I’m A Paranoid Villain Harvester

Chapter 61: May you be hooked 03


Qin Niezhu was originally a rat demon. By a chance, he rescued Emperor Xiaoyou who was besieged by assassins. Emperor Xiaoyou was shocked when he saw his demonic power. Qin Niezhu took the opportunity to claim that he was a psychic and received a message from the god. The purpose is to come to assist Emperor Xiaoyou.

Emperor Xiaoyou took this as a sign of gratitude, and named him the national teacher of You Kingdom. Qin Niezhu showed the scene of wind and rain on the altar, and made the people up and down to support him devoutly, build a temple for him, and honor him. He prayed and prayed.

Soon Qin Niezhu found a demon girl named Miao Lingxuan, she charmed Emperor Xiaoyou, and with the help of Qin Niezhu, she went straight to the throne of the queen, and gave birth to a son who was directly named the prince.

Now that the crown prince is only six years old, and Emperor Xiaoyou collapsed from illness, most of the government is entrusted to Qin Niezhu.

At this time, he appeared in the dungeon, looked at Yu Si, and sneered: "As expected of the king of the sea, he recovered quickly. If it hadn't been forbidding you, I'm afraid this small dungeon wouldn't be able to trap you."

You Xu subconsciously wanted to stop Yu Si, but heard Yu Si say: "Don't worry, stay away."

She was stunned for a while, and when she saw that Qin Niezhu didn't respond, she knew that this was a voice transmission specially given to her by Yu Si, and no one else could hear it.

After calming down, she retreated to the corner. She has no ability or strength to fight against Qin Nie Zhu now, and her life is still in his hands. If it attracts his attention, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Qin Nie Zhu really didn't take You Xu in his eyes, and didn't even look at him. To him, except for Yu Si, who was wearing a shark pearl, everyone else was like straw in a dungeon.

He sat on the soft slump carried by the attendant, picked up the teacup and took a sip: "Give you half a stick of incense time to think again. If you give out shark beads, you will suffer less from flesh and blood."

Yu Si didn't lift his eyelids, his eyes fell on the corner of the dungeon at will, as if he didn't hear him at all.

The attendant knelt on one side holding the incense burner, and the other lit half a column of incense, and a wisp of blue smoke drifted away, and You Xu's heart also became anxious as if a fire was lit.

Qin Niezhu sipped tea slowly, as leisurely as watching the scenery in the back garden. The only thing he regretted was that he didn't see the panicked expression of the merman.

The incense ash fell one by one, and the last bit of scarlet at the bottom went out.


Qin Niezhu threw the teacup on the ground, and the sound of cracking ceramics instantly condensed the atmosphere in the dungeon.

The attendants on his left and right took out their long whips and walked towards Yu Si.

Yu Si showed no expression, but Yu Xu's palms were sweating coldly.

"Shu-pa-" The long whip broke through the wind and landed on Si's body, and the whip saw blood.

You Xu noticed that the long whip had barbs made of black iron, and every time it was pulled, it would tear apart a layer of flesh.

Not long after, Yu Si was covered in scars all over his body, the wounds crisscrossed, and the blood sank into the gray-black ground, forming a dark color.

You Xu gritted his teeth and trembled, and his palms hurt so much that he couldn't help but rush up.

Time passed extremely long, she turned her eyes away, and the sound of the flesh beating and tearing pierced through the eardrums, causing her heart to ache.

After a long time, Qin Nie Zhu got up from the soft slump, the whipping ended, and the two attendants respectfully retreated behind him.

"How, can you think clearly?" Qin Niezhu brushed off his duster and looked down at Yu Si.

Yu Si did not make any sound due to this torture, and his indifferent expression did not change in the slightest.

Qin Niezhu snorted coldly, turned the whisk into a sword, pointed the tip of the sword to Yu Si's head, "Is the shark here?"

"Still here?" The tip of the sword moved down, pointing at Yu Si's heart.

"Or maybe it's here?" Finally, the tip of the sword landed on his abdomen.

Everyone knows that the shark bead melts into the blood of the merman, if the merman does not condense, the shark bead will not take shape, Qin Niezhu said: "I took your blood to refine it before, but even a little shark bead was broken into pieces. It didn't work out."

"My patience is really limited," Qin Nie Zhuwei suppressed his voice, "don't force me to use extraordinary means."

As he said that, his sword was raised above Yu Si's head, a cold light flashed, and the sword fell from his hand—

You Xu didn't care about anything else and rushed forward. He just used the points to turn on the shielding pain system, but Yu Si's wrist was suddenly pulled back. Scratch a small slit.

Unexpectedly, Qin Nie Zhu did not continue to stab with his sword. His eyes were looking between the two of them, with malicious calculations.

Yu Si guarded You Xu, and looked back with lingering eyes.

