I’m A Paranoid Villain Harvester

Chapter 67: May you take the bait 09


You Xu was sitting on the beach, with Yu Si sitting side by side on the left, and a large rock on the right with a pair of fishing rods on it.

She moved her legs, and something hard grabbed her calf. She dug out the sand and found it was a small shell. She threw it aside and asked Yu Si, "What did you guys just talk about?"

After she said that she probably belonged to the ghost clan, the eight big mermaids were stunned. It was probably the first time that a ghost clan appeared in the history of the mermaid partner.

After a short period of eerie silence and staring at each other, Yu Si was called in again for an informal secret meeting.

In fact, it doesn't matter if it's a secret or not, and You Xu can't understand the language of the merpeople.

After chatting for a while, Yu Si came back, the brothers glanced at You Xu, swam away with strange expressions, and the sea returned to its former calm.

Yu Si: "They asked something about the ghost clan."

As a ghost, You Xu himself didn't know much about the ghost clan, so he asked him, "Then how did you answer?"

"Just a couple of sentences." The point was to get them out of the way, he didn't like being disturbed by him and You Xu.

"Hey," You Xu said, "I thought you guys would have a warm-hearted activity between brothers." For example, a piece of chatter, something to eat or something.

Yu Si: "The merman likes to be alone."

After the young sharks can forage alone, they will leave their parents and find a sea area to live on their own. Except for their life-long companions, they rarely gather together. Today's battle is extremely rare. In order to confirm the safety of Yu Si, I learned about him before. They were all anxious about the death, and there was no news for a few months. Second, they came to see the object of Yu Si's singing of love songs.

You Xu saw that he didn't really want to talk about this topic. I don't know if it was because of their initial objection or the interruption of his kiss, so she cooperated and didn't say any more. She pulled the fishing rod up to see that the bait on it was gone. , but did not catch a fish.

She clearly saw that there were many fish nearby, and there were several schools of fish, but she was surprised that none of them took the bait.

Youxu reattached the bait and threw the hook back into the sea.

She fished from the afternoon to the evening, and carried out the activities of sacrificing the bait, and sighed: "I don't seem to have a fish relationship, and I can't catch it again. Let's drink the sea breeze at night, and it has a salty taste."

Yu Si smiled and said, "Whatever you want to eat, I'll catch it."

You Xu can accept that he doesn't want to fish, but he can't accept that he can't catch a single one, and his fighting spirit is exhausted here: "No, I must catch a fish."

There are so many things to look at in the world, she still doesn't believe it, and she also looks at her face when she catches a fish.

There is a metaphysical saying that she has a dark face and bad luck. As a soul body, her face is indeed not white - but can those fish see it underwater

"Seven or eight, I was a cat in my last life, so I didn't have a relationship," You Xu said in his mind, "It's better that you deducted points and bought a pair of broken rods for me."

"Oh, what are you doing now, you don't have an A number?" Qi or eight crossed his legs and shook his head, not forgetting to roll his eyes, "This pot can also be thrown on me, you are an evil spirit now, the scope of the evil spirit's influence is not wide. Xiao, those little fish who cherished their lives were scared by you and ran away."

You Xu understood, no wonder those fish didn't dare to approach her in the small lake before.

So don't think about fishing in this life. Anyway, there is no fish relationship, and the fish are scared enough, mainly because she was a cat at that time, and she deeply understands the sadness of catching fish, and now she just wants to live a leisurely and suitable fishing life. .

You Xu let out a low sigh, raised the fishing rod and reeled, and was about to give up health-preserving activities knowingly, when Yu Si said, "Go fishing over there."

He glanced down at the empty hook, and continued, "It will definitely catch it."

You Xu looked in the direction he pointed, halfway around the island, there was also a large flat rock on the seaside, in fact, it was the same in other places, but when she heard his slightly raised tone, she couldn't help laughing. :"OK."

She took the fishing rod and walked off the big rock, passed through a small piece of bushes, and came to the big rock at the other end. Yu Si couldn't walk with her on the ground, so he jumped off the rock and swam through the water.

You Xu sat down cross-legged, re-applied the bait to the hook, and then tossed the line farther away. Not long after the hook was in the water, the fishing line was pulled. She lifted the rod and reeled the line. herring.

Yuxu took it off, put it in an ice bucket full of water, and cast the line again, this time without even putting on the bait.

Not long after the hook was submerged in the water, the fishing line moved again, and You Xu riveted a little bit before pulling the fish up. It was a very large fish, and it flicked its tail, throwing You Xu's face with water.

You Xu touched his face and untied the fish and threw it into the bucket.

Next, the fish she caught were very strange, big and small, dark blue, turquoise, big red... Some were very beautiful, some were very strange, some had a little weak current, It makes my fingers itchy and numb, which is kind of fun.

Yu Si, who was under the sea, caught another fish that could make a banging sound. He was afraid that the fish would slap the water again, so he knocked the fish unconscious and waited for the falling hook.

