I’m A Paranoid Villain Harvester

Chapter 77: One word of love 06


In the demon valley, the ground shook and the mountains shook, the trees broke and the birds scattered, the rocks flew, and the screams came one after another.

"Junior Brother Xuan Zhuo, get out of the way!"

"Help me—"

"Brother Mingjiao, be careful, it's catching up with you, ah! It's here too!"

Four people can fly in the sky with swords, which is relatively safe. Only Ye Mingjiao runs desperately with swords in his arms. It is hard and tiring, and the risk factor is high.

They had just entered the Demon Valley and killed a few low-level little demons, and it went well. Who knew that they would travel to a dark rocky place, where the bare, towering trees were so light that only black branches were left.

As soon as they entered the black forest, those black trees seemed to be catalyzed by the breath of a living person, and they rose from the ground, chasing and killing them with their claws and claws.

The Demon Valley has a barrier, and four people can fly, but they can't fly high. They are drawn to and fro by the branches of the black rock tree in the air, like a mosquito being driven away. Ye Mingjiao is like a grasshopper, rolling and jumping on the ground. , ate a belly of ashes.

Where these rock trees pass, the dust is rolling, the ground is cracking and the mountains are moving, and the power of destruction is great. They eat rocks like cabbage, and their bodies get bigger and bigger.

Ye Mingjiao and the others were chased all night. They were exhausted and did not say anything. Seeing that this group of monsters was getting bigger and bigger, they surrounded and suppressed them in a way that covered the sky and the sun, and they had no chance of winning. They were like a few chickens meeting the wolves. Time is desperate and can only ignite the flare.

"I tell you, my master and brother are super powerful. If you dare to bully me, you will die!" Ye Mingjiao watched as he was about to be overtaken by a rock tree demon. Chilling and chirping.

"Ugly monsters, you can't fight, you can't fight!" Ye Mingjiao fled desperately, shouting hoarsely, trying to attract their attention, reduce their attacks on the younger brothers and sisters, and delay time, waiting for rescue.

For a while, he didn't notice the branch drawn from behind, and it flew out and hit a rock.

"Brother Mingjiao!!!"

The rock tree demon grabbed the rock with its big hand, opened its pitch-black mouth, and tried to swallow Ye Mingjiao together with the rock.

Looking at the big dark hole under him, Ye Ming roared desperately: "Help, Master! Come on, old man, there are monsters that want to eat your disciples!"

At this moment, a light and shadow flashed by, and the hand of the rock tree demon was cut off in an instant. Ye Mingjiao fell to the ground, stunned, and looked up at the person not far away, "Master, senior brother—"

The four people in the air also said in unison in surprise, "Brother Yin Xun is here!"

"Great! Saved!"

"Woohoo, brother, you finally came, those beasts bullied me and killed them!" Ye Mingjiao's face, tears climbed over, and wanted to hold Yin Yan's thighs.

Yin Xun was expressionless, raised his foot and stepped on his face.

Ye Mingjiao: "..."

More than fifty rock tree demons surrounded them. From the visual point of view, it looked like more than ten mountains surrounded them. Yin Xun held an obsidian sword and passed through these rock tree demons at the speed of light and shadow. When the sword entered his body, He poured in his inner strength, and for a while these giant rock tree demons turned into black powder.

Black powder covered the sky, spraying out like volcanic ash.

Yin Xun hooked Ye Mingjiao's collar with the hilt of his sword and flew him away from here.

Ye Mingjiao was also restless in the air, and gestured excitedly with his hands and feet: "Senior brother, you are so powerful, you can solve these monsters in one fell swoop, I still haven't seen it clearly."

Others escaped the disaster, and their emotions were also very excited: "Thanks to Senior Brother Yin Xun, otherwise we would not be able to survive today."

A female disciple glanced at Yin Xun, blushed and said shyly, "Thank you, Senior Brother Yin Xun."

Yin Xun's expression was light: "No need, I just follow Master's wishes."

