I’m A Paranoid Villain Harvester

Chapter 53: You are my 15


The next morning, You Xu woke up and found that he was still rolled into a caterpillar shape. No wonder he felt restrained by something while sleeping.

She breathed a sigh of relief, sat up slowly, glanced around, did not see Wenshu, and checked the trust value again, it was still 60.


Co-authoring the emotion in his eyes last night was her illusion? Which part is the problem.

While thinking about it, You Xu changed her clothes and showered. After she was done, she said to He Xiang, "Go and call Master for breakfast."

He Xiang hesitated: "Madam Hui, the master is gone."

"Let's go," You Xu asked, "when did you go?" She wouldn't abscond overnight, would she be so scary

"I left this morning, and the master left a message, saying that the high fever has subsided, so Kizuna will return to Shanyuan Temple first."

You Xu: Okay, just like Tang Seng entered Pansi Cave by mistake, I'll show you in minutes.

Now that the road in Xinan Mountain is not smooth, her plan to purchase fabrics has to be temporarily interrupted.

After You Xu had breakfast, he took the four courtiers to go out, only to see Sun Donghong approaching him.

Sun Donghong has been guarding near You Xu's house for the past two days. As soon as he sees her, he will definitely come up to pester her, and he will follow wherever she goes.

It is useless to talk about solving such a person, bring a few strong men around, and beat him once, it is best to beat him until the distance produces beauty, and give up the psychological shadow of moving away.

You Xu ignored him at all and went directly to Shanyuan Temple. When he came to Guili Garden, he found that Wenshu was not there. Only after asking Monk Ranzhi did he know that Wenshu was called to the meditation room by Master Xuanjing when he returned early in the morning, because he had not been there for a few days. After listening to the Buddha, Master Xuanjing made up for his winter vacation homework.

You Xu smiled and didn't want to listen to the lecture, so he sat on the bamboo chair under the eaves and looked at the thin white snow on the ground leisurely.

Until noon, You Xu guessed that Master Xuanjing would at least let Wenshu go to eat, but he came to the meditation room to find someone, and it was empty. After asking the monks nearby, he knew that Wenshu had come down the mountain.

You Xu: Hey, he was running around all day, not to hide from me, but he wanted to go down the mountain to find me, but I didn't expect that I had arrived at Guili Garden

Thinking about it, You Xu also went down the mountain, all the way back to the house without seeing the hearing technique, but seeing Sun Donghong with a bruised nose and a swollen face, shaking like a chaff in the cold wind.

"Will you go back with me?" Sun Donghong said loudly, "As long as you go back with me and live a good life, I don't care about your private meetings and relationships with other men."

He didn't really want a tainted woman, but thinking about the silver taels she had on hand and the money from the sale of the house, how many acres of land he could buy and build two new houses in the village, he had to endure it again. Forbearance, many entanglements here.

You Xu had no choice but to go with him. Sun Donghong felt that he was generous enough to accept such a widow.

At this time, there were many pedestrians on the street, and many people stopped to watch the excitement, especially some neighbors who liked to talk.

"I've always said that Widow You is unclean and disrespectful in private. Wasn't she stabbed now?"

"This person has been hanging around her house for several days, and it seems that he has something to do with You Xu."

"No wonder she didn't marry someone in the city, but she thought she was so arrogant, but it turned out to be someone in the country."

You Xu's expression remained unchanged, and he was not affected by these words in the slightest. It was like this in ancient times. Women's reputation for chastity was always considered higher than their lives, and they used words to force them to feel sorry for themselves and even commit suicide.

There are many widows like her. It is difficult to make a living, and they are hurt by the sharp edge of words. Widow Shi in the north of the city was forced to jump into the lake.

Not to mention whether she did or not, even if she did, it would not be their turn to give pointers.

Seeing Sun Donghong's proud expression, it was obvious that he wanted to force her into submission in public.

To deal with this kind of person, reasoning is useless, you can only use the same method to retaliate, so she said loudly: "Oh, it's rare, all my good sisters in the village are married to you, what are you doing to me? ."

"Don't tell me it's me, even my sisters don't look down on you, saying that you have a hidden illness and can't have sex. They are still looking forward to breaking up with you and marrying someone else."

"It's just that they complained to me twice, and I knew about it. In order not to let me say it, they came to marry me. Do you have the ability?"

When everyone saw a widow looking at the man defiantly and disdainfully, they suddenly turned their attention away as if they had discovered something new and interesting.

