I’m A Paranoid Villain Harvester

Chapter 81: Smoked God and Bone 10


The moon is like a disk, hanging in the sky far away, the bright moonlight falls softly, and the evening wind rustles the trees, but the quiet and soft scenery cannot ease the tense atmosphere.

Yin Xun stood on the Hopeless Cliff in a black robe, his face was calm, he raised his hand, and there was a withered pear flower in his palm, which was the flower that fell from her hand yesterday.

The bottom of the steep cliff was as dark as an abyss, and the rushing water smashed on the edge of the rock with echoes. Yin Xun let go of his hand, and the withered white flower fell down and was swallowed by the darkness, just like his mood at this time.

"The devil, today is the day of your burial!"

The Hopeless Cliff was full of people from various sects, and many sects were almost all dispatched. At a glance, they were filled with densely packed heads. The highest cultivation base included several Mahayana practitioners, and the lowest also had Jindan or above.

There was no worry or fear on their faces, but excitement and anticipation. After all, all the powerful immortal practitioners gathered here, and they also set up a magic-releasing profound formation here in advance. Yin Xun must die.

Yin Xun's swept eyes suddenly stopped, and he could notice the person with only his peripheral vision without even needing a glance.

They looked at each other across the sea of people.

White clothes are not suitable for blood and dust, and they should be kept clean so as not to look too embarrassed, but why did she change into black clothes.

Sometimes the tacit understanding between their master and apprentice is inexplicably connected, and Yin Xun slightly bent his lips, feeling a little better.

You Xu looked away.

Seven or eight pretended to be dead for a long time, but couldn't help but start to persuade: "Host, host, do you want to think about it again, think more clearly, calm down, don't be so impulsive."

You Xu looked down at the wine gourd around his waist, and said, "This is the end of the matter, there is no other way."

"The devil, you can laugh even when you are about to die, you are really arrogant." A sect leader standing in front said sharply.

Fan Yanzhi glanced at Yin Xun lightly: "Let's start."

Everyone took out their swords and instruments, and pressed towards Yin Xun step by step. Yin Xun was expressionless, raised his hand and waved, and the magic blade swept across. Those who forced forward vomited blood, and the halberd broke the sword.

Fan Yanzhi focused for a moment, and then gestured for others to activate the magic releasing profound formation with his eyes in the air.

Several heads nodded slightly and began to make seals in their hands.

"Wait a minute."

Everyone suddenly looked back, looked at the woman in the center, and unconsciously gave up a path.

Standing at the front of the crowd, Song Wuli also turned his head to look at You Xu. He secretly breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that You Xu had finally made up his mind. The face of the doorman is expected to save a few points.

Song Wu sternly said: "Yin Xun was originally a disciple of Jiuxianmen Mansion, but now he has fallen into the devil's way and slaughtered the sect, his sin is unforgivable, and his master should kill the wicked disciples himself and make an end to this mistake."

Everyone said in succession, "Palace Master Right knows righteousness!"

"The righteousness of the Zuofu master is a feat, and it has set an example for the cultivator to eliminate demons and restore the righteous path."

"Kill the devil, correct the way!"

You Xu walked towards Yin Xun with a loud wave of his arms. He stood on the edge of the cliff, his back turned to the moon, and his shadow fell in front of him.

The wind blew more and more madly, blowing the two men's clothes and flying, and the tips of their hair were raised.

Yin Xun watched her approach steadily until her foot stepped on the neck of his shadow. He lowered his eyelashes to hide the emotion in his eyes.

Everyone's eyes were locked on the two, for fear of missing a picture. The two were masters and apprentices, and their strength should not be underestimated. This battle will definitely be a long-term battle recorded in history.

However, their expectations fell through, because Yin Xun didn't even want to raise his hand, as if he was nailed to the spot, motionless.

You Xu took off the black and white fan around his waist, turned it into a long sword with black and white sides, and pointed at him, "What else do you want to say?"

Yin Xun's brows softened, and he said slowly, "Master, you don't have to think too much in the future. If you think about it, you will just come here tonight to enjoy the moonlight."

After all, he didn't want her to have a hard time.

But You Xu said: "You remember this statement, and you will do it in the future, don't think about it too much."

Her speech was extremely fast, and her movements were even faster. Yin Xun didn't know what she was saying, but she nodded and stabbed with her sword, but before it touched him, the tip of the sword turned into a fan and slammed him down. go.

When Yin Xun fell off the cliff, You Xu's fingertips turned brightly, and a blue-light formation immediately appeared behind him.

Yin Xun was startled, his pupils shrank suddenly, and his eyelashes trembled. He only saw her gentle smile under the bright moon and on the cliff, her eyes glittering with water, but she seemed to be saying goodbye silently.


Yin Xun struggled desperately, but was sucked into the formation and disappeared.

The blue light faded, and everyone came back to their senses, and instantly said in an uproar: "It's not reasonable, the Zuo Palace Master is teasing me?"

"What is the meaning of this, to cover up the rebels?!"

Song Wuli: "You Xu! Don't make mistakes again and again, tell me where to send him?"

Fan Yanzhi frowned and said, "It's useless, this formation is a formation for dry exchange."

The formation of dry exchange can transport people tens of thousands of miles, and it is useless to know the place of transmission, because this formation can protect people and trap people, Yin Xun will be locked in the formation for ten days, and no one can break the formation during these ten days. and him.

This kind of ancient formation is extremely complex and consumes mana. It will take a long time for a sect to arrange it. If it is all arranged by one person, it will take at least a month.

It can be said that when You Xu knew about the Battle of Hopeless Mountain, he set out to set up a teleportation formation, and he did it within a month, hiding from countless eyes.

