I’m A Paranoid Villain Harvester

Chapter 49: You are my 11


It is rarely sunny after the winter, the sky is always lead-grey, foggy, like a snow is brewing, and the cold wind blows from time to time, with a slightly chilly feeling.

"Madam, rest in the grass ahead," said the coachman, "and let the horses eat some grass by the way."

You Xu lifted the curtain of the car and saw the Xinan Mountain not far away. The mountain was not too high, it was relatively gentle, and there were several continuous mountains. There was a thoroughfare on the flat slope at the foot of the mountain, and there was a large area of grass near the mountain on the right side of the road. On the left is the cliff.

You Xu: "Okay, let everyone rest, eat something and drink water."

They traveled for three days in a row, stopping from time to time to rest. You Xu, who was used to riding a modern subway train, was staggered by the jolting of the carriage, causing dizziness and pain in his back.

About two or three days later, you will be able to reach Linghuai Town. You Xu intends to go and see if there are any good gifts, buy some and go back to apologize to Wen Shu.

In addition to the two rotating coachmen, there were also four strong men to protect You Xu's safety.

A strong man took a sip and said, "Brother, have you heard of it? The road seems to be not very peaceful recently. If I don't want to save some money for the New Year, I don't want to come."

Another bearded strong man said: "Of course I heard that some people from somewhere have formed a gang around here, specializing in robbing passers-by's silver taels. If there are women, they will be taken away."

"..." You Xuxin said, when you hired you, why didn't you say anything.

"This part of the road is not very smooth. It's better to work hard and hurry up, and have a good rest when you enter the town." I don't know if it was because of what they said, which made her feel a little uneasy now, and wanted to leave here immediately.

The other coachman had no opinion: "Okay, listen to Mrs."

You Xugang was about to put down the curtain of the car, go in and sit on the road, when suddenly there was a rapid sound of horse hooves.

A group of people wielding big knives came from the gentle slope of the mountain. They looked very sturdy, and the sound of horse hooves was like the beat of drums.

Yu Xu: "..."

It was agreed that the strong men who were her bodyguards made a mess, some ran away, some froze in place, and some knelt down and begged for mercy.

"I didn't expect it to come!"

"Who is the crow's mouth just now!"

"The uncles spared the little one's life, there are old ones and young ones!"

The group rushed down, Lama slowed down, and circled around You Xu.

"Hand over all the gold and silver, or if a copper coin is found, a finger will be chopped off!"

The coachmen and men are not rich owners, and at most they count shrimps, rice and meat, so the bandits invariably set their sights on the carriage.

The big man at the head was full of beards, like a clay monkey, the clay monkey glanced up and down at You Xu, then raised the knife and pointed at her: "This woman is mine."

The bandit next to him laughed: "She is the eldest brother's Mrs. Yazhai, I agree, but she is much prettier than the last time."

A mountain bandit said: "Seeing that the big brother wants you, you can get to know each other, don't force us to do it, others will search the carriage with me."

You Xu jumped out of the carriage and stood beside the carriage, his brain racing, thinking about how to get out.

The mud monkey sat on the horse, approaching her step by step, her eyes malicious.

Yu Xu subconsciously took a step back.

Just at this moment, there was a sound of hooves behind the carriage, not the sound of a group of horses rumbling from the mountain bandits before, but the rhythm seemed to be only one.

Before everyone could react, a brown horse rushed into the encirclement.

You Xu was stunned when he saw the person coming against the light, suddenly bent down, scooped her left hand, and carried her onto the horse's back.

You Xu was incredulous: "Listening!"

"Sit firmly." Wen Shu drove the horse with one hand, but did not hold her with the other.

"Stop!" Mud monkey peach reacted, and chased after holding a knife and riding a horse.

Behind him was a familiar embrace, with a hint of fresh bamboo fragrance in the warmth, You Xu suddenly remembered that she was a kitten ten years ago, nestled in his thin chest, and now his chest is strong enough, like a barrier to block out danger. .

