by the collar, picked him up, and then slammed him twice. Dean's face was so frightened that he was deformed. He gritted his teeth and said, "Thank you gently. If the child is disobedient, you can just hit him twice. Why take it seriously?"

"Well, my back is my bones." With tears in his eyes, Sam lay quietly on the ground and looked at Sherron, "Even if you beat me to death, I won't admit your mistake."

"Okay, then I'll beat you to death."

Just as Sherron was about to reach out and grab Sam's collar again, Sam suddenly jumped up and almost rolled and crawled to hide in his car.

Seeing that a dispute was temporarily resolved, two people who got off another pickup truck stepped forward. One of the girls said to Sherron in confusion: "You are also a ranger."