Even if You Xu knew from the beginning that Yin Xun had fallen into the devil's way, slaughtered the Jian Sect overnight, and karmic reincarnation, she did not think that he was wrong.

She has never wavered, she has always wanted to protect Yin Xun.

Protect the skinny boy like he did back then.

She pretended to be ruthless and deceitful, deceived everyone, Song Wuli raised her eyebrows in anger, and suddenly drew her sword and pointed at her: "So obsessed, you forgot what Master taught you, you just want to What's wrong?!"

You Xu chuckled loosely, untied the wine gourd around his waist, raised his head to drink, and then said word by word, "As everyone has seen, today, You Xu betrayed the Jiuxianmen Mansion, and I have nothing to do with it anymore. Everything I do is my responsibility.”

"You!" Song Wuli's expression was gloomy and ugly.

You Xu sprinkled the rest of the wine on the blade, the black and white blade lit up and the water shone slightly, and she suddenly raised the sword and stabbed it in one direction.

"No, be careful!" someone exclaimed.

And You Xu had already approached Fan Yanzhi with a sword, Fan Yanzhi reacted the fastest, but he could only dodge, and a piece of flesh was shaved off his right face.

"Hurry up and protect Master Fan Gu!"

Fan Yanzhi pulled out the soft sword around his waist to block You Xu's attack, and everyone else attacked You Xu.

You Xu kept moving, and went straight to Fan Yanzhi's side to kill.

She was covered in wounds with deep bones, no blood in the black clothes, only the blood dripping from the corners of the clothes continued, both hers and others.

You Xu propped up his scarred body with his long sword and looked in Fan Yanzhi's direction again. He couldn't be better. He was wounded all over his body, and his demeanor was gone, but he was in a state of embarrassment. The people who protected him were like the tide, and she was the only one here. .

Fan Yanzhi had to die, and Yin Xun would not be able to live as usual while he was here.

Fan Yanzhi and You Xu were separated by broken instruments and countless dead souls, and they both saw a kind of determination in each other's eyes, one was determined to get rid of Yin Xun, the other was determined to protect Yin Xun.

Neither backed down.

You Xu raised her sword and swept across again, and many people stood in front of Fan Yanzhi, like layers of armor. The exhaustion of her physical strength and spells slowed her movements and speed.

Suddenly, two golden arrows broke through the wind. You Xugang blocked the cut, one arrow pierced her neck, and the other arrow pierced her heart.

Fan Yanzhi had no intention of fighting You Xu for life and death, and his target was not her.

Seeing that You Xu was kneeling on the ground motionless, everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief. Anyone who was injured to this extent would have already been defeated, and she continued to fight for three days and three nights.

At this moment, she was out of breath, and she had to hold her long sword to support her body. She lowered her head and her back was straight, as if she would never fall down.


Youxu's world was so silent that only the sound of blood dripping remained, her vision was blurred, and she suddenly remembered that in the dark and damp crypt, she said to the young man covered in scars and dust - I will always stand by your side.

Then she remembered that under the shade of a tree, he said in a deep voice, "It is only natural and justified to avenge the deep revenge of the sea of blood."

In fact, when he worshipped her, he still had the intention of revenge, but he chose to back down for everything he had in Lihuayuan. At this point, he really had no choice.

That being the case.

All his blood revenge, she helped him avenge.

She said that she would stand by his side no matter what, and would never change.

Even against everyone.

You Xu opened her heavy eyelids and stood up again under the amazed and frightened gazes of everyone. She said to Qiba, "Reporter, whoever participated in the massacre of the Queshan faction back then, tell me everything."

"Woooooo, host," Qi Ba cried into tears, "To the southeast there are 21 people from the Green Bamboo, Qingyi Yexian Sect, and in front of Ziyi, there are 13 members of the Zhenyou Sect and their disciples, and from the northwest... . . . "

According to the people from the Seven Eighth Report, You Xu raised his sword and swept it frantically, turning the Bai Yun sword into a sword light and stabbing it, holding an obsidian sword and slashing flatly.

Blood stained the cliffs, and there was only a strong smell of blood in the wind.

She overdrawn her body infinitely, and after getting rid of the last person who participated in the massacre of the Queshan faction, she attacked Song Wuli.

Song Wuli was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously raised the sword, and before he could swing the sword, she bumped up on her own, and the long sword penetrated her dantian.

She was so fast that she even made fake moves that could not block the sword. Except for the two of them, everyone else thought it was Song Wuli's success.

"Great, the traitor was finally cut to the sword!"

"I thought that the right mansion master was thinking of brotherhood, but never thought of such a righteousness!"

"The Immortal Jiu Mansion is really a model of decent sectarianism, killing demons and beheading traitors."

In the rejoicing of everyone's life after the catastrophe, Song Wuli's heart fell into the ice cave, his eyes were full of disbelief, and the blood flowing into his hands burned his throat.

Seeing her open her mouth, Song Wuli approached with trembling all over, only to hear her say: "The moonlight here is beautiful, but not as good as the starry sky at the top of Zhongling Mountain..."

The golden core in her body shattered, and her figure gradually dissipated.

The woman who terrified everyone disappeared under the silver light.

At the same time, there was a biting cold wind blowing from Zhongling Mountain, and overnight, the snow-white pear blossoms all over the mountain withered.

The cold wind and the flowers silently described what she had not finished speaking.

Yin Xun, you want to—

Forget the moonlight on Hopeless Mountain;

Also forget the starry sky of Zhongling Mountain.

The author has something to say: It's not the end, there are still a few chapters, and it will be finished within a week if you are quick.

Not the way ahead, the story is different.

Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-03-14 22:08:47~2020-03-15 20:00:39~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: Morpheus 6 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!