"Dong dong dong" chaotic horses' hoofs sounded like they were stepping on the heart, making the heart beat wildly.

Vaguely, a hoarse and low voice sounded on You Xu's head, and he said, "You Xu, don't be afraid."

And the mud monkey has already driven the horse to their side, raised the big knife high and aimed at Wen Shu's neck, the cold light flashed, and the blade quickly slashed.

You Xu saw the blood coagulate suddenly, "No—"

Before she finished speaking, she only felt Wen Shu loosen the reins, hugged her waist with her left hand, and fell hard to the left. You Xu followed his movements and fell, and the two rolled down the cliff on the left side of the road.

As the world was spinning, he felt the gravel and grass swipe across his body, and then hit his head by something, Yu Xu's vision went dark and he lost consciousness.

You Xu woke up with a splitting headache. What he saw was the pitch-dark sky, the wind was blowing constantly, and his limbs were cold and stiff.

You Xu felt that there was someone under her body and the arms around her waist. She struggled to sit up and saw that Wen Shu was still in a coma, and the situation was a little bad.

She was anxious, looked around, and found that the place where they jumped off was a cliff. After a steep slope under the cliff, they were now in a position similar to a tiankeng, a small natural basin.

You Xu Fang Ping Wenshu, got up and went around to see if there was a place to hide from the wind. Although she had scratches on her body, it was fortunate that her feet were not twisted.

After looking for it for a while, there is a small hole not far away, the height is only the shoulders of a person, and the width is about the distance of a person's open arms.

The sky is getting gloomier and the temperature is getting lower and lower, it is not too late, You Xu Zhe returned to memorize the art of smelling.

"Yu Xu..." Wen Shu opened her eyes slightly, and saw the fine snow falling and the wind blowing her Wusi, she carried him with her slender back and moved forward with difficulty.

I watched her sway several times, but did not fall, like the top of a snow-laden tree, being pushed down but not folded.

Finally, when he reached the entrance of the cave, You Xu didn't notice the stone under his feet. He stumbled and fell forward, subconsciously protecting Wenshu, and the pain caused tears to flow out in an instant.

You Xu set up Wenshu, and went out to find branches and sticks, planning to make a fire to keep warm, otherwise, if you stay in this cold cave all night, you may catch the wind and cold.

The sky was too dark, and there were no stars and moons, so it was difficult to find things. You Xu searched for a long time before finding some usable wooden sticks.

When You Xu walked towards the cave, he saw a figure at the entrance of the cave, holding the tree trunk next to him, his figure swaying slightly, and he seemed to have a tendency to fall forward.

You Xu quickly approached and supported him: "Why did you come out?"

Wen Shu took a breath and said slowly, "Looking for you."

"I'm fine, don't worry, let's go back to the cave first." You Xu thought he was just worried about her safety, but he didn't know that when he opened his eyes slightly, when he saw the back of her leaving, there was a sharp pain in his heart.

It seemed that there were many times when he could only watch her leaving.

Back in the cave, You Xu piled up the wood and took out the fire book from the clothes. Maybe it was so hard to see Li Yi Er use flint to start a fire. She went out and brought something to make a fire, but she didn't expect it to actually be used. .

The flames burned into a small fire, and the cave was lit with warm yellow light.

You Xu patted the ashes on his hands and turned to check Wen Shu's wounds. It was dark before, but now he found that he had more scratches than hers. It was obvious that he was protecting her and preventing her. Less gravel and vegetation.

Wen Shu saw that she was distressed and sad and blamed herself, so she raised her hand and tried to cover her eyes, "Don't look at it."

You Xugang wanted to fend off his hand, but noticed that the palm of his hand was so rubbed that the flesh was turned out, and it was still bleeding.

"What happened?" As soon as You Xu finished speaking, he noticed that the skin on both sides of his thighs was torn. If it wasn't for his pants, the inner thighs would have also been rubbed to bleed.

You Xu understood that Wen Shu was in a hurry and traveled day and night to get this look.

