I’m A Paranoid Villain Harvester

Chapter 9: You only belong to me 09


The zombie king can only control the dead, and the puppet master can control the living. Duan Min, known as the puppet master, can control both the dead and the living.

It's just that he has always hated the breath of living people, usually killing people before manipulating them.

In the end, he still wasn't willing to let You Xu die.

After a whole night, Duan Min completely calmed down, and sat face to face with You Xu on the big black bed in his bedroom. He carefully recalled his previous emotions, the heart was constantly pressured to supply blood, shortness of breath, chest tightness, and unstable heart rate. .

Never had a reaction.

As well as unconsciously opening the window, seeing her and a man driving away in a car, and being sent back downstairs by the man, he would be inexplicably irritable and irritable, and there was a trace of unease that was not easily detectable.

He asked the puppet to monitor them and learned that they always ate together, and when he could only wait silently at home, his heart was tight and blocked.

Duan Min kept telling herself that You Xu was a normal person, and unlike him, she should have her own life and social circle, and he had no right to interfere.

But until last night, he watched her dress up carefully and put on delicate makeup from a distance. When he left the car with the man again, his throat was sore and tight. For the first time in five years, he went downstairs, from six o'clock in the evening. She didn't come back until one o'clock in the morning, with the man.

They cuddled each other in the distance, You Xu smiled at the man, and Duan Min realized that she could laugh at anyone like that, and it was no different from the usual smile at him.

The intimate scene not far away and a new cognition completely overwhelmed Duan Min's sanity, causing the backlog of emotions he had been accumulating to burst forth.

There were only two thoughts in his mind, one was to let that man die, and the other was to make You Xu his puppet completely, she could only eat with him, just smile at him, and only get close to him.

She belongs only to him.

This thought has grown so fast that it cannot be cut off.

Duan Min felt a sharp pain in his heart, because You Xu stood on the opposite side of him and wanted to protect the man and let him not hurt the people she cared about.

Obviously she heard it all, that man only thinks badly about her, but she still wants to stay with the man and leave him aside.

That man cares so much about her.

Duan Min was in such pain again.

It's no wonder that she already knew his identity and knew that he was a monster, so different from ordinary people, that she would fear him, hate him, and then alienate him.

She would never cook for him again and smiled at him.

The feeling of betrayal made Duan Min burn with anger, but when he was extremely angry, he had an indescribable grievance.

He was abandoned.

When Duan Min pointed the scalpel at You Xu, his fingertips touched her body temperature, and he couldn't touch her again. If she turned her into a dead thing, she would lose her temperature.

He can't.

Duan Min looked at You Xu, who was sitting quietly in front of her. She was still wearing yesterday's goose yellow tube top dress, revealing her beautiful collarbones and delicate arms.

She seemed to particularly like bright colors, unlike him.

One is a man who lives in the sun every day, and the other is a monster who is only used to the dark swamp. What should he do? It's time to drag her down too.

Duan Min, who had been sitting quietly on the bed for a long time, finally made a move. His gaze swept down from You Xu's neck all the way down, then got up and found a wet handkerchief to wipe her neck and neck. His movements were gentle and carefully wiped over and over again. .

He let the man hit the wall with his face, just because the man put his face against her neck.

He moved very lightly, but You Xu's delicate skin turned red from rubbing back and forth. He stretched out his hand and rubbed her reddish neck for a while, his eyes lowered slightly to her left hand, and then he touched her left hand that Zhao Yiyan had kissed. Also wipe several times.

He held her left hand, watched silently for a few seconds, then lowered his head and placed a light kiss on the back of her hand.

"You are mine now."

Duan Min raised the arc of laughter, raised his hand and touched her head, and then touched her cheek with the pulp of his finger all the way down, his eyes were smiling, his eyes were very focused, and his movements were gentle and slow, like someone who was stroking his beloved toy. Child.

His thumb rested on the corner of her lips, "You should be laughing now."

Yu Xu obeyed the instructions, and the corners of his lips curved stiffly.

"Yes," Duan Min smiled, "you should laugh more."

You Xu's eyes were empty, and he only obediently pulled the curvature of the corners of his lips wider, bringing out two small pear vortices.

