I’m A Paranoid Villain Harvester

Chapter 70: May you take the bait 12


You Xu returned to the blank space, holding his head and clenching his teeth, curled up his body, his face pale in discomfort.

Forced detachment is different from system buffer detachment. System buffer detachment is the completion of the task by the host. The system gives the host time to prepare and assists it to escape from the world, which will cause the least damage to the host.

Forced forced escaping is generally the failure of the host's mission, or the death of the host. In order to prevent world bugs and escaping from being rejected by the world, the nerve stimulation to the host is quite large. If it comes twice, the host may go completely crazy.

Qi Ba did not dare to disturb You Xu in the past, for fear of making a mistake, so she had to let her relieve herself.

The time in the blank space-time seemed to be stationary, but also seemed to flow indefinitely, and it was unknown how long it took for You Xu to endure the pain of the piercing thorns in his head.

"Mission failed?" You Xu pressed his heart, always feeling that the feeling of emptiness became more and more obvious, "Then he..."

"Actually..." Qiba looked hesitant, looked at You Xu twice, her mood was very complicated, it didn't know whether to be happy or sad, "The task is completed."

You Xu was stunned, and it took a long while to find his voice: "It's done? How about Yu Si?"

She remembered that when she left the island, the trust value was 90, and the blackening value was still 21. After that, she did not contact again. How did the trust value reach 100, and how did the blackening value disappear to zero

Seeing that Qi Ba was about to say something but stopped, You Xu snorted, and a sense of unease came to his heart: "I want to watch the mission replay."

Qi Ba had a headache and struggled and said: "Forget it, it's all done, what quests are there to watch? It's a waste—"

"How many points did you waste?" You Xu looked at it and said seriously, "If you don't show me the replay, I will refuse to cooperate with the next task."

Qi Ba really had no choice but to say sadly: "It's what you want to see, don't blame me if you regret it."

After speaking, it released the screen projection.

Against the background of the blue sky and the vast sea, Yu Si sat on the beach, looking at the direction You Xu left, he remained motionless for a long time, as silent as a rock in the distance.

After several days of wind and sun exposure, his skin began to crack, the fish tail lost its luster, and the fish scales were dry and raised.

Yu Wei, a shark who was traveling through this place, saw his younger brother who was wrong on the land, and immediately swam over, looked at Yu Si, and frowned, "Si, what are you doing?"

Yu Si didn't move as if he hadn't heard it.

"You will wear out your life." Yu Wei dragged him back into the sea without saying a word.

When Yu Si came across the water, it was like waking up from a dream that he noticed his brother.

Yu Wei swam beside him, suddenly thought of something, and asked, "Where's your partner?"

It's okay if you don't ask, as soon as you ask, you see Yu Si's gloomy eyes, and Yu Wei instantly understands: "She betrayed you, didn't she?" I didn't expect that the ghost clan, like the human clan, were unreliable.

"No." Yu Si wandered away, returned to his usual habitat, broke open the big shell, and lay in it.

The big shell was no longer the crystal stone he had collected before. He emptied all the treasures, and only put what Youxu gave him, the frozen dandelion wreath, the bamboo dragonfly and the little grasshopper.

It was empty enough for him to roll over inside.

The shells were closed, it was pitch black, the air was thin, and the water flow stagnated.

With his eyes wide open, he always felt that somewhere in his body was constantly uncomfortable, as if he had been penetrated by an ice pick, cold and painful.

Xu Shi had used up all his enthusiasm some time ago, and he doesn't want to move at all now.

Yu Si pursed his lips and couldn't help thinking, will she come back

Will you go after you come back

But there are countless beautiful scenery outside, how can one side of the blue ocean keep her.

The breathing was gradually burning, Yu Si thought again, if she can't keep it... Then can she come back to see him often? It doesn't need to be often, just by chance, ten days, half a month or half a year, she can come back to accompany her He'll be fine in a while.

He'll be waiting.

When he saw her, he seemed to see beautiful dandelions in the sky, and when she was away, all he had left was the lonely sea water.

If he could find her, he wouldn't have to wait like this, he could be by her side wherever she wanted to go.

No one can separate them.

He didn't have to worry about being left behind.

Yu Si flicked his tail, annoyed for the first time that it was not a pair of legs.

In the past, he thought it was great to have a tail. As a merman, he could live in the sea without restraint, and would not be involved in the open and secret battles of the human race.

Now he feels that the tail is not good, nothing is better than her.

The merman who had not slept for more than ten days, holding his beloved gadget, fell asleep unconsciously in the shell.

In the dream, he saw that the garden was full of jasmine flowers, and in the center of the white flower field was a cold tombstone, which seemed to be pressing on his heart, so heavy that it hurt.