Her heart seemed to be torn apart and soaked in salty water again, painful and numb.

You Xu's nose was sore, and his voice was a little choked: "Are you stupid?"

Wen Shu covered his legs with a robe and said, "It's worth it." If he came a step later, I'm afraid... He didn't dare to think about it, and the whole person was like falling into an ice cave, and his heart was chilled and scared.

Only at this moment did he realize that she had quietly occupied such an important place in his heart in just a few months.

You Xu didn't know what to say, his head was buzzing in confusion, and he turned to face the fire.

The fire in the center of the cave was lightly sparkling, and snowflakes were fluttering outside. They ushered in the first snow of the year in this small cave entrance.

Wen Shu leaned against the rock wall and looked down at her. She was curled up, holding her legs with both hands, her head resting on her knees, revealing her tender white neck.

She looked very depressed, her eyes shrouded in water, lit by the firelight like tiny stars.

Inexplicably, Wen Shu remembered that ten years ago, there was also snow outside, and in the small dilapidated house, one person and one cat sat side by side, snuggling with each other, to survive the silver winter and the cold wind.

At that time, there was also a small fire in front of them, which also illuminated half of their bodies. There was a warm yellow fire in their eyes and each other in the corner of their eyes.

Like this moment.

Wen Shu's heart moved, and his heart palpitated inexplicably.

You Xu stared at the fire, trying to digest and suppress the messy emotions, and suddenly felt warm and was hugged into his arms.

His chin fell on the top of her hair, rubbing it with a kind of reassurance.

The tears You Xu had just held back almost overflowed again, she forcibly diverted her attention and said, "Are you cold?"

"Well, it's cold."

The distance is too close, You Xu can feel the slight vibration in his chest, accompanied by the light breath, the two words he said.

Makes you a little hot.

You Xu remembered the last time he was drugged, and was teased by her to make him look strange and gorgeous, and couldn't help coughing, "If you're cold, I'll take off your clothes and cover it for you."

As she said that, she reached out to untie her belt, Wenshu stopped her, and her voice tightened: "No."

You Xu didn't want to be crooked at first, but he made his hoarse voice crooked: "Master, what do you think? Although this place is not a Buddhist holy place, how can you have so many injuries on your body? It's not that I don't want to, but I You also have to think about the master's body, don't you think?"

Smell: "..."

"But you must know how to be flexible in doing things," You Xu suggested flatly, "If the master really wants to, but it is inconvenient to move, why don't I come, I think I can."

Smell: "........."

Seeing that he didn't speak, You Xu raised his head and found that his Adam's apple moved and his ears turned red.

She buried her head back again, and couldn't help but sigh, the more abstinent people are, the easier it is to be provoked.

After a while, the wind from outside poured in, making the fire sway, and the inside of the cave flickered.

You Xu was still a little worried about him: "Is the master really not cold?"

After finishing speaking, Wen Zhu wrapped her left arm tightly around her.

After a moment of silence, he suddenly said, "I only have one hand..." in a calm tone.

He only had one hand and couldn't hold her all tightly.

After so many years of broken arm, he regretted his disability for the first time.

You Xu raised her head quietly, seeing the darkness in his eyes, she instantly understood what he was thinking, she could understand that if she liked someone, she wanted to give the best, but at the same time she felt that she was not good enough.

"Wenshu, I can hold you."

No need to think too much, no need to worry, I can hug you tightly, as long as you want, I will do it.

Wen Shu was slightly startled, the gloom in his eyes faded away and was replaced by a shimmer, like a haze being pushed away by the warm sun.

"Will you let go?" he asked cautiously.


There was fine snow in the sky, the north wind was howling, and the small cave was like a small broken house ten years ago, and there was a little firelight inside.

Shadows leaning against each other after the fire, spend the long night together.

The author has something to say: Come to Liao, the hot Ergengka

Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-02-11 14:51:17~2020-02-11 21:57:47~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 19141596, 1 bottle of heartbeat;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!