"Yes, that's it," Duan Min couldn't help poking at the two small eddies with his fingers, "Just show me this with a smile in the future."

You Xu won't answer yes or no, she can only do it.

Duan Min looked at the time and said to her, "It's already breakfast time, let's make breakfast."

You Xu obediently got out of bed and followed Duan Min to the kitchen. Only then did he remember that there was nothing in his kitchen. This place has been used as a decoration.

Youxu's kitchen is very complete, but he doesn't want her to step out of his door at all. She wants to stay here with him forever.

Duan Min had no choice but to instruct the puppet to buy kitchen utensils and ingredients. It was almost noon when everything was ready. You Xu entered the kitchen, picked up the ingredients mechanically, washed them, and prepared to cut vegetables.

Duan Min watched from the side, and always felt a little uncomfortable. In the past, You Xu's way of cooking was very comfortable. Her movements were very cheerful, with a smile on her face, and she could unconsciously hum some little tunes. Let those who are watching share her happiness.

But now she was washing dishes with a blank face, every movement was as stiff as if she was responding to instructions, and there was no sense of pleasure at all.

Duan Min frowned slightly: "You should be very happy, you have to laugh."

You Xu bent the corners of his mouth, put the washed pork on the cutting board, picked up the kitchen knife and started to cut the meat.

"Stop." Duan Min said suddenly.

As soon as You Xu stopped, the kitchen knife was raised in mid-air.

He walked over quickly and took the kitchen knife from her hand. After she started to cut a few knives, Duan Min smelled blood. When he came over to take a look, sure enough, she scratched her left index finger. Quick, only the epidermis was cut, and a drop of blood oozes out.

Manipulating other people's bodies with one's own mind is definitely less flexible than others' use of their own consciousness to make the body move, which is why the puppet's actions are not free enough and appear clumsy.

Duan Min frowned even tighter, put her injured finger in his mouth, and licked the blood drop with the tip of his tongue. He patiently waited for her finger to clot before releasing her.

"You go back and sit, and I'll do it."

You Xu walked out of the kitchen step by step, Duan Min stared at the ingredients in front of her in silence for a while, thinking about the steps she had done before cooking, and did it very jerky.

The vegetables were cut unevenly. After pouring more than half of the oil into the pot, he threw all the seasoning ingredients into the pot and stuffed the lid.

The end result is a greasy black paste.

Duan Min held a plate and a small spoon, squatted in front of You Xu, couldn't help bending his lips, and said in a proud tone, "I can cook for you."

This is his first time cooking, and there is a faint expectation.

"Come on, open your mouth and eat it." He scooped a small spoonful for Youxu to feed into her mouth, she chewed it expressionlessly, and then swallowed it.

"No wonder you like to make things for me to eat." Duan Min saw her eating the food she made one bite at a time, and she felt an indescribable sense of satisfaction in her heart and swelled slightly.

Make him feel that the food he cooks looks bad, but maybe tastes good.

Duan Min took a spoon for himself, and the salty, bitter and greasy taste instantly filled his mouth, and he struggled to resist the urge to vomit.

He squatted on the spot for a moment, raised his eyes to see You Xu's unchanged face, his drooping eyelashes couldn't hide the frustration and pain.

Duan Min stared at her face for a long time, and said in a low voice, "I'm not doing well, I won't let you eat this kind of food again."

He raised his hand and wiped the corner of her lips with his fingertips.

In the end, Duan Min told the puppet to go out to buy food and come back. He fed You Xu spoonfuls after spoonfuls. She didn't show likes or dislikes on her face, but her chewing and swallowing movements were obviously much faster.

Duan Min touched You Xu's belly. After feeding her, he didn't eat it. He didn't like to eat at all. He was teased by You Xuyang some time ago, and now he can't eat other meals.

"I can feed you."

After Duan Min packed up the lunch box, he sat next to You Xu, took her into his arms, rubbed her chin on the top of her hair, sniffed her scent, and said contentedly, "We will be together in the future. "

"Always together, right here."

"Although I won't be able to eat the food you cook anymore," he lowered his eyes, "what does it matter?"

As long as she was by his side, he felt at ease.

The black gate and heavy curtains are like a barrier to isolate everything from the outside world, and the whole world seems to shrink to the 100-meter square where they are.

