I’m A Paranoid Villain Harvester

Chapter 69: May you take the bait 11


"Ah - little, little girl!!!"

You Xu was woken up by the screams, and when he opened his eyes suddenly, he saw the little beggar pointing at her hand and said at a loss, "You, what's wrong with you?"

You Xu looked down and saw that both of his hands had disappeared.

In fact, she noticed this situation last night. At that time, she wanted to hug the little beggar, but she couldn't carry out the movement of raising her hand. She was stunned for a moment, and after reacting, she leaned into the darkness to hide the abnormality.

This happened more or less along the way, but she deliberately concealed it, and the time of disappearance was short, the little beggar never found out, but this time, she disappeared all night.

"It's okay," You Xu reassured her, "maybe it will be fine in a while."

The little beggar widened his eyes, and cautiously said with fear hidden in his tone: "You... will you die?"

"The ghost is already dead, how can it die?"

"No, I meant to ask... Will you disappear?!"

"Why," You Xu smiled while pulling his lips together, "you are not afraid of ghosts, but you are afraid of ghosts disappearing?"

The little beggar did not relax because of her understatement and mocking tone. Instead, he stared at her arm and bit his lower lip in silence.

You Xu sighed softly, thinking about how to explain and comfort her, but fortunately, the hand reappeared, but the color was a little lighter.

"Look, I didn't lie to you, I really came back." You Xu waved at her.

The little beggar lowered his eyes, and after a while, he suddenly said loudly, "I don't care, I won't allow you to disappear!"

It was rare for her to bring a tone of unreasonable demands from a child, but there was a lot of unease hidden in this tone.

She's been through too much, and she's surprisingly sensitive in some places.

"Okay," You Xu agreed, in a tone of coaxing a child, "I won't disappear."

The little beggar looked up at her for a long time and asked suspiciously, "Really?"


"Then what happened to your hand?" asked the little beggar.

You Xu didn't want to start with the tragic death in the dungeon, so he said, "It's an old problem. It's the same as ordinary people's migraines. It happens from time to time, but it's not a big problem."

"Do ghosts have old problems too?" The little beggar still didn't quite believe it.

You Xu said: "Of course there is." Anyway, this child has never been a ghost, so of course I don't know if it's true or not.

The little beggar pondered, not knowing whether to believe what she said or not, he was still explaining the phenomenon with what he could understand.

Seeing this, You Xu simply diverted her attention and said, "It's dawn, so let's hurry first."

Just as You Xu stood up, the little beggar also stood up and said suddenly, "No."

"I have very important things to do now," the little beggar said with a serious expression, "We'll be on our way at night."

Whether it was night or day, it didn't matter to You Xu, she nodded and floated behind the little beggar.

The little beggar just stepped over the threshold of the ruined temple. Seeing that she was about to follow, he quickly closed the door, "Little girl ghost, wait for me in the ruined temple, don't come out and float."

You Xu felt a little strange, almost suspecting that his old heart couldn't keep up with the rhythm of the child.

Logically, if the little beggar hadn't met her, he would have no plan to go north at all, and he didn't know where she was in a hurry. When she was eating and sleeping, You Xu would follow her to protect her.

After letting the little beggar go out like this, You Xu was not at ease. He walked through the wooden door and found that the little beggar was like a rabbit and disappeared.

After all, that kid is also smart and will never put himself in a dangerous situation.

You Xu sat back on the ground, pulled up his pants, and saw that his knees disappeared.

This soul body has been worn out and overdrawn to the extreme, but there is always something holding her. The closer you are to the palace, the stronger the sense of invisibility, and the soul experience will feel a little better. If she is still staying on the island, maybe The soul should be broken.

You Xubai was bored and waited until it was dark before the little beggar came back.

The little beggar retracted into the dark corner, curled up, took a silent breath, and took out the things in his arms to Yu Xu, "Little girl, go over there and order."

On her dirty little hands, there were half a white candle with a lot of dust stuck on it, a white paper flower with blood, four crumpled yellow paper, and there were also a few drops of blood on the paper.

You Xu glanced, raised his hand and waved, the white candle was lit, emitting a pale yellow light.

You Xu pushed back the little beggar's hair, as if the little beggar had hit the electric switch, he immediately turned his face away, blocked it with his hands, and shrank back.

From the moment she entered the door, the little beggar threw her hair back to cover her face, and even if her reaction was quicker, You Xu could already see everything clearly.

"Put it down," Yoush said. "I saw it all."

The little beggar saw You Xu's expressionless expression between his fingers, he paused, and put his hand down.

Even in the dim light, the little beggar's red, swollen and bluish cheeks can be clearly seen, the corners of the broken mouth are bloodshot, the hand has been stepped on by someone, the knuckles on the back of the hand are frayed, and the blood is mixed with sand and stones. above.

You Xu's tone became colder: "Who did it?"

The little beggar hugged his knees and pouted: "I can't name it again."


"Can not remember."

Seeing that You Xu stopped talking, the little beggar said hurriedly: "Actually, there is no need to go to them. I took their things, and they beat me twice, and it was even."

Now these things cannot be found. The little beggar went to the cemetery and then to the temple to get these things.

You Xu squeezed her hands tightly and tried to keep her tone calm: "Why do you do this?"

She would rather she go get some food than jump into the danger of being beaten to death without hesitation, go hungry all day, and come back with a wound.

The candle light flickered gently, and the little beggar looked down at the light and said softly, "I heard from the old people in the village before that if the ghost disappears, there must be no one to pay homage to."

