I’m A Paranoid Villain Harvester

Chapter 39: I am a fortune teller 01


The dull pain in the head due to the lack of oxygen, and the suffocation feeling of the tight neck restraint made You Xu have no time to digest the ins and outs of the matter, so he had to find a way to save a cat's life first.

She could no longer make a spiky cat meow, but could only make a small "meow-woo-" sound, scratching her paws twice was not enough, and she couldn't lift her tail.

The child in front of her, pursed her lips tightly, her eyes were firm, and she was determined to eat her.

If she were a person, could she strangle a little kid to death

You Xu shouted in his head, "Seven or eight, help me, I've become a cat?"

"I don't know either!" Qi Ba also collapsed, "I can't get involved, woo woo woo, ask yourself for more blessings!!! I will withdraw first."

"..." I didn't expect to rely on it at the critical moment, but her mind was blown out of white light.

Is that the end? Cannon fodder survived longer than her.

You Xu was complaining in her heart, while resigned and unwilling, she heard a "bang", and the wooden board that was so tattered that there was no door was kicked open.

When four or five children walked in, each of them looked bigger and stronger than the boy who was pinching her, and the small shabby house instantly seemed crowded.

Then the fat boy at the head came over aggressively and kicked the little boy on the back. The little boy was kicked to the ground, and following his loosened grip, You Xu was thrown into the corner.

The air that was suddenly squeezed in made her throat even hotter, and she lay on the ground weakly panting.

"You freak who killed your family, you dare to stand in front of our eyes and see if I don't beat you to death."

The children surrounded the little boy, punching and kicking, "You must have stolen the sweet potatoes in my vegetable field before, and you have learned to steal when you kill someone. Today, I will give you a long memory!"

"His life is tough enough."

"If I were him, I wouldn't have the face to see my parents under Huang Quan when I died."

You Xu looked up in disbelief. Those children at the age that should have been innocent, used the most disgusting expressions and said the most vicious words. Maybe they didn't know the nature of their behavior, and they did it fearlessly anyway. , did it in a group hostile manner.

And the little boy who was pinching her just now was curled up on the ground, his already thin body looked extremely weak, his face was buried between his arms, and he could only be seen from the angle of You Xu lying on the ground. expression.

There was no anger or fear on his face, just dullness, cold numbness in his eyes, and a bit of lead-grey world-weariness.

His indifferent appearance seemed to be detached from the body, watching from the sidelines, even if he was beaten to death like this, he would not have too much reaction.

You Xu was startled for a while, this is really not the state a teenager should be in.

She couldn't stand it any longer and closed her eyes.

I don't know how long it took, You Xu smelled the smell of urine, she was stunned for a while, then looked up again, I don't know who started it, pulled off her pants and urinated on the person who was shrinking on the ground, and the pale yellow liquid slid over his body. His cheeks dripped from his thin, disembodied chin, and water marks appeared on the ground.

"..." You Xu was shocked, his three views were cracked, he scolded countless swear words in his heart, and then looked at the little boy's reaction.

It was found that his response was - no response.

After the group of children made a fuss, they left while laughing and scolding.

The room fell silent, the rotten wooden door was open, the cold wind rushed in, and there was fine snow outside.

"Seven or eight," You Xu said weakly, "send the world line quickly."

Qi Ba hesitated and said, "I didn't receive it either."


"Maybe you are dressed like a cat, and the world line can't be sent."

You Xu said blankly, "Then why am I dressed as a cat?"

"To match the host with the characters in the world, of course, choose the identity that is close to the task object and has the highest degree of matching," Qi Ba was puzzled. "Who knew that you and a cat would match 99.8% of the time."

You Xu gritted his teeth: "Then what should we do now?"

Seven Eight: "I have already submitted a fact sheet to the switchboard, waiting for approval."

"How long."

Qi Ba took out a pillow, lay down on the ground, and said leisurely, "I don't know."

You Xu looked down at herself, so what did she use to gain trust, use a language she didn't understand, and was short-haired

She asked again: "What is the name of the task object?"

"do not know either."

"..." You Xucao wanted to chop it up and use it as firewood.