Apart from watering the pot of jasmine to bask in the sun, Duan Min no longer opened the curtains and windows, and spent almost all of his time lying on the bed and wrapping You Xu in his arms.

He no longer has to be alone in the lab.

Duan Min wiped You Xu's body, changed clothes, and combed her hair every day, like a little girl taking good care of her doll.

At night, Duan Min took her into his arms, pinched her face, and couldn't help but smile, "It's good, I didn't make you thin."

He touched her hair, kneaded her face, and swept her eyelashes with his fingers. He had a lot of fun, and finally his eyes fell on her rosy lips.

He first pressed her lips with the pulp of his fingers, soft and warm, and he couldn't help lowering his head to cover it.

The touch and temperature on his lips made him a little uneasy, and then his breath was turbulent, and a numb feeling climbed all the way down his back to the nerve endings.

Like fireworks exploded in my mind.

The unfamiliar feeling made him a little addicted.

Duan Min kissed deeply all the way, until her lips became red and swollen, and he reluctantly backed away.

"Okay, go to sleep." He put a kiss on her forehead, and You Xu closed his eyes obediently.

Feeling the warm body temperature of the person in his arms, and the sound of her even breathing in his ears, this made Duan Min's mind more stable than ever before, and he rarely fell asleep without a dream.

Duan Min thought that he would be satisfied with this, but as long as the desire is a little root, it can break out of the ground and grow into a towering tree.

Days passed day by day, and more than half a month passed quickly.

Duan Min said to You Xu again: "Laugh."

You Xu pursed the corners of his lips obediently.

Duan Min frowned: "Don't laugh like this, you laugh again."

You Xu lowered the corners of his lips and smiled again.

Duan Min raised his hand and touched the corner of her lips: "You should smile more happily."

The corners of her lips curved even more, but there was no content in her eyes, like a soulless body.

Duan Min watched silently for a few seconds, lowered his eyelashes, and lowered his voice: "Okay."

You Xu returned to his expressionless face, still with no light in his eyes, his eyes were empty.

Duan Min stretched out his hand to cover her eyes and kissed across the back of his hand. He sighed deeply, but said nothing.

He finally had a dream these past few nights. All he dreamed was the way You Xu hummed a tune when he was cooking, the way she looked at him with a smile on his face, the way she was dozing off on the sofa, even when she slept. Will lightly bend the lips.

But now she will never smile at him like that again.

Her smile lost its content and color, like a faded landscape painting, so mottled that it was impossible to see its original appearance.

She shouldn't be like this.

Duan Min was a little shaken and wanted to unlock the manipulation technique for You Xu, but this idea only had a hint of it, and he was instantly suppressed by him.

He dare not.

Don't dare to gamble at all.

You Xu already knew what he was. He was just a bloody and violent monster. Anyone would be afraid of his appearance, and she was no exception.

As long as he released the manipulation technique, You Xu would avoid him, with a look of disgust and fear in his eyes.

Thinking of this, Duan Min's heart pierced sharply, as if being pierced by countless pieces of glass, he raised You Xu's chin and stared at her dull eyes, "Are you afraid of me?"

"Do you hate me?" Duan Min ordered, "Answer."

The next second he said, "Don't say it."

He suddenly didn't want to hear the answer, not at all.

As long as You Xu can be with him like he is now, nothing else matters, and he doesn't mind.

People like him are destined not to desire too much.

Until one night, Duan Min woke up suddenly, and he could smell a trace of blood keenly.

Is she hurt? !

Duan Min hurriedly lifted the quilt and carefully looked for where she was injured. There was no head, no arms, no waist...

Duan Min grabbed one of her ankles and lifted it slightly, and the white skirt slid back along with the movement.

He saw blood stains on her white cotton skirt, and some seeped into the sheets, darkening a bit.

Duan Min reacted, his movements stopped, his body froze, and he immediately lifted the quilt to cover her.

He took two steps back, and the whole person froze there, his mind was blank, his face went from blank to red, and even his neck turned red all the way.

she... ...

She is... having a menstrual period.

The author has something to say: Duan Min: !

Yu Xu:

Thank you to the little angel who voted for the king or irrigated the nutrient solution for me~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [Mine]: Mo Lu is drunk 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!