I’m A Paranoid Villain Harvester

Chapter 35: The Demon King's Favorite 13


Time seems to pass quickly, and it seems to be very long.

Most of the time, you cannot perceive, and occasionally there is a little awareness, which comes from physical feelings.

Sometimes she felt chills all over her body, as if she had walked into an extremely cold realm, and more often she felt extremely hot, like a bonfire running through her veins, melting all the muscles and remodeling them.

She also felt a familiar plush in the palm of her hand, and someone kept talking in her ear, over and over again, tirelessly saying something.

She wanted to hear clearly, but she seemed to be separated by several layers of airtight enclosures, blurring it, and nothing became real.

You Xu could feel herself recovering because she was conscious more and more often.

Until late at night, Yu Xu's body had a real sense of the outside world. She felt herself lying on the soft and comfortable bed, felt her wrists being held, and felt the gaze of several eyes.

Her body was sore and heavy, like a machine that had not been in operation for a long time, rusted, her eyelids were heavy, and You Xu's eyes rolled twice under them, and her wrists were immediately clenched.

After a while, You Xu finally opened his eyelids, and what he saw were two big men, one on the left and one on the right.

His vision was a little sluggish, You Xu slowed down, and only when his eyes were focused did he see Shen Jue and You Jingyan clearly, one was pale, haggard and thin, and the other was disheveled and had bloodshot eyes.

You Xu opened his mouth, and before he had time to say anything, he heard a burst of weeping.

"Miss woo woo woo woo!!! Miss wow, Miss wow—" Cui Zhi, the eldest girl with strength and speed, fell to the ground crying, and even the old housekeeper on the side took out the golden girl from her sleeves. Use the shampoo to wipe the tears from the corners of the eyes.

"... "

Yuxu: Seeing you like this, I thought I was dead.

"I... I'm fine." You Xu's throat was too dry and her voice was hoarse and weak after a long time without speaking.

You Jingyan touched her head and got up to pour water for her.

Shen Jue helped her sit up and asked her slowly, "But what else is uncomfortable?" His voice was several times more hoarse than hers.

"It's all fine."

You Xu coughed several times, took the water from You Jingyan and took two sips slowly, moistened his throat and said, "Thank you brother this time. .. "

She didn't say any more, because she noticed that You Jingyan squeezed the teacup tightly, her eyes drooped slightly, and her expression changed. She thought that the words behind her were unlucky and not suitable for someone who had just escaped from life and death.

"Big fox." You Xu felt that this time Shen Jue was really frightened. His already white and transparent skin was especially pale at this time.

"How did you lose so much weight?"

"Are you too worried about me?"

In the quiet night, the orange candle light flickered, the light and shadow were bright and dark, and Shen Jue's dark eyes were also stained with a little light.

He whispered back to her; "Yeah, I'm worried."

During the few days of recuperation, You Xu discovered something that wasn't quite right. She couldn't tell what was wrong. There was always a feeling that everyone knew something, but only she didn't.

This feeling made her feel a little flustered, a little confused, uneasy and unsteady.

It won't take long for her to get out of bed and take care of herself. She has a good appetite and sleeps well, and she has a lot of energy. This is the complete opposite of her weak body. In the past, she could lie in bed for a few days with a little wind. The loss of appetite, nausea and stuffiness, and the feeling of life being out of breath, she still remembers freshly.

What's up... Now alive and well? !

Did she change her body or what? Does snake venom have health care functions? No, is that You Jingyan's medicine? That's not right, if You Jingyan had such a medicine, he would have given her a long time ago, and it would have made her suffer for so many years.

So why is that

As You Xu thought about it, he stuffed Shen Jue, who was falling asleep, with the hot stove. Shen Jue has been very sleepy lately. Basically, he can sleep from morning to evening, and from night to early morning.

And for some unknown reason, Shen Jue, who used to have a higher body temperature than ordinary people, now his hands are always cold. No matter when she touches it, his hands are always ice-cold, as if he couldn't keep them warm.

He never changed back to a fox shape, he has always maintained a human shape, and occasionally he would change into a fox tail for her to touch, but You Xu didn't dare to lick it anymore, the hair on the big tail kept falling off, a lot.

The fine white fox's silver fur is like falling snow.

Does the fox demon also shed hair? You Xu was not sure, but she remembered that Shen Jue couldn't shed it before.

Looking at his sleeping face, the facial features are deep and smooth, and the eyebrows and eyes are delicate and beautiful, but the two red demon lines under his eyes have faded. It used to be a strong color of dark red blood, but now it seems that the paint has been mixed with water, and the color is pale. be transparent.

You Xu had a vague guess in his heart.

Until two days later, she secretly saw Shen Jue follow You Jingyan into the medicine room. You Jingyan's medicine room only allowed You Xu and the housekeeper to enter, because the medicine room was full of rare medicinal materials collected by You Jingyan and his The configured recipe can be said to be the top priority of the entire Medicine Spirit Valley.

There was a housekeeper guarding the door, and You Xu did not go in to disturb her. She squatted alone in the corner for about an hour, until Shen Jue left the medicine room, and then she went into the medicine room to find You Jingyan.

You Jingyan was slightly surprised, and quickly covered his expression: "Ah Xu is bored, brother to accompany you for tea?"

"I just saw Shen Jue entering the medicine room, what happened to him?" You Xu looked at You Jingyan closely, not missing the slightest change in his expression.

You Jingyan smiled slightly, and there were no more flaws: "He is worried about you, so I asked you about your recovery."

"In contrast, I don't think his condition is very good," You Xu said. "If my brother hides it from me, I'm afraid I'll be guessing and worrying constantly."

You Jingyan glanced at her, sighed silently, and turned his head.

You Xu's heart skipped a beat: "Brother, is he..."

"I don't want to make you sad more than you are worried," You Jingyan sighed again, "Paper can't contain fire, and some things will eventually be hidden."

As You Jingyan spoke, he suddenly laughed at himself and sneered lightly: "Everyone in the world says that my medical skills are superb. Only when I saved you did I realize that I was not worthy of those four words."

The implication is that his medical skills can't solve the snake venom, nor can he save her.

You Xu was stunned, unable to find his own voice for a long time: "That's him..."

"Yes," You Jingyan said, "Shen Jue cut his heart."

That day, he took people to look for You Xu, and got news from the housekeeper that the Demon King Shen Jue took You Xu back to Yaoling Valley.

You Jingyan was so anxious that he immediately rushed back to Yaoling Valley. He saw You Xu's face was dark blue and his index finger was black. He was already poisoned. He didn't have time to ask the cause and effect.

Then he discovered that this poison had never been seen before, and the poison was so violent that it had already invaded the heart and heart.

When the silver needle fell to the ground, You Jingyan couldn't accept this situation for a while. Shen Jue knew the result by looking at his expression, so he asked, "Is it possible to save my heart?"

"Not necessarily." He had heard that the heart-eater fox's heart can live dead, flesh and bones, and longevity, but it is a rumor, he has never used it, let alone say, the important thing is that You Xu has been poisoned in a few breaths. .

But the man in front of him obviously didn't have any scruples, he ripped open his clothes, and a knife sank into his chest, making a deep and long wound, and then he ripped it wide with both hands.

The sound of tearing muscles made people clench their hands.

"You..." You Jingyan couldn't go on, he was selfish, he selfishly wanted to save his sister, even if this possibility was not certain, he would not let You Xu lie in the cold coffin , buried in the ground.

Shen Jue reached into the wound with his right hand, grabbed the heart and pulled it out. The blood stained his clothes red like running water, until it infected his silver-white soft boots, and the blood smeared on the ground.

He gritted his teeth, blue veins protruded between his forehead and neck, and his body spasmed with extreme pain.

You Jingyan, who had killed countless people and saved countless people, was shocked when he saw this scene for the first time.

"You...you will die if you cut your whole heart, but if you cut more than one finger of flesh..." You Jingyan finished speaking with difficulty, he felt ashamed, ashamed, and uneasy .

There was a sound of blood vessels being torn apart, and the heart was torn out of his chest, with half of the remaining blood vessels connected. On Shen Jue's right hand was a mass of blood dripping flesh. He held a dagger in his left hand and cut it off.

The knuckles of You Jingyan's clenched hand rattled, and his eyes were tightly closed, like sitting on pins and needles.

The effort of just a cup of tea seems to be endless.

"Here, go and save her."

Hearing the strained and hoarse voice, You Jingyan opened his eyes and turned to look. Shen Jue bit his lips and tongue, blood dripping from the corners of his lips. His forbearance body reached the limit, trembling and trembling. On his right hand was a Close to the complete heart, bright red blood leaked from between his fingers, drop by drop on the ground, silently.

You Jingyan opened his eyes wide and saw the big blood hole vacant in his heart, with only one finger of flesh in it.

"You..." You Jingyan didn't know what to say.

"Come on, the more flesh the heart-eater fox has for her, the better," Shen Jue said through gritted teeth, "As long as I still have heart and flesh, I won't die."

He's going to marry her, so he won't die and can't die.

You Jingyan can still clearly recall the feeling of taking that warm heart with his hand, and that kind of temperature penetrated his body and pierced into his heart like a knife.

You Jingyan lowered his eyes and continued, "I learned later that he was devoured by the Snake Clan."

The famous poison of the snake clan magnifies the pain of the wound tens of thousands of times, but Shen Jue cut his heart without screaming from the beginning to the end, and cut off his own heart alive.

You Jingyan couldn't imagine how painful it would be, and he didn't dare to imagine it.

Later, he also discovered that the wounds on Shixinhu's body healed very slowly, which made Shen Jue live in extreme pain every moment.

You Jingyan developed various medicines for healing wounds, but these medicines had little effect on Shen Jue, so he had to change direction and develop medicines to numb the pain sensation. Medicine, such medicine will make Shen Jue extremely drowsy, and he will reduce his perception ability after falling asleep, thereby reducing the degree of pain and suffering.

You Xu didn't know how he left the medicine room, his mind went blank, and he walked back to his Pear Garden in a trance.

She saw from a distance a person sleeping on the soft slump under the pomegranate tree.

The bright warm sun in the afternoon fell on the green branches and leaves, and the bright red pomegranate flowers were hung on the treetops like clusters of flames.

You Xu couldn't help but hold his breath as he approached, sat down on the wooden chair beside him, and looked at him quietly.

As the sun moved, the shadows of the trees faded and were slowly elongated.

Shen Jue's eyelashes twitched, and he slowly opened his eyes. What caught his eyes was the crimson sky in the evening. The little girl in front of him hugged his knees, huddled in the chair, and stared at him without blinking.

After seeing her expression clearly, Shen Jue was slightly taken aback, and asked in a low voice, "Why are you unhappy?"

You Xu was stunned, and suddenly thought of Duan Min who risked his life to go out to vent her anger and endure the pathological reaction.

Obviously two completely different faces, but at this moment they overlap.

Their expressions were very relaxed, as if they had only done a little thing, and the only thing they cared about was whether she was happy.

Shen Jue changed his tail and shook it at her.

Yu Xu lowered his eyes and did not move.

Shen Jue got up and got down, and opened his arms to her.

You Xu got down from the wooden chair and embraced him with open arms.

Her face was pressed against his heart.

The twilight was approaching, and the fiery clouds on the horizon were sprinkled with a layer of lead-grey, and the light wind blew, and the pomegranate flowers swayed gently like silent bells.

No one spoke, the surroundings were very quiet, only the sound of swaying branches and leaves could be heard.

After a long while, Shen Jue felt the clothes on his chest wet, and the little girl in his arms buried her head from beginning to end.

"What's wrong?" Shen Jue embraced her, his voice revealing a rare patience and gentleness.

After a while, the wind stopped.

You Xu endured the crying, and asked in a loud voice, "Does it hurt... Are you afraid of pain?"

Shen Jue's chin rubbed against the top of her hair, her movements swaying, with obvious reassurance.

His long eyelashes drooped slightly, and he said in a clear voice—

"Why are monsters afraid of pain?"

The author has something to say: I have finally passed these two chapters, the author of the dog can't stand Liao QAQ

Let's start the love story of two beautiful men tomorrow!

Shen Jue:

You Jingyan: ? ?

Author: ... Okay, let's start the big family sand sculpture story of Xu Xu, the big fox, brother, Cuizhi and the housekeeper tomorrow, okay! ! !

Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-01-29 11:52:56~2020-01-29 21:32:49~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mines: 2 Xu Lun for the sky; 1 magic bag for the mechanical cat;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 10 bottles of raincoats; 2 bottles of my Wang Tiantian; 1 bottle of eating meat, fried bitter gourd, and empty strips Xu Lun;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!