I’m A Detective In The American Movie World

Chapter 98: Abandoned sanatorium


The abandoned sanatorium under the windy and snowy night looked like a huge monster sitting on the ground. All the doors and windows of the eight-story main building, plus the two three-story buildings next to it, had turned into black holes, which looked particularly sinister in the eyes of Dean and others.

Dean asked softly: "Sammy, have you found anything?"

Sam put down the telescope in his hand and also lowered his voice and said: "Yes, this should be the lair of those monsters. In just this moment, I saw three Wendigos crawling in and out of the windows of the main building."

"Then have you seen the situation of the hostages?"

"No, it should probably be hidden inside the building. Damn it, there must be no more basements, otherwise the rescue will be too troublesome."

While Dean and Sam were discussing, Joshua and Matt came over and asked anxiously: "When are we going in? If we keep waiting like this, Joan may really die."

Dean said angrily: "We don't know what's going on inside. We don't even know where the hostages are. We go in rashly. What if no one is rescued and we can't get out?"

Joshua shook the gun in his hand: "We have guns, so what are we afraid of? No matter what gods or monsters, they can still block the guns."

Sam sighed, about to explain. At this time, Tina suddenly coughed hard twice and said in a deep voice: "Actually, the best way is to attract these monsters out of the sanatorium, so that when we go in again, the risk will be much less."

Sam spread his hands: "How to attract them? Do you have to have one person call them out?"

"Okay." In everyone's astonished eyes, Tina nodded, "I will attract the attention of those monsters and try to take them away from the sanatorium. At this time, you should hurry in."

Dean shouted urgently: "Stop joking, Tina, how can you let a woman do such a thing?"

"I'm not kidding," Tina glared at Dean, "What's wrong with women? Do you look down on women?"

Dean said "uh" and didn't dare to speak.

"Besides, I am also a police detective. Although my skills are not as good as Boss Xie's, I am far superior to you."

As Tina spoke, she glanced behind her with some guilt, fearing that Xie Lun would suddenly pop out.

"Anyway, that's it. Remember, it's a quick victory. I can't guarantee how long we can last."

After saying that, Tina simply ran in the other direction.

Dean hesitated, but ultimately didn't catch up.

Not long after, the crisp sound of gunfire pierced the night sky. The abandoned building that originally seemed silent suddenly became lively. Accompanied by a deafening and horrifying roar, black shadows jumped out of the windows of the building and quickly chased in the direction of the gunfire.

"Good guy, how many monsters have run out, there must be ten or twenty." Dean felt his throat was dry, "This is really the lair of those monsters, md, you have poked a hornet's nest."

"It's almost there, there's no movement."

Sam took a deep breath and rushed towards the building first, and the others hurriedly followed.

Since there is no one else around, Tina no longer hides her strength. Although she was vulnerable to Xie Lun, her skills were still far superior to other ordinary people. After all, Tina killed so many people not just because of her beauty.

Countless black shadows, like apes, jumped on the snow and in the woods, chasing Tina closely. But compared to these monsters, Tina is more flexible, jumping left and right, walking quickly in a zigzag on the ground. No matter how hard these monsters try, they just can't catch her.

But during the rapid pursuit, Tina suddenly braked and turned around to stop. The two Wendigos that were chasing her the most were caught off guard and fell headlong into the snow, rolling over a dozen times and tumbling dozens of meters.

Looking at the monsters surrounding her, Tina moved her neck, stretched out her scarlet tongue, and licked her lips vigorously. A cruel smile appeared on her pretty face: "What an ugly appearance, what a delicious soul." Ah, you wouldn’t have thought that I’m almost starved to death.”

As she spoke, Tina's chin drooped more and more, and eventually her small scarlet mouth turned into a terrifying, bloody mouth. Sharp fangs that were jagged but flashed with cold light slowly stretched out.

"Then I'm going to start."

A deafening roar rang out, but after a moment, the roar turned into a mournful wail. And amidst the wailing, there was also the faint sound of broken bones.

It was like someone was eating brittle bones.

As for Dean and the others, they turned on flashlights and entered the main building of the nursing home. Joshua soon discovered the clues about the hostages. A few torn pieces of cloth led everyone to the basement where they couldn't see anything.

"I said I don't want to go into the basement, but I have to go to the basement." Dean nervously clutched the flashlight, gritted his teeth and lowered his voice, "It's dark, and the basement is connected in all directions, so we must not get lost."

"Don't worry," Sam shook the ball of thread in his hand, "With this thing to guide us, we can escape no matter how dark it is."

Walking along the narrow basement passage, everyone quickly judged from the layout of the abandoned houses on both sides of the passage that this basement was not simple back then.

This large house is nestled inside a cabin, and the cabins are nestled inside each other, layer upon layer, plus the glass doors and glass walls. Under the light of the flashlight, it really feels like a haunted house adventure.

“Help, help!”

If there hadn't been such a weak cry for help, Dean and the others would really not have dared to enter again. But since someone is calling for help, the Wen brothers are not as evil as Xie Lun. Even if there is a trap ahead, they will go and explore it.

This is also the main reason why they cheated countless teammates.

After bypassing more than a dozen glass doors, everyone came to a relatively spacious place that resembled a parking lot. Under the light of the flashlight, when Dean saw something on the ground, the hairs on his back stood up instantly.

It was a broken trench coat, obviously a men's trench coat.

"Go back, go back quickly"

At Dean's low growl, Sam and Matt turned around and tried to run back. However, Joshua stood in front of them, the black muzzle of the gun in his hand pointing steadily at them.

"Don't move, I will kill anyone who moves."

Joshua shouted coldly.

"Joshua, you're crazy"

Matt said in horror.

Sam glanced at Dean and said solemnly: "Joshua, you lured us here on purpose."

Joshua smiled coldly, and suddenly shouted: "My sisters, you can come out now"

Before he finished speaking, with a sharp roar, a Wendigo fell from the sky and landed heavily on an abandoned car, directly flattening the rusty car.

Dean shined a bright flashlight over it, and everyone couldn't help but take a breath after seeing the appearance of the Wendigo.

In addition to being larger than an ordinary Wendigo, what's even more terrifying is that this Wendigo actually has two heads. And unlike other Wendigos, these two heads actually have long and sparse hair.

"Alice, Alyssa" Joshua's hands were shaking slightly with excitement, "Don't you want to eat these people? Brother, I have helped you and brought them all. Come on, they are all yours, eat as you like."