I’m A Paranoid Villain Harvester

Chapter 66: May you take the bait 08


The endless sky is pure blue, occasionally a few white clouds drift by, the breeze is blowing, and the sun shines lazily.

You Xu was paralyzed on the beach, with his palms behind his head, listening to the sound of the waves, looking at the blue sky, showing a leisurely and comfortable holiday style - if there were a pair of sunglasses and a parasol.

But now, as a ghost, she is not afraid of getting tanned, nor does she have to worry about the dry skin being blown by the sea breeze.

The fact that ghosts are not afraid of the sun is a bit unexpected to her. After all, the film and television literature I read from childhood to adulthood said that ghosts will be wiped out when exposed to the sun, so that people and ghosts have different paths, and there are many tear-jerking love stories. .

After You Xu told Qi Ba, Qi Ba said: "How can it be so exaggerated, there are many kinds of ghosts, there are serious ghosts, which specialize in seeking revenge, and there are Yin ghosts, mostly born in the land of Yin Qi, as for you An evil spirit is the result of the solidification of resentment and evil spirit."

"Yin ghosts hate the sun the most, but they won't be wiped out when they are exposed to the sun."

You Xu sighed, indicating that he understood, and then continued to be paralyzed, mainly because the sand was warm from the sun, and the sand was soft and fine. I don't want to move anymore.

The blue sky as far as the eye can see was occupied by a face, Yu Si brought a crab bigger than Zhang San and shook it in front of her, "Do you want to eat this?"

The guy's super-succulent tongs were desperately trying to clamp around, and his eight crab legs kicked left and right. He looked very combative and vigorous.

But she has eaten too many crabs these days. There are all kinds of crabs. Some crab meat is sweet, some salty, and some crab roe is very tender.

In the former world, she had basically never eaten any seafood because of her seafood allergy. The only thing she could eat was sixty-six. This time, she ate it with an open stomach. Yu Si saw that she liked it, and put all kinds of crabs, lobsters and oysters. They were all caught one by one for her to eat.

As a result, You Xu felt that he had not finished digesting, and was surrounded by seafood again.

The crab in front of him was the largest he had ever seen. You Xu poked its belly and said, "Leave it first, then eat it at night."

The giant crab waved its pliers at You Xu and scolded: "Damn you, dare to eat me..."

"..." Yush said, "how can it speak?"

Why does it still have an accent? !

Think of that Zhang San who can speak, so is the mutant super-large can speak

Yu Si smashed the giant crab into the sand and said with a smile, "Okay, eat it at night."

You Xu: "...Wait, don't eat it, let it go."

Yu Si puzzled: "Why?"

You Xu: Those who can speak can’t speak at all, and those who are psychologically overburdened.

She suddenly thought of something, and said stunnedly, "Is there anyone who can speak human words from what I ate before?"

"No," Yu Si's focus was, "Do you like to eat and talk? I'll catch it for you."

"...Don't be like this, it's rare for people to speak, let them go." You Xu said with difficulty, she just wanted to eat normal seafood.

Yu Si had to release the giant crab, and You Xu continued to be paralyzed.

He swam out of the sea every two minutes, brought her some gadgets, and after showing her, he continued to swim back to the sea to look for it, back and forth, not long after, Youxu was caught by crystals, starfish, coral and a bunch of I can't name it, but it is surrounded by beautiful and characteristic things.

Yu Si is busy and happy. He is not a producer of beautiful underwater products, but a conscientious porter.

Seeing that he was about to be buried in piles again, You Xu held down Yu Si's tail and put down a few gems, and prepared to swim back into the sea, "Don't take it, I'll go to the sea with you to see."

Some things look better in certain circumstances.

Yu Si's eyes lit up and said with a smile, "Would you like to go to the bottom of the sea with me?"

Obviously it was a trip to the underwater world, but You Xu didn't know why he could say "you are willing to go to the wedding hall with me".

You Xu went down into the water with her head still on the water. She subconsciously took a deep breath and dived again, only to find that she didn't feel the slightest suffocation. After realizing it, she was not angry at all as a ghost.

Yu Si was originally worried about her breathing problems, but she was slightly taken aback when she saw this.

Noticing the dark mood in his eyes, You Xu knew what he was thinking, so he explained, "It's good, so I can play whatever I want underwater."

The light in the sea is a lot dim, the blue of the sea blends with the dark green, there are bubbles and tiny floating objects floating, there are many small schools of fish, as well as large fish and turtles swimming by, various red coral reefs, and slightly Shiny stone crystals, a few shrimps and crabs dragging their shells away in the sand.

Yu Si held her hand and pointed to her when he saw something good-looking.

Seeing that every place has different characteristics and beauty, You Xu watched intently, just as he was about to say something, when he looked up, he saw a big shark rushing towards her.

"!!!" Yu Si stood in front of her as soon as her fear instinct of encountering large marine predators was stimulated.

Yu Si looked at it lightly and said a few tones.

She saw that the big shark suddenly braked suddenly, almost rear-ended, and then turned around and retreated.

You Xu smiled and said, "What did you tell it?"

Yu Si: "Go away or die."

You Xu thought to himself that Brother Shark had rolled, but at the speed of his retreat, he was already scared to death by you.

Just thinking about it, You Xu felt something sticky around her ankle. When she turned around, she saw a kelp-like soft fish wrapped around her ankle. ugly.

When Yu Si saw it, he raised his hand and tore it off, giving people a fist on the forehead.

You Xu saw that kelp ugly fish like a broken plastic bag, falling into the depths of the sea, "What is this?"

Yu Si: "It has electricity, and it will become red and swollen when touched."