Xuan Zhuo looked envious: "Palace Master Zuo is so good, my master has never seen me twice, let alone sent someone to save me. Now I've rubbed off on Senior Brother Ming Jiao."

Ye Mingjiao waved his hand with a smile: "Small things are all small things."

When they got to a safe place, Yin Xun did not leave immediately, but asked Ye Mingjiao, "What is your mission?"

He intends to directly help Ye Mingjiao complete the task and take him back, so as not to let You Xu worry for too long, otherwise she will always be concerned about Ye Mingjiao's safety.

He didn't want to, and he didn't like it.

Ye Mingjiao thought for a while and said, "I forgot a bit, it seems like I cut a thousand-legged monster, I don't remember where it was."

Judging from a monster of intermediate difficulty such as the Rock Tree Demon, rather than a low-level monster, their mission this time is indeed difficult. They are all beginners of immortality. It is impossible to kill the thousand-footed monster.

Obviously, this assessment was biased, but not only this time, it will be the same every time in the future, because Ye Mingjiao is the apprentice of the palace master, and he is in the same situation as Yin Xun back then, so he will be embarrassed in every level of assessment. .

I don't know if those door masters, valley masters, pavilion masters and palace masters wanted to prove that You Xu's vision was wrong, or they wanted to prove that Ye Mingjiao and Yin Xun were not qualified to be the disciples of the Palace Master.

Back then, Yin Xun had blood all over the ground, and in the desperate situation of death, he thought of You Xu's back, so he gritted his teeth to survive from the dead.

"Senior brother?" Ye Mingjiao scratched his head and said with hindsight, "Is our task difficult this time?"

Not only is it difficult, for a little chicken like Ye Mingjiao, who is not considered an entry-level cultivator, it is as difficult as picking a star.

But for Yin Xun, it was a full-scale tuba that came to Xinxing Village to fry the fish pond.

Ye Mingjiao's mission has no time limit, but there is a location requirement, but he forgot, so Yin Xun captured all the more than 30 thousand-legged spirits in the entire Demon Valley. Let Ye Mingjiao stab the last knife.

The four junior brothers and sisters followed by watching, often couldn't help exclaiming.

The speed was so fast that Ye Mingjiao followed Yin Xun's back to repair the knife, and chopped the monster thicker than a well like a worm. With the knife in his hand, he slaughtered a middle-level monster.

Yin Xun didn't stick to a drop of blood, but Ye Mingjiao splattered his own blood. People who didn't understand would think that he fought bloody and experienced a mighty battle.

In less than a stick of incense, Ye Mingjiao's task was completed. He cheekily rubbed in front of Yin Xun and said with a smile: "Thank you, senior brother, they are all brothers and sisters from the same school, or else I will help them complete the task too. It is enough to be loyal enough to come and return one piece at a time.”

Ye Mingjiao also knew that it was because of his identity as the apprentice of the palace lord that he had implicated others. If he relied on Yin Xun to complete the task and went back alone, the remaining junior brothers and sisters would not be able to complete the task even with their lives, and he would not feel at ease.

Yin Xun, who has always been nosy, glanced at him, then turned his gaze to the other four, signaling them.

"Thank you, thank you Senior Brother Yin Xun, my mission is the spider sisters."

"I want to pick three purple fairy grasses."

"Senior Brother Yin Xun, mine is the Yin Hua bone underground in Donglin."

"I want two tears from the rotten frog demon."

Through Ye Mingjiao's thicker skin than the city wall, the younger brothers and sisters were able to brush the map with the experience of the full-level boss to complete the task.

They are like a group of sightseeing groups, staring without blinking, for fear of missing the wonderful moment, they are automatically edited into highlight clips in their minds.

It's just that no one noticed, a silent black fog had been following them in the distance.

Yin Xun pointed with his long sword and said indifferently, "Cry or die."

The rotten frog demon on the last mission, its poisonous fog mucus can corrupt everything in the world. Under the cold light of Yin Xun's cold sword, it burst into tears: "Ah! Aw! Aw!"