He held his breath and wondered, who was lying inside

The next moment, the picture changed, a woman was bitten by a poisonous snake in the neck, her face was blue, her fingers were black, and her life was in danger.

who is she.

Yu Si looked down and saw a dagger stuck in his heart, he tore open the wound himself, took out his heart and handed it out, blood all over the floor.

The intense pain awakened Yu Si. He clutched his heart and gasped for breath. The memory fragments in his brain were fused together like pieces of a puzzle.

There was an invisible resistance that gave him a splitting headache, the memory puzzle was repeatedly glued and torn apart, and the strings of nerves were constantly being pulled.

"who is she."

"who I am... ... "

Yu Si rushed out of the shell and collided with the oncoming Yu Wei.

"Hey, what are you doing? It's like you lost your soul." Yu Wei was knocked back.

He was really worried about Yu Si's situation. Being betrayed by his partner was not a trivial matter. The merman would choose to live alone or die immediately.

Yu Si covered his head and said in pain, "I am... who am I..."

Yu Wei was inexplicable: "You are a priest."

"No," Yu Si's consciousness was so confused that his words turned upside down, "I'm Duan Min, and that's not right, I should be Shen Jue."

"I'm a human... a fox..."

Yu Wei was confused and couldn't understand what he was saying: "Si, what's wrong with you?!"

"Wait! Where are you going!!" Yu Wei was slammed away by Yu Si, he chased him for a distance, and Yu Si left him behind.

"Tsk." He flicked his tail irritably, smashing the coral reef on the side.

Yu Si swims to the deepest stone forest canyon under the sea, where the rocks are as black as ink, and the towering stone forests on both sides of the canyon block the sky and the sun.

The deeper you go, the darker your vision becomes.

"who is it-"

A hoarse and indistinguishable male and female voice echoed in the canyon.

Yu Si came to an Iwai full of red blood runes and said in a low voice, "The merman Yu Si."

"The mermen?" A creepy laughter came from Iwai, "The mermen are here, there is only one thing, have you thought about it clearly?"

"It's true that no merman has dared to come here for thousands of years."

There was a sound from Iwai, and a monster crawled out after a while. He had two tails, a snake tail and a fish tail. Blue scales covered his upper body, and his face was covered by a pure black mask.

He is known as the Fish Witch, and it is said that he was one of the first generation of the mermen. Because the demon power was too powerful, he committed another crime, and was imprisoned here by the Sea God, and he could not leave forever.

No one knew his real name, and no one had seen his face.

The fish witch looked at Yu Si, and his eyes fixed on his tail for a moment: "This tail is the most beautiful I have ever seen. I couldn't bear it for a while. If you regret it in the future, there is no way out."

Yu Si: "No regrets."

The fish witch glanced at him: "Okay, you lie on that rock."

"The merman is blessed by the god of the sea, swims with the tail of the fish, and enjoys the longevity of the bead," the eyes under the mask squinted, looked at Yu Si, who was lying flat on the rock, and said coldly, "If you choose to give up, you will be abandoned by the Sea God."

Yu Si only said, "Let's start."

The fish witch laughed suddenly, and the tone was somber: "The first step is to smash the beads."

Yu Si heard the words, and the fragments condensed from the blood until the shark beads were condensed, and he handed it to the fish witch with a pale face.

The fish witch turned the light blue lustrous shark bead, paused for a while, and said with a more serious tone: "There have been mermen here before, but when they heard the first step, they backed away, so there has never been a merman here. make it happen."

What was it that made him so unwavering.

But whatever it is, it's not worth it.

"The second step is to cut the fish tail."

"Really?" said the fish witch, "I can't guarantee success. If you waver even a little bit, you will fail. Do you understand?"

"Do it." Yu Si looked at the halo that fell from the sea into the water, shining like a Kongming lantern.

He remembered that one night, under the sky-filled Kongming lanterns, she smiled brightly.

When was the scene? Some far away can't remember.

The fish witch took out a sharp ice blade, the cold light fell on the blue fish tail, and the knife fell in his hand—

Yu Si clenched his fists in an instant, his whole body spasmed and twitched in pain, blue veins burst out on the back of his hand with clear joints, and his voice was in the throat, vague and fine.

Blood stained the ice blade, dripping from the end of the tail to the ground.

The time was suddenly long and difficult, and the sound of tearing flesh continued.

Yu Si's light blue eyes were bloodshot, his chest heaved slightly, but his breath was extremely weak.

The fish witch looked at his split tail, sighed, raised his hand to crush his shark beads, and sprinkled the powder on his tail.

The fish witch scratched his fingertips, dripped three drops of blood, and chanted an ancient incantation. In an instant, the bloody tail was wrapped in a light ball.

After a while, the scales on the fish's tail disappeared, turning into white skin, with toes growing at the ends.

The light group faded, and the blue fish tail completely turned into a pair of slender legs.

