I’m A Wasteland Giant

Chapter 102: Upgrade again!


King Kong said excitedly: "I'm at the yellow level!"

Wang Dezheng asked: "Only yellow level?"

King Kong was overjoyed, "Not only that, I should be at the third level of the yellow level now. This thing is very powerful. It helped me advance twice and upgraded it twice. I have a hunch that I can still upgrade in a few days at most!"

Wang Dezheng nodded, turned to look at Du Gang, and said: "A yellow crystal the size of a thumb can only help humans break through to the first yellow level at most. If you have a fist-sized crystal, I will give you ten thousand red crystals for one." Jing, how are you?”

Five thousand red crystals have doubled to 10,000!

Even if it were five thousand red crystals, Du Gang would have to change them, let alone ten thousand. He nodded with a smile and said, "Okay, just ten thousand!"

Wang Dezheng returned to the command vehicle, picked up another yellow crystal on the table, and said, "I owe you 20,000 red crystals!"

After saying that, he did not avoid suspicion and swallowed the topaz directly in front of everyone.

Li Youcai seemed to have noticed Du Gang's doubts and explained: "Times have changed, and the only people who can rule the superpowers are the superpowers..."

This sentence is said to be an explanation, but actually it is an emotion.

In the past, all troops, whether they were flying planes or driving tanks, would respectfully salute and call the commander when they saw their staff.

Especially towards ordinary people, there is a kind of condescending attitude.

This is actually not their fault.

Because after a person with superpowers reaches the orange level, his body will feel a slight pressure, and ordinary people will naturally surrender after seeing it.

At first, the soldiers of the Shenji Battalion were probably not used to it.

But as more and more ordinary people looked restrained when they saw them, they became accustomed to the superior attitude.

Human beings have had classes at any period in history. The difference is that the classes in the past were artificially created and dominated by power.

But now it's different. As time goes by, the strength of superpowers becomes stronger and stronger, and the gap between them and ordinary people becomes wider and wider, and classes will naturally be born.

However, this time, class is measured by strength!

The same goes for Wang Dezheng. If he didn't understand this, he wouldn't have allowed himself to advance immediately after obtaining the topaz... except for the first one he let King Vajra test.

Similarly, if Du Gang was not so powerful, who would give him so many privileges

Including the Shenji Camp, they are all distributed according to work and ability.

Only Du Gang cooperates with the military on an equal footing!

Wang Dezheng's promotion to the yellow level was not as flamboyant as King Kong's. He only roared three times on his body and was successfully promoted.

After he woke up, Lu Zhou also began to say goodbye.

"Won't you stay for a meal?"

Lu Zhou shook his head, "I still have to do some experiments, maybe next time!"

After Lu Zhou left, Du Gang also said goodbye to everyone, but when he went back, he stopped by the dinosaur's corpse and took out the topaz hidden deep inside the dinosaur's body for Wang Dezheng.

After doing a good deed and receiving a wave of praise, Du Gang returned to his house.

When Wang De was planning his residence, he took the initiative to ask Du Gang where he wanted to live.

After thinking deeply, Du Gang chose the location at the foot of the mountain.

He was worried that if he chose another location, he would transform into something unexpected and collapse the entire mountain city...

Others can often live in several families in one passage, but the house given to Du Gang is special. Only he lives in one passage.

After returning home, he first converted all the newly harvested 70,000 crystals into source energy, a total of 160,000 source energy.


[Du Gang]

[Tier 3 Ancient God]

[Battle level: 145 meters]

He calculated that if he wanted to break through to the fourth level ancient god and reach the thousand-meter battle level, he still needed 8.55 million source energy, and there was a long way to go.

Lying on the stone bed, Du Gang tossed and turned and couldn't sleep.

During this period of time, he stayed up day and night, and was still a little unable to sleep late at night.

In desperation, he turned over and sat up, and looked at the time. It had just reached midnight, and there were still six and a half hours until dawn.

"Bug hunting?"

He shook his head. When he just came back from the plane, he didn't see many bugs nearby.

"Hunting dinosaurs?"

This can be done!

Du Gang quickly stood up and walked towards the direction of the command vehicle. Along the way, the soldiers on guard saw him. Not only did they not stop him, but they all saluted him with admiration, which made him feel embarrassed.

Although Wang Dezheng got himself a military office space on the top floor, most of the equipment has not yet been completed, so he still works in the command vehicle at the bottom of the mountain for the time being.

When Du Gang arrived here, they were still discussing.

From a distance, he heard Li Youcai's loud voice.

"The land reclamation force cannot be disbanded. Didn't the information provided by the North Pole say that all wormholes have disappeared? The space passages on the earth are divided into two, half of which come out are bugs, and half of what comes out are dinosaurs..."

The next person who refuted him was Li Yi's elegant voice, "I'm not saying to disband them, I'm just asking them to reorganize and rebuild, from a land reclamation force to a hunting force, or one hunting camp after another, like the Shenji Camp. …”

Hearing this, Du Gang also walked to the door. The door of the command car had not yet been inlaid. He stood at the door and looked in.

Everyone immediately stopped discussing.

"Du Gang, what can you do?"

Du Gang nodded and smiled: "I can't sleep and want to go hunting dinosaurs. Can you lend me a plane?"

Several people in the command car looked at each other, and finally Wang Dezheng nodded and said: "Okay, you go to the airport on the top of the mountain, I will make arrangements for you now!"

Just do it, he quickly turned on the shortwave intercom in front of Du Gang and started talking.

"I am Wang Dezheng, guard. Go call the eagle and ask him to get up and work..."

Soon, Du Gang, along with Eagle and Hound, boarded an armed helicopter.

"Sir, Liu Dongdong, pilot of Wuzhi Dongsheng 5866, is reporting to you!"

Du Gang subconsciously glanced at the pilot's rank. He was a captain, which was okay.

He nodded and said with a smile: "Well, I'm going to go out to hunt dinosaurs. You should pay attention to controlling the fuel level. Don't fly until you don't have enough to return home!"

Liu Dongdong was very excited, saluted again, and said loudly: "Yes!"

Birds of a feather flock together, and he was among the first pilots at Nanyuan Base to know that Du Gang had hunted two dinosaurs.

Because I had talked with Lu Zhou’s pilot before and knew about the feats he had done in the Dahuang Mountains, I was very excited.

"Take off!"

Next, Du Gang left the base under the leadership of this Wuzhi and searched for dinosaurs everywhere.

Thanks to What's Fun in Another World for tipping 1,000 starting coins, Thanks to book friend 20191218152451775 for tipping 1,000 starting coins, Thanks to Mian Demian for tipping 500 starting coins, Thanks to xiaoxiang1 for tipping 500 starting coins, Thanks to Beidang Yun once again rewarded 200 starting coins. Thanks to book friend 20170309004248929 for the reward of 200 starting coins. Thanks to Banxia Moxin for the reward of 200 starting coins. Thank you to the Lord of Supreme Fantasy for the reward of 100 starting coins. Thank you to Whale Luo Jiji for the reward. I got 100 starting coins, thank you to the big guy in the weird and weird world for the 100 starting coins, and thank you QQ reading user Taoist friends who please stay and reward me with 100 starting coins. Thanks!

(End of chapter)