You Xu glanced at his ankles, but he didn't feel or reacted, and he knew immediately that the advantage of the soul body was that it automatically blocked the mess of dangerous things.

Sea grass swaying, jellyfish swimming.

After seeing enough, You Xu said, "Let's go up."

Yu Si took her hand upstream, and because of her different body, she couldn't feel the buoyancy and pressure in the water too much.

Looking at the sun in the water was like a disc-sized spot of light. Yu Si was upstream in that direction. You Xu looked down and saw his large fish tail swaying back and forth, and the scales shone with fine light.

She broke free from Yu Si's hand and hugged his big tail down. Yu Si stopped, looked down at her, and You Xu winked at him, "Go ahead."

Yu Si bent his lips and smiled, and immediately went upstream, flying out of the sea like an arrow, You Xu held his tail and flew through the air in an arc, and then fell into the water again.

You Xu let go of his hand, swam on the water, shook the water, and said with a smile, "It's better than riding a pirate ship."

Yu Si raised the tail of his eyes, his eyes soaked in water were wet and gentle, "Do you still want to play?"

You Xu raised her eyes to look at him, and saw that the water droplets slid down his face and down the throat, and then flowed through the bumpy collarbone, she couldn't help pouring some water on him.

Yu Si thought she wanted to play this, and with a flick of her tail, she was baptized by a large pool of water.

"..." Yoush said, "you can't use your tail."

Later, seeing that he splashed more water than her, You Xu asked him to condense an ice basin and pour it on her.

One fish and one ghost are comparable to children in the middle class of kindergarten.

You Xu didn't think it was enough, so he simply asked him to condense a big ice bucket for her, Yu Si raised his hand, and the palm glowed a faint blue light.

She did not wait for the ice bucket, but waited until she was frozen. To be precise, the water around her was frozen, and she was trapped in the frozen hemisphere below her chest and could not move.

You Xu said bitterly: "You cheated and fouled like this."

It is not too lively to eat melons in seven or eight: "This is not cheating, the ocean is dominated by him, do you know the market?"

You Xu replied: "Please keep you as quiet as a chicken."

Seeing Yu Si approaching, You Xu said, "Although the ocean is your territory and you control it, it's still fair to play games." She had completely forgotten what she had just told others to throw back at him. Son.

The sun in the sky was a little dazzling, You Xu squinted, Yu Si turned against the light, and shadows covered her body.

The water surged, and the light of the water reflected in his eyes. He suddenly said in a low voice, "It's not me who controls the ocean."

"You should control me." He lowered his eyelashes and his eyes fell on her lips.

Unable to hide the dread in his eyes, his cold hand stroked the back of her neck and lowered his head slowly.

You Xu's heart was beating wildly, and he was about to touch his lips, just at this moment—

A wave covering the sky rushed towards them, and Yu Si raised his hand to condense a huge wall of ice, which was not enough to block the wave, and caused the ice wall to fly for a distance, causing a huge splash of water.

You Xu watched without blinking, and then found that the center of the ice wall cracked, and a red-haired... merman jumped up.

Then a few mermen also appeared near the ice wall, and she counted eight.

The eight sharks have red, gold, black, light blue and dark purple hair, but Yu Si is silver. Those sharks are bigger than Yu Si, but Yu Si has the smoothest and most beautiful lines.

The red-haired merman was the most irritable and had a loud voice. You Xu couldn't understand what he was saying, so Yu Si said to her, "I'll come over."

In view of their unfriendly wave attack in front of them and this battle, You Xu said, "We have to fight in groups, to bully more and less?"

"No," Yu Si said, "they are my brothers."

With so many brothers, pulling out is a team. Although she knows that a race of the merman is definitely not just a merman, she thought that the merman was quite scarce, but she did not expect that there were more blood relatives in a series than the seven fairies.

After You Xu nodded, Yu Siyou walked towards them.

A group of beauties... Mermaids are quite eye-catching, and Yu Si is surrounded by them, still the most conspicuous and beautiful.

Seeing what they were talking about in hot tongues, and the glances they cast at You Xu from time to time, she knew that they were talking about her again, and by looking at their expressions, she knew that they were not saying good things.

"Si, you are back, why did you bring the human race?"

"Have you forgotten the discipline of our clan?"

"A few days ago, Wei heard you sing a love song, wouldn't it be for her?!"

The sentimental songs of the merpeople are used to show love, to determine who their hearts belong to, and to decide who they will follow for a lifetime. They will sing it all night, and the merpeople in this sea area will hear it, thus avoiding competition between partners.

Yu Si's tone was light: "Are you finished, don't disturb us next time."

As he said that he was about to swim back, the red-haired Sheng said to You Xu who was not far away in a grumpy tone: "You, the human race stay away from the priests!"

Yu Si returned to You Xu, and his tone was not very good to them: "She is not a human being."


Yu Xu: "...?!"

I didn't understand and thought you were scolding me.

She had to explain more cooperatively: "Ah, hello brothers, to be precise, I don't belong to the human race anymore, maybe I belong to the ghost race?"

So they looked at each other, lost in thought.

The atmosphere suddenly became quiet.

The author has something to say: The brothers panicked and read the clan's teachings: Go, the ancestors didn't say if they could be with the ghost clan? !

Yu Si nodded: Yes, so get out of here.

Yuxu: ... Please help me unfreeze it first.

Thank you to the little angel who voted or irrigated nutrient solution for me during 2020-02-26 22:05:39~2020-02-27 21:01:17~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: ever 2;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 1 Lin Juan;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 19 bottles of Lin Juan; 2 bottles of meat;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!