"Mermaid, I urge you to hand over the shark beads as soon as possible," Qin Nie Zhu turned around and said, "There will be a lot of hardships behind."

The nine attendants followed him and left, the door of the cell was locked, and the dungeon returned to peace again, only the smell of blood was still permeating.

You Xu squatted down to look at Yu Si's injuries, and found that some of the wounds were deep enough to see bones. For the first time, she had such an urge to kill, and even wanted to die with Qin Nie Zhu at all costs.

"Seven or eight," You Xu said in his mind, "I won't do the mission, I'm going to hack that thing to death."

"..." Qi Ba dared not speak.

Just as You Xu looked at Yu Si's wound with both distress and hatred, Yu Si squeezed her chin and lifted her face gently to see her slashed cheek.

There was a sharp stabbing pain on her cheek, and the blood dripped down her neck to wet her clothes. You Xu didn't care much. Compared to Yu Si's body, this wound was nothing at all.

Seeing the pity in Yu Si's light blue eyes, You Xu, who was in a turbulent moment, clicked his tongue, raised his hand to cover his eyes, and said rudely, "Don't look at it, this injury is a piece of shit, it will be decided in the future. Press him on the cutting board and chop the chopped green onion into pieces."

To be imprisoned in a cage, to be controlled, to be slaughtered, is such a terrible feeling.

But the next moment, You Xu's irritable mood was interrupted. She felt that the palm of her hand was very itchy. Yu Si blinked, and the eyelashes gently swept the palm of her hand.

Again and again, like a small brush.

For some reason, the dull and cloudy emotions seemed to be swept away a lot.

"What are you doing?" You Xu withdrew his hand and was too tired to squat, so he simply sat down.

Yu Si looked at her cheek, raised his hand and smeared the blood on her arm, smearing it on her wound.

You Xu understood his intention and said to him in a low voice: "This matter cannot be disclosed to others."

The mermen live deep in the ocean, far away from the human race, and the two tribes have little contact. No one knows that the blood of the merman has miraculous healing effects. If people know about it, I am afraid it will be very troublesome.

Yu Si nodded and only said, "No next time."

Fortunately, he moved quickly this time, otherwise she would be seriously injured if she didn't die. He knew that Qin Nie Zhu wanted to hit him hard so that he would not have the ability to fight back for a while.

It's just that he didn't expect her to be in front of him, this was the first time he was behind him.

Very strange feeling, like soft seaweed wrapping my heart.

The moment the sword was swung down, he didn't notice that his heart stopped for a moment.

In the splendid palace, incense curled up, and a weak cough came from behind the bead curtain.

After a long time, Emperor Xiaoyou said: "Did the national teacher get the shark pearl?"

Like many emperors, he was extremely eager to live forever and rule all generations, so he defied all opposition and asked Qin Niezhu to lead people to hunt for mermen.

"Go back to the emperor," Qin Niezhu did not need to salute, it was the emperor's license, "I haven't, but I will do my best to get it for the emperor."

His slightly drooping eyebrows implied sarcasm, and his tone was flat.

"It's hard work for the national teacher, and it must be obtained as soon as possible."

"The minister obeys the order."

Qin Niezhu left the palace and went to the Rufu Palace of Empress Miao Lingxuan.

Miao Lingxuan, who was served by the palace maid, sent everyone back and said directly, "When will you start?"

"Come on, this period of time is over," Qin Niezhu said, "the emperor's true dragon energy is about to disappear."

The Son of Heaven has always had the aura of a true dragon and was not disturbed by evil spirits. Therefore, Qin Niezhu had not attacked Emperor Xiaoyou for fifteen years, but tried to eliminate his true dragon aura, such as making his hands stained with innocent blood. Defying the destiny, being a ruler is not benevolent.

Qin Niezhu chose Miao Lingxuan because of her love for beauty and cruel methods. She took the fresh blood of the palace maids to bathe, and those young corpses were buried in the garden, accumulating resentment, and weakening many real dragons with resentment gas.

When Emperor Xiaoyou dies, and then supports the son of Miao Lingxuan to ascend to the throne, the kingdom of You, who is not blessed by the spirit of the true dragon, will be completely reduced to their plaything.

"There are not many good-looking palace maids, my skin is wrinkled," Miao Lingxuan raised her eyes, her bright red nails resting on her cheeks, "I have to send more women to the palace."

"And you took the shark bead, don't kill that shark," Miao Lingxuan continued, "I have to try his blood to see if it works."

"Okay." If you don't share shark beads with him, everything else is easy to say.

"This is steamed bun, this is porridge," You Xu pointed and asked him, "Do you want to eat it?"

Yu Si shook his head: "I eat fish."

You Xu: My friend, under what conditions, I still want to eat meat. The main reason is that when you say it, I also want to eat it.

