I’m A Detective In The American Movie World

Chapter 92: Enter the villa



Xie Lun and others were startled and quickly looked back. The bad weather blocked the view, but everyone could hear that there was an explosion at the cable car.

"What's going on?" Sam asked Sherron with some worry, "It sounds like the sound is coming from the cable car. Should I go over and take a look?"

Although Xie Lun sent Xiao Cao to secretly monitor Smith, Xie Lun could only sense Xiao Cao's position, but could not observe what happened to Smith through Xiao Cao. Judging from Xiaocao's current position, Smith was most likely on the cable car and was attacked while the cable car was climbing.

"That man is dead"

Xie Lun felt a little regretful. He originally planned to use the other party as cannon fodder.

After turning on the system and secretly taking back Xiaocao, Xie Lun said in a deep voice: "It's too late to go back now, and we might fall into the enemy's trap. The only solution for now is to rush to the villa as soon as possible and establish a solid defense line. Let’s figure it out slowly.”

What Xie Lun said made sense. It was getting late, and there was a heavy wind and snow. If the situation was unknown, it would indeed be very dangerous to act rashly. Sam didn't say anything more, and the group of people quickened their steps and rushed towards the villa.

Soon a luxurious three-story building appeared in front of everyone, but Xie Lun only glanced at it briefly and frowned. In order to look good, the whole building has large windows or floor-to-ceiling windows. This makes it difficult to resist the invasion of foreign enemies.

"Matt, Sam"

As soon as they rushed into the building, Emily and Kerstin couldn't wait to shout. Unfortunately, the brightly lit villa was quiet and no one responded.

Sherron made a cautious gesture, and then made a few gestures, and the three Deans nodded. Immediately, Dean and Sam teamed up and began searching the first floor with guns in hand, while Sherron headed to the second floor.

As for Tina, she pinned Emily and Kerstin behind the sofa in the living room and stared around carefully.

As soon as Xie Lun walked along the spacious stairs to the second floor, he heard a "bang", as if something had hit the window.

Xie Lun summoned Xiaocao again, and then threw the huge and heavy backpack outward. Xiaocao suddenly split into countless tentacles and swallowed the backpack easily. Then it accompanied Xie Lun to the door of the room that made the noise. This time Xie Lun did not let it rush into the room and serve as cannon fodder, but just let it open the door.

After the freak's fake death accident, Xie Lun had realized that Xiaocao, who was in a weak stage, was not as effective as a child.

Now its only function is to serve as a mobile storage box and scout.

Several tentacles stretched out and silently wrapped around the door handle. As Xie Lun nodded slightly, Xiaocao exerted a little force, and the closed door immediately opened wide inward.

Sherron quickly rushed in with his gun raised, and saw that this was a huge bedroom, with a large bed that could accommodate five or six people. At this time, a young black man was hanging with a rope.

I saw this young black man looking at Xie Lun with a look of horror on his face, gritting his teeth and looking upwards with his eyes.

Without him needing to wink, Xie Lun had already noticed something was wrong above his head. When a giant claw the size of a cattail fan silently grabbed Xie Lun's head, the muzzle of the gun in Xie Lun's hand suddenly rose, and the deafening gunfire instantly spread throughout the villa.

Just a minute or two later, Dean and Sam hurried over. Looking at Sherron leaning against the broken window with a gun in hand, Dean said anxiously: "What's wrong?"

"A Wendigo came in and I fought it off."

Xie Lun blew it gently, and the aa12 was still smoking.

Sam frowned and said, "I didn't burn it to death."

Sherron stamped the floor under his feet: "Use Molotov cocktails here, you want to start a fire."

Dean's eyes were attracted by the black guy hanging by the side, and he was amazed: "Agent Xie, you and this guy are progressing very quickly. You only have so much kung fu, and you've already gone so far."

"Stop talking so much, Dean." Xie Lun's face darkened and he said angrily, "I don't believe you haven't noticed that this guy has been hanging here a long time ago."

Seeing the three strong men with guns in front of him, plus the monster that just ran into the room, the black guy was almost scared to death. Before Xie Lun and others could ask questions, he hurriedly shouted : "Watch TV, watch TV quickly."

Xie Lun and the others looked at the TV suspiciously. Only then did they see clearly that the TV was on, but for some reason it kept playing dark scenes.

The black man shouted again: "Play it backwards, watch it in reverse, this TV has an automatic recording function."

Sam picked up the remote control next to the TV and started playing with it, and soon the dark screen began to regress rapidly. At this moment, Sherron and Dean put the black boy down.

After the black brother's description, the three of them knew what happened here.

The black guy's name was Matt. Although he didn't say it clearly, Sherron and others could tell that this guy definitely liked the girl with the same name as Sam. So after meeting Sam Jon, he kept getting close to the girl. After Emily and Kerstin left the villa, he even suggested that they have a drink.

After all, the two parties hadn't seen each other for a long time, so Qiong didn't refuse. But after just a glass of red wine, Matt fell asleep. When he woke up again, he found himself hanging in this bedroom.

On the TV opposite, a scene that made his hair stand on end was playing.

The video finally rewinds and Sam starts playing normally. First there is a violently shaking shot, indicating that the camera is being moved. Soon the scene stabilized, and a man hung by chains on a wooden board appeared in the camera.

"Joshua Vigo," Matt said bitterly, "no wonder he never showed up. It turned out that he was kidnapped."

"He is Joshua Vigo." Sherron looked at the blurry young man in the picture and frowned, "Can you tell where he is?"

Matt hesitated and said: "There is a small cabin not far from the villa. It is used to store daily maintenance tools and firewood. It should be there."

While Matt was talking, Joshua woke up in the picture and looked around in confusion. After a moment, he seemed to see something terrible and began to struggle desperately. Although there was no sound, it was certain that Joshua was screaming for help at this time.

A hacksaw mounted on a robotic arm appeared on the screen, spinning rapidly towards Joshua.

Seeing the hacksaw avoiding him, Joshua couldn't break free from the chain even if he struggled desperately. In the end, Joshua was chopped in half by a hacksaw amid splatters of blood.

Looking at the bloody scene, Matt had closed his eyes in pain, and Dean and Sam also frowned. Only Xie Lun stared at the TV, looking thoughtful.

At this time, the camera shook violently again. After it stabilized again, the wooden board had been replaced by a blond girl, hanging on a chain like Joshua Vigo, with her head tilted to the side, unconscious.

The hacksaw appeared again, spinning rapidly towards the girl just like before. Just when he was about to touch the girl, the screen suddenly rotated, and the screen went black after a moment.