I’m A Paranoid Villain Harvester

Chapter 58: You are my 20


Discovering that Wen Shu was gone, You Xu anxiously sent a servant to look for it, and used points to locate Qi Ba.

You Xu's tone was anxious: "Have you found it?"

Qiba scratched his head and said, "It's strange, I can't locate the location of Wenshu at all, I only know that he is no longer in Jian'an City."

Although there was no kidnapping and murder of Wenshu in the plot, Yu Xu was still worried and searched anxiously for two days.

On this day, a kingfisher with a bell tied around its neck landed in front of You Xu's windowsill, put down the note in its mouth, and flew away.

You Xu hurriedly opened it up and took a look—don't worry, I'm resting at the place where Yan Silent bows to the Buddha, and I'll go home in January.

After confirming that it was Wenshu's handwriting, You Xu breathed a sigh of relief, as long as she was okay, after all, he was staying by her side now, and he was under great mental pressure, so he should relax for a month to adjust his mood.

"Cough cough—" The sound of coughing up blood with weak breath sounded in the old house.

Wen Shu took a sigh of relief, looked at the person drinking tea beside him, and said, "Did you send it out?"

"What's the hurry?" Yan silently glanced at him, "Well, this is not coming back."

A kingfisher flew in through the wooden window, and flew in a circle beside Yan Musheng before leaving.

Knowing and hearing the art of coughing up blood, Yan Silently took out two pills, one red and one black, from the dark compartment and handed them to him.

Wen Shu took it and asked him, "How many days have I been here?"

"Five days."

Wenshu: "I will leave in five days."

Yan silently glanced at him: "Have you thought about it clearly?"

Although I don't know what the divination has calculated, but forcibly changing my life, I have to lose at least half my life.


"what ever."

Yan Wusheng straightened the hem of his clothes: "What did you figure out?"

Wen Shu lowered his eyes and silently grasped the quilt.

He counted that You Xu would eventually leave.

Five days later, Jian'an City, which happened to be in the spring, suddenly fell heavily, and a thick layer of snow to the ankles was deposited on the wetlands where the winter snow was melting.

The strange scene made it inconvenient for many people to go out, but Wenshu changed into a white monk robe and came to the foot of Shanyuan Temple.

He took out a dagger and stabbed it in the chest decisively. The sound of the cloth being ripped was accompanied by the wind, and the bright red blood instantly infected the white robe.

Wen Shu knelt down and kowtowed, then got up and walked up the first stairs, again holding the dagger in his hand and stabbed his thigh, knelt down and kowtowed again, and walked up to the next stairs after the ceremony.

"Disciple hears the art of sin, and the evil spirit is hard to get rid of. May the net of Buddha and Bodhisattva be opened..."

"The disciple heard the art and came to atone for his sins. After his death, he is willing to go to the infinite hell, to be tortured by the mountains of swords and the sea of fire, and not to enter the reincarnation..."

The voices of pious prayers echoed on the stone steps, the cold wind blew his ink hair, and the blood robes flew.

In the past, he stood on the shore, like a hungry ghost clothed in Buddha, savoring the suffering of others, watching others struggling in the sea of suffering, they were afraid of the unknown, and they asked him for divination.

He told them the horoscope and pushed them back into the sea of misery.

The Buddha said that people have seven sufferings, birth, aging, sickness and death, resentment and hatred, love and separation, and nothing to seek. And now, he is like all living beings, struggling in the sea of misery.

"Disciple hears heavy sins, come to atone for sin..."

The sky was overcast and the sun was cloudy, the goose feather snow fell one after another, and the nine hundred and ninety-nine steps were already covered with silver-white ice and snow.

As he stepped up the hundredth stone steps, he also had a hundred wounds on his body, and the knife saw blood.

And behind him has long formed a bright red dazzling bloodstain, spreading from the foot of the mountain to the mountains, like a snowy red plum growing in the snow.

"Tick-tick-tick-" Blood poured down.

"Disciple hears the art... cough cough—"

A tornado hit, and Wen Shu, who had lost blood and was weak, almost rolled down the mountain. He stabbed his dagger deep into the mud next to him in time to stabilize his body.

Wen Shu gasped for breath, and the sky and the earth were dark as he saw, he forcibly stood up, raised a knife in his hand and cut another knife in his chest, and knelt down with blood.

Two hundred and ninety-nine steps.

Three hundred and fifty steps.

Four hundred steps.

Every step is the limit, but under the eyelashes of his fine snow and ice, his broken eyes are full of pleading.

"Fool, there are such crazy and obsessive people in the world."

Yan Silent watched from a distance, and saw that in the vast white mountains, on the cold stone steps, the people who were kowtowing step by step, covered in blood, was already at the end of the shot.

But he seemed to be able to stand up again as long as his back was not broken and his blood was not drained.

Even if he experienced the world without a sound, he was convinced by this uneven will.

"May it be as you wish."

Yan Yan sighed silently, couldn't bear to look anymore, turned and left.

I don't know how long it took, the sky was completely dark, and the originally cold temperature dropped sharply.

And the person who prayed for redemption on the mountain still kept walking, obsessively marching forward in the dark snowy night without stars and moon.

Dawn broke in the sky, and the top of the mountain ushered in the first morning sun.

Facing the smear of the morning sun, Wen Shu climbed up the 999 steps with nine hundred and ninety-nine wounds all over his body.

"Disciple Wenshu sincerely repents, the world can learn from it, and I wish to keep my beloved one safe for a lifetime."

When the last word fell, he knelt down in front of the Shanyuan Temple gate, covered with fine eyelashes, and closed his eyes.

When Wen Shu opened his eyes again, what he saw was a simple bedcloth, a familiar old house, and Yan Wusheng next to him was teasing the kingfisher with his index finger.

"Awake?" Yan silently showed his hand, and the kingfisher flew around the house and stopped on the hanging beam.

"Cough—how long have I slept?" Wen Zhu's voice was extremely hoarse and dry.

"Seventh," Yan Silent seemed to think of something funny, raised his lips and said, "You fell in front of Shanyuan Temple with blood all over your body, and the group of monks were frightened, crying and dizzy, doing random things. The group is very interesting.”

Wen Shu moved his left hand and just wanted to sit up with his body propped up, but Yan silently pressed him back.

"I advise you not to move," Yan silently glared at him, "You had a cold and high fever before, and you were also short of blood, and your knees were broken."

"If it wasn't for me taking your life back, would those useless monks be able to save you?"

Wen Shu said indifferently: "Thank you."

"It's not necessary to thank you," Yan said silently, "I use your corpse after your death, understand?"


Yan silently chuckled and said, "The other things are fine, that is, your knee may not be able to recover as before, and the rainy and snowy weather will be unbearable in the future."

Wen Shu only cares: "How soon can I go back?"

"Let's not talk about the big and small injuries on your body, your knees are at least three months old," Yan silently leaned back in the chair and said, "You are now unconscious below your knees."

"One month at most."

Yan silently clicked his tongue: "It's up to you, anyway, the body is not mine, no matter what you do."

After the decision was made, You Xu rarely had nightmares, but she was still not used to having an empty pillow next to her, and every time she woke up, she would feel empty in her heart.

She completely let go of the cloth shop, and the shop under the plate has been transferred to someone else.

You Xu's pregnancy reaction was not bad, she would feel a little nauseated from time to time, and when she had energy, she would spend more time writing a journal, writing down her daily mood and thoughts, and the little stories that came to her mind, hoping that the child would see it in the future. understand her mind.

She also draws a lot of stick figures for the children, such as flowers, trees, seats and benches.

-Child, your mother loves you, and your father loves you too. When your mother is away, you should take good care of him for your mother.

-In winter, you have to remember to fasten the jacket on your father's right side so that the cold wind doesn't get in.

- Mother and father both care about you, you can play naughty, but you must ensure your own safety.

-May you grow up slowly and be happy.

You Xu thought that as long as there were children, Wenshu would never collapse and commit suicide and never turn black.

In the early morning more than a month later, You Xu opened his eyes and saw Wen Shu sitting beside the bed, and asked, "When did you come back?"

"Last night," he said.

You Xu: "Why don't you come up?"

"I'm afraid of disturbing you."

"Then you look at it like this all night?"


I don't know since when, he was accustomed to waiting for her in his bones, and he was used to watching her sleeping face quietly. In the more than a month that he didn't see her, every moment was long and difficult.

You Xu sat up slowly, just as he was about to say something, he was embraced by Wen Shu.

He hugged her across the quilt, rubbed her cool lips against her neck, his movements were meticulous, and he murmured, "I miss you so much."

Missing is like the wild grass on the wasteland, smashing his sanity to pieces.

Wen Shu kissed her lips, no longer patient and meticulous, but absorbed the warmth of her lips very aggressively.

Licking his lips and rubbing each other, You Xu was forced to raise his head and grabbed his shoulders with both hands. Only then did she realize that he was cold and wet. Thinking of the rain last night, she understood why he hugged her across the quilt.

After a long time, You Xu slightly turned her head and gasped. Seeing him approaching and chasing after him again, she raised her hand to cover his mouth, "You have to wash in hot water, change your clothes..." to avoid the cold.

Before she finished speaking, Wen Shu interrupted her: "You dislike me."

"Do you hate me anymore?" The end of his eyes were slightly red, and his tone was obviously cautious.

"Axu, don't be afraid, it's okay to be with me, I won't hurt you, I won't let you die."

"You and the kids will be fine."

"You can trust me, don't hate me."

Wen Shu's dark eyes were filled with wet water, and he stared at her, the whole person seemed to be divided into two sides, one side begging to please her, as long as she was willing to be with him, the other side was crazy, as if she dared to say something. If he doesn't speak, he will show his cold fangs.

The emotions he had accumulated for thirty-seven days were on the verge of collapsing the dyke. The dyke would collapse because of her words, and the tide would ebb because of her actions.

Wen Shu rubbed her face against her neck, kissed her little by little, and begged her with eyes full of eyes: "Axu, don't hate me."

"You have to love me and don't leave me."

"I won't leave you, how can I hate you?" You Xu said.

"You have to prove it to me." His voice sounded on her neck, muffled.

"How to prove it?"

"Axu," he took her hand and put it on himself, "you have pity on me."

"You have to pity me." He looked up at her wistfully.

You Xu pulled up his jacket with the other hand and nodded while holding back his face.

He curled his lips into a smile, as if satisfied and unfulfilled, Qing Jun's face became gorgeous and seductive.

Behind the screen, the huge tub was steaming with water vapor, and he took off his clothes after hearing the art, revealing large and small wounds all over his body.

He couldn't take a bath in the tub, he could only wipe with a damp cloth and wring it out. He had to be careful to avoid the wound. After a lot of trouble, he secretly applied the medicine, and asked Yan Silently to ask for an odorless ointment.

He thought that he would be able to hide from Yu Xu.

What he wants is not her guilt and self-blame and worry, these are just what he wants to do, it has nothing to do with her, and should not be her burden.

What he didn't know was that You Xu was cooperating with him.

How famous Wenshu is, and how the matter of kneeling down and cutting blood can be concealed from everyone, she can understand it after a little inquiries, but she is even more aware of Wenshu's thoughts.

Since the matter is a foregone conclusion and cannot be changed, it is better to let him bear less burden, and she is willing to carry this burden silently.

The two husbands and wives, the people who know each other the most, hide and cooperate at the same time, all for mutual peace of mind.

Many things, many emotions, are like that.

In a flash, half a year has passed, and autumn has entered.

On the day of You Xu's delivery, Wen Shu was already too emaciated to look like an adult. He prayed in panic every day, and ate fast and recited Buddha's prayers, in order to obtain forgiveness and not affect You Xu and the fetus in his womb.

"Men are not allowed to enter." The two midwives stopped Wenshu.

Wen Shu didn't say a word and forced his way in.

The midwife frowned and was about to say something when You Xu waved her hand and said with difficulty, "Forget it, it's fine."

"Ah Xu," Wen Shu clenched her hand, feeling a little uneasy in her heart, "You won't leave me, will you?"

You Xu opened his mouth, and screamed before he could speak, Wen Shu's eyes were broken, and his eyes were red in an instant, and he said with a trembling voice: "We don't want children in the future, never again."

The midwife called You Xu to work hard, while showing an unbelievable expression. No one wants to have many children and grandchildren. Seeing his expression, he wished that he would not want this child now.

You Xu didn't have the energy to answer him anymore, so he kept shouting in his mind: "Seven or eight, I'm going to die, I'm about to die from the pain, turn on the pain shield for me!!!"

Qi Ba, who has never given birth to a child, hugged his head and cried: "If this affects your efforts to give birth to a child, you should bear it for a while, and when the child comes out, you will be freed from the world."


You Xu was in so much pain that he bit the wrist that Wen Shu had stretched out to bleed. After a long time, he finally heard a cry.

The midwife picked up the blood-stained child and said loudly, "It's a girl."


You Xu exhausted all his strength and couldn't even bend his lips. His vision began to blur. He vaguely saw the midwife carrying the baby over, but Wen Shu didn't pick it up, and only held her hand tightly.

In the haze, she felt Wen Shu kissed her between the eyebrows, she tried to open her eyes, and finally saw his tears dripping silently.

One by one, they are as beautiful as clear springs flowing through the black stones.

He looked at her like this, crying silently.

When You Xu woke up again, he found that he was still in this world and did not return to the blank space.

"Seven or eight, what's going on?"

Did it fail to survive? What about the kid

Qiba said: "The redemption of points failed, because the plot setting was changed, and I was afraid that the forced execution of life extension would lead to a bug in the world, so I canceled it."

You Xu knew that this was probably related to what Wenshu had done before, and he never thought that he could really change his mind.

You Xu: "What about the trust value and the blackening value?"

"The trust value is 99, the blackening value is 1."

It seemed that the task was still one step away, and You Xu was slightly relieved.

After a while, the door was opened, and the midwife, as a half-nursery, was holding the baby who was fed and no longer crying, and wanted to put it beside You Xu's bed, so that You Xu could see when she woke up, and when she approached, she found that she was awake. .

"Madam just woke up, come and see Miss." The midwife carefully handed the baby to You Xu.

You Xu took it slowly, his movements were rusty, and the midwife reminded: "Hold her neck, yes, be careful."

After You Xu held it steady, she looked down at the spitting baby, which was wrinkled, red, and ugly. After passing through the Baidu filter, she thought it was super cute.

You Xu touched the baby's forehead, pinched her cheek, and hooked her little hand, which was small and soft, and her heart melted.

The midwife watched and couldn't help joking: "Madam, you don't know, it's the first time I see a lady who doesn't cry, and Lang Jun is crying in the delivery room."

Obviously it was just tears, and the turbulent emotions inside made others look thrilling.

You Xu remembered that last look, and saw his tears of grievance and fear, like the rest of his life, fell silently, like the condensation of water vapor on green bamboo, and fell silently.

"What about him?"

The midwife said, "The master has fallen ill, and he hasn't stayed here yet."

You Xu: "Bring the child over to show him later."

She lowered her head and looked at the baby girl in her arms tenderly.

Smell, we have a complete home now.

You are no longer alone, neither am I, we have the deepest bond, we are a family.

Five years later, the warm afternoon sun shone into the courtyard, and the courtyard was surrounded by green onion orchid, with a few yellow stamens in the center of the six white petals.

Youxu watered them, and the water droplets stained with the sun shone slightly.


A girl with two flower buds on her head and a chubby face hugged You Xu's leg, she asked in a milky voice, "Mother, why does daddy only have one hand? Where is the other hand?"

You Xu clapped his hands, led A Tuan to the study, and drew her with a pen.

A Tuan leaned on the edge of the table and watched.

After a while, You Xu handed the painting to her, and A Tuan took a look at it. The painting showed the listening technique of a broken arm. A Tuan was used to the simple strokes You Xu drew for her, so he didn't find it strange, the only thing he didn't understand. The place was a pair of things behind Wen Shu, she pointed, "Mother, what is this?"

Yuxu took her into his arms and explained, "These are wings."

"Although your father is missing a hand, he has wings that no one can see."

A Tuan still doesn't understand: "What are daddy's wings for?"

"His wings can bring luck to the family," You Xuwen said with a smile, "so it can bring you into this world and protect you to grow up safely."

A Tuan seemed to understand, but only said: "Mother, give me this picture."

Seeing You Xu nod, A Tuan slowly took the drawing paper into his arms.

In the evening, while You Xu was taking a bath, A Tuan ran to Wenshu with his short legs. Wenshu was lying on the bed reading a book. Seeing that A Tuan was about to crawl into the bed, he put down the book and picked her up with one hand. .

"What's wrong?" Wen Zhu touched her head.

"Dad, I found out your little secret." A Tuan shook his head, a little proud.

Wen Shu raised his eyebrows and smiled, and then pretended to be panicked to cooperate with her: "What is it?"

Seeing this, A Tuan grinned and whispered, "Mother told me."

Saying that, she took out the crumpled drawing paper from her bosom and handed it to Wenshu.

As she unfolded the knowledge and hearing technique, she said, "Mother said, Daddy lacks one hand, that's because Daddy has wings."

The child is forgetful, she thought for a while before continuing: "Mother said that Daddy's wings will bring us luck and will protect me to grow up quickly."

Wen Shu was stunned, his fingertips landed on the pair of wings, his eyelashes drooping.

He, who has been regarded as an evil spirit since childhood, is so fortunate to have such a warm home. His life's defects are made up for by warmth at this moment.

Jianwenshu didn't speak, A Tuan looked at him suspiciously, and said, "Daddy, your eyes are red."

"Don't be afraid, only mother and I know this secret."

A Tuan touched his eyes with his hand and coaxed him awkwardly: "Daddy, don't cry, I promise not to say it."

Wen Shu hugged her tightly, and said in a hoarse whisper, "Okay, Daddy believes you."

"Ding - the trust value is 100, the blackening value is 0, congratulations to the host for completing the task."

It rained lightly at night, pattering, and there was only one candle swaying in the wind in the dim room.

With his eyes closed, You Xu heard a sentence in his head: "Is the mirror image out of the world?"


Seven or eight: "The system starts the copy program, the memory copy is loading, the emotion copy is loading, the character copy is loading..."

A minute later, the system prompt sounded again: "All indicators are copied and loaded, are you out of the world?"

Listening to the even breathing of the person beside him, You Xu felt a pain in his heart, pursed his lips, and replied, "Yes."

A white light lit up in her mind, and You Xu gradually lost consciousness. After the white light receded, she was completely out of the world.

At the same time, Wen Shu opened his eyes.

The rain outside the house stopped, the raindrops hovered in the air, the candlelight inside the house froze, motionless, and the time of the whole world froze and stagnates.

The mechanical electronic sound rang: "The hidden system function is activated, is it mirrored and separated from the world?"

Wen Shu sat up, looked at the person beside him, and said expressionlessly, "Yes."

After a while, the light like a broken mirror dissipated, and Wen Shu's eyes dimmed and then lit up again.

The raindrops continued to fall, the candle light flickered, Wen Shu lay back on the bed again, hugged You Xu beside him, and slowly closed his eyes.

The gears of the world are turning, something has changed, but it continues.

The author has something to say: The next world: mermaid × little ghost

Thanks to the little angel who voted or irrigated nutrient solution for me during 2020-02-19 20:09:55~2020-02-20 21:33:32~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 27 bottles of Donggu;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!