I’m A Paranoid Villain Harvester

Chapter 45: I am a fortune teller 07


In the evening, the fire clouds on the horizon were crimson, and the orange light fell into the courtyard.

He looked at her fixedly, his dark and quiet eyes were like obsidian at the bottom of a pool, dark and deserted, making people unable to grasp the emotions in them.

Seeing that the success attracted his attention, You Xu smiled: "Master, since you don't believe in the marriage that I calculated for you, why don't we make a bet?"

She turned against the light, the thin halo dyed the outline of her body, the tips of her hair fluttered in a beautiful arc in the evening wind, and she smiled freely and vividly.

Wen Shu said slowly, "What are you betting on?"

His voice was like a jade pearl falling on a plate, and like a gurgling water, it was clear and pleasant.

"If I win, Master will be my husband," You Xu sat on the wall and dangled his legs, "If I lose, I will listen to Master's advice."

Such an enthusiastic and direct expression of one's heart is enough to impress most people, but Wenshu is unmoved.

"The skin is easy to get old, and the flesh is perishable. If you remove the skin and cut the flesh and leave the bones, the bones are the same." Wen Shu's slender fingers on his left hand rubbed the beads on his hands, "If you lose, you will use your bones as bone beads."

Looking at his face with no sadness and no joy, You Xu said, "The premise is that the master can't hide from me, and can't chase me, can the master do it?"

Just to get an unlimited pass.

Hearing: "Yes."

"The master will see you tomorrow." With Wen Shu's answer, You Xu climbed down the fence and walked down the mountain.

It was getting late at this time, if I didn't go down the mountain quickly, I'm afraid the mountain road would not be easy to walk.

You Xu's face was light and cloudy just now, but in fact, his heart was beating wildly, and his nerves were tense.

She didn't expect that after ten years, Wenshu still reacted so strongly to a cat. She thought he had forgotten it long ago. Ten years was enough to dilute everything. If she hadn't seen him feeding the cat, she wouldn't have said those words quickly. .

Kuai Chuan has signed a non-disclosure agreement. If she mentions this topic, her voice will be blocked. If it is implied, whether it is writing or painting, the memory related to the task object will be erased. Er revealed that there was a bug in the world, the mission was directly considered a failure, and there was no room for manoeuvre.

She couldn't use Kuai Chuan to explain that the cat became a human after ten years, and still possessed other people's bodies. How to say this, how strange it was, the ancient world was extremely afraid and avoided the talk of evil spirits.

If Wen Shu knew that she might have been saved by some kind of evil god, or she might have avoided it, what should she do

But the more bizarre things were, the harder it was to guess. You Xu calmed down and walked down the mountain step by step.

That night, Wenshu had a dream.

It had been a long time since he had a dream about ten years ago.

In the dream, he saw the little wild cat again, with gray-brown stripes, a white belly on all fours, and a pair of translucent eyes.

And those translucent eyes appeared on a woman.

When he picked up the sharp stone and smashed it at the woman's forehead, those eyes opened, much like it.

He held his hand for a long time, unable to go any further.

Wen Shu opened his eyes and woke up. He sat up, gasping for breath, curled up his fingers and clenched the quilt.

It was quiet late at night, with silver glints from the window.

He closed his eyes, the blood-colored scene spread out, warm blood splashed on his face, neck and hands, he heard someone scream in pain, and saw that person's body convulsed and twitched in pain.

The malice that has been in my heart all year round rushed out like a torrent, which was difficult to restrain.

More blood, more blood.

He was so excited that he almost shuddered, and let out a moan that seemed ambiguous and painful.

He has only killed people once, but that feeling was imprinted deep in his heart through his torso, as if a demon was born.

The demon monk once said: "Hearing art, people are like Buddhas and demons. You are right, you just helped them get rid of demons."

The demon of the heart is like a ghost in the abyss, devouring his heart step by step, spreading all kinds of darkness, he wrote the blood curse, but never used it, because the only glimmer of light left in his heart came from that cat.

Even so, he still walks on the edge of the cliff, stepping into the abyss at any time and must not exceed his life.

Later, Master Xuanjing appeared and took him to devote himself to practicing Buddhism. He found a rest in the scriptures and temporarily suppressed the demons in his heart, but he always felt that his heart was empty and something was missing.

To this day, he seems to have found the solution to the problem.

That woman, her life, her blood, her bones, will fall on his hands.

The thought of this made him extremely happy, and it had nothing to do with liking.

Wen Shu picked up the bead beside the pillow and turned it gently, his eyes lit up with cold killing intent, and he smiled silently.

You Xu got up early the next day and went to Shanyuan Temple with a basket of things. This time, she did not go around the back, but went directly to the main entrance. When she saw the monk, she handed out a box of sweet-scented osmanthus cakes and went all the way to Guili. No one stopped Yuan, presumably because Wenshu had ordered it.