Xuan Zhuo quickly filled his tears with a bottle, and said happily, "Thank you, Senior Brother Yin Xun!"

Yin Xun nodded, put away the sword, Ye Mingjiao said quickly: "Brother, wait, I see there is a lake over there, I'll go wash my face first, the blood sticks to my face, and it's uncomfortable. The bag fell off when I ran away, and now there is no drop of water in it, I will drink two more sips of water, brother, are you thirsty?"

Yin Xun didn't say anything, just glanced at him.

Ye Mingjiao understood what he meant by not drinking, so he turned to the others and said, "Are you thirsty?"

Only the little junior sister nodded, Ye Mingjiao took her water bag and went to the lake alone.

The four junior brothers and sisters sat on the ground to rest, and the nerves that had been tense all day and night were relieved. After completing the task, the whole person was much more relaxed and chatted happily.

The little junior sister was absent-minded and looked at Yin Xun secretly. He had bright eyebrows and starry eyes. He was dressed in white clothes, and he was as distant and cold as a bright moon. In the past, she could only watch from a distance. I'm afraid I won't have a chance in the future.

She was about to speak, but Yin Xun suddenly frowned and flew to one place.

Ye Mingjiao had just washed his face and was about to take a sip of water when the water by the lake suddenly surged up and condensed into more than a dozen pairs of transparent hands, grabbed his neck, hands and feet, and dragged him into the lake, "Master. .. ... Well... ... "

In the blink of an eye, before he could call for help, he disappeared into the water.

"What happened?" The four junior brothers and sisters rushed over, only to see Yin Xun raised his hand to draw a magic circle for them to protect their safety, and jumped into the lake alone.

The lake surface has no ripples, it is as smooth as a mirror and crystal clear.

Little Junior Sister said anxiously, "What's going on here?"

The youngest, the weakest in mana, but the one who reads the most, Xuan Zhuo quietly watched the lake for a long time, and said, "According to the records in the book, this is the work of a woman who wants to look in the mirror."

"If someone finds a place to set up a magic formation at the bottom of the lake, and then invites some people to die in the lake, accumulating grievances, the magic formation will expand the desires in the grievances infinitely, thus turning them into a mirror girl."

A senior brother reacted: "So it is someone who did it on purpose here."

"That's it, the Mirror Girl will not form naturally," Xuan Zhuo said, "The Mirror Girl is like a demon but not a demon, like a demon but not a devil, faceless and invisible, all formed by human greed, she is best at weaving illusions , attracting people's hearts, but fortunately, the mana is not strong, and Senior Brother Mingjiao can kill him."

Another senior brother said, "Senior Brother Ming Jiao can't be counted on. He has too many things to think about. If I want to see it, the only one who can kill Yu Jingjing is Senior Brother Yin Xun."

"That's right, Senior Brother Yin Xun is devoted to his cultivation and has few desires. How can he be fooled by the mere Mirror Girl."

The younger sister added in a low voice, "Senior Brother Yin Xun is so powerful, he must be fine."

Xuan Zhuo also felt relieved: "That's right, so we won't cause trouble, just wait in the circle with peace of mind."

But no one thought that Ye Mingjiao was the first to come out, he climbed out of the water and twisted the water on his clothes: "It's very strange, there are only some puddles in it, what should I think of it, just started Those hands startled me."

A senior brother couldn't believe it: "Only puddles?"

Ye Mingjiao: "Yes."

Seeing that his serious expression didn't seem to be fake, and that he climbed up so easily, Xuan Zhuo understood: "It must be Senior Brother Ming Jiao who has no desires, and the Mirror Girl can't trap him."

Ye Mingjiao swept around and asked, "Where is my senior brother?"

Little Junior Sister hurriedly said: "He went down to find you, haven't you seen him?"

Ye Ming was anxious: "It's strange, I haven't seen it."

"No, I have to go down and look for it." Ye Mingjiao said, and jumped into the lake again, but no one else had time to stop him.

