I’m A Detective In The American Movie World

Chapter 88: resort


Seeing Tina, the little fairy, put on such a cute look, Dean's eyes widened, but it was a pity that it was of no use to Sherron.

After all, Xie Lun had seen Tina open her bloody mouth, full of ferocious fangs.

"If you have something to say, just say it. If you have something to say, let it go. I don't have time to spend time with you."

Seeing Xie Lun's cold expression, Tina curled her lips and replied obediently: "Actually, I was just guessing whether this could be a Wendigo."


The Wen brothers asked back at the same time.

Tina nodded: "Because of eating, the soul was cursed and transformed into a terrible monster."

Sam suddenly remembered something and quickly took out the parchment book left by his father John from Dean's backpack. After browsing for a while, he found what he wanted.

"The Wendigo is a kind of monster that is popular in the northern part of the United States and some Indian tribes. It is a human being. After intentionally feeding on the same kind of people, the soul will be cursed or possessed by the devil, and then become an extremely evil creature. scary monster"

After reading, Sam looked up and looked at Tina: "Are you sure it's this kind of thing?"

Tina pouted: "I just express my personal thoughts. Whether it is specific or not, I will know when I see those things."

"Those," Dean gritted his teeth, "you mean, there are quite a few of them."

"It's possible," Sam looked at the parchment book and frowned, "According to what dad described above, these things like to live in groups like humans, have certain intelligence, and can set traps and build circles to catch food. More importantly, ordinary Weapons cannot cause fatal damage to these monsters, and only flames can completely destroy them."

"That's okay. Not only did I bring a few extra bottles of Molotov cocktails this time, but I also specially prepared Molotov cocktails." Xie Lun patted his bulging backpack. "In addition, there are also flare guns. The flares inside can be used at critical moments." , can also be used as an incendiary bomb."

Dean and Sam looked at Sherron in shock. Only now did they understand why Sherron and Tina's backpacks were so big and heavy.

"You are really well prepared."

"I can't help it. In the last case, it was because your father didn't bring enough Molotov cocktails that I almost died of exhaustion."

"By the way, you also told me in detail how you met my dad."

"Really? It's actually very simple. Your dad keeps trying to die, and I keep saving your dad."

During the chat, Xie Lun and his party gradually moved away.

When their voices were no longer heard, a person suddenly slipped down on a poplar tree not far away.

"My waist, my thighs, and my lower body were all numb after staying in the tree for too long."

Mr. Smith clutched his waist and leaned against the tree trunk, breathing heavily.

"What the hell are wendigos and monsters? Are these a bunch of lunatics? But last night, what the hell was that thing that was blown up by me?"

Smith frowned and thought for a while, then slowly stood up and followed Xie Lun and his party cautiously.

But Smith didn't notice that behind him, a scarecrow covered in a tattered black cloak was staring at him silently.

A small town at the foot of the mountain.

Mona was restless at home. She wanted to go to the mountains to find her sister, but she also realized that what Xie Lun said was right. Without rich wilderness survival experience, going into the mountains alone is courting death.

Just when she was neither sitting nor standing in the living room, a piece of news suddenly came on the TV and attracted her attention.

"As you can see, this sudden low-pressure storm has a very rare impact on a wide range. In addition to strong winds and low temperatures, it is also accompanied by heavy rainfall, and there may even be heavy snowfall in the northern region."

"It's only October now, and it looks like winter is already entering early in some places."

"So, Dr. xx, what do you think about this unusual weather phenomenon?"

Meng Na quickly walked to the window and looked worriedly at the gloomy sky outside: "Sister, and Agent Xie, you must come back safely."

Mona didn't pay attention to the doctor's speech on the TV behind her:

"Everyone must not underestimate this low-pressure storm. You must know that two years ago, a pair of twin sisters from the Vigo family lost their traces in such a sudden snowstorm."

In the mountains.

Xie Lun looked up at the gray sky and frowned: "It seems like the weather is going to change. Let's hurry up and hurry up. Try to get to the resort before dark."

Dean, who was still carrying Tina's backpack, was too tired to speak. Sam was also out of breath: "Isn't that resort said to be private? Will they let us in?"

Xie Lun snorted coldly: "Nia is handling the case, they dare to stop it"

"What if there is no one"

"No one can do anything better. Just open the door and go in."

"Are you NIA so vigorous and resolute in handling cases?"

"Generally speaking, we just handle the case in accordance with the law."

"I don't know if it's legal or not. At least I'm very shameless."

"We don't want those who are thin-skinned."

After chatting, I didn’t seem so tired from traveling. In the evening, Xie Lun and his party finally arrived at the foot of the snow-capped mountain. In front of them, there was a barbed wire fence with an iron sign hanging on it:

"Private property, no entry allowed"

And just below the sign, someone used a vise to cut a hole for passing through.

"Great, now it's hard for us not to get in." Sherron looked at the fresh marks on the gap in the barbed wire fence. "Obviously those guys sneaked in."

"You are so brave," Dean held on to the iron railing, breathing heavily, "You dare to enter a place like this without fear of the defendant losing everything afterwards."

"I'm afraid they had no choice." Sam came up from behind and said in a deep voice, "Looking at the marks on the ground, they were walking very fast, as if something was chasing them."

Xie Lun and others looked at each other, and without saying a word, they all got in from the hole.

Passing through a small forest, a stone staircase winds up. After walking up the stone steps for half an hour, a ropeway appeared in front of everyone.

"This is the only way up and down the mountain," Xie Lun frowned as he looked at the looming snowy ridges shrouded in white mist. "To be honest, I hate this situation. Once the cableway fails, we are the equivalent of Cut off."

"But we have to move forward, don't we?" Sam sighed. "The cable car is not here, which means someone drove up. And those people driving are probably the ones we are looking for."

Dean frowned and said: "If they are really up there, then why don't they send out a signal for help?"

"We'll find out when we get up there."

Xie Lun entered the control room and pressed the down button. After waiting for five or six minutes, accompanied by the "rumble" sound of gears rubbing on the steel rope, a cable car slid down from above.

Looking at the cable car that was swaying in the wind, Dean blinked and turned to look at Sherron: "How about you get on first, sir?"