"The ghosts of wealthy families can stay in the ancestral hall, and they don't have to wander around without fear of wind and rain. The ghosts of ordinary people also have cemetery tombstones and a place to rest."

A cluster of small flames reflected in her eyes, shining slightly like a little sun, she continued: "As long as I remember you and pay tribute to you with my heart, you don't have to be afraid of disappearing."

So these candles and paper money, just to prevent her from disappearing, You Xu was startled, and her heart was soft.

After a long time, You Xu said warmly, "I became a ghost until no one burned paper money. Now you will be fine if you burn it for me once, so don't worry."

I want to calm her down and protect her kindness.

"Really?" The little beggar gasped again as he pulled the wound because of his curved lips. He grinned and picked up the paper money to burn for her. "When I have money in the future, I will definitely buy a lot of paper money to burn for you."

"How much is a lot?"

"It's more than that." The little beggar opened his hands and feet and made a big gesture, wishing he could draw a mountain.

"Okay, I'll wait." You Xu rolled his eyes.

The paper money ignited a small fire, illuminating their faces and hands, and finally vanished and turned to ashes.

Originally, You Xu took care of the little beggar's schedule, sleeping at night and day by day, but now the little beggar was frightened by her disappearance, so he just changed his schedule and went to sleep at night and day by day.

Afraid of thinking a lot, the little beggar also said, "Look, the more chaos is now, the more dangerous it is. It will be safer to travel at night than during the day."

After getting along for a short time, the little beggar already regarded You Xu as his own, or as a kind of existence that transcended blood and depended on each other.

You Xu never told the little beggar where he was going, and the little beggar didn't ask much, and happily followed her.

After a few days, the palace was about to arrive.

This morning, You Xu quietly watched the sleeping little beggar for a long time, then got up, and before passing through the wall, she said silently, "Goodbye little beggar, may you be safe in the future."

"Thank you for being with me all the way."

After Yu Xu finished speaking, he walked through the wall and left.

At this time, the little beggar's eyelids moved.

It was already afternoon when You Xu floated to the palace. The originally magnificent palace was in ruins, and the yellow tiles and red walls were all turned into mud.

The smoke of gunpowder is everywhere here, blending with the gray sky, the thick blood and the silvery white of the sword are the only bright colors, and the sound of horns and fighting is spreading.

You Xu passed through the walls that had fallen over and over, and came to a bedroom, which was burnt to ruins, and people and things were gone.

As a soul body, she can see a remnant soul as thin as a thread.

You Xu heard his indifferent voice, and sounded—

"Father, have you seen what your dynasty looks like now?"

"Open your eyes and see, whose fault is it?"

"Father, you killed my mother-in-law and wet nurse, sent me to the dungeon with your own hands, and asked me to sacrifice to heaven."

"But now it seems that the disaster of the Kingdom of You is my fault, or the demon master's fault? Neither, it's your fault, it was caused by you."

"You are a faint, a sinner through the ages."

Word by word fell mercilessly, and the remnant soul trembled silently.

You Xu looked at it coldly and waited for the hour.

More than an hour later, the last palace was burnt down, the fire blazed into the sky, and the smoke billowed.

The remnant of the soul is gone.

You Xu stood for a long time, and looked up to see the devastated body, like the pain that this body has experienced, burnt into scars, and deeply etched in the memory.

The resentment in her heart finally dissipated.

So much so that my heart was empty and pierced by the cold wind.

You Xu covered her heart and floated out, passing through many people who burned, killed, and looted. She suddenly laughed: "So that's the case, is your wish fulfilled?"

This grievance was desperately supported until this moment, in order to tell Emperor Xiaoyou that he was wrong, that she was innocent, her mother was also innocent, and the people of You Country were also innocent.

After all, there is only one wrong person.

Even if you give up reincarnation, you will still have a sigh of resentment on this body.

Otherwise, You Xu would have died on the day he was on the altar.

If she doesn't come to the palace, she has no faith to support this resentment, I am afraid that it will be wiped out in front of the priest early, and the original body will also be regretted.

In this way, the original body gave her time to get along with Yu Si, and she helped the original body with all her heart.

"Well," You Xu passed through the last wall, only half of his soul remained, "that's..."

"I haven't had time to make it clear to the big fish."

Regret and reluctance turned into a sigh, she clenched the necklace around her neck and looked east: "Yu Si, I—"

Before he finished speaking, he heard a "pat", the little girl disappeared, and a pentagram-shaped necklace fell to the ground.

All those who poured into the palace were fighting for the interests of gold, silver and jewelry, robbing their eyes and killing their hands.

No one noticed that outside the corner of a collapsed wall, a tattered and dirty little beggar appeared.

The setting sun stretched her thin and lonely shadow very long.

The moment she bent down to pick up the necklace, a few crystal tears fell into the ground.

The author has something to say: There are a lot of ups and downs, don’t panic, hold on, listen to me, don’t panic

I know it's wrong, I'm guilty, I'm drunk, I've written 80% of this book, it's impossible to rewrite it from scratch, the next book I'll be super sweet, really, you know, I can be sweet Seven or eight sweet.

This originally made my wish come true, to love vigorously (deathly) Love ah!

While the cub is still young, let the cub wave the hot blood qaq

Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-02-29 21:26:46~2020-03-01 20:38:50~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 20 bottles of Chen Baibai; 10 bottles of lilith; 1 bottle of 40154154, Qing Zi Suyu, and Nian Nian's toffee;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!