"Master." You Xu didn't see anyone in the yard, so he knocked on the door, but got no response, not sure whether Wen Shu ignored her or if no one was there.

She thought about it, lay down on the bamboo chair in the yard, picked up a scroll of scriptures on the table, and looked at it with difficulty.

I really couldn't understand it, You Xu felt sleepy and sighed, and just after putting down the scriptures, the courtyard door opened.

Wen Shu was dressed in a monk's robe, and her hair was tied with a hair band, giving her a relaxed and peaceful feeling.

"What did the master do?"

Wenshu: "Morning class, listen to the scriptures."

You Xu remembered that Master Xuanjing had to lecture Wenshu for an hour every day. The monks wore robes and all had bald heads. When Wenshu did not tie their hair, they would just tie them up, and the black hair monk robes gave people a sense of non-offensiveness. Feeling, and people have the urge to blaspheme.

Seeing that he finally had a normal social relationship with her, You Xu turned his eyes away because his eyes were too straightforward.

Wen Shu changed his clothes and looked at Jing Shi Ziji in the yard. Having more people in the yard had no effect on him, just like having more potted plants.

You Xu thought he liked cats, but after a few days of discovering, the cats that he saw last time were not his, they were wild cats that were raised by the temple, and he could go or stay. He just put some in the evening every day. Give them food, and they will leave when they have eaten. As for what happens to them afterward, Smell doesn't care.

When Wenshu went down the mountain, You Xu naturally accompanied him.

Along the way, You Xu was speaking, and Wenshu occasionally responded with a word or two, but there was no cold scene. Instead, there was an inexplicable sense of harmony and harmony.

From a distance, I saw a tavern that was slightly larger than the average yard. It was past lunchtime. There were still a lot of people, and the noise was a bit lively.

"Master." Many people noticed Wenshu, and they didn't dare to come forward to interrupt too much, so they called out respectfully, and their eyes would still stay on him.

Wen Shu nodded slightly, and Ye Lingling greeted her with joyful brows. When she saw You Xu beside him, her expression became lighter, "The seat on the right is empty for Grandmaster, and I ordered Xiao Er to serve the food."

The position on the far right next to the window is separated by a hollowed-out carved screen, which is reserved for Wenshu by Ye Lingling. Even if there are many guests on weekdays and the seat is not enough, she will keep that seat.

Wen Shu said in a low voice: "No need, just a plate of fried radishes."

As soon as You Xu and Wen Shu sat down, the dishes were served. Of course, Ye Lingling couldn't just serve a dish of stir-fried radish, and also served a lot of vegetarian food, filling the entire table.

Ye Lingling knelt beside Wenshu and wanted to pour him some tea. Noticing a little impatience between his brows and eyes, she stopped. She knew that Wenshu didn't like being harassed by others, especially during meals. .

What about Yuxu

Ye Lingling raised her eyes and looked at You Xu, who was eating happily. She didn't see anyone outside, and Wenshu didn't mean to drive her away.

"There are still vacancies in the tavern. You might as well go outside and treat me as a treat," Ye Lingling said, "don't disturb the master's meal."

You Xu didn't lift his head, his cheeks were bulging, and he said vaguely: "It's up to the master to talk about it or not."

The implication is that Master Ren hasn't said anything yet, so what are you stubborn about here

Ye Lingling bit her lower lip, turned her head, and stretched out her voice and whispered, "Master—"

Wen Shu's eyelashes drooped slightly, his expression was very light, and he didn't mean to speak.

Ye Lingling froze there for a while, and she just happened to be called by a guest, so she left the words "Master is slow", got up and left, and out of the corner of the light gave You Xu a glance.

You Xu didn't notice it, but thought that the vegetarian food here was better than the one in Shanyuan Temple. There were many kinds of dishes, such as lotus root, loofah, eggplant, etc. There were many kinds of dishes, such as fried, steamed, boiled, and seasoning sauce. Su Zhai, she followed Wenshu to eat twice, white porridge and steamed buns, two greens, and two pickles. It was gone, and she was extremely bland. No wonder Wenshu ran down the mountain to eat.

However, as a carnivore, You Xu tasted the ingredients in front of him and stopped eating them.

What she eats the most is the plate of fried radishes. It's not that delicious, but it's just a strange table of dishes. Wenshu only eats these radishes. She also said radishes in the previous order. Every time Ye Lingling brings vegetables up the mountain, He also only eats radishes.

What's the matter, why don't you tell me he's a rabbit

You Xu: "Why does the master only eat radishes?" Could it be that there is a story about remembering bitterness and sweetness

Wen Shu didn't speak, and seeing that she had almost eaten, he got up and walked out.

"Master used it so quickly this time, but the food is not appetizing? Why don't you have some snacks?" Ye Lingling hurriedly greeted her.

Wen Shu took out his purse, settled the bill, and said, "Three days later, after noon, we will close the door for half a day."