But this time he waited for a long time, and he didn't see the hook again. Guessing that You Xu was tired of fishing, he swam away from the area and appeared in front of You Xu from the side.

Youxu was like a fish vendor, all kinds of dizzy fish were neatly listed on the ground, she waved to him and said with a smile, "Look, I caught so many fish."

Yu Si glanced at him, nodded and praised: "You are amazing."

"I don't know what the damn charm is on this hook," You Xu continued with a smile. "Without the bait, the fish can be hooked."


Yu Si coughed lightly, looked away, and was afraid that she would not have had enough fun, so he turned the subject abruptly: "Do you still want to fish?"

"Think about it," You Xu asked, "Can you catch any fish?"

"Yes." As long as she wanted, he would be satisfied.

You Xu walked up to him and squatted down, suddenly stretched out his hand to hook his silver hair behind his ear, and said softly, "I want to catch the most beautiful fish in this sea this time."

The warm palms brushed against his ears and cheeks, but Yu Si felt his face get hot.

"Good," he said.

Yu Si swam back into the sea and looked at the fish passing by.

You Xu raised the fishing rod again and touched the hook with one hand. He didn't know what he was thinking, and smiled.

The hook and line made an arc in the air, and finally submerged in the water.

After a while, the fishing line moved and slowly approached her.

In the evening at this time, half of the sun did not reach the sea horizon, and the other half of the afterglow smudged half of the sky, and the orange-red light melted on the water surface. At this moment, the sea was not blue, but an orange-yellow floating oil paint and broken into gold powder.

Against the background of this half-round sun and the bright and dense sky, a silver-haired merman, facing the setting sun, with a warm yellow halo on his body contour, approached her.

He supported his upper body with his tail and held a fishing line in his hand.

The white thread was reddened by the orange-red light, and the other end of the thread was in the palm of her hand.

One ghost and one fish, one land and one water, there is a clear dividing line between the beach and the sea, and there is this line between them.

You Xu looked at each other from the air with the pair of eyes with a shallow warm light.

For a moment, she felt that the line in her hand seemed to convey his emotions, like sea water, sometimes gentle and meticulous, sometimes violently agitated, and sometimes clear and quiet.

These emotions reached her heart through her soul.

Until my heart was burning, the thread in my hand was almost unstoppable.

Yu Si came to her, looked down at her, and spread his hands in front of her.

There was a hook in his palm, not a curved hook, but a straight hook that she had replaced.

She didn't plan to catch any other fish.

"You Xu, you caught me." He looked at her with a curved arc in his eyes.

"Just don't let go, okay?"

he said softly.

The stars are low, and the moon hangs far away in the night.

The grilled fish smelled of scorched aroma. You Xu took the grilled fish from the fire and handed it to the side habitually. When it was empty, he remembered that Yu Si seemed to have something to do tonight and returned to the sea.

You Xu withdrew his hand and was just about to take a bite of the fish when the wooden stick and the fish fell directly into the sand.

She thought she was stunned and didn't pay attention for a while. Anyway, there was no shortage of grilled fish, so she didn't care too much, so she reached out to the fire again to get the fish.

Who knows, through her right hand, she can clearly see the firelight.

Her right hand became transparent.

You Xu was stunned for a long time, and his heart throbbed: "Seven or eight!!!"

"What's wrong?" Qi Ba was rubbing the skewers, his face was covered with oil, and his mouth stuffed with stuff made a vague sound.

"Look at my hand." Her entire wrist on her right hand disappeared, and a pinky finger on her left hand disappeared.

"!" Qi Ba took a look and scared off the string in his hand, "Wait, what did you do to you?!"

A few seconds later, her hand reappeared and returned to normal, as if everything just now was an illusion, You Xu wondered, "I didn't do anything."

Qi Ba said dully: "Is it because you eat too much fish and kill living things."

You Xu was speechless for a moment, then said, "Do you believe this?"

Qi Ba wiped the oil on his mouth and turned out a lot of books: "Don't panic, I'll check."

You Xu felt a sense of unease that couldn't be explained. She lost her appetite for food. She lay on the beach, looked at the bright moon above her head, and remembered Yu Si who was walking towards her with a fishing line in her hand.

Sleepless and unbearable all night, like a death row prisoner who is about to face the final blow, You Xuku opened his eyes and just watched the bright moon slowly disappear from the horizon.

When the light broke, Qi Ba finally said, "Have you noticed that your color is getting lighter and lighter, and you are becoming more and more like a normal soul?"

"That's because your evil spirit is slowly dissipating."

You Xu raised his eyebrows: "So?"

Qi Ba said loudly, "A cake without a wife can be called a wife cake, but can a ghost without evil spirits be called a ghost?"

"..." You Xu endured and then asked, "So what should I do?"

Qiba: "Otherwise, you should go back to the birthplace of your evil spirits first?"

"Back to the palace?"


Yu Xu: "Then what will happen in the end?"

"Well..." Qi Ba scratched his forehead, pointed to the fragmented World Encyclopedia, and said with a headache, "Because I haven't found it, I don't know, so I'll go and see it first."