Xuan Zhuo said, "Since Senior Brother Mingjiao can break through the illusion safely, I don't have to worry about it."

"No," the younger sister approached the lake, "I will also go down to find Senior Brother Yin Xun."

Xuan Zhuo: "Senior sister, can you guarantee that you have no desires, if you are trapped, it may damage your mind and trouble them."

Little Junior Sister's face turned red and white, her expression hesitated, and she hesitated: "I..."

A senior brother came out to smooth things out: "Hey, it's not that we don't want to help, it's just that we have more or less greed in our hearts, and we're afraid of being swayed by the girl who wants to mirror. If we can't help, we don't want to help."

"That's right," said another senior brother, "Junior sister, just sit down and wait for a while. Now the only plan is to trust Senior Brother Ming Jiao and Senior Brother Yin Xun."

The little junior sister bit her lip, and sat down reluctantly and helplessly.

Deep in the bottom of the lake, the light was dim, as if there was an invisible barrier, isolating the outside world, and it was so quiet that only the sound of ticking water remained.

Around the bottom of the lake are not flowing water, but tiankengs in the shape of eyes. The pits are full of water, as dark as a dead lake. There are vertical and horizontal paths along the edge of the pits. Ye Mingjiao has been following these paths. Move forward.

Above the pit, there are water light characters, and he goes through the puddles, which are the desire for life, the desire for power, the desire for wealth, the desire for sex, the desire for greed... There are countless kinds of desires about people, and he passes through them. When the water was calm, there was no reflection of him.

"Senior Brother—Senior Brother Yin Xun—"

Ye Mingjiao searched for a long time, but did not see a living person, so he opened his mouth and shouted, but his voice seemed to be swallowed up by the darkness, and disappeared after a short distance.

After walking for a long time, he finally saw a different puddle, which glowed like a beam of light, illuminating the surrounding area as bright as day.

Ye Mingjiao took a closer look and saw two words floating above the puddle - lust.

He looked down again and saw that the surface of the water looked like a mirror, but this mirror did not reflect him, but reflected another scene—

In the small wooden courtyard on Zhongling Mountain, under a pear tree, a woman in white was lying on a bamboo slump and resting with her eyes closed. Yin Xun stood beside her and stared at her tenderly. He clenched into a fist and bent down slightly, as if he was hesitating and struggling with something, but he didn't make the next move.

The woman suddenly opened her eyes, Yin Xun seemed to be waking up from a dream, and her indifferent expression was a little flustered.

Yin Xun's breathing suddenly became disordered: "Master..."

The woman said in a coquettish voice: "Yin Xun, what's wrong with you? Why don't you dare, didn't you just want to kiss as a teacher?"

"I..." Yin Xun's hands were stiff, and he didn't dare to touch her, so he restrained himself and said, "I can't go beyond the rules."

"What are you afraid of, there is no one here, who will know?" The woman's eyebrows were silky, and she said softly, "You don't like being a teacher?"

"I like it," Yin Xun said in a low voice, raised his hand to caress her face, and muttered, "I like it, I like it so much..."

The woman leaned on her body softly: "No one will know, don't be afraid, do what you want."

Yin Xun's whole body was tense and stiff, even if he first entered the water and found something wrong, when he saw the delusional face, he instantly sank and was willing to indulge in it.

At this time, he seemed to be stunned by magic, with a layer of mist that could not be dissolved in front of him, and his dark eyes were filled with emotion, "No one will know, no..."

"Master, can you... like me a little bit." The greed hidden in the deepest part of his heart was hooked out and expanded infinitely. He couldn't restrain himself from expressing his thoughts day and night.

Like the most loyal believer, he devoutly prayed to the gods in his heart for the humble and invisible wish.

The woman Yingying smiled: "Okay, my good disciple."

When the delusions came true, Yin Xun's eyes trembled, and the overwhelming ecstasy hit his heart. He held her face with trembling fingers, and slowly lowered his head.