If she didn't take his money, I was afraid he wouldn't come next time. Ye Lingling took the money and said quickly, "Listen to Master, thank you Master." Hearing the divination was accurate and helped her avoid two disadvantages. , how dare she not listen.

"No need."

You Xu followed him away, and after walking away, he asked him, "What do you mean?"

To be honest, she was very curious about this kind of metaphysics.

Wen Shu glanced at her, and seeing her eagerness for knowledge, he said, "A few days ago, King Yi rebelled. The house of King Yi was raided, and his servants were exiled. From north to south, he passed through Jian'an City. After three days, he will pass by here to rest. There are lechers among the servants."

He turned the Buddha beads in his hand: "And Miss Ye's hexagram is unknown."

After speaking like this, Yu Xu became even more curious.

Three days later, she specifically asked someone to inquire about it. There was a group of envoys who took exiles through the street. They were very violent. They whipped the exiles with whips and asked the city people, "Which pub nearby is good for business?"

The people in the city saw that his voice was loud and scolded, so they had to say: "Go down there is a tavern, the owner's surname is Ye, and the wine is good and beautiful."

The group of envoys rushed the exiles, wanting to rest their feet, but did not expect that the tavern was not open, so they went to the tavern across the street.

After listening to You Xu, he sighed for a while, and especially wanted Wen Shu to give her a divination to see if he could supernaturally calculate her identity as a fast wearer.

Qiba: "Don't think about whether there are some or not. If there is system interference, he can't count it."

You Xu had no choice but to give up. After all, she really figured out that it was not only Wenshu who was frightened, but also her.

A few days later, a famous painter called Yun Junzhi came. The bird picture he drew at the age of ten was called the work of a child prodigy, and then his reputation became more and more resounding. While he is swimming in the mountains and rivers, ordinary people can't see him at all.

This time, he suddenly appeared at Zenyuan Temple, which surprised everyone.

"Xiaosheng has admired Master Wenshu for a long time," Yun Junzhi said, "I came here to paint a picture for Master, and I hoped Master would admire him for the sake of his wish."

You Xu could see that Wen Shu didn't really want to be rewarded, but when he noticed that the whole temple could not wait to hold him down and let Yun Junzhi draw his eyes, he nodded.

As soon as the door of Guili Garden was closed, the voices and sight of others were blocked.

You Xu sat on a bamboo chair from a distance, watching Yunjun's painting and listening skills.

Today's weather is very good, the sky is blue, the white clouds are in clusters, the sun is shining, the yard is lighted with a little sandalwood incense, and the environment is so quiet that people want to take a nap.

Wen Shu turned his back to her, his back was as straight as a bamboo, You Xu always felt that there was a kind of unruly in him, like a bamboo breaking the ground, and the practice of Buddhism allowed him to soften his anger and unruly, leaving more Cold.

You Xu lowered his eyes and saw a string of Buddhist beads hanging on his left hand, while his right...

The slightly warm breeze blew past, the branches and leaves rustled, and the empty jacket on his right side was blown away.

His eyelashes drooped slightly, wondering what he was thinking.

After a while, the wind stopped.

Yun Junzhi's gaze turned on Wen Shu, he laughed silently, and dropped his brush again.

As the sun went down, Xiaoyuan was shrouded in a faint orange-red, and the sound of birds chirping in the woods could be vaguely heard.

Yun Junzhi handed over the ink-dried painting and smiled casually: "I hope the master will accept it with a smile, Xiaosheng will continue to walk the clouds and mountains and rivers, and we will meet again if we have the predestined relationship."

Wen Shu didn't even look at the painting, just rolled it up and said, "Thank you."

Yun Junzhi left, and there were only two people left in the yard. Wen Shu turned her head and saw You Xu huddled in the bamboo chair and fell asleep. Her hair was a little messy, and a few strands of hair hung down, and a sticky strand on her red lips.

She seemed to dream of something delicious, and unconsciously licked her lips, which were moist and beautiful.

The evening wind was a little cold, she curled herself subconsciously, hugging her knees with both hands, her bent neck was white and slender.

Wen Shu looked away and unfolded the painting in his hand.

In the painting, he has cold brows, a t-shirt, a Buddhist bead in his left hand, and a delicate white hand under the sash on his right.

Wen Shu was stunned, and upon closer inspection noticed the goose-yellow hem of his Tsing Yi.

The man hid behind him, trying to make up for the incompleteness in his painting in this way.

After a long while, Wen Shu closed the painting and looked up at the little girl in the goose-yellow dress who was sleeping on the bamboo chair.

The twilight is approaching, and the light of the setting sun is getting weaker and weaker, and it also stretches the shadows of the two people sitting and standing in the yard.

The author has something to say: I'm pinching my fingers, you have me in your life - series.

Thank you to the little angel who voted or irrigated nutrient solution for me during 2020-02-06 21:08:18~2020-02-07 21:41:30~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 2 bottles of Qinghuan, Taihua, and Chiu Chiu Qiusheng; 1 bottle of Fuying and freshtalkm;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!