It is impossible to cheat any more, and the broken books exchanged for points are actually incomplete.

You Xu stopped talking, closed his eyes, and thought about this matter.

Until the sun rose, she was sunbathing on her face, and after a long time, she felt that the light on her eyelids dimmed, and a shadow was silently blocking the sun for her.

You Xu slowly opened his eyes and saw those gentle light blue eyes at a glance.

She sat up, and following her movements, Yu Si subconsciously swung his tail back and hid in the sand.

You Xu noticed that he quietly went around behind him, held his tail, and pushed the sand away, and saw that a few fish scales were missing on his fish tail, revealing red flesh, just like the back of a human hand had been dug out. A few pieces of skin.

The mermaid loves beauty, especially the tail. Even Yu Si said that the tail is more important than his face.

"What's the matter?" You Xu looked up at him, "Did you fight last night?"

Yu Si doesn't lie, but when he doesn't want to talk, he keeps his mouth shut. He lowered his head and picked the sand unnaturally, really like a child who came back from a fight and was blamed by his parents.

You Xu squatted down, lowered his eyes, and suddenly said, "Yu Si, I'm leaving."

When Yu Si heard the words, he raised his head suddenly, his calm eyes shattered in an instant, he whispered, "You may be wrong, it won't happen again, don't be angry..."

You Xu interrupted him: "It's not your problem, it's me who wants to go to other places to see."

"The sea is really beautiful, but it's been more than a month since I came here. There are so many beautiful places in the world."

She thought that as a ghost, she would not feel cold, but now she felt that her heart and fingertips were completely cold.

"Yu Si, do you know that people's lifespan is very short. In that short life, I spent all of my life in the dungeon, so now I have a chance, I want to go and see."

The voice fell, and the air was suddenly quiet.

Yu Si was silent for a while, his eyelashes drooped, his voice trembling a little: "Will you... come back?"

He leaned over, grabbed the corner of her clothes, and begged softly, "We'll see each other again, right?"

"Of course I will, don't forget that I'm a ghost now, ghosts won't die, maybe longer than your thousands of years of life," You Xu bent her lips reluctantly, "As long as we meet the sea, we will meet again. moment."

This time, the uneasiness in her heart was hard to get rid of, and it was difficult for her to explain without determining what was going on. She didn't want to live in great fear and anxiety in the days when she would not be able to see her.

Yu Si lowered his eyes, thinking of the days in that forest, You Xu went up the mountain to pick flowers, climbed the tree to dig eggs, jumped out like a elf, alive and lovely, and then thought of the depressing and dreary dungeon, she was locked up countless times. Clear day and night.

He couldn't say anything to refuse, and couldn't find a reason to keep her.

It's just that he was trembling with breathing.

Youxu looked away, noticing his dehydrated, tarnished tail, as he always did, getting out of his habitat and staying with her on the shore as much as possible.

He should have stayed in the water, always.

A white hand appeared in the line of sight, and the knuckles were raised because of the fist.

You Xu was taken aback and looked up at him.

"Then... .. accept this, don't take it off." He tried his best to restrain the emotion in his voice.

On the other hand, he clenched his other hand tightly together with the sand and stones. The small sand and stones seemed to be mixed into his palm, and it was painful to sharpen it.

You Xu lowered his eyes and saw a necklace lying still in his palm, a necklace with a very fine silver chain passing through a crystal pentagram.

She was stunned for so long that Yu Si thought she was going to refuse.

His eyes were full of pain and pleading: "Take it."

You Xu picked up the necklace and recalled uncontrollably. It was exactly the same as the necklace she once made for Shen Jue, only the contents of the five-pointed star were different. With Shen Jue's heart, he is also in his blood.

And this one, which is light blue silver powder, shone with fine silver light under the refraction of the sun, like a bright moon reflected in the water.

Yu Si personally helped her put it on.

This necklace was made by him last night. He didn't know why he wanted to make it in this shape, and there was a vague memory guiding him.

When he made it, he was full of uncontrollable joy and excitement. He thought that You Xu might like it, and he would be happy because he liked it.

Unexpectedly, it became a parting thing, and his eagerness turned into ice.

In that case, he didn't tell her, there was his selfishness hidden in it.

The silver powder in the crystal pentagram was ground by taking off the most beautiful scales on his tail, and it was a part of his body.

Within a certain range, he could feel her.

His selfishness was secretly hidden, and no one knew it, including her.

The author has something to say: Others are the red line, they are the fishing line.

The fishing line is a line, and cherish this relationship.

PS: The second is at 10:10 in the evening. The straight hook is catching the merman, and the fishing line is connected. This is the first picture and impulse that I want to code out in this story. There are two pictures tonight and tomorrow. .

Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-02-27 21:01:18~2020-02-29 13:57:30~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 1 magic bag of the mechanical cat;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 10 bottles of lilith and feathers per meter eight; 2 bottles of meat and ehhe;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!