The fish witch turned around and returned to Iwai, with a slightly echoed voice: "Leave after you have rested."

"Remember, if you turn away from the Sea God, you will bear the curse and never return to the sea."

"And after landing, you can only say one sentence."

"When you finish a sentence, you will—"

"I know." Yu Si interrupted him.

A strange laughter sounded from below Iwai: "It's good to know, this is the revenge given to the betrayal by the Sea God."

Yu Si went ashore. This time, instead of a tail, he used a pair of legs, a pair of legs that could walk and follow her.

Even if these legs made him extremely painful, every step was like stepping on the tip of a knife, and the pain in his heart was nothing but that.

But he was happy because he could see her soon.

Want to hear her call his name, want to see her smile at him, want him in her eyes.

Intense emotions sprouted in his chest, and he gritted his teeth and dropped the ocean behind him step by step.

Yu Si walked for a long time, and traveled far, only to realize that the world is so big that he was a little worried that he would not be able to find her.

Or he had been lost by her.

Yu Si could only say one sentence. When he was wandering around in the world, he always thought, if he could find her and say a word to her, what would he say

-Did we fall in love with each other in our previous life, and will we meet again in the next life

- I love you, and if there is an afterlife, it must be too.

He actually had a lot of things he wanted to say to her, but in the end he thought selfishly that as long as he didn't say a word, they could be together forever.

Don't say it, he decided.

Yu Si didn't know the way, and after many setbacks, he found the location of the palace, but he didn't see her.

He went to look for her favorite mountains and forests.

It was the cold winter season, the sky was snowing heavily, and a man with loose silver hair was limping from the long journey.

His shoulders were covered with snow, and there was fine ice on his eyelashes.

Between the whiteness of the sky and the earth, he limped forward and moved forward persistently, leaving a lonely and long footprint one deep and one shallow.

In his heart of despair, there was only that glimmer of hope that kept him on his feet.

He must be able to find her, sure.

Some time passed.

Yu Si passed by a broken thatched hut, and suddenly his heart throbbed.

is her!

Yu Si's eyes widened, and they were all surprised and unbelievable.

He closed his eyes and chanted the spell of inspiration, but he sensed that she was... . . .

Yu Si took a breath and raised his hand. A necklace broke out of the ground and flew to his hand. It was the pentagram-shaped crystal necklace.

He was stunned for a while, then looked up at the broken piece of land, where there was a stone tablet and unburned paper money.

The door of the thatched cottage opened, and a little beggar came out with an extremely unfriendly tone: "Who are you and why do you dig someone else's grave!"

The little beggar stared at him and said angrily, "Do you know how to respect the deceased? It's safe to dig into the ground, you know, digging people's graves will be punished by heaven!"

She looked at it and it didn't feel right, the man—looked too sad.

He stared blankly at the stone tablet, his eyes were red, the blood on his face faded, and his whole body was shaking. The five-pointed star on the necklace was deeply pierced into his palm, and a few drops of red blood fell on the snow, as if blooming. plum bossom.

"You..." the little beggar asked hesitantly, "know that little girl ghost?"

Yu Si could no longer hear her words, and his chest was full of all kinds of clamoring and struggling emotions. The first thing that came up was anger.

He was deceived.

Then the crunch of the heart is infinite grievance and pain.

Yea, he was deceived again.

- A lifetime is so long, there is always a return date

- Ghosts won't die, we will meet again

A stone tablet stands in the center of the white jasmine field, which coincides with the scene where the stone tablet stands on the snow.

"Yu Xu, I was deceived by you again."

His voice contained pain and bitterness, and the tail trembled slightly, and he finally said a word.

next moment.

The little beggar widened his eyes again, and saw that he emitted a faint white light, his body slowly shattered, and finally turned into a mass of foam, disappearing into the heaven and earth with the wind, and merging with the white snow.

After a long time, the little beggar came back to his senses and wanted to walk over to pick up the necklace, and he sent out the place where the man was standing just now, leaving a faint light behind.

She looked closer and saw that it was a pearl.

It was his tears.

The author has something to say: The second picture - the foam is melted, and the tears of the mermaid.

It can be regarded as fulfilling the imagination and wish of the mermaid story from childhood to adulthood.

If you code fast tomorrow should be able to end the story, or the day after tomorrow? Just two days anyway.

When I was typing today, I swore with a heartache that for the sake of Yu Si and peace of mind, I decided not to eat a single fish in 2020, but I just ate a packet of fish (.

Yu Si: "..."

Thank you to the little angel who voted or irrigated nutrient solution for me during 2020-03-01 20:38:50~2020-03-02 21:26:11~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 1 xiaogu, 1 banxia;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 20 bottles of Wai Wai Wai; 1 bottle of Mu Sheng;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!