"Senior Brother!!!" Ye Mingjiao on Shui Jing's side was furious, "She is not a master, she is a monster! She has no face!"

The woman Ye Mingjiao saw from this side did indeed have the same dress, bun, and yard as You Xu, but she had no face, and in Shuijingdongtian, what Yin Xun here saw was You Xu's face was exactly the same, and even the faint fragrance of pear blossoms that permeated his body was extremely realistic.

"Senior brother, wake up! It's fake, it's all fake!"

"Fucking dead monster!!!"

Ye Mingjiao shouted countless times to no avail. Seeing that Yin Xun was about to lower his head, the girl who wanted to mirror was so excited that her whole head split open and she wanted to swallow Yin Xun. mirror.

For a time, countless lightning-like cracks appeared on the mirror surface, and they shattered.

The world in the mirror was twisted and shattered, Yin Xun regained consciousness, raised his sword and slashed the woman who wanted to be in the mirror. At the moment when the sword fell, because of her exuding white clothes, his movements were sluggish for a second.

Ye Mingjiao didn't find it, because he kept digging up a treasure like a treasure, staring brightly at the treasured sword that he had been holding all the way, and although this sword was not as good as the obsidian sword, it was also the best gift from You Xu. Waiting for a good sword, this mission, You Xu gave him a special gift for self-defense, but he didn't have the habit of using a sword, so he rarely used it, and he never thought it would have such great power.

Yin Xun came out of the Tiankeng, the black obsidian sword painted like the night pointed at the ground, and he looked at Ye Mingjiao coldly.

"Master, Senior Brother?!" Even Ye Mingjiao, who had a very long reflex arc, felt something was wrong, "What's wrong with you, you, you are not possessed by a demon, right?"

"Have you seen it all?" Yin Xun's tone was colder than Jiu Jiu Bing Dong.

Ye Mingjiao was so frightened by his dark and gloomy expression that he couldn't even turn his head: "I see...you, your teacher..."

Before his master's father's word was spoken, the obsidian sword came wrapped in killing intent and pressed against his neck.

Ye Mingjiao was stunned for a moment, then swallowed subconsciously: "Brother, are you going to kill me? I won't say it, I promise! I swear!"

After saying this, he regretted it. Only dead people would not tell secrets, and there were only them. If Yin Xun killed him, no one would think he killed him. Everyone would believe that Ye Mingjiao was a demon. It was a disaster, after all, his cultivation base was so low.

"Our brothers and sisters have been together for such a long time. At least we have some feelings," Ye Mingjiao quickly remedied, "Besides, if you think about Master, if something happens to me, she will definitely feel sad, investigate for me, and avenge me. ... "

Yin Xun thought for a moment, thinking of You Xu's mood, and thinking of Ye Mingjiao's silly smiling face, the tip of the sword paused, he put the black sword away, and said lightly: "After going out, don't mention a word, otherwise— "

Ye Mingjiao breathed a sigh of relief and quickly agreed: "I know, I promise not to mention it! Heaven knows you know I know!"

Even if he wasn't here, Yin Xun would kill him in minutes. Why would he do such a thing to force Yin Xun to be killed

It's just that he never imagined that Senior Brother Yin Xun would treat Master...

So obsessed.

The greed and madness in his eyes were like the raging molten lava, which was terrifying.

Some things, the more deeply hidden, the more obsessed with madness.

After the two left the bottom of the lake, a cloud of black mist filled the side of the Tiankeng, and a person with feather patterns on the corner of a black robe appeared. She reached out and picked up the lens on the ground.

"Ah... ... "

The author has something to say: Although it's too late, but it's rough, rounding up this chapter is a two-in-one update~

woo woo woo I love Yin Xun, I love him (Old mother covered her mouth and cried with joy.jpg

Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-03-09 21:40:20~2020-03-10 22:09:09~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 1 shell;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 9 bottles of fish that slipped through the net; the same 5 bottles of YQ;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!