I’m A Paranoid Villain Harvester

Chapter 3: You only belong to me 03


You Xu didn't give up, and shouted again: "Hey, big brother!"

The system came out and said: "He can't hear you, the puppet only obeys the person who controls him, Duan Min doesn't go out, and he tells the puppet to do whatever he wants."

When You Xu heard this, she had to bury her head and go upstairs. After entering the house, she lay down on the sofa to relax as soon as she put down her things. After a while, she asked, "Has the golden finger opened?"

The system tilted its match legs and said, "Open."

You Xu was interested, picked up the ingredients and pounded them in the kitchen.

Not to mention, the golden finger is different. Corresponding to the ingredients, several kinds of dishes appear in her mind. She automatically picks the dishes, washes the dishes and prepares them. She cuts the onions so smoothly that she wants to cry.

In fact, she cooked once before. When she was in junior high school, she fried a piece of Chinese cabbage. When the cabbage was in the pot, the oil splashed and crackled. She was so frightened that she ducked from side to side, like a jumping frog, and was finally bombarded by her parents. Get out of the kitchen and insulate the kitchen altar from now on.

Because of her golden fingers, her hands were skillful and quick, and in a short while, two dishes were already out of the pot, braised pork loin and fish head with chopped peppers.

The aroma of crispy peppers wafts away, directly hooking the taste buds.

You Xu pondered for a moment, then dried her hands, opened the windows and doors, and let the fragrance spread out, and then she continued to the kitchen to cook the next dishes.

After the rice in the rice cooker was cooked, You Xu brought out the remaining dishes and soups.

She scooped up a bowl of rice, and couldn't wait to pick up her chopsticks and pick up a piece of tenderloin to eat.

You Xu sighed, "As expected of a golden finger."

The system is quite proud: "That is, our system is super powerful."

"If I go to open a restaurant," You Xu said after taking a few more bites of food, "wouldn't it be a waste of time."

"..." It doesn't know whether to say the host is too ambitious or too unwilling, "Can you consider killing the target first?"

You Xu was choked and warned it: "Don't use words randomly."

System: "What are you thinking about?"

"... "

You Xu swept the dishes in a turbulent manner, and only put down his chopsticks contentedly when he was 12 minutes full.

There was still a plate of steamed spare ribs on the table, which was for Duan Min. Because he didn't know his taste, it would be safer to choose a light and tasty dish.

You Xu got up and went to the kitchen to cut some shredded cucumbers and carrot slices and put them on a plate. After decorating them properly, he took the plate of spare ribs and came to the dark iron door again.

She took a deep breath, held her breath, and pressed the doorbell after she had done enough psychological construction.

After the doorbell rang and no one moved, she rang it twice more.

After a long time, the door opened, and the other side of the door was dark. He was wearing casual black clothes and black trousers. If it wasn't for his over-white skin, he could hardly see anyone in the crack of the open door.

He didn't mean to come out, but You Xu felt that his eyes were fixed on her.

The first time she was born, the second time she was familiar, You Xu was not as scared as the first time, but her back was involuntarily tense, she showed a professional smile of a salesman: "Remember me, I was the neighbor You Xu who came to the door yesterday, yesterday I made you laugh, I specially made a plate of steamed pork ribs today to express my apology, do you want to try it?"

The person in the crack of the door just stared at her coldly without saying a word.

As expected, You Xu continued with his face as usual: "This is marinated pork ribs mixed with steamed rice noodles, a little fresh fish soup, steamed, not oily or light, with a rich and delicate taste. ."

You Xu blinked and smiled sweetly: "Do you want to try it?"

Be quiet for a moment.

Two words sounded coldly, "I don't want to." And the back door was sewn up.

His voice was low, as if he hadn't spoken to anyone for a long time, his voice was dry and slightly sandy, with a polished texture that was extremely pleasant.

You Xu stood there for a while, holding the tray in one hand and pinching the earlobe with the other.

She looked down at the ribs in her hand, pondered it, turned around and went back to her room, brought out a stool with thin legs and half a person's height, placed it in the corridor against the wall, and put the plate of ribs in her hand on on the stool.

If Duan Min wants to eat, he can get it as soon as he opens the door.

After doing this, You Xu went back to his living room again and cleaned up the dining table.

The next day, You Xu opened the door and saw that the ribs on the stool in the corridor were still there.

She was not discouraged, she rang Duan Min's doorbell at 19:00 every night, waited for him to open the door, and after daily rejection, she put things on the stool beside his door.

After persisting for half a month, Duan Min didn't eat a single bite of what she made, but he didn't really kill her.

It wasn't until one day that You Xu rang the doorbell for almost half an hour before the door was opened. Just as he was about to speak, his throat choked.

Duan Min grabbed her neck with one hand.

You Xu was taken aback by his appearance, his condition was very bad, the blue veins on his forehead and neck were prominent, his eyes were bloodshot, his eyes were gray and black, and his usually red lips were now pale.

You Xu: So I'm finally going to be killed, anyway, I lived for half a month, and I have no regrets at all, and I don't even need to leave a will.

The system alarm bell made a big call: "He is sick, run for his life!"

