I’m A Paranoid Villain Harvester

Chapter 12: you only belong to me 12


You Xu was paralyzed on the bed like a salted fish, the feeling of stickiness was not very good, she even hoped that she was an unconscious puppet and didn't have to face this kind of human tragedy.

She waited left and right, and finally waited until Duan Min came back, but he...

Duan Min has an extra-large black plastic bag in one hand, like a soldier who is carrying two explosives. The medicine bag is going to rush to the front line, if there is another expression of justice and awe.

"..." So he ransacked the supplies in the women's section of the supermarket? !

Duan Min put the bag in his hand on the bed, walked to the head of the bed first, propped on the bedside table with one hand, the fine sweat on his forehead slipped, he panted, his chest heaved slightly, opened the first drawer, took out the medicine bottle and opened it Two more pills were swallowed.

He recovered for a while, his eyes were much clearer, he straightened up and went to sit next to You Xu, pulled the two big bags, took out all the contents inside, and spread them out.

Colorful, large and small bags of sanitary napkins cover almost the entire queen bed.

Yuxu: ... It's like setting up a street stall selling sanitary napkins.

Duan Min touched her head and said warmly, "Go and use it, I have everything you want, and I have bought all types."

The puppet You Xu was instructed to pick up the latest pink package of sanitary napkins, and got out of bed to go to the bathroom.

Duan Min glanced at it and silently wrote down the key information about the package of sanitary napkins just now—daily use, soft cotton surface, and size 245mm.

He exhaled a long breath and sat on the edge of the bed waiting for her to come out, but after half an hour, there was no movement at all.

Duan Min came to the door of the bathroom. The door was not closed. At a glance, he saw You Xu holding the bag of pink things standing there, motionless, as if a machine was missing a certain part, and suddenly it was stuck and unable to operate.

If she wasn't under control, her expression at the moment should be blank.

Duan Min understood in an instant, opened his mouth, but didn't say a word.

Now that You Xu's body is controlled by his thoughts, before she acts, Duan Min must have a corresponding picture or concept in her mind, so that she can implement it, but the crux of the problem is that he has never used that thing... . ..

Can't even imagine the picture.

Duan Min was on the spot, his fingertips stiffened, his expression a little struggling.

The system clapped its legs and said, "Very good host, it seems that you have to do this yourself. He must release his control over you."

Heh, Duan Min can remove the stupid stickman's brain circuit, and naturally he can control it again. You Xu didn't respond to it. She hasn't figured out how to deal with this situation.

Duan Min hesitated for a long time, then glanced around and saw that there were blood stains on her fair and delicate legs. He was silent, walked over and took the pink package from her hand, opened one, and reached out to her white dress. put.

"!!!" You Xu was startled, feeling that blood poured into his skull in an instant.

Not to mention that she still has a sense of shame, this is too exciting for a single Wang who has never been in love.

Do you want to fight like this.

The system looked like he didn't see it: "It's over, your last chance to counterattack is gone."

You Xu: To be fair, she doesn't want this kind of counterattack opportunity at all, she just wants to use the system as firewood.

And Duan Min withdrew his hand the moment he touched the hem of her cotton skirt, he straightened up slightly to look at her, looked at her dull eyes, and said gently, word by word, "Laugh again."

Yu Xu pursed his lips in obedience.

Duan Min's eyes dimmed a little, and with a low sigh, he placed a light kiss on her eyebrows, then picked her up, went out to the living room, picked up her bag, and came to her door.

Duan Min took out the key from her bag, opened the door, carried her to the bed in her bedroom, surrounded her with the quilt, and sat quietly beside her.

He approached her and looked at her face carefully, as if he wanted to remember it deeply in his mind. After a while, he lowered his head again, kissed her lips, and left after a little touch.

Duan Min got up slowly, took a few steps back, and said in a low voice, "It's time for you to wake up."

In an instant, You Xu's eyes lit up again, and her eyes slowly focused. After a while, she could clearly see the person standing not far away. Prisoners to be executed are slaughtered and reviled by others.

"Duan Min." You Xu called out to him.

Duan Min squeezed his fingertips silently and did not speak.

"You," You Xu coughed lightly, "close your eyes first."

Duan Min closed his eyes cooperatively, and heard the sound of her jumping out of bed twice, and then she heard the movement of opening the cabinet and running away again.

The door opened and closed, leaving him alone in the bedroom.

You Xu entered the bathroom, quickly put on the clothes she took out of the closet, and then put on the sanitary napkin. Her old face was rarely hot, and she couldn't run around in front of Duan Min with her red nightdress behind her. Just let him close his eyes first.

After Yu Xu changed, he soaked the dirty clothes in water, patted his face twice, forced himself to take a deep breath to calm down, and then returned to the bedroom.

Duan Min was still standing there with his eyes closed, and when You Xu walked in front of him, he opened his eyes and saw a string of watermarks on the wooden floor. Rub her feet and put shoes on.

He had been taking care of her like this all this time, and when he finished everything, he realized that You Xu was awake now, and she was staring at him without saying a word.

Duan Min didn't dare to raise his eyes to meet her, his whole body stiffened slightly, he let go of her and retreated a little.

He was afraid to see the disgust and disgust in her eyes, and was also afraid of her silence. If she was angry, he could take revenge for her, but he was afraid that You Xu hated even revenge, after all, no one wanted to be controlled.

She knew what he was like, and she would want to stay far away, not letting him get close to her life, maybe she would leave at dawn tomorrow.

"Are you hungry?" The soft voice sounded again.

Duan Min was stunned.

Without getting a response, You Xu continued to say to himself, "Let's have supper together then."

Duan Min raised his head in a daze and saw that she blinked, smiled and frowned. It was what he wanted to see and what he couldn't control.

You Xu got out of bed again, grabbed her slippers, and walked into the kitchen, Duan Min followed closely, her eyes locked tightly, as if afraid of her disappearing.

Yuxu opened the refrigerator, bent slightly to look closer, and muttered, "Well... some ingredients can't be eaten after a long time, so let's cook noodles and eat them, then fry two eggs?"

Her tone was normal, relaxed and homely. Hearing Duan Min's heart warmed slightly, his eyelashes trembled slightly, he hummed softly and responded.

You Xu didn't seem to notice his abnormality, and started to do things skillfully, first boil the water, then put the noodles in the pot, the water made a slight sound of gurgling, and the steam was bubbling up.

The long-lost white steam in the kitchen drifted away, blurring people's vision, Duan Min looked at her fixedly.

Two bowls of noodles were brought out. The thin white noodles had some green chopped green onions and a golden fried egg, simple but warm.

The walls of the bowl were hot, and the palms were warm. Duan Min ate slowly, many times slower than usual, as if he was savoring and remembering the taste, and as if he was eating his last meal, he finally put down his chopsticks after eating. Take the bowl to the kitchen to wash it and put it away.

You Xu leaned against the window and tapped the petals of the jasmine potted plant with her fingertips. She was waiting for Duan Min, and she could see that he seemed to have something to say, or that he had made a decision.

This time, Duan Min washed the dishes very slowly. She stood by the window and waited for a while before he came out of the kitchen, a distance away from her.

After a while, he said slowly, "I'm a puppet master, not a normal person."

You Xu looked up at him without interrupting.

"When I'm in a bad mental state, I'll get sick. If I lose control, I'll kill people. I've done everything you can't imagine... It's embarrassing," Duan Min lowered his eyelashes and said sternly, "I controlled you and still I've done something bad to you, maybe next time I'll dismember you, you'd better... stay away from me."

As if afraid of what You Xu would say, but not daring to look at her expression, Duan Min hurriedly turned and left, leaving a panicked back.

You Xu looked in that direction and opened his mouth, not knowing what to say for a while.

This night, some people are destined to sleep.

Duan Min curled up alone on the huge bed, there was no familiar temperature on the pillow, so quiet that he could only hear his own breathing.

He was so confused that he kept his eyes open all night.

The next morning, he sat up, turned his body to the side, and stretched out his hand to the side, subconsciously wanting to pick up the person next to him for breakfast, but to no avail.

Duan Min reacted sluggishly, yes, he told her to go back last night and warned her to leave, today she should... let's go.

He wants to stay alone again, not knowing the passage of time, not moving up or down, regardless of the seasons.

He wanted to close his eyes and die immediately, so that he would no longer feel the feeling of his heart being pulled down infinitely.

Duan Min stared at a wall not far away.

This wall separates the two worlds, one bright and warm, the other dark and silent.

They were not of one world from the beginning.

But he never got her laugh, and now he will not feel that everything is dark, and he has never had her company, and he will not feel that it is terribly lonely and quiet now, and he has never eaten the food she made, he is now You won't find other flavors unacceptable.

After gaining it and then losing it, the huge sense of gap almost destroyed his sanity, and he wanted to control her and let her stay by his side forever. Such thoughts are like a gnat with sharp teeth, gnawing at his heart and making every drop of blood in him Everyone is clamoring to have her.

Forcibly suppressing his emotions and thoughts, Duan Min lay down on the bed with his arms over his head.

After a long while, there was a sudden cold laughter in the empty and quiet room.

He smiled lowly, as if self-deprecating and desperate.

Duan Min thought again, he should go and beg her, tell her that the puppet master is not scary, and assure her that he will no longer control her, he can even no longer control anyone, he will go back to his room and lock himself before he gets sick, no hurt her.

So don't be afraid...

Can you not go.

Yes, he should go and beg her, she is so kind, she will definitely agree to stay.

The thought that came up was like wild grass, which could not be cut off, and every strand of it was pulling at his mind.

Duan Min suddenly rolled over and ran out of bed, rushing to the door like a frantic frenzy, but the moment he touched the cold iron door, he stopped his steps.

The trend of destroying the dry and pulling the rot is extinguished in an instant.

What's the use of forcing her to stay, she is still afraid of him, who would want to stay beside a dark monster, trapped in a cage.

She will be unhappy.

This last consciousness overwhelmed all previous impulses and thoughts. Duan Min covered his head, squatted down, stared at the dark door, and stopped moving.

As long as... open this door, he can see her.

She will leave today, so he will look at her one last time and take a secret look to prevent her from finding out.

Just look at it.

Just a glance.

He waited quietly so that she wouldn't find out.

Duan Min convinced himself.

Finally he opened the door, opened a gap quietly, and looked out to see what was on the high stool by the door—a key and an orange Post-it note with a smiling face.

She gave him the keys to her house.

The author has something to say: woo woo woo missing people are back, I guess everyone has forgotten me and what this book is about, it's all my fault, I repent, and I get drunk. I don't know if anyone will watch it (Humblely wipe tears)

Some time ago, I edited the article from beginning to end, and changed some settings. It will be updated at 21:00 starting tomorrow.

A lot of people are taking final exams these days, I wish you all a smooth exam~