"Looking at the sturdy, it turns out that the outside is strong and the middle is hard."

"It turns out that he is such a person. The person who married him is really a blood mold for a lifetime."

Sun Donghong's face was flushed red by the contempt and contempt in his eyes that almost materialized, and his throat burned with anger: "You fart, how can I marry someone?"

Now that he is in his twenties and not married, he is already incompetent. It is better to admit that he is not married than to be told that he can't, but how can he prove that he can do it in front of everyone's eyes

It was simply a dumb loss, and he was suffocated by cotton after punching out.

"Oh, it's okay to admit it or not," You Xu closed his cloak and walked into the house without looking back, "If you want to marry me, you might as well wait until you resolve your hidden problems."

Anyway, their village is very far away from Jian'an City, and few people in the city know him at all.

"You!" Sun Donghong was speechless for a long time. Seeing that You Xu was gone, he was left alone to be pointed out. He had rarely experienced such a thing. .

At this time Wenshu came to the end of the alley in Nanxiang, saw a faded and whitish word of blessing on the wooden door, raised his hand and knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" An old woman's voice came from inside, "Come on, wait a moment."

After a while, the wooden door creaked open, and a hunched back, gray-haired, wrinkled mother-in-law came out. She touched the door frame and carefully stepped over the threshold. Her stray eyes showed that she had an eye disease.

"Mother-in-law," Wen Shu gave her a hand, "I am Wen Shu."

"Ah, the master is here, I haven't prepared anything to entertain you," Lan Shi smiled, the deep and shallow wrinkles on his face unfolded, "Thanks to the master for helping me find my grandson, I was able to leave the village and settle down here with my grandson."

Five years ago, she was still in Shunping Village, living alone in a hut, with inconvenience and loneliness, until Master Wenshu appeared and brought her to Jian'an City to meet her grandson. She was very grateful.

In the early years, when her son and daughter-in-law were out in distress, and her grandson was in exile, she thought that there would be no reunion, but she did not expect that it was like a dream that she would have support for the rest of her life.

At that time, she asked Wenshu why she would come to help her. She thought it was because of fate or accumulation of virtue, but at that time Wenshu said: "Goodness has good rewards, and I will return your charity on behalf of one person."

But she never remembered who she had given charity to.

"Master, come and sit first." Lan greeted him.

Wen Shu helped her enter the door, and closed the door by the way. After sitting down, he glanced at him and asked, "Where's your grandson?"

Lan Shi said with a smile: "He went to the street to buy food, and he will come back later. I asked him to entertain the master more."

"It's not necessary, I came here this time to ask for something."

Lan: "Master, tell me, I will do my best."

Wen Shu lowered his eyes, looked at the patterns on the wooden table, and said lightly, "Can you come to Shanyuan Temple tomorrow?"

There was no progress in opening the cloth shop and brushing the trust value. You Xu rarely lost sleep once, and fell asleep in a daze in the middle of the night. When she woke up again, it was almost noon. After lunch, she went slowly. Go to Shanyuan Temple.

I didn't meet Sun Donghong again along the way. He must have been humiliated, so he didn't want to come back. After all, many people knew him. The more macho man, the less he wanted to be told no, especially It's not that way.

That's fine, she ended up at ease.

When she came to Shanyuan Temple, You Xu was in no hurry to go to Guili Garden. She first went to the temple to donate money and burn incense. She had never worshipped these Buddhas seriously before, so she didn't really believe in them. This time, when she hit a nail in her trust value, she couldn't help but kneel. As soon as he bowed to the ground, he made a sincere wish: "If you wish to break something, 61 will do, too. Bodhisattva appears, please, please."

Just at this moment, an old woman put three incense sticks in it, knelt beside You Xu, and muttered, "May the Bodhisattva bless my grandson in a safe and happy life."

This voice was very familiar, and it seemed that she had heard it somewhere. You Xu made a move, looked sideways, and found that she was the blind mother-in-law who gave her food many years ago.

My mother-in-law seldom even came out of the yard. Why did she come to Jian'an City and appear in Shanyuan Temple? Then how did she go up the mountain

You Xu looked back and saw a man in his early twenties waiting outside the temple gate. She must have been brought up by her grandson.

Seeing the acquaintance, You Xu couldn't help but get a little excited, remembering the hot meal in those difficult times, now that he has the ability, he naturally has to thank her mother-in-law, seeing that her mother-in-law was about to get up, her legs were weak, You Xu got up first to support her, " Mother-in-law, slow down."