Can she escape? She felt that her neck was as fragile as noodles in his hand, and could be broken if she was pinched.

You Xu adjusted his breath and tried his best to control his emotions, as if he was unaware of everything, and smiled as usual a few days ago, "Small stir-fried vegetables, there are cabbage, carrots, cucumbers and fungus in them. They are rich in color and more homely. But the taste is not bad, do you want to try some?"

Duan Min's eyes moved slightly, his lips were tightly pursed, his expression struggled, as if he was holding back something, his eyes turned even redder, and his jaw visibly tightened.

The situation was not good, You Xu closed his eyes and waited for the final conclusion.

After waiting for a while, the expected severe pain never came. Just as You Xu was about to open his eyes, the strength on his neck suddenly loosened.

Duan Min withdrew his hand, returned to the room, and closed the door.

The air that suddenly entered her throat made her cough several times uncontrollably. She also returned to her room, put the dishes on the table, leaned against the back of the chair, and gasped for breath.

You Xu calmed down and asked, "What happened to him just now?" The world line didn't say that he was sick!

"His body is experimental, and his state is unstable and prone to disease." The system implanted a memory video in her mind.

In an underground laboratory, the latest batch of human-like baby test tubes was produced. There are thousands of them, and one of them is numbered A12101, which means that it is the 12,101st experiment.

It's Duan Min.

The previous failures were all turned into blood, and only Duan Min survived.

The crazy and perverted eyes of those people settled on this test tube, and their laughter echoed in the enclosed space.

Duan Min is destined to be unfortunate from this moment on.

He grew into a baby, wore a breathing mask, and was soaked in various potions.

He became a child. When his peers could run and jump, play with toys, and act coquettish to his parents, he was imprisoned on the operating table, surrounded by instruments, and stood as an experimenter.

His genes are complex and changeable, and various unknown potions and viruses are injected into his body to change his physique.

The strange lesions made him miserable, he struggled, roared, wailed, spasmed and twitched all over his body, his eyes were red, like a crawling monster.

Those people watched him collapse and suffer with cold eyes, while recording data and judging whether he could still live, several times they believed that he was going to be a failure, but he miraculously survived time and time again.

Then there was the cycle of experiments.

Finally, the blood of the zombie king was injected into his body.

Everyone has a different past, and Duan Min's past was like a monster, and he was only used as a purposeful experiment.

Obviously he has thoughts and perceptions, and will suffer and suffer.

Yu Xu was silent for a long time after reading it.

She was cold all over, and every drop of blood from head to toe coagulated.

The world is always like this, the sun rises, and wherever the sun shines, it always looks bright on the surface, like a thick layer of snow covering up the grayness on the other side.

There is a sunny side, which always makes people forget that the back is a shadow.

It was unbelievable and unbearable. If it were her, in Duan Min's position, I'm afraid she would not only control those people to commit suicide, but she might do even more outrageous things.

She will make life worse than death, and she will take back the revenge for the pain she has endured thousands of times.

Because of those experiences, Duan Min is right to hate people, and killing all the people around is also a cause and effect.

Duan Min should be like this, but just now, when he fell ill and strangled her neck, his arm muscles were tense, but he didn't exert too much force on her, just like a warning, warning her not to come closer.

You Xu ran to the bathroom, raised his neck in the mirror, and there were only some light red marks.

After a pause, she supported the sink with both hands, lowered her head slightly, and sniffed gently. Her mood was a bit complicated, and there was a kind of sour sympathy.

If at the beginning she was just playing and watching, she was already involved in it at this time, and it was difficult to hold the mood of detachment.

For whatever purpose, she wanted to be nice to Duan Min.

It's like seeing a puppy that was beaten and dumped on the side of the road, creating an uncontrollable sympathy.

She wanted to have this dog a little bit more sincerely.

You Xu let out a long breath, washed his face with cold water, and then came to the kitchen again.

She took out the strawberry jam she made a few days ago, as well as yogurt, skimmed milk powder, white vinegar and eggs.

Add water and stir, bring to a boil, turn off the heat and cool until slightly coagulated. Put it into a fine glass, pour a thick layer of strawberry jam on the milky white coagulation, and sprinkle some chopped strawberries.

She deliberately put a slice of lemon on the rim of the cup for decoration, picked up the glass with a small porcelain plate, and walked out of the kitchen.

When passing the living room, she paused, picked up a pen and a post-it note from the coffee table, sketched it twice, put down the pen, and stuck the post-it note on the porcelain plate, picked it up and looked at it, she was satisfied.

Holding this plate of dessert, You Xu only rang the doorbell of Duan Min's house twice, put the things on the high stool by the door, and went back to his room.

After a while, the dark door opened a crack, and a thin and cold hand stretched out and took away the plate of dessert.

The author has something to say: I write a little hungry, I feel like I can swallow a cow_(:з」∠)_

In my last life, I went to Beijing to take the exam. The journey was far away, but I starved to death halfway through and became a starving ghost (it must be so.

So in this life, I want to order three takeaways every minute (.

Thank you to the little angel who voted for the king or irrigated the nutrient solution for me~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [Mine]: 1 Shell Shell and 1 Yule;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

5 bottles of rain music and shells; 1 bottle of small balls;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!