"Are you sure you don't want to eat?" Seeing that he was very sure, You Xu finished eating by himself, then pulled the wooden bucket and sprinkled him with water.

"You only eat fish in the sea?" You Xu thought about it and asked him, "Don't you eat seagrass, vegetation, moss or something?"

Yu Si is not like chatting, it is a bit like a primary school student answering a teacher's question, earnestly: "eat shrimp, crab, mussels, etc., not seaweed moss."

You Xu: It seems that the sharks have no concept of matching meat and vegetables.

She drenched his upper body with water, and then drenched his tail, "Then why did you get caught while you were staying in the sea well?"

Yu Si: "One night, the baby girl fell into the water. I rescued her and put her on a rock on the shore, where she was seen."

In this era, abandoned babies are basically girls. It is common for a family to throw a baby girl into the sea at night if they do not want it.

The mermen were ordered to stay away from the coast, away from the human race, and not to meddle in their own business, but at that time Yu Si happened to pass by and saw the little baby girl sinking to the bottom of the water. Fragment, he seemed to see that he had had a child, also a baby girl.

He didn't think much about it at the time, so he rescued him. Who would have guessed that more than a dozen baby girls were thrown into the sea at night more than a month later.

Yu Si rescued a few ashore and fell into the forbidden magic array that had already been arranged. When he looked up again, he saw thousands of black iron bows and arrows aimed at him behind the rock...

It was only later that he learned that Qin Niezhu had received news that he had specially asked for hundreds of baby girls as bait. If Yu Si did not show up, these baby girls would all die.

After listening to You Xu, he sighed softly: "Yu Si, do you regret it?"

If he is not soft-hearted and does not save people ashore, the ocean is his territory, who can catch him and torture him

"Why do you regret it?" Yu Si's clear eyes were slightly puzzled, "If you do it, you won't regret it."

He always has a clear sincerity that comes from the heart, which is very different from the complex human heart, like a peach blossom garden isolated from the world.

You Xu's mind moved, and he said slowly, "Yu Si, you don't belong here, I will find a way to send you back to the sea."

"Are you going?" he said suddenly.

Yu Si looked at her and said gently: "It's very beautiful, you might like it."

You Xu met his bright and beautiful eyes, she curved her lips and said, "Okay, let's go together."

In the Palace of Fortune, the incense burner was burning with a pungent fragrance, and a jailer bowed his head and knelt in front of Miao Lingxuan.

Miao Lingxuan raised her eyebrows and said, "Oh? You said that the merman spoke?"

I never thought that Qin Nie Zhu had tortured him for more than a month, but now he has spoken to him.

"Go back to the Empress," the jailer smiled earnestly, "It's true, they have been together for a few days, and their relationship has become much closer."

"In that case," Miao Lingxuan took a sip of the blood-red juice and smiled, "then brought that person over to Ben Gong to see."

When You Xu was taken away by the guards, Yu Si's eyes were cold, and she obviously wanted to do something, she shook her head, and her eyes comforted him.

Leaving the small confinement of the dungeon, and the large cage of the palace, the yellow tile and red walls of the palace are magnificent, but the people inside are all silent, as cold as a dead city.

She could vaguely feel that this ancient place was declining.

You Xu was brought in front of Miao Lingxuan, she bowed her head and bowed.

"I never thought that you were imprisoned for a few years, and still remember the rules in the palace," Miao Lingxuan smiled, "How about it, after suffering enough in the dungeon, can you think of it?"

Her voice wasn't sharp, but it was too seductive and pretentious, making it uncomfortable to hear.

You Xu's expression remained the same: "I wonder what the Queen's Empress ordered?"

"Aiya, I've been in a manic-depressive mood recently," Miao Lingxuan looked at the bronze mirror and looked at her face, "The complexion is a lot darker."

"I heard that the tears of sharks are ground into powder and mixed with grease, and the effect of applying it on the face is very good."

Miao Lingxuan was about to get off the phoenix with bare feet. Immediately, a palace maid stepped forward and lay down on the ground. More than a dozen palace maids lined up in a row, lying face to face, and she stepped on the soft waists of the palace maids. , approached Yu Xu.

"You are the one who will be slashed by a thousand swords and sacrificed to heaven."

A chilling voice sounded on You Xu's head—

"If you take ten mermaid tears, I will spare your life."

The incense drifted away, like a moment of silence in the Palace of Fortune.


You Xu looked at the jade feet painted with bright red nails, lowered his eyes, and slowly kowtowed—

"As ordered."

The author has something to say: You Xu: Please give me a ton of onions and give us a chance to hug and cry.

Yu Si: ......

Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-02-22 22:28:39~2020-02-23 21:12:15~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 6 bottles of Qianxun Dan; 4 bottles of Tingda;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!