Lan Shi slowly stood up and smiled kindly at You Xu: "Thank you girl."

"Mother-in-law is in a hurry to go down the mountain?" You Xu said, "Buddhist places pay attention to eyesight. I see my mother-in-law familiar, and I want to talk to my mother-in-law more. I often come to Shanyuan Temple, and I am relatively familiar with this place. Introduce your mother-in-law."

"Okay, it's been a long time since no one else wants to talk to my old lady," Lan said to his grandson, "Ajin, you find a place to rest first, and I'll talk to the girl."

You Xu took Lan to walk half the temple slowly, and told her some Buddha statues and scriptures. In fact, You Xu only had a little understanding of the skin. At first, in order to talk to Tong Wenshu, he endured sleepiness and asked questions, and then he understood a little bit.

It was cold outside and the temperature was low. Seeing that the old man's legs and feet were bad and his hands were cold, You Xu asked for a meditation room with a good monk and brought his mother-in-law to rest.

"Where does my mother-in-law live in Jian'an City now?" When she has time in the future, she plans to go to chat with the old man often.

Lan: "The house on the far right at the end of Nanxiang Lane."

You Xu was a little curious: "How did the mother-in-law reunite with her grandson?"

"Master Wenshu came to Shunping Village to find me and said he wanted to help me find my grandson," Lan said with a smile, "I'm really grateful to Master."

You Xu: "Do you know why Master helped you find someone?"

Seeing her mother-in-law shaking her head, You Xu knew that she didn't know that Wenshu was Li Yier. Even if it wasn't for the great changes in Wenshu, her mother-in-law was blind and couldn't see anyone.

You Xu breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't help but inquire about Li Yier back then, "Mother-in-law, do you still remember Li Yier?"

Shunping Village is very small, and things the size of sesame seeds can be talked about for a long time. Basically, everyone knows each other. Even if my mother-in-law seldom goes out, she can hear a lot of things.

Lanshi asked curiously, "Girl, how did you know about Li Yier?"

"To be honest, I'm actually from Shunping Village, so I think my mother-in-law is familiar," You Xu said, "At that time, I felt sorry for Li Yier, and I didn't dare to help him. Now I feel guilty and want to know. How is he doing?"

Lan patted her hand soothingly, and sighed deeply: "I don't know what sin was caused."

You Xu was nervous: "How do you say it?"

"The Li Yier incident was a lot of noise at the time, and it didn't stop for a long time," Lan said slowly, "I heard that he fell into an evil night, jumped into the lake with a dead cat, and went completely crazy after being rescued. ."

You Xu clenched his hands subconsciously, his fingertips were cold, his palms were sweating, and he whispered, "And then?"

"He killed three people in a row. At that time, the villagers found Wang Siyun's cool body and a broken arm in the fruit forest. The villagers gathered together to arrest Li Yier, but he escaped overnight."

In just a few words, Yu Xu's breath was frozen.

After a long while without hearing a voice, Lan said, "Miss?"

You Xu came back to his senses, restrained his emotions, and reluctantly said: "Sorry mother-in-law, let's do this for now, I'm a little unwell, let's go first, how about going to your house to chat in another day?"

"Okay, girl, let's go first. I think my grandson has been waiting for a long time, so I will go down the mountain."

"Good, good..."

You Xu's speech was incoherent, his mind was in a mess, he only felt chills all over his body, and there was cold air between the bones.

It's just a cat, she didn't expect Li Yier to be so determined.

Seeing him become a respected master, I thought he would have a good life these years, but I didn't expect...

You Xu pushed open the wooden door of the meditation room and saw Wen Shu at a glance. He gritted his teeth, his jaw slightly closed, his dark eyes were like thick ink that couldn't be melted, and he was staring at her with mixed emotions.

You Xu's eyes widened, and he instantly froze in place, the blood from head to toe coagulating.

Listening is here, how much have you heard

The author has something to say: The second is tomorrow, and the second is tomorrow. Today, in order to escape from the big red lock, I am exhausted [kneeling.

The previous chapter was about emotions and didn't affect the plot. Everyone, read the comments to find the way you haven't read it.

Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-02-14 21:37:36~2020-02-15 20:23:28~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: Chen Yuan, 1 Liuyu;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 30 bottles of flowing fish; 1 bottle of A sauce a and Bai Su;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!