Since it is transmitted according to the proximity of the task object, the miserable child not far away must be.

You Xu looked at the place. The pavilion-sized log cabin couldn't even fit a bed. Of course, there were no tables, chairs, and stools. There were only a few broken bowls and some pieces of straw and wood.

You Xu saw that he was still huddled and motionless, with frostbite on his hand, red, swollen and cracked, and the exposed calf to the ankle was frozen red and blue.

You Xu glanced at the door, the cold wind was blowing like a knife, she stood up, took two steps, her step crooked, her face slammed into the wall, You Xu adjusted her pace, her front legs and back legs were extremely uncomfortable. He took two more steps in coordination, and rolled straight to the ground.

Yuxu: Hey, how are these four legs going

"Ouch, host," Qi Ba couldn't stand it any longer. "The cat walks when its back foot steps on the spot where its front foot walked, leaving only two series of footprints on the ground, walking forward in a straight line."

You Xu felt that she was being insulted, but she didn't speak, she tried again, she walked past the little boy stiffly and erratically, she was nervous for a while when he suddenly grabbed her and said "this cat". She is so stupid that she can't even walk, so it's better to eat her" reason to kill her.

But she moved to the door, and he didn't respond.

You Xu raised her claws and pushed the door panel down, but she didn't move. She tried to push again, but it didn't work.

But at the moment, the wind is too strong and the resistance is too great, she can push one-third of the arc, so she simply sits on the ground, recharges her energy, and waits for the wind to lighten.

After about half an hour, You Xu finally pushed the door open, but it was still very cold in the room, and the child was dressed too thinly.

You Xu walked over to him and looked at him. After watching it for a while, he probably understood why he had been hunched on the ground and didn't move. He had endured the pain before, but now he was so tired that he was too hungry to move.

She saw that his right hand, which was on the ground, had a deep wound on the tiger's mouth and was bleeding.

And she can't do anything now.

The boy was lying on the ground, his whole body was aching. He suddenly felt very tired and tired. The days of torment and pain were not in sight. Strength, and he has no strength.

The kitten was a dish of food that accidentally broke into his house today. He took a lot of effort to catch it, and just thought it was going to leave, but he didn't expect it to come back.

What does it come back to

Then he saw the kitten sitting by his hand, bowing his head, sticking out his little tongue to lick his bloody mouth.

Are you hungry, or whatever, he thought.

You Xu licked the blood clean, but the wound still looked very painful. She stretched out her paws and touched the back of his hand. His hand was as cold as ice. hands, then rounded himself up, wrapping his entire hand around his belly.

At first, her stomach was cold, and her whole body was shaking. Later, she felt that his hands seemed to be a little warmer.

The nerves that had been tensed to the extreme before were relaxed, and drowsiness struck, You Xu couldn't hold it any longer and fell asleep.

The boy looked at the kitten in a daze, and there was a soft plush feeling on his right hand, as well as a little body temperature.

Is it... warming his hands.

Why, obviously before... He wanted to kill it.

He had never received a child of kindness, and at this moment, in the cold night, he seemed to see a faint flame.

... ... ...

When You Xu woke up in the middle of the night, the wind and snow danced outside the house, there were no lights in the small room, and the silver glow of the moon leaked from the windows.

She seemed to be fixed by some pressure and couldn't move. The tail of her paws swept across the warm skin, and her forehead moved up, touching what seemed to be her chin and neck.

After judging, You Xu knew, and the boy held her in his arms.

Probably thinking that she was awakened from the cold, the boy subconsciously hugged her tighter, and touched her head with the other hand.

You Xu didn't move, and quietly pressed against his skin, hearing his rhythmic heartbeat and the occasional sound of the wind blowing outside the window, and slowly closed his eyes again.

The boy and the kitten are passing some body heat to each other.

On this ordinary winter night, it was still very cold, but it didn't seem so cold anymore.

The author has something to say: I hope the cold winter is no longer cold.

It will get better and better, and it will pass.

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-02-01 20:47:16~2020-02-02 20:57:29~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 5 bottles of Awan and Qianmo Jingan; 1